153 research outputs found

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    Paleoepidemiology of Infectious Disease in the Dickson Mounds Population

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    The major focus of paleopathology has been the delimiting of disease in time and space. Information about the history of specific diseases is the objective of many of these studies. While the chronological and geographical dimensions of paleopathology contribute significantly to our knowledge of disease, there are limits to this approach, which often fails to consider the interaction of biology and culture in the disease of prehistoric populations


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    Sel surya jenis Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) adalah sel surya generasi ketiga dalam pemanfaatan prinsip elektrokimia. Sel surya jenis ini diyakini mampu menyediakan konsep alternatif dengan biaya yang cukup terjangkau dalam pembuatannya, serta dengan teknologi fabrikasi yang lebih sederhana dibandingkan dengan sel surya berbahan silikon kristal. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada penentuan ketebalan dari kristalinitas serta morfologi dari fotoelektroda TiO2 dengan sifat optik dye ekstrak daun Binahong (Anredera Cordifolia). Karakterisasi kristalinitas dan morfologi foto elektroda diperoleh dari pengolahan data XRD dan SEM, karakterisasi sifat optik diperoleh dari hasil absorbansi serta LHE menggunakan UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, sedangkan pengaruh dye terhadap kinerja DSSC ditentukan oleh potensial redoks menggunakan Cyclic Voltammetry dan penentuan sifat listrik sampel DSSC meliputi Jsc, Voc, FF, serta efisiensi dengan menggunakan Standard Solar Simulator 1.5 AM filter 100 mW/cm2. Pengolahan data dari hasil karakterisasi tersebut menghasilkan kristalinitas TiO2 dengan fasa anatase sebesar 64 nm serta ukuran bulir dari karakterisasi SEM yang menghasilkan struktur morfologi ukuran bulir yang seragam sebesar 66 nm. Peningkatan absorbansi serta LHE dari dye yang dibuat dengan penambahan fotoelektroda TiO2 dengan perbedaan ketebalan lapisan menghasilkan potensial redoks dye (HOMO/LUMO) sebesar 1.81 eV pada dye klorofil dengan penambahan fotoelektroda TiO2 yang menghasilkan nilai 1.97 eV pada satu lapisan fotoelektroda. Sampel terbaik yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini adalah sampel dengan dye hasil ekstrak daun binahong yang ditambah dengan empat lapis TiO2 menghasilkan efisiensi sebesar 7.24% dengan densitas arus short-circuit (Jsc) 2.68 mA/cm2, tegangan open-circuit (Voc) 0.77 V, dan FF 33.82 %. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya energi foton yang terabsorpsi dan teradsorpsi pada permukaan TiO2, serta proses difusi elektron pada proses transfer elektron berlangsung secara cepat. Namun, tingkat ketebalan dari fotoelektroda TiO2 dapat meningkatkan kinerja yang optimum pada sampel DSSC. Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) is the third generation of solar cells in electrochemical utilization. This type of solar cell is believed to provide an alternative concept with a fairly affordable cost in its manufacture and a simpler fabrication technology than solar cells made from crystalline silicon. This research focuses on the thickness, crystallinity, and morphology of TiO2 photoelectrodes with optical properties of Binahong leaf extract dye (Andredera Cordifolia). Characterization of crystallinity and morphology of photos obtained from XRD and SEM data processing, characterization of optical properties obtained from absorbance results, and LHE using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, while the effect of dye on DSSC performance was determined by redox potential using Cyclic Voltammetry and electrical properties of DSSC samples including Jsc, Voc, FF, and efficiency by using Standard Solar Simulator 1.5 AM filter 100 mW/cm2. Data processing from the characterization results resulted in the crystallinity of TiO2 with an anatase phase of 64 nm and the grain size of the SEM characterization, which resulted in a uniform grain size morphological structure of 66 nm. The increase in absorbance and LHE of the dye made with the addition of TiO2 photoelectrode with different coatings resulted in a dye redox potential (HOMO/LUMO) of 1.81 eV on chlorophyll dye with the addition of TiO2 photoelectrode which resulted in a value of 1.97 eV on one layer of photoelectrodes. The best sample produced in this study was a sample with dye from binahong leaf extract added with four layers of TiO2, resulting in an efficiency of 7.24% with a short-circuit current density short-circuit (Jsc) of 2.68 mA/cm2, an open-circuit voltage (Voc). ) 0.77 V, and 33.82 % FF. This is due to the photon energy being absorbed and adsorbed on the TiO2 surface and the fast electron diffusion process in the electron transfer process. However, the thickness level of the TiO2 photoelectrode can increase the optimal performance of the DSSC sample


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    Pembangunan merupakan salah satu fungsi utama yang harus dijalankan oleh pemerintah sebagai salah satu pengambil kebijakan. Pembangunan infrastruktur diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat salah satunya adalah kesejahteraan ekonomi atau mengalami peningkatan pendapatan.Manokwari merupakan salah kabupaten yang sedang berkembang, baik di lihat dari tingkat perekonomian maupun jumlah penduduknya.Untuk mendukung kegiatan dan perkembanggan pantai pasir putih dibutuhkan infrastruktur beserta kondisinya yang baik agar tidak menghambat proses perkembanggan pantai pasir putih. Kebutuhan akan infrastruktur fisik sangat penting untuk menunjang kemudahan aksesibilitas kegiatan dan perkembangan pada pantai pasir putih. Infrastruktur fisik itu misalnya adalah jalan, saluran air minum, saluran air limbah, pembuangan sampah, jaringan listrik.Mengetahui Persepsi Wisatawan Terhadap kondisi Fasilitas Infrastruktur pada Pantai Pasir Putih dan Menganalisis Tingkat kenyamanan adalah tujuan dari penelitian ini.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan analisa menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kondisi fasilitas infrastruktur dan kenyamanan wisatawan terhadap fasilitas infrastruktur tersebut.   Kata Kunci :Persepsi, Wisatawan, Infrastruktur, Panta

    Combining PARP Inhibition with Platinum, Ruthenium or Gold Complexes for Cancer Therapy

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    Platinum drugs are heavily used first-line chemotherapeutic agents for many solid tumours and have stimulated substantial interest in the biological activity of DNA-binding metal complexes. These complexes generate DNA lesions which trigger the activation of DNA damage response (DDR) pathways that are essential to maintain genomic integrity. Cancer cells exploit this intrinsic DNA repair network to counteract many types of chemotherapies. Now, advances in the molecular biology of cancer has paved the way for the combination of DDR inhibitors such as poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors (PARPi) and agents that induce high levels of DNA replication stress or single-strand break damage for synergistic cancer cell killing. In this review, we summarise early-stage, preclinical and clinical findings exploring platinum and emerging ruthenium anti-cancer complexes alongside PARPi in combination therapy for cancer and also describe emerging work on the ability of ruthenium and gold complexes to directly inhibit PARP activity

    Performance of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph after SM4

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    On May 17, 2009, during the fourth EVA of SM4, astronauts Michael Good and Mike Massimino replaced the failed LVPS-2 circuit board on the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), restoring this HST instrument to operation after a nearly 6 year hiatus. STIS after this 2009 repair operates in much the same way as it did during the 2001-2004 period of operations with the Side-2 electronics. Internal and external alignments of the instrument are similar to what they had been in 2004, and most changes in performance are modest. The STIS CCD detector continued to experience radiation damage during the hiatus in operations, leading to decreased charge transfer efficiency (CTE) and an increased number of hot pixels. The sensitivities for most modes are surprisingly close to what was expected from simple extrapolation of the 2003-2004 trends, although the echelle modes show somewhat more complex behavior. The biggest surprise was that the dark count rate for the NUV MAMA detector after SM4 has been much larger than had been expected; it is currently about 2.5 times bigger than it was in 2004 and is only slowly decreasing. We discuss how these changes will affect science with STIS now and in the future

    Isolation, Characterization and Lipid-Binding Properties of the Recalcitrant FtsA Division Protein from Escherichia coli

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    We have obtained milligram amounts of highly pure Escherichia coli division protein FtsA from inclusion bodies with an optimized purification method that, by overcoming the reluctance of FtsA to be purified, surmounts a bottleneck for the analysis of the molecular basis of FtsA function. Purified FtsA is folded, mostly monomeric and interacts with lipids. The apparent affinity of FtsA binding to the inner membrane is ten-fold higher than to phospholipids, suggesting that inner membrane proteins could modulate FtsA-membrane interactions. Binding of FtsA to lipids and membranes is insensitive to ionic strength, indicating that a net contribution of hydrophobic interactions is involved in the association of FtsA to lipid/membrane structures

    Risk adjustment for inter-hospital comparison of primary cesarean section rates: need, validity and parsimony

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    BACKGROUND: Cesarean section rates is often used as an indicator of quality of care in maternity hospitals. The assumption is that lower rates reflect in developed countries more appropriate clinical practice and general better performances. Hospitals are thus often ranked on the basis of caesarean section rates. The aim of this study is to assess whether the adjustment for clinical and sociodemographic variables of the mother and the fetus is necessary for inter-hospital comparisons of cesarean section (c-section) rates and to assess whether a risk adjustment model based on a limited number of variables could be identified and used. METHODS: Discharge abstracts of labouring women without prior cesarean were linked with abstracts of newborns discharged from 29 hospitals of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy) from 2003 to 2004. Adjusted ORs of cesarean by hospital were estimated by using two logistic regression models: 1) a full model including the potential confounders selected by a backward procedure; 2) a parsimonious model including only actual confounders identified by the "change-in-estimate" procedure. Hospital rankings, based on ORs were examined. RESULTS: 24 risk factors for c-section were included in the full model and 7 (marital status, maternal age, infant weight, fetopelvic disproportion, eclampsia or pre-eclampsia, placenta previa/abruptio placentae, malposition/malpresentation) in the parsimonious model. Hospital ranking using the adjusted ORs from both models was different from that obtained using the crude ORs. The correlation between the rankings of the two models was 0.92. The crude ORs were smaller than ORs adjusted by both models, with the parsimonious ones producing more precise estimates. CONCLUSION: Risk adjustment is necessary to compare hospital c-section rates, it shows differences in rankings and highlights inappropriateness of some hospitals. By adjusting for only actual confounders valid and more precise estimates could be obtained