23 research outputs found

    Unusual ISS Rate Signature

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    On November 23, 2011 International Space Station Guidance, Navigation, and Control reported unusual pitch rate disturbance. These disturbances were an order of magnitude greater than nominal rates. The Loads and Dynamics team was asked to review and analyze current accelerometer data to investigate this disturbance. This paper will cover the investigation process under taken by the Loads and Dynamics group. It will detail the accelerometers used and analysis performed. The analysis included performing Frequency Fourier Transform of the data to identify the mode of interest. This frequency data is then reviewed with modal analysis of the ISS system model. Once this analysis is complete and the disturbance quantified, a forcing function was produced to replicate the disturbance. This allows the Loads and Dynamics team to report the load limit values for the 100's of interfaces on the ISS

    ISS Microgravity Environment

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    The Microgravity performance assessment of the International Space Station (ISS) is comprised of a quasi-steady, structural dynamic and a vibro-acoustic analysis of the ISS assembly-complete vehicle configuration. The Boeing Houston (BHOU) Loads and Dynamics Team is responsible to verify compliance with the ISS System Specification (SSP 41000) and USOS Segment (SSP 41162) microgravity requirements. To verify the ISS environment, a series of accelerometers are on-board to monitor the current environment. This paper summarizes the results of the analysis that was performed for the Verification Analysis Cycle (VAC)-Assembly Complete (AC) and compares it to on-orbit acceleration values currently being reported. The analysis will include the predicted maximum and average environment on-board ISS during multiple activity scenario

    International Space Station Future Correlation Analysis Improvements

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    Ongoing modal analyses and model correlation are performed on different configurations of the International Space Station (ISS). These analyses utilize on-orbit dynamic measurements collected using four main ISS instrumentation systems: External Wireless Instrumentation System (EWIS), Internal Wireless Instrumentation System (IWIS), Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS), and Structural Dynamic Measurement System (SDMS). Remote Sensor Units (RSUs) are network relay stations that acquire flight data from sensors. Measured data is stored in the Remote Sensor Unit (RSU) until it receives a command to download data via RF to the Network Control Unit (NCU). Since each RSU has its own clock, it is necessary to synchronize measurements before analysis. Imprecise synchronization impacts analysis results. A study was performed to evaluate three different synchronization techniques: (i) measurements visually aligned to analytical time-response data using model comparison, (ii) Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD), and (iii) lag from cross-correlation to align measurements. This paper presents the results of this study

    Transgenesis in Animal Agriculture: Addressing Animal Health and Welfare Concerns

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    The US Food and Drug Administration’s final Guidance for Industry on the regulation of transgenesis in animal agriculture has paved the way for the commercialization of genetically engineered (GE) farm animals. The production-related diseases associated with extant breeding technologies are reviewed, as well as the predictable welfare consequences of continued emphasis on prolificacy at the potential expense of physical fitness. Areas in which biotechnology could be used to improve the welfare of animals while maintaining profitability are explored along with regulatory schema to improve agency integration in GE animal oversight

    Dehorning the Darwinian Dilemma for Normative Realism

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    Normative realists tend to consider evolutionary debunking arguments as posing epistemological challenges to their view. By understanding Sharon Street's 'Darwinian dilemma' argument in this way, they have overlooked and left unanswered her unique scientific challenge to normative realism. This paper counters Street's scientific challenge and shows that normative realism is compatible with evolutionary views of human evaluative judgment. After presenting several problems that her Adaptive Link Account (ALA) of evaluative judgments faces, I outline and defend an evolutionary byproduct perspective on evaluative judgment. I then argue that a consideration of levels of analysis in biological-behavioral explanation suggests that the realist who adopts the byproduct perspective I outline is not at a prima facie disadvantage to the normative anti-realist on grounds of parsimony. This perspective, I suggest, can enable normative realists to answer evolutionary challenges to their view

    Replacement or exclusion of the B-branch bacteriopheophytin in the purple bacterial reaction centre: The H-B cofactor is not required for assembly or core function of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides complex

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    AbstractAll of the membrane-embedded cofactors of the purple bacterial reaction centre have well-defined functional or structural roles, with the exception of the bacteriopheophytin (HB) located approximately half-way across the membrane on the so-called inactive- or B-branch of cofactors. Sequence alignments indicate that this bacteriochlorin cofactor is a conserved feature of purple bacterial reaction centres, and a pheophytin is also found at this position in the Photosystem-II reaction centre. Possible structural or functional consequences of replacing the HB bacteriopheophytin by bacteriochlorophyll were investigated in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centre through mutagenesis of residue Leu L185 to His (LL185H). Results from absorbance spectroscopy indicated that the LL185H mutant assembled with a bacteriochlorophyll at the HB position, but this did not affect the capacity of the reaction centre to support photosynthetic growth, or change the kinetics of charge separation along the A-branch of cofactors. It was also found that mutation of residue Ala M149 to Trp (AM149W) caused the reaction centre to assemble without an HB bacteriochlorin, demonstrating that this cofactor is not required for correct assembly of the reaction centre. The absence of a cofactor at this position did not affect the capacity of the reaction centre to support photosynthetic growth, or the kinetics of A-branch electron transfer. A combination of X-ray crystallography and FTIR difference spectroscopy confirmed that the HB cofactor was absent in the AM149W mutant, and that this had not produced any significant disturbance of the adjacent ubiquinol reductase (QB) site. The data are discussed with respect to possible functional roles of the HB bacteriopheophytin, and we conclude that the reason(s) for conservation of a bacteriopheophytin cofactor at this position in purple bacterial reaction centres are likely to be different from those underlying conservation of a pheophytin at the analogous position in Photosystem-II

    Photo-accumulation of the P+QB radical pair state in purple bacterial reaction centres that lack the QA ubiquinone

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    AbstractPhoto-excitation of membrane-bound Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centres containing the mutation Ala M260 to Trp (AM260W) resulted in the accumulation of a radical pair state involving the photo-oxidised primary electron donor (P). This state had a lifetime of hundreds of milliseconds and its formation was inhibited by stigmatellin. The absence of the QA ubiquinone in the AM260W reaction centre suggests that this long-lived radical pair state is P+QB−, although the exact reduction/protonation state of the QB quinone remains to be confirmed. The blockage of active branch (A-branch) electron transfer by the AM260W mutation implies that this P+QB− state is formed by electron transfer along the so-called inactive branch (B-branch) of reaction centre cofactors. We discuss how further mutations may affect the yield of the P+QB− state, including a double alanine mutation (EL212A/DL213A) that probably has a direct effect on the efficiency of the low yield electron transfer step from the anion of the B-branch bacteriopheophytin (HB−) to the QB ubiquinone