1,778 research outputs found

    Spontaneous emergence of contrarian-like behaviour in an opinion spreading model

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    We introduce stochastic driving in the Sznajd model of opinion spreading. This stochastic effect is meant to mimic a social temperature, so that agents can take random decisions with a varying probability. We show that a stochastic driving has a tremendous impact on the system dynamics as a whole by inducing an order-disorder nonequilibrium phase transition. Interestingly, under certain conditions, this stochastic dynamics can spontaneously lead to agents in the system who are analogous to Galam's contarians.Comment: 4 eps figs, EuroPhys Lett styl

    Optimization of transport protocols with path-length constraints in complex networks

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    We propose a protocol optimization technique that is applicable to both weighted or unweighted graphs. Our aim is to explore by how much a small variation around the Shortest Path or Optimal Path protocols can enhance protocol performance. Such an optimization strategy can be necessary because even though some protocols can achieve very high traffic tolerance levels, this is commonly done by enlarging the path-lengths, which may jeopardize scalability. We use ideas borrowed from Extremal Optimization to guide our algorithm, which proves to be an effective technique. Our method exploits the degeneracy of the paths or their close-weight alternatives, which significantly improves the scalability of the protocols in comparison to Shortest Paths or Optimal Paths protocols, keeping at the same time almost intact the length or weight of the paths. This characteristic ensures that the optimized routing protocols are composed of paths that are quick to traverse, avoiding negative effects in data communication due to path-length increases that can become specially relevant when information losses are present.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Van Kampen's expansion approach in an opinion formation model

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    We analyze a simple opinion formation model consisting of two parties, A and B, and a group I, of undecided agents. We assume that the supporters of parties A and B do not interact among them, but only interact through the group I, and that there is a nonzero probability of a spontaneous change of opinion (A->I, B->I). From the master equation, and via van Kampen's Omega-expansion approach, we have obtained the "macroscopic" evolution equation, as well as the Fokker-Planck equation governing the fluctuations around the deterministic behavior. Within the same approach, we have also obtained information about the typical relaxation behavior of small perturbations.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, submited to Europ.Phys.J.

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Usaha Tani Sayur Sawi di Kelurahan Bensone Kecamatan Kota Kefamenanu Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum USAhatani sayur sawi dan juga faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi USAhatani sayur sawi. Metode pengambilan sampel adalah simple random sampling, dengan jumlah petani sebanyak 50 sampel. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dalam bentuk logaritma dengan fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas. Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan variabel bebas secara bersama-sama dapat menunjukkan pengaruhnya terhadap faktor produksi sawi dengan nilai Fhitung sebesar (712.476) ˃ nilai Ftabel (2.32), sedangkan hasl uji T menunjukan bahwa faktor-faktor produksi yang berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap produksi sayur sawi di Kelurahan Bansone adalah faktor luas lahan dengan nilai thitung luas lahan (4.090) > ttabel (1,684), faktor benih dengan nilai thitung benih(1.974) ˃ ttabel (1.684), faktor modal dengan nilai thitung modal (2.479) ˃ ttabel (1.684), faktor tenaga kerja dengan nilai thitung tenaga kerja (2.785) > ttabel(1.684) berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap produksi USAhatani sayur sawi sedangkan faktor pupuk dengan nilai thitung pupuk (0.164) ˂ ttabel (1.684), faktor pengalaman degan nilai thitung pengalaman (1.117) ˂ ttabel (1.684) dan faktor pendidikan formal dengan nilai thitung pendidikan (0.321) ˂ ttabel (1.684) tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap produksi USAhatani sayur sawi. ©2016 dipublikasikan oleh Agrimor

    Génesis 3, 1-6. Era la serpiente la mas astuta alimaña que Dios hizo.

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    La disposición dialógica de la tentación que da lugar al primer pecado cumple una decisiva función argumental en Gn 2-3. Siguiendo la tónica general del relato, expresa el carácter peculiar, diferenciado y armónico de cada una de las obras de la creación, exime a Dios de cualquier responsabilidad en el origen del mal y atenúa la culpabilidad del ser humano. Al mismo tiempo, ratifica la condición histórica de éste, siempre obligado a decidir sobre su suerte, e insinúa que también la actuación de Dios es respuesta a la historia humana. Este factor cobra especial relevancia para interpretar el sentido que tiene la promesa de la Redención

    From 2000 Bush-Gore to 2006 Italian elections: Voting at fifty-fifty and the Contrarian Effect

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    A sociophysical model for opinion dynamics is shown to embody a series of recent western hung national votes all set at the unexpected and very improbable edge of a fifty-fifty score. It started with the Bush-Gore 2000 American presidential election, followed by the 2002 Stoiber-Schr\H{o}der, then the 2005 Schr\H{o}der-Merkel German elections, and finally the 2006 Prodi-Berlusconi Italian elections. In each case, the country was facing drastic choices, the running competing parties were advocating very different programs and millions of voters were involved. Moreover, polls were given a substantial margin for the predicted winner. While all these events were perceived as accidental and isolated, our model suggests that indeed they are deterministic and obey to one single universal phenomena associated to the effect of contrarian behavior on the dynamics of opinion forming. The not hung Bush-Kerry 2005 presidential election is shown to belong to the same universal frame. To conclude, the existence of contrarians hints at the repetition of hung elections in the near future.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    PCR Based Genotyping of Lulu Cattle of Nepal for A1, A2 Type Beta-caseins

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    Lulu is an indigenous breed of cattle (Bos taurus) found in high altitude regions of western Nepal. Population of Lulu cattle has been declining due to introgression with other exotic breeds to increase milk productivity. Here we aimed at finding potential approach for conserving Lulu cattle and its assets by studying the milk contents and investigating which variant of beta-casein protein is present in this breed. Beta caseins are an abundant protein in cow milk with A1 and A2 being the most common genetic variants of this protein. Consumption of A1 type of milk has numerous health-related complications whereas A2 type of milk has numerous human health promoting factors. We used restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for determining the A1 and A2 variant of beta casein in Lulu cattle. For performing DNA extraction, we collected (n = 18) blood samples of Lulu from Mustang and (n=17) Nepal Agriculture research council farm. The amplified fragments in 3% agarose at 251bp and 213bp respectively confirmed the presence of both A1 and A2 gene in Lulu; however, A2 was of greater abundance. Our study indicated that Lulu has A2 variant of beta-casein predominantly. The gene frequency of A1A1 is 0, A1A2 is 0.06 and A2A2 is 0.94. We further found that the allele frequency of A1 and A2 is 0.03 and 0.97 respectively. We designed special primer for sequencing CSN2 genes since A2 type beta casein gene was predominantly seen on Lulu. The sequencing result further supports our RFLP result as most of our samples have “C” nucleotide SNP in amplified CSN2 gene sequence. The Chi-square value of the current study is 0.04 which supports Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium inferring that Lulu cattle are still in the pure state, where there is no genetic introgression with the exotic breed for the sake of improvement of productivity

    Reiteraciones: ritmo y diseminación en Génesis 1,1-2,4a

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     PRELIMINARES. I. LA SECCIÓN CENTRAL. 1. La disposición rítmica de Génesis 1,3-31. 1.1. Ritmo. 1.2. Diseminación. 2. Una hipótesis sobre el procedimiento de construcción de Génesis 1,3-31. 3. El sentido de la presencia de los elementos rítmicos y de los diseminados. 3.1. La presencia de los días. 3.2. La presencia de las acciones. 3.2.1. Las seis acciones centrales. 3.2.2. Las dos acciones marginales. 3.3. La estructura de cada acción creadora. 3.3.1. «Y dijo Dios». 3.3.2. «Y fue así». 3.3.3. Las operaciones con las que Dios crea. 3.3.4. «Y llamó». «Y vio». 4. Progresión temática. II. LAS SECCIONES MARGINALES. CONCLUSIONES