248 research outputs found

    The reality of the application of electronic administration in primary schools from the point of view of the managers themselves in the city of Laghouat

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    هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى معرفة واقع تطبيق الادارة الالكترونية في المدارس الابتدائية من وجهة نظر المديرين أنفسهم بمدينة الأغواط، وقد بلغت عينة الدراسة (30) مديرا ومديرة. حيث تم اعتماد المنهج الوصفي التحليلي. وتوصلت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن الإدارة الإلكترونية غير مطبقة بالمدارس الابتدائية من وجهة نظر المدريرين. كما أنها لا تتوفر على كل الإمكانيات اللازمة لتطبيقها، مع وجود صعوبات بشرية ومادية وتقنية تحول دون ذلك، وعدم إقامة دورات تكوينية لتدريب المشرفين الإداريين بالمدارس الابتدائية على ذلك. إلا أنه يوجد تحمس من طرف المديرين للأخذ بسياسة تطبيق الإدارة الإلكترونية ورغبتهم في مواكبة التغيير، خاصة صغار السن منهم.The current study aimed to know the reality of the application of electronic administration in the primary schools from the point of view of the directors themselves in Laghouat city. The study’s sample has reached to (30) directors, which adopted the descriptive analytical curriculum. And the study results have reached that the electronic administration isn’t applied on the primary schools from the point of view of the directors. It also doesn’t have the necessary capabilities to apply it because of a human, material and technical difficulties which presence obstructing it, and no setting up training courses to train the administrative supervisors in the primary schools to do that. But, there’s a lot of interest from the directors about the electro-administration policy part with their desire to keep up the change, especially the young category of them

    Failure analysis of compressed earth block using numerical plastic damage model

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    In the last decade, several studies have been introduced to the development and use of compressed earth blocks in green building construction. Studying the evaluation of existing cracks in construction builders by these blocks is an important industrial and safety subject in recent research. This objective opens a new field in building construction where we describe the mechanical behavior of compressed earth solid blocks. In addition, we offer a solution to rupture damages presented by the propagation of masonry cracks. This paper aims to explore a numerical study in ABAQUS where we analyze the mechanical properties of this block. We started by investigating the elastic phase for this material and it has been generalized to a study in the plastic regime and rupture for the studied block. The different results of numerical simulation of the studied shape are presented, compared, and criticized


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    Eh cherchant a definir une problematique generale des rapports entre les Deux Grandes Puissances et l'Afrique nous sommes partis d'une interrogation assez simple : Derriere l'apparence d'un interet cyclique pour ce continent les Etats Unis et l'Union Sovietique sont-ils parvenus A construire depuis 1960 une politi-que d'engagement graduel ?A partir de la nous avons essaye de comprendre comment ces deux pays pou-vaient s'inserer dans le jeu diplomatique africain tout en ajustant l'ampleur de leur engagement A leurs contraintes de puissances globales. Si l'on entend par jeu diplomatique l'ensemble du reseau des relations in-ternationales etablies par des Etats souverains, on constate qu'A la difference des autres regions du Tiers Monde le jeu diplomatique africain ne commenga serieu-sement a interesser les Deux Grands qu'au moment de la decolonisation c'est-a-dire a partir de 1960. Or a cette date l'equilibre global sovieto-americain ne de la II Guerre Mondiale etait tres largement stabilise. La question pour les Deux Grands etait alors de savoir de quelle fagon l'emer-gence de l'Afrique en tant qu'entite politique autonome pourrait affecter cet equi-libre. Pour comprendre le double processus par lequel les Deux Grands ont cherchea repondre aux attentes africaines tout en s'efforgant d'integrer l'Afrique au ca-dre global des rapports sovieto-americains, nous nous sommes efforces de repondretrois series d'interrogations : Deux Grands ?Quels ont ete les parametres retenus dans la formulation et l'expression des reponses diplomatico-strategiques.?Par rapport a quelles contraintes l'engagement sovieto.-americain a-t-il pu se trouver stimule ou au contraire entrave ? La definition.prealable des enjeux par les Deux Grands apparait essentielle car elle pose des le depart la question de savoir comment deux grandes puissances peuvent s'inserer dans un cadre regional domine jusque-lA par les puissances euro-peennes et sur lequel elles n'avaient que peu d'influence avant 1960. L'insertion des Deux Grands obeit-elle essentiellement A la logique de la releve de l'influence europeenne ou bien repond-elle a des attentes specifiques d'ordre economique ou diplomatique ? Eh d'autres termes ii s'agira de s'interroger sur la notion "d'intergts propres" des Deux Grands en Afrique. Mais la reponse a cette question suppose que soit prealablement clarifiee la relation triangulaire URSS - Etats-Unis - Europe. Dans le cas de l'URSS l'interrogation portera sursa perception du rapport Etats-Unis - Europe. S'agit-il a ses yeux d'une relation conflictuelle et donc potentiellement propice a son propre engagement ou bien au contraire d'une relation fondamentalement congruente ? Dans le cas des Etats-Unis on se demandera jusqu'a quel point les enjeux africains ont ete identifies comme des intergts propres

    Modeliranje sadržaja vlage i brzine sušenja određenih plodova solarnim sušenjem primjenom ANN-a

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    The aim of this work was to model the moisture content (MC) and drying rate (DR) using artificial neural network (ANN) methodology. Many architectures have been tested and the best topology was selected based on a trial and error method. The dataset was randomly divided into 60, 20, and 20 % for training, test, and validation stage of the ANN model, respectively. The best topology was 10-{29-13}-2 obtained with high correlation coefficient R (%) of {99.98, 98.41} and low root mean square error RMSE (%) (0.36, 6.29) for MC and DR, respectively. The obtained ANN can be used to interpolate the MC and DR with high accuracy. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Cilj ovog rada bio je modelirati sadržaj vlage (MC) i brzinu sušenja (DR) primjenom metodologije umjetne neuronske mreže (ANN). Testirane su mnoge arhitekture, a najbolja topologija odabrana je na temelju metode pokušaja i pogrešaka. Skup podataka podijeljen je nasumično na 60, 20 i 20 % za fazu treninga, testa i validacije ANN modela. Najbolja topologija bila je 10-{29-13}-2 dobivena visokim koeficijentom korelacije R (%) od {99,98, 98,41} i niskom srednjom kvadratnom pogreškom RMSE (%) (0,36, 6,29) za MC, odnosno DR. Dobiveni ANN model može se s velikom točnošću primijeniti za interpolaciju MC-a i DR-a. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk mengetahui”Pengaruh Promosi dan Kepercayaan Nasabah, terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan Layanan Digital oleh Nasabah Bank SUMSEBABEL Cabang Prabumulih.  Desain penelitian ini  menggunakan kuesioner  yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas,  yang diisi oleh 100 responden.  Terdapat pengaruh yang positif promosi (X1) dan kepercayaan nasabah (X2) secara bersama-sama maupun parsial terhadap keputusan penggunaan layanan digital (Y).Persamaan regresi menghasilakn  Y = 1,055 + 0,373X1 + 0,320X2+e. Intepretasi persamaan tersebut, nilai konstanta sebesar 1,055 menunjukkan bahwa jika Promosi (X1), dan Kepercayaan Nasabah (X2) dianggap tidak ada (nol) maka Keputusan Penggunaan Layanan Digital (Y) sebesar 1,055. Promosi (X1) sebesar 0,373 berslope positif, hal ini menyatakan bahwa jika Promosi (X1) mengalami kenaikan sebesar 1 satuan, maka Keputusan Penggunaan Layanan Digital (Y) akan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,373 atau dapat juga dikatakan bahwa semakin tinggi Promosi yang dilakukan oleh Bank SUMSELBABEL, maka akan mampu meningkatkan Keputusan Penggunaan Layanan Digital atas produk yang ditawarkan. Kepercayaan nasabah (X2) sebesar 0,320 berslope positif, hal ini menyatakan bahwa jika Kepercayaan Nasabah (X2) mengalami kenaikan sebesar 1 satuan, maka Keputusan Penggunaan Layanan Digital (Y) akan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,320 atau dapat juga dikatakan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat kepercayaan nasabah atas suatu produk maka akan meningkatkan keputusan Penggunaan Layanan Digital atas produk yang ditawarkan oleh bank tersebut.Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa bahwa ada hubungan secara signifikan antara Variabel Bebas yaitu Promosi (X1) dan Kepercayaan Nasabah  (X2), terhadap Variabel Terikat yaitu Keputusan Penggunaan Layanan Digital (Y) oleh Nasabah Bank SUMSEBABEL Cabang Prabumulih. Kata Kunci: Promosi, Kepercayaan Nasabah dan  Keputusan Penggunaan Layanan Digital

    Modeliranje vremena sušenja praha Candesartan Cilexetil primjenom tehnike računalne inteligencije

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    The aim of this work was to use two computational intelligence techniques, namely, artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector regression (SVR), to model the drying time of a pharmaceutical powder Candesartan Cilexetil, which is used for arterial hypertension treatment and heart failure. The experimental data set used in this work has been collected from previously published paper of the drying kinetics of Candesartan Cilexetil using vacuum dryer and under different operating conditions. The comparison between the two models has been conducted using different statistical parameters namely root mean squared error (RMSE) and determination coefficient (R2). Results show that SVR model shows high accuracy in comparison with ANN model to predict the non-linear behaviour of the drying time using pertinent variables with {R2 = 0.9991, RMSE = 0.262} against {R2 = 0.998, RMSE = 0.339} for SVR and ANN, respectively. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Cilj ovog rada bio je primjena dvije tehnike računalne inteligencije (umjetne neuronske mreže (ANN) i regresije potpornih vektora (SVR)) za modeliranje vremena sušenja farmaceutskog praha Candesartan Cilexetil, koji se primjenjuje za liječenje arterijske hipertenzije i zatajenje srca. Eksperimentalni skup podataka korišten u ovom radu prikupljen je iz prethodno objavljenog rada o kinetici sušenja Candesartan Cilexetila pomoću vakuumskog sušionika i pod različitim radnim uvjetima. Usporedba između dva modela provedena je pomoću različitih statističkih parametara, odnosno korijenom srednje kvadratne pogreške (RMSE) i koeficijenta određivanja (R2). Rezultati su pokazali da u usporedbi s modelom ANN model SVR pokazuje visoku točnost za predviđanje nelinearnog ponašanja vremena sušenja koristeći odgovarajuće varijable {R2 = 0,9991, RMSE = 0,262} u odnosu na {R2 = 0,998, RMSE = 0,339} za SVR i ANN. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna

    Random Dense Packing Parameters of Two-Dimensional Spherical Powders for Hot Isostatic Pressing Process Modeling

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    In this paper, we have used the hot isostatic pressing HIP models previously carried out for the study of the random dense packing densification (RDP) of spherical particles of the same size in order to adapt them to the RDP of two-dimensional spherical particles. A new microscopic approach is thus developed that allows the densification parameters of two-dimensional spherical powder aggregates to be evaluated as a function of the relative density, taking into account the morphological changes of the powder particles and the porosity. The equations obtained for each parameter (coordination number, mean contact area and effective pressure) made it possible to represent the results in the form of curves. These show that our new approach is well adapted to a realistic description of the densification of powder aggregates with particles of more or less similar sizes.

    Moeetendus "OmaMood"

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