61 research outputs found

    Äänekkyys ja sen lieveilmiöt audiotuotannoissa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on käsitellä äänekkyyden peruskäsitteitä, havainnointia ja mittaamista. Opinnäytetyössä kuvataan myös miten äänekkyys vaikuttaa audiotuotantoihin, ja kuinka sitä standardoidaan monissa sovelluksissa. Opinnäytetyön lähteinä käytettiin monipuolisesti äänityön ammattilaisten sekä äänialan julkaisujen toimittajien kirjoittamia artikkeleita. Äänekkyydellä kuvataan sitä, kuinka voimakkaana tietty ääni koetaan. Äänekkyys on havaintona subjektiivinen, joten kokemuksia on olemassa yhtä paljon kuin havainnoitsijoita. Äänekkyyteen liittyy useita lieveilmiöitä, joista tunnetuin on äänekkyyssota. Se perustuu musiikkiteollisuuden virheelliseksi osoitettuun käsitykseen kuluttajien mieltymyksestä äänekkääseen musiikkiin. Äänekkyyssodasta keskustellaan paljon ja siitä on olemassa runsaasti artikkeleita. Käsitteen tuntevat myös monet ihmiset, jotka eivät työskentele äänialalla tai musiikkiteollisuudessa. Opinnäytetyössä todettiin, että äänekkyyden käsittely ei ole yksiselitteistä, sillä jokainen suhtautuu äänekkyyteen eri tavoin. Äänekkyyteen liittyy sekä mielipiteitä että tutkimuksia, ja niiden avulla voidaan ymmärtää ihmisen kuulemista ja havainnointia entistä paremmin. Erilaiset sovellukset auttavat äänekkyyden mittaamisessa, ja ammattilaiset kehittävät niitä edelleen. Tämä vähentää äänekkyydellä kilpailua, ja vaikuttaa siten positiivisesti äänitteiden dynamiikkaan ja äänenlaatuun.This thesis focuses on the basics of loudness, and how it is perceived and measured. The thesis also describes how loudness affects audio productions, and how it is standardized in various applications. The sources for this thesis include articles written by sound professionals and editors of sound publications. Loudness depicts how intensive a subject feels the sound they heard is. As this particular perception is subjective, there are as many experiences as there are perceivers. There are several side effects associated with loudness, the best known of which is the loudness war. It is based on the music industry’s misconception of consumer preference for loud music. There is much discussion and articles written about the loudness war, so the concept is also familiar to many people who do not work with sound or in the music industry. The research confirmed that the treatment of loudness is not unambiguous, as everyone has a different relation towards it. There exist both opinions and research about loudness, which can be used to better understand human hearing and perception. Various applications help in measuring loudness and are being further developed by professionals. This moderates the loudness war and therefore has a positive effect on the dynamics and sound quality of the audio recordings

    Stand-alone and integrated reporting

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    Environmental reporting is the practice of an entity reporting on environmental matters, focusing on an entity’s priorities, policies and practices concerning environmental issues; the environmental performance of an entity; and the environmental impacts the operations have. Environmental reporting can also, among other things, discuss how an entity is dependent on the environment and natural systems, the risks associated with environmental matters, as well as the entity’s environmental responsibilities and accountabilities. This chapter focuses on the various forms these environmental reports published by organisations take, drawing on both foundational and contemporary research to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge. This chapter introduces some key characteristics of environmental reporting which often also provide a basis upon which the practice can be evaluated. This is followed by a discussion of prominent frameworks which guide environmental reporting practice, as well as the institutions that develop and promote them, including the Global Reporting Initiative, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and the International Integrated Reporting Council. Some current and ongoing issues related to environmental reporting are then introduced, together with discussion of some broad questions relating to the role of environmental reporting in contemporary societies. The chapter ends with a consideration of potential areas for future research.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Shadow accounts and alternative portrayals

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    The dynamics of voluntary benchmarking in the water sector

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    This article investigates the dynamics of benchmarking in municipal water utilities. The authors explain how a voluntary project developed the characteristics of compulsory benchmarking. While the first adopters of benchmarking sought efficiency gains, later adoptions have mainly been driven by institutional pressures. This limits the potential of benchmarking for improving utility performance.</p

    Taking the world seriously : Autonomy, reflexivity and engagement research in social and environmental accounting

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    There is a long-standing debate within the social and environmental accounting research community concerning whether research engagement with (commercial) organisations and decision-makers is detrimental to the pursuit of sustainability transformation. Those critical of engagement research see such an approach as futile or outright harmful, suggesting that scholars are bound to be co-opted in the process and essentially end up reproducing systems of domination. In response, we emphasise in this paper how engagement research requires an exercise of reflexivity, which, hopefully, makes us “more conscious and more systematic” about engagement research and provides “the mutual surveillance” (Bourdieu, 2000b, p. 119) required for this academic exercise. Drawing on Bourdieu's Pascalian Meditations, we discuss the implications of the notions of intellectual autonomy and scientific capital in the field of social and environmental accounting research and stress that both the scholastic situation and engagement with the social world are necessary elements for scholarship. We argue, on the one hand, that critical research in social and environmental accounting is a key mechanism to enhance the scientific capital of the field—through improved theorising of power and conflict—and hence retain (strengthen) the autonomy of social and environmental accounting. On the other hand, we also suggest that reinvigorating research on the relevance of accounting techniques for sustainable development is essential for our scientific capital and the wider contribution of social accounting across intellectual fields and beyond.Peer reviewe