180 research outputs found

    Living Labs and Partnerships for Progress: How Universities can Drive the Process towards the Sustainable City

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    Universities can play an active role in facilitating the deployment at a wide scale of the sustainability concept, strictly cooperating with public-private institutions and civil society. Following this path, the University of Genoa, Italy, decided to transform its Savona Campus into a Living Lab aimed at creating a model of a sustainable urban district, to be replicated at the city level with specific implementation projects. Different actions on sustainable energy, smart environment and social health & wellbeing have been deployed: energy efficiency interventions, smart grid connected to a zero-emission building, electrical mobility and outdoor sport activities. All the projects have been developed with the active involvement and the empowerment of the Campus community (students and faculty) and thanks to important collaborations with local public institutions and industrial companies. The main partnerships towards the achievements of sustainability goals are with the Italian Electricity company, Enel S.p.A. and with the Savona Municipality, which enabled the extension of the Smart City experimentation to Savona population. These projects are constantly promoted and disseminated to university students during lessons, to visiting schools and civil society during specific events on sustainability topics inside the city

    The diet of the chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) and the alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) in the Alps : Seasonality, resource partitioning and population density

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    Les régimes alimentaires en hiver et au printemps du Crave à bec rouge (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) et du Chocard des Alpes (Pyrrhocorax graculus) dans l'ouest des Alpes italiennes ont été étudiés par analyse des fèces. Des études antérieures, conduites dans la même zone de syntopie en été et automne ((Rolando & Laiolo, 1997; Rolando et al., 1997a), ont montré que les régimes et les modalités de la recherche alimentaire de ces espèces peuvent souvent diverger mais c'est essentiellement durant les mois d'hiver que les différences interspécifiques sont les plus grandes. De décembre à mai, le régime du Crave est essentiellement basé sur les larves et pupes de Diptères alors que celui du Chocard s'avère plus variable, consistant principalement en fruits en hiver et, au printemps, en arthropodes et feuilles de Sempervirum arachnoideum. Le Crave et le Chocard différent aussi dans l'organisation de leurs temps de recherche alimentaire, le premier restant plus longtemps sur ses sites de prospection. La plus grande flexibilité trophique du Chocard paraît résulter d'un comportement opportuniste qui lui permet d'exploiter chaque mois la ressource la plus profitable. Les largeurs de niches globales sont virtuellement identiques, les deux espèces exploitant sensiblement le même nombre de catégories de ressources. Toutefois, les ressources étant souvent différentes, le recouvrement des régimes est quasi nul en hiver, augmentant à partir de mars. Les régimes alimentaires sont discutés en fonction du statut de ces espèces dans les Alpes. Il est en particulier suggéré que le régime essentiellement végétarien du Chocard serait associé à ses fortes densités de population alors que le régime insectivore du Crave serait lié à ses faibles densités

    Quantifying the Detrimental Impacts of Land-Use and Management Change on European Forest Bird Populations

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    The ecological impacts of changing forest management practices in Europe are poorly understood despite European forests being highly managed. Furthermore, the effects of potential drivers of forest biodiversity decline are rarely considered in concert, thus limiting effective conservation or sustainable forest management. We present a trait-based framework that we use to assess the detrimental impact of multiple land-use and management changes in forests on bird populations across Europe. Major changes to forest habitats occurring in recent decades, and their impact on resource availability for birds were identified. Risk associated with these changes for 52 species of forest birds, defined as the proportion of each species' key resources detrimentally affected through changes in abundance and/or availability, was quantified and compared to their pan-European population growth rates between 1980 and 2009. Relationships between risk and population growth were found to be significantly negative, indicating that resource loss in European forests is an important driver of decline for both resident and migrant birds. Our results demonstrate that coarse quantification of resource use and ecological change can be valuable in understanding causes of biodiversity decline, and thus in informing conservation strategy and policy. Such an approach has good potential to be extended for predictive use in assessing the impact of possible future changes to forest management and to develop more precise indicators of forest health

    Volcanic CO2 tracks the incubation period of basaltic paroxysms

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    The ordinarily benign activity of basaltic volcanoes is periodically interrupted by violent paroxysmal explosions ranging in size from Hawaiian to Plinian in the most extreme examples. These paroxysms often occur suddenly and with limited or no precursors, leaving their causal mechanisms still incompletely understood. Two such events took place in summer 2019 at Stromboli, a volcano otherwise known for its persistent mild open-vent activity, resulting in one fatality and damage to infrastructure. Here, we use a post hoc analysis and reinterpretation of volcanic gas compositions and fluxes acquired at Stromboli to show that the two paroxysms were preceded by detectable escalations in volcanic plume CO2 degassing weeks to months beforehand. Our results demonstrate that volcanic gas CO2 is a key driver of explosions and that the preparatory periods ahead of explosions in basaltic systems can be captured by precursory CO2 leakage from deeply stored mafic magma

    Modeling what we sample and sampling what we model: challenges for zooplankton model assessment

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    Zooplankton are the intermediate trophic level between phytoplankton and fish, and are an important component of carbon and nutrient cycles, accounting for a large proportion of the energy transfer to pelagic fishes and the deep ocean. Given zooplankton's importance, models need to adequately represent zooplankton dynamics. A major obstacle, though, is the lack of model assessment. Here we try and stimulate the assessment of zooplankton in models by filling three gaps. The first is that many zooplankton observationalists are unfamiliar with the biogeochemical, ecosystem, size-based and individual-based models that have zooplankton functional groups, so we describe their primary uses and how each typically represents zooplankton. The second gap is that many modelers are unaware of the zooplankton data that are available, and are unaccustomed to the different zooplankton sampling systems, so we describe the main sampling platforms and discuss their strengths and weaknesses for model assessment. Filling these gaps in our understanding of models and observations provides the necessary context to address the last gap—a blueprint for model assessment of zooplankton. We detail two ways that zooplankton biomass/abundance observations can be used to assess models: data wrangling that transforms observations to be more similar to model output; and observation models that transform model outputs to be more like observations. We hope that this review will encourage greater assessment of zooplankton in models and ultimately improve the representation of their dynamics

    Ground deformation reveals the scale-invariant conduit dynamics driving explosive basaltic eruptions

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    The mild activity of basaltic volcanoes is punctuated by violent explosive eruptions that occur without obvious precursors. Modelling the source processes of these sudden blasts is challenging. Here, we use two decades of ground deformation (tilt) records from Stromboli volcano to shed light, with unprecedented detail, on the short-term (minute-scale) conduit processes that drive such violent volcanic eruptions. We find that explosive eruptions, with source parameters spanning seven orders of magnitude, all share a common pre-blast ground inflation trend. We explain this exponential inflation using a model in which pressure build-up is caused by the rapid expansion of volatile-rich magma rising from depth into a shallow (<400m) resident magma conduit. We show that the duration and amplitude of this inflation trend scales with the eruption magnitude, indicating that the explosive dynamics obey the same (scale-invariant) conduit process. This scale-invariance of pre-explosion ground deformation may usher in a new era of short-term eruption forecasting

    Ground deformation reveals the scale-invariant conduit dynamics driving explosive basaltic eruptions

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    The mild activity of basaltic volcanoes is punctuated by violent explosive eruptions that occur without obvious precursors. Modelling the source processes of these sudden blasts is challenging. Here, we use two decades of ground deformation (tilt) records from Stromboli volcano to shed light, with unprecedented detail, on the short-term (minute-scale) conduit processes that drive such violent volcanic eruptions. We find that explosive eruptions, with source parameters spanning seven orders of magnitude, all share a common pre-blast ground inflation trend. We explain this exponential inflation using a model in which pressure build-up is caused by the rapid expansion of volatile-rich magma rising from depth into a shallow (<400 m) resident magma conduit. We show that the duration and amplitude of this inflation trend scales with the eruption magnitude, indicating that the explosive dynamics obey the same (scale-invariant) conduit process. This scale-invariance of pre-explosion ground deformation may usher in a new era of short-term eruption forecasting

    Evaluating the spatial uncertainty of future land abandonment in a mountain valley (Vicdessos, Pyrenees-France) : insights form model parameterization and experiments

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    International audienceEuropean mountains are particularly sensitive to climatic disruptions and land use changes. The latter leads to high rates of natural reforestation over the last 50 years. Faced with the challenge of predicting possible impacts on ecosystem services, LUCC models offer new opportunities for land managers to adapt or mitigate their strategies. Assessing the spatial uncertainty of future LUCC is crucial for the defintion of sustainable land use strategies. However, the sources of uncertainty may differ, including the input parameters, the model itself, and the wide range of possible futures. The aim of this paper is to propose a method to assess the probability of occurrence of future LUCC that combines the inherent uncertainty of model parameterization and the ensemble uncertainty of the future based scenarios. For this purpose, we used the Land Change Modeler tool to simulate future LUCC on a study site located in the Pyrenees Mountains (France) and 2 scenarios illustratins 2 land use strategies. The model was parameterized with the same driving factors used for its calibration. The defintion of static vs. dynamic and quantitative vs. qualitative (discretized) driving factors, and their combination resulted in 4 parameterizations. The combination of model outcomes produced maps of spatial uncertainty of future LUCC. This work involves literature to future-based LUCC studies. It goes beyond the uncertainty of simulation models by integrating the unceertainty of the future to provide maps to help decision makers and land managers

    Harnessing learning biases is essential for applying social learning in conservation

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    Social learning can influence how animals respond to anthropogenic changes in the environment, determining whether animals survive novel threats and exploit novel resources or produce maladaptive behaviour and contribute to human-wildlife conflict. Predicting where social learning will occur and manipulating its use are, therefore, important in conservation, but doing so is not straightforward. Learning is an inherently biased process that has been shaped by natural selection to prioritize important information and facilitate its efficient uptake. In this regard, social learning is no different from other learning processes because it too is shaped by perceptual filters, attentional biases and learning constraints that can differ between habitats, species, individuals and contexts. The biases that constrain social learning are not understood well enough to accurately predict whether or not social learning will occur in many situations, which limits the effective use of social learning in conservation practice. Nevertheless, we argue that by tapping into the biases that guide the social transmission of information, the conservation applications of social learning could be improved. We explore the conservation areas where social learning is highly relevant and link them to biases in the cues and contexts that shape social information use. The resulting synthesis highlights many promising areas for collaboration between the fields and stresses the importance of systematic reviews of the evidence surrounding social learning practices.BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship (BB/H021817/1

    Spatial Sorting Drives Morphological Variation in the Invasive Bird, Acridotheris tristis

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    The speed of range expansion in many invasive species is often accelerating because individuals with stronger dispersal abilities are more likely to be found at the range front. This ‘spatial sorting’ of strong dispersers will drive the acceleration of range expansion. In this study, we test whether the process of spatial sorting is at work in an invasive bird population (Common myna, Acridotheris tristis) in South Africa. Specifically, we sampled individuals across its invasive range and compared morphometric measurements relevant and non-relevant to the dispersal ability. Besides testing for signals of spatial sorting, we further examined the effect of environmental factors on morphological variations. Our results showed that dispersal-relevant traits are significantly correlated with distance from the range core, with strong sexual dimorphism, indicative of sex-biased dispersal. Morphological variations were significant in wing and head traits of females, suggesting females as the primary dispersing sex. In contrast, traits not related to dispersal such as those associated with foraging showed no signs of spatial sorting but were significantly affected by environmental variables such as the vegetation and the intensity of urbanisation. When taken together, our results support the role of spatial sorting in facilitating the expansion of Common myna in South Africa despite its low propensity to disperse in the native range
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