143 research outputs found

    Bats Stab! Translators’ (in)visibility in Language-play Translations The Poisonwood Bible and its Finnish, Swedish and French Translations

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    Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kääntäjän näkyvyyttä kielileikkien käännöksissä. Tutkimukseni kohteena olivat englanninkieliset palindromit ja riimit, jotka toimivat Adah-nimisen kertojan persoonallisen kerrontatyylin tunnuspiirteinä Barbara Kingsolverin moniäänistä kerrontatyyliä edustavassa romaanissa The Poisonwood Bible sekä näiden kahden kielileikin käännökset romaanin suomenkielisessä, ruotsinkielisessä ja ranskankielisessä käännöksessä. Valitsin kohdekielet sen perusteella, että ne edustavat eri kieliryhmiä, suomen kieli jopa eri kielikuntaa. Sanaleikit ovat erityisen kielisidonnaisia, joten oletin kielisukulaisuuden lähdekieli englannin ja kohdekielten ruotsin ja ranskan välillä mahdollisesti helpottavan kääntäjän tehtävää. Suomen kieltä on toisaalta pidetty “palindromien kielenä”, joten samalla halusin tutkia väitteen paikkansapitävyyttä. Palindromeissa ja riimeissä kielileikin muoto ja sisältö ovat yhdistyneinä siten, että kääntäjän on vaikea välittää molempia yhtäaikaisesti kohdetekstiin. Tämän vuoksi oletetin, että kääntäjän on useissa tapauksissa täytynyt valita siirtääkö hän kääntäessään lähtökielisen sanaleikin muodon vai sisällön kohdekieleen. Oletin kääntäjien kielellisen ja ammatillisen taustan johtavan hyvin erilaisten käännösstrategioiden käyttöön ja tätä kautta kääntäjän näkyvyyden tason vaihteluun itse käännöksissä. Oletukseni osoittautui pääosin oikeaksi, sillä vaikka sekä suomenkieliset, ruotsinkieliset että ranskankieliset kääntäjät olivat ainakin osittain näkyviä käännösratkaisuissaan, erot käännösstrategioiden välillä vaihtelivat huomattavasti. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä toimi Kaisa Koskisen kolmijako liittyen kääntäjän näkyvyyteen: kääntäjän näkyminen itse käännöksessä, kääntäjän näkyminen käännöksen rinnalla ja kääntäjien näkyvyys ja arvostus yhteiskunnassa.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    The High-Status Late Medieval Skull Shaped Relic in Turku Cathedral, Finland – a study of its origin with oxygen and strontium isotope analyses

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    The relics and associated reliquaries of Turku Cathedral are among the most significant early Christian artefacts in Finland preserved in situ. Despite their importance, they have not been the focus of scientific enquiry for a number of decades. This study has focused on one skull shaped relic, although the origin and name of its associated saint remains unknown. The relic is the only such example with high-status decoration in the Turku Cathedral collection and is covered with a red silk decorated with yellow yarn. The bones and fabric have been dated from the beginning of the modern era to the 13th century AD, and variance among the radiocarbon (14C) dates acquired from the bones shows the remains incorporate several individuals. In this study, oxygen and strontium isotope compositions were determined from fragmented bones and textiles. The results are the first isotope analysis performed on this collection housed in Turku Cathedral. Analysis indicates an origin from outside Finland, possibly elsewhere in northern Europe or an Alpine region. This helps take us a little closer to understanding the mystery associated with this sacred artefact.Peer reviewe

    The beginning and spread of farming in Finland; and the subsistence in Iin Hamina, the Northern Ostrobothnian region

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    This work contributes to wider discussions of historical and prehistoric farming practices in marginal environments. In its origins, the process of adopting farming as a new mode of subsistence in Northern Europe was complicated, and its spread continued throughout Finland until the modern period. Farming can be an unreliable form of food production, and failures in cereal cultivation are still common. People's persistence in the face of such adversity allowed for cultivation practices to be adapted in a far northern climate Discussions of early farming studies in Finland have been dominated by the question of whether single pollen evidence can be considered as reliable evidence of farming. This is based on the assumption that all cereal-type pollens indicate the presence of cereals. This assumption is considerably problematic: Cereal-type pollen includes several wild grasses that are also very common in Finland and thus cannot be considered as a reliable proof of cereal cultivation. It is not possible to study small scale farming using pollen analysis alone, but such analyses are useful for exploring when farming became well-established. This study combines the radiocarbon dates obtained from cereal-type pollen that was present in quantities larger than a single-grain. Using this approach it was observed that population size proxy and early farming studies correlate strongly. This suggests that cereal cultivation started to affect population size from approximately the last millennium BC onward, although the majority of this spread is seen during Iron Age and later periods. In addition to improving the resolution of the earliest farming in Finland, this study also considers the impact these changes would have had upon diet. Protein intake can be studied using stable isotopes from human bone collagen if local background values are known. The Iin Hamina case study revealed that protein was mainly obtained from wild resources: According to the isotopic composition of human skeletal collagen, fish were a major dietary component. Moreover, reconstructions from incremental dentine analysis revealed that humans from Iin Hamina were well adapted to their environment. Many aspects of early subsistence practices in Finland remain unknown. However, this study demonstrates that prehistoric cultivation was a multidimensional phenomenon in northern latitudes, and that this is an area that requires more attention in order to be more fully understood

    Style By Me -tapahtuman järjestäminen

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa Torikeskuksen Glitterille tapahtuma sekä sen markkinointiviestintä. Opinnäytetyön ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli perehtyä tapahtuman järjestämiseen ja markkinointiviestintään. Opinnäytetyön toisena tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa Style By Me -tapahtuma ja sen markkinointiviestintä yhdessä Glitterin aluepäällikön kanssa. Opinnäytetyön kolmantena tavoitteena oli arvioida tapahtuman onnistumista. Arviointi tapahtui opinnäytetyön tekijöiden asettamien tavoitteiden avulla. Tapahtuman arvioinnissa otettiin huomioon myös palautelomakkeista sekä Glitterin henkilökunnalta saatu palaute. Tapahtumamarkkinointi on toimintaa, joka yhdistää organisaation ja sen eri tekijät tavoitteellisella ja vuorovaikutteisella tavalla. Tämä toiminnallinen kokonaisuus yhdistää kohderyhmän, valitun teeman ja idean tapahtumaan. Tapahtumalla mahdollistetaan selkeä ja häiriötön vuorovaikutus yrityksen tai tuotemerkin ja asiakkaan välillä. Opinnäytetyön tekijät suunnittelivat ja toteuttivat Style By Me -tapahtuman, jossa kilpailun osallistujat stailasivat mallinuken. Osallistujat täyttivät palautelomakkeen, jonka avulla saatiin selville tapahtuman onnistuminen osallistujien näkökulmasta. Tapahtuman onnistumista arvioitiin myös muun muassa päivän euromääräisen myynnin avulla. Style By Me -tapahtuman kaltainen markkinointi todettiin toimivaksi, vaikka sen toteutus vaatii tavallista enemmän resursseja. Tapahtumalla saatiin herätettyä ihmisten mielenkiinto, mikä edesauttoi heitä saapumaan ostoksille myymälään. Vaikka tapahtumaa pidettäisiin kuinka onnistuneena tahansa, sitä voidaan aina kehittää. Tapahtuman järjestämisessä kehitysideat ovat arvokkaita. Niiden avulla yrityksen tapahtumamarkkinointi on jatkossa helpompaa ja kannattavampaa.The purpose of this thesis was to create and design an event and its marketing for Torikeskus' Glitter. The thesis' first goal was to study how an event and its marketing can be orga-nized. The second goal was to create and design an event called Style By Me and its marketing together with the head of Seinäjoki's Glitter. The third goal was to evaluate the success of the event. The goals that the writers of this thesis had set led the evaluation process. The feedback form and Glitter's staff's feedback was taken into account during the evaluation process. Event marketing combines the organization and its different factors with goal-directed and interactive way. Event marketing combines target group, beforehand chosen theme and idea for the event itself. Event enables clear and undisturbed interaction between the company or brand and customer. The writers of this thesis created and designed and event called Style By Me where the participants of the contest had to style a mannequin. The participants also filled a feedback form where they had to evaluate the success of the event. The success of the event was also evaluated by event day's sale profit. The marketing type that was used in the Style By Me event was discovered to be successful although more resources were needed from the company itself. The event managed to evoke shopping center's customers' interest which brought them inside the Glitter store to do shopping. Although the event would be considered successful, it can always be improved. When organizing an event, development ideas are very valuable as they make company's event marketing easier and more profitable in the future

    Source of strontium in archaeological mobility studies—marine diet contribution to the isotopic composition

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    The strontium isotope composition of human tissues is widely used in archaeological mobility studies. However, little attention is paid to the relative contributions of terrestrial versus marine sources of strontium in these studies. There is some debate over the role of a solid diet versus drinking water as the most important source of strontium for the human body, with related possibilities of misinterpretation of the archaeological record if only strontium isotope compositions of the biosphere are studied. However, there is a third component, marine strontium, which is commonly not assumed to contribute towards the strontium isotope composition of archaeological skeletal remains, especially in locations that are not directly coastal. To illustrate the potentially obfuscating effects of mixed Sr sources in a human population, we present a case study of twelve individuals from the medieval Finnish site Iin Hamina with a known dietary history. Our study shows that marine consumption is a significant factor explaining the strontium isotope composition of the Iin Hamina human remains, with implication of erroneous conclusions about immigration without prior knowledge of diet composition. Thus, future studies should always incorporate a rigorous analysis of dietary history, with special regard to potential consumption of aquatic resources, when strontium isotope analysis is used as a method in the study of palaeomobility

    Explaining social-class inequality in voter turnout : the contribution of income and health

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    Occupation-based social class is an important, yet under-explored, factor in electoral participation. In this article, social class differences in voter turnout over time are measured, and how two other resources – namely income and health – mediate or modify this relationship is analysed. The analysis is based on an individual-level register-based 11 percent sample of the entire electorate in the 1999 Finnish parliamentary elections, and secondarily on smaller register-based samples in the 2012 presidential and municipal elections. Results show that income mediates part of the effects of social class on voting, while social class and utilised health indicators exert mainly independent effects on turnout. Social class differences remain largely stable in all income and hospital care groups, except that no differences between classes are observed among those most severely affected by health problems. Results are also mostly similar between those of working age and the older population, and between men and women, and remain stable over time and in different types of elections. The findings imply that social class should be taken account in theoretical and empirical models of turnout.Peer reviewe