879 research outputs found

    Ligand conjugated liposomal drug delivery system for enhanced brain uptake of ampicillin

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    Targeting of antimicrobial agents by means of liposomes may be of great value in the treatment of intra or extracellular infections compare to conventional forms of antimicrobial therapy. In the present study Ampicillin loaded non-targeted Polyethylene glycolated liposomes and targeted Glutathione Polyethylene glycollated liposomes of about 132.14 nm size were prepared with 80 % of drug entrapment. Prepared liposomes were evaluated for in vitro, in vivo release profile and brain uptake studies. Results of these studies revealed more absorption of drug than standard Ampicillin solution and non targeted liposomes (Auc0-6h 1858.908 µg h/ml) and 3.5 times increase in brain uptake. Incorporation of polyethylene glycol in the liposomes increased the drug concentration and circulation time in plasma as well as in the extracellular fluid of brain thus improved therapeutic availability of Ampicillin trihydrate

    Factors that influence delivery of tobacco cessation support in general dental practice: A narrative review

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    Objectives: To review the literature reporting factors that are associated with the delivery of lifestyle support in general dental practice. Methods: A systematic review of the quantitative observational studies describing activities to promote the general health of adults in primary care general dental practice. Behaviour change included tobacco cessation, alcohol reduction, diet, weight management and physical activity. Tooth brushing and oral hygiene behaviours were excluded as the focus of this review was on the common risk factors that affect general health as well as oral health. Results: Six cross sectional studies met the inclusion criteria. Five studies only reported activities to support tobacco cessation. As well as tobacco cessation one study also reported activities related to alcohol usage, physical activity and Body Mass Index. Perceptions of time availability consistently correlated with activities and beliefs about tobacco cessation, alongside the smoking status of the dental professional. Dentists who perceive having more available time were more likely to discuss smoking with patients, prescribe smoking cessation treatments and direct patients towards (signpost to) lifestyle support services. Dental professionals who smoke were less likely to give smoking cessation advice and counselling than non-smokers. Finally, the data showed that professional support may be relevant. Professionals who work in solo practices or those who felt a lack of support from the wider professional team (peer support) were more likely to report barriers to delivering lifestyle support. Conclusion: Organisational changes in dental practices to encourage more team working and professional time for lifestyle support may influence delivery. Dental professionals who are smokers may require training to develop their beliefs about the effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions

    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) in supply chain management: From foundations to practical implementation

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    Since 2015 developments such as Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical production systems on the technology side, and approaches such as flexible and smart manufacturing systems hold great potential. These in turn give rise to special requirements that the production planning, control and monitoring, among others, needing a paradigm shift to exploit the full potential of these methods and techniques. Starting from foundations in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), building upon definitions and findings reported by literature, a practical example of innovative Cyber Physical Supply Chain Planning System (CPS2) is provided. The paper clarifies the advantages of cyber-physical systems in the production planning, controlling and monitoring perspective with respect to manufacturing, logistics and related planning practices. A set of basic features of CPS2 systems are discussed and addressed by contextualizing service orientation architecture and microservices components with respect to supply chain management collaboration and cooperation practices. The identification of specific technologies behind those functions, within the developed research, provides some practical insight if the interesting CPS2 potential

    Analisis Profitabilitas, Solvabilitas dan Ukuran Perusahaan yang Menyebabkan Audit Delay

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the ratio of profitability, solvency and size of the company whether it affects the Audit Delay on PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk listed on the Stock Exchange in the 2015-2017 period. the analytical method used in this research is descriptive-associative method. The data used in this study are secondary data from the company's financial statements. The results showed the value of Nagelkerke R Square was 0.672. This value shows the ability of independent variables (profitability, solvency and company size) in explaining the dependent variable (Audit Delay) is 67.2% and the remaining 32.8% there are other factors outside the model that explain the dependent variable. And the results of the Omnibus Test of Model Coefficients with a value of 0.329, which means greater than 0.05, the profitability, solvency and size of the company variables together do not affect the company's model (Audit Delay). In conclusion, profitability, solvency and company size variables do not affect and cause Audit Delay at PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk. Keywords: Audit Delay, Company’s Measurement, Profitability Ratio Solvability Ratio


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    Combination therapy for cancer treatment is accepted worldwide due to the generation of synergistic anticancer effects; restrain in multidrug resistance (MDR) or tumor resistance by different mechanisms of action and minimization of dose-dependent toxicity. Recently developed Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) are matrix composed of lipid which is solid at both room and body temperature and hence it is as an alternative to other nanocarrier systems. SLNs after oral administration get absorbed by lymphatic pathway due to stimulation of chylomicron formation. Thus, it avoids all consequences related to an oral drug delivery system and improves oral bioavailability. SLNs based combination drug delivery to tumor tissues reduces the problems associated with chemotherapy. The targeted and sustained delivery of chemotherapeutic agents reduces the dose by achieving high concentrations at the target site, without altering the normal tissues. In this article, we have reviewed and focused on SLNs as a drug delivery system; ingredients used in formulating SLNs and developed two or more drugs in a single formulation of SLNs as drug delivery. This article also focuses on the fact that SLNs as a combination drug delivery provides an attractive approach in future prevention and beneficial for the treatment of cancer by increasing its therapeutic efficacy


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    This study aims to determine the types of icons, indexes, and symbols contained in advertisements on YouTube about one beauty product named Wardah Perfect Bright Creamy Foam Face Wash. This ad aims to explain to the Indonesian people especially teenagers that to be beautiful it must look clean, healthy and shining. By caring for themselves and using certain products in order to highlight the characteristics of each without having to be someone else. The theory used in this research is the sign system theory with the Semiotics approach proposed by Charles Sanders Pierce. Where this theory can divide the sign system into three part namely icons, indexes, and symbols. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method that is applied to determine the contents of the overall meaning of Wardah Perfect Bright Creamy Foam Face Wash beauty products. As a research using descriptive research, this study only describes the writer's purpose in analyzing this advertisement, not looking for relationships, not testing hypotheses or making predictions. The data in this study are using qualitative data. In conducting this research, the writer collects, sorts, and groups the available data. Then the data are analyzed using the theory of semiotics, and finally the writer presents the results. Meanwhile, the writer found 3 data of the icon sign system, 3 data of the index sign system and 2 data of the symbol sign system. The overall data contained in Wardah Advertisement YouTube of Perfect Bright Creamy Foam Facial Wash is 8 data. Thus, it could be concluded that each advertisement had different sign and also different meaning. These differences had given different interpretations

    Advanced information processing system for advanced launch system: Avionics architecture synthesis

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    The Advanced Information Processing System (AIPS) is a fault-tolerant distributed computer system architecture that was developed to meet the real time computational needs of advanced aerospace vehicles. One such vehicle is the Advanced Launch System (ALS) being developed jointly by NASA and the Department of Defense to launch heavy payloads into low earth orbit at one tenth the cost (per pound of payload) of the current launch vehicles. An avionics architecture that utilizes the AIPS hardware and software building blocks was synthesized for ALS. The AIPS for ALS architecture synthesis process starting with the ALS mission requirements and ending with an analysis of the candidate ALS avionics architecture is described

    A fault-tolerant multiprocessor architecture for aircraft, volume 1

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    A fault-tolerant multiprocessor architecture is reported. This architecture, together with a comprehensive information system architecture, has important potential for future aircraft applications. A preliminary definition and assessment of a suitable multiprocessor architecture for such applications is developed

    Kajian Keterlibatan Masyarakat Desa Hutan Mengembangkan Silvoindustri Biofuel Nyamplung (Calophyllum Inophyllum L) Berkelanjutan

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    Program Desa Mandiri Energi bertujuan untuk meningkatkan persediaan dan keragaman sumber energi dan peluang perekonomian masyarakat. Nyamplung merupakan tumbuhan yang potensial sebagai bahan baku biofuel atau bahan bakar nabati karena memiliki rendemen minyak tumbuhan yang sangat tinggi dan bukan untuk makanan manusia atau pakan ternak. Biofuel dari nyamplung merupakan inovasi yang perlu dimasyarakatkan. Keterlibatan masyarakat setempat dalam pengembangan silvoindustri biofuel nyamplung, baik sebagai produsen maupun konsumen biofuel, sangat penting. Badan Litbang Kehutanan membangun dua demplot di Desa Buluagung dan di Desa Paputrejo sebagai percontohan pembangunan silvoindustri biofuel nyamplung. Sampai sekarang perkembangan demplot masih menghadapi berbagai persoalan. Metode survei dipergunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi dari 62 (enam puluh dua) orang responden, yang dipilih dengan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dan informasi menggunakan kuesioner, observasi lapangan, dan wawancara mendalam. Konfirmasi data dan informasi dilakukan melalui Forest Group Discussion tingkat desa. Analisis data menggunakan program statistik SPSS untuk mengetahui korelasi Rank-Spearman, dan dilengkapi dengan analisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pembangunan demplot tidak menggunakan pendekatan dan proses partisipatif. Keterlibatan masyarakat desa setempat dalam pengembangan silvoindustri biofuel nyamplung rendah; dan secara nyata dipengaruhi oleh harga biofuel, kematangan inovasi teknologi, peranan demplot dan pendampingan tokoh kunc