539 research outputs found

    Stereotypes as the Ideology of Feminism in Novels Authorized by Indonesian Female Authors

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    This study aims at (1) discovering women stereotypes based on words of the characters' in the novel in form of text quotations. (2) examining ideology and gynocritics aspect that is how the special characteristics of the feminists' creative process in terms of style and expression. This study is a qualitative research conducted through descriptive and analytical data analysis by giving exposure and depiction of data in the form of description. Data were collected by using literature study to dismantle aspects of women stereotypes contained in the novel through linguistic expression in the form of text citation since the data sources in this study were dominated by the written data. The data were analyzed grounded on two theories of feminist literary criticism namely ideological and gynocritical feminist criticism theories. The theories are used to discover figures, stereotypes, history, style, theme, genre, structure, profession, customs, traditions and cultures that influence the mindset of female authors. The results show that many women stereotypes paint the works of female authors. Based on three novels authorized by Indonesian female authors studied show that they are obviously consistent in exposing the stereotypes in every writing of their novels. The stereotypes revealed in these novels serve as the basis for the struggle of female authors and their expression in an attempt to voice the dignity of Indonesian women in various sectors of life including politics, social, economic, and culture, in order to align with men. As a result, the struggle give birth to a movement called feminism

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi USAhatani Jagung di Lahan Sawah dan Lahan Kering

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    The Influencing Factors of Maize Farming in The Wetland and Dryland. Within 2010 –2013, harvested area of maize had been decreased 2.53%/year from the total area of 114,839 ha. Although corn productivity is still low that is about 3.55 ton/ha, during this period there was an increase productivity by 5.11%/year. This result shows the increasing of maize technology adoption yet it is not optimal. This study was conducted in Gowa District, SouthSulawesi Province in 2015, which aimed to determine the factors that affected the roduction of maize farming. This study used a survey method. Primary data were collected through interview of farmers'respondents using simple random sampling. The total respondents were 39 people consisting of 18 wetland farmers and dryland farmers. The results of data analysis showed that the use of urea fertilizer was very high and exceeds the recommendation whereas Phonska and ZA fertilizers were very less as well as pesticides and labor so it affected maize productivity. The yield was still low around 4.69 ton/ha in wetland and 4.40 ton/ha in dry land. Financially, corn farming has been efficient in using production inputs (NPSP>1) and labor (NPTK>1) with profit of 4.470.728 IDR/ha on wetland and 3,069,777 IDR/ha on dry land. The factors of maize production together had a significant effect (F hit > Ftabel 1%) both on wetland and dry land. But separately, only on dry land, land area and labor provided siginificant effect. Partially, dry land area had a significant and positive effect on corn production, whereas labor had a significant negative effect on corn production. Without seeing the type of land, the use of urea fertilizer and labor influenced significantly yet negative. Thus, the increase of maize production in Bontonompo sub-district, South Sulawesi Province can be achieved by the addition of planting area in dry land, reduction of labor and dose reduction of urea fertilizer

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Proses Pelaksanaan Adat Perkawinan di Desa Sakra Kecamatan Sakra Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji : (1). lebih mendalam tentang tata cara pelaksanaan adat perkawinan yang selama ini berlaku khususnya bagi masyarakat Desa Sakra; (2). sejauh mana hukum Islam itu dapat diterapkan di lingkungan masyarakat Desa Sakra dalam proses pelaksanaan perkawinan; dan (3). sejauh mana peran serta pemuka agama, pemuka masyarakat dan pemuka adat dalam upaya memberikan penerangan tentang pelaksanaan perkawinan di lingkungan masyarakatnya. Metode penelitian yang dipakai menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini adalah data dan non statistik yaitu berupa data hasil wawancara yang setelah melalui sistem keabsahan data baru dianalisis dan disimpulkan. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis Filosofis deskripti

    Media Belajar dan Gaya Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Evaluasi Pembelajaran Pai di Stit Palapa Nusantara

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    This research aims to understand about the relationship between media and learning learning style with a student learning outcomes the course learning evaluation PAI in high school Science Tarbiyah (Ĺ TĂŤT) Palapa Lombok Indonesia by using research methods korelasional. Results of the research there is a relationship between media and learning and learning styles with the results of the study. Which is the more complete study or media support in the learning process and learning outcomes of students getting better and getting good student learning style then the better learning results anyway

    Analysis of BKO Content (Antalgin and Dexamethasone) in Herbal Medicine Using Iodimetry Titration and HPLC Method

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    Abstract : Misuse of adding chemical drugs – BKO – into herbal medicines is often done by irresponsible people. The aim is to increase efficacy instantly, to attract consumer interest. BKO, which are often added to herbal medicine, are antalgin and dexamethasone. Antalgin content analysis was carried out quantitatively using the iodimetry titration method by conducting a preliminary test. The dexamethasone content analysis was carried out with qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method was carried out using TLC. The quantitative method was carried out using the HPLC technique. The results obtained for the analysis of antalgin content of 10 samples were obtained two samples of herbal medicine containing antalgin, respectively 0,0749% and 0,1083%. Analysis of the dexamethasone content from 10 samples obtained 5 herbal samples containing dexamethasone respectively 0.0979%, 0.222%, 0.4521%, 0.5131% and 0.2809%. So based on these results, it is necessary to take action from the relevant institution regarding the discovery of the content of BKO in the herbal medicine on the market in Lombok.Abstrak : Penyalahgunaan penambahan bahan kimia obat (BKO) kedalam jamu sering sekali dilakukan oleh oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Hal ini dilakukan dengan tujuan meningkatkan khasiat secara instan, sehingga dapat menarik minat konsumen. BKO yang sering ditambahkan kedalam jamu adalah antalgin dan deksametason. Analisis kandungan antalgin dlakukan dengan cara kuantitatif menggunakan metode titrasi iodimetri dengan melakukan uji pendahuluan. Sedangkan analisis kandungan deksametason dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan KLT. Metode kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik HPLC. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk analisis kandungan antalgin dari 10 sampel didapat 2 sampel jamu yang mengandung antalgin masing-masing sebesar 0,0749% dan 0,1083%. Analisis kandungan deksametason dari 10 sampel diperoleh 5 sampel jamu yang mengandung deksametason masing masing sebesar 0,0979%; 0,222%; 0,4521%; 0,5131% dan 0,2809%. Sehingga berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka perlu dilakukan adanya tindakan dari instansi terkait perihal masih ditemukannya kandungan BKO dalam sediaan jamu yang beredar di pasaran pulau Lombok

    Abundance and Diversity of Diatom Class Bacillariophyceae as Bioindictaor of Pollution in the Waters of Tanjung Luar Fish Landing Based

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    Tanjung Luar is coastal water used as a waste disposal area for Fish Landing Based (FLB) activities. However, the condition of the waters with phytoplankton as a bioindicator has never been reporting. This research aims to know Bacillariophyceae in terms of abundance, diversity, and measurement of environmental pollution variables. Methods Sampling at the study location was determined by a systematic random sampling method. Data analysis Bacillariophyceae were determined using formula abundance, diversity index, and dominance index. The index of similarity of species between sample points was determined based on the Bray-Curtis Cluster Analysis. Furthermore, the results showed an abundance of Bacillaryophyceae of 322,000 individuals / L classified as low, the diversity index of Bacillariophyceae of 2.162 classified as moderate, and a dominance index of 0.138 (without dominating species). The results showed that the highest species similarity index was between sample points II and III (57.9%), and the lowest species similarity index between sample points I and II was 23.7%. Water pollution on the waters of PPI Tanjung Luar is classified as moderate pollution level and oligotrophic fertility

    Abundance and Diversity of Diatom Class Bacillariophyceae in the Waters of Tanjung Luar Fish Landing Based

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    Diatom class Bacillariophyceae are world wide distribution and commonly dominated the phytoplankton community. The community of diatom class Bacillariophyceae of the waters Tanjung Luar Fish Landing Based (FLB) has never been reported. This study aims to determine the abundance and diversity of diatom class Bacillariophyceae. The sampling sites were determined by using a systematic random sampling method. Data of diatom class Bacillariophyceae were analyzed for species abundance, species diversity index and species dominance index calculations. The results showed, that the abundance of diatom class Bacillariophyceae species were 322.000 ind/L (low category), the species diversity index of diatom class Bacillariophyceae was 2.162 (moderate category), and the species dominance index was 0.138 (none of species dominance)


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    The important role of education in article 3 of republik indonesia law 20 of 2003 about the nasionmal education system taht the fungtion of national education is to develup and shave the national charactrer with dignity in order to make the nation’s life more intelegent. The teacher haver strategic to realizing the goals of education where the presence of the teacher in learning prosess is very imfortant, because having the teacher can help student to achieve udecation goals. Based on te results of VII A and VIIB calsess in the avareage stell have not rached the KKM because in the learning impleentation, the teacher stell using in appropriate learning metodes or model, where the learing proces only focus on the books and the teacher as a lekturer only. therepore the research aimstu determine wheter or not the implunce of implementation of the inkuiri learning’s model based on image media ofthe PPKn learnin result of the student VII class at MTs Nurul Wathan NW Pelambik . The tipe of research that used in this research is eksperimental research with quasi exsperimental desing, the quasi eksperimental that used is non equivalent control grup design, by looking at the deffrences in the exsperimental class in the control class asfor the analytical test that used, namely- requesete test consisting of normality test, homogenity test and hypotesis test, hypotesis testing uses the ttest, namely t count (3.0949) > t table (2,0085) with a singnificance level of 5%.Based on the results of the data obtained, itspropen that there is an impluence of the aplication ofthe image media based on inkuiri learnin model on PPKn learnin result of students VII class at Nurul Wathan NW Pelambik

    The Effect of Information Technology on Learning (A Study on Civic and Pancasila Education Students at Mataram University)

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    Abstract: The aim of this research was to know how students completed their academic assignments, the reason why they completed the assignment the way they did, the effects from their choice of approach, and how to solve them. Data collection was done by using documentation, think aloud technique, and focus group discussion. The data analysis was done by using Glaser and Strauss model. The results showed that 91.1% of Civic and Pancasila Education students completed their academic assignments by copying from the Internet. Internal factors consisted of laziness, hedonistic attitude, the tendency to get everything instantly, and lack of awareness about the importance of developing positive mentality and noble character. Meanwhile, external factors consisted of the availability of information on the Internet and the type of task assigned. The effect of such tendency could be categorized into two kinds: short-term and long-term effect. The short-term effect was that the mastery of students’ knowledge was only on the level of “knowing” (C1) and slightly shifted to the level of “understanding” (C2), incomplete and undetailed information about the materials, the materials were not stored in the long term memory, and the students’ way of thinking was not systematic and linear. The long-term effect included the students’ cognitive structure as well as their character which would not be well developed. There were two solutions to address the issue, namely instrumental and mental solution. Instrumental solution included the provision of textbooks, reference books, and the courses’ list of reference books, while mental solution included developing students’ awareness about the importance of scientific way of thinking, building a good attitude and character in everyday’s life, including in the learning process.Keywords: character, cognitive structure, information technology, teaching and learningAbstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana mahasiswa menyelesaikan tugas akademiknya, alasan mengapa mereka menyelesaikan tugas akademiknya dengan cara-cara tersebut, dampak yang ditimbulkan, dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi, think aloud, dan focus group discussion (FGD). Analisis dilakukan dengan model analisis Glaser dan Strauss. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan ditemukan 91,1% mahasiswa Civic Education menyelesaikan tugas akademiknya dengan menyalin-rekat dari internet. Faktor yang menyebabkannya adalah: (1) faktor dari dalam berupa malas, hedonis, instan, dan kurangnya kesadaran tentang pentingnya membangun struktur mental dan karakter yang mulia. (2) faktor dari luar berupa tersedianya semua jenis informasi di internet dan jenis tugas yang diberikan. Dampak yang ditimbulkan adalah (1) dampak jangka pendek, yaitu penguasaan ilmu mahasiswa hanya pada level mengetahui (C1) dan sedikit bergerak ke level memahami (C2), pemahamannya tidak lengkap dan detail, materi tidak terdorong masuk dalam long terms memory, cara berpikir tidak linear dan sistematis dan (2) dampak jangka panjang, yaitu struktur mental mahasiswa tidak berkembang secara lengkap dan sikap mental berkembang kurang baik. Ada dua solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, yaitu (1) solusi yang bersifat instrumental, yaitu; penyediaan buku ajar, buku-buku referensi, dan daftar referensi mata kuliah; dan (2) solusi yang bersifat psikis/mental, yaitu membangun kesadaran mahasiswa tentang pentingnya membangun cara berpikir ilmiah, sikap, dan karakter yang mulya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari termasuk dalam proses pembelajaran.Kata kunci: karakter, pembelajaran, struktur mental, teknologi informas

    Monitoring of Total Suspended Solid in Coastal Waters Due to Conventional Gold Mining Using Multi Temporal Satellite Data, Case Study: Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi

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    Coastal area is an area of transition from terrestrial to marine ecosystems. This area is generally suffered by human, including gold mining activities. The existence of gold in Bombana discovered 2008, making the region as the center of public attention. The appearance of a gold mine in this region other than a blessing, but also brought new problems, especially in coastal areas. Therefore, a routine monitoring is needed to maintain environmental sustainability. Total Suspended Solid (TSS) is one of parameters that are often used for waters quality monitoring. In this research multi-temporal Landsat 8 (2013 to 2015) and in-situ measurement (November 20, 2015) were used to estimate the distribution of TSS. From the analysis, the concentration of TSS in 2014 decreased by 2.88% (36.97 g/m3) and increased by 6.76% (81.64 g/m3) in 2015. The results showed that all estimated-TSS overestimated the permissible water quality threshold (TSS ≤ 80 g/m3), it could be concluded that the gold mining activities in this area has decreased coastal ecological quality
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