53 research outputs found

    Managing uncertainty in movement knowledge for environmental decisions

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    Species’ movements affect their response to environmental change but movement knowledge is often highly uncertain. We now have well-established methods to inte-grate movement knowledge into conservation practice but still lack a framework to deal with uncertainty in movement knowledge for environmental decisions. We provide a framework that distinguishes two dimensions of species’ movement that are heavily influenced by uncertainty: knowledge about movement and relevance of movement to environmental decisions. Management decisions can be informed by their position in this knowledge-relevance space. We then outline a framework to support decisions around (1) increasing understanding of the relevance of movement knowledge, (2) increasing robustness of decisions to uncertainties and (3) improving knowledge on species’ movement. Our decision-support framework provides guid-ance for managing movement-related uncertainty in systematic conservation plan-ning, agri-environment schemes, habitat restoration and international biodiversity policy. It caters to different resource levels (time and funding) so that species’ movement knowledge can be more effectively integrated into environmental decisions. © 2018 The Authors. Conservation Letters published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Optical Absorption by Indirect Excitons in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Double Layer

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    We calculate the binding energy, transition energies, oscillator strength, and absorption coefficient of indirect excitons in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) double layers separated by an integer number of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) monolayers. The absorption factor, a dimensionless quantity which gives the fraction of incoming photons absorbed by the indirect excitons in the double layer, is evaluated. The aforementioned optical quantities are obtained for transitions from the ground state to the first two excited states. All quantities are studied as a function of the interlayer separation, which may be experimentally controlled by varying the number of h-BN monolayers between the TMDC layers. Calculations are performed by using the exciton wave function and eigenenergies obtained for the Keldysh potential. For each material, we choose a combination of the exciton reduced mass and the dielectric screening length from the existing literature which give the largest and the smallest indirect exciton binding energy. These combinations of material parameters provide upper and lower bounds on all quantities presented. Our findings can be examined experimentally via two-photon spectroscopy.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Monitoring and conservation of the critically endangered Alaotran gentle lemur Hapalemur alaotrensis

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    The Alaotran gentle lemur Hapalemur alaotrensis is a Critically Endangered lemur, which exclusively inhabits the marshes around Lac Alaotra in northeast Madagascar. In the past decades the population of H. alaotrensis has experienced a dramatic decline due to poaching, habitat destruction and degradation. Surveys have been carried out periodically to follow the status of the population. Here we present the results of a survey carried out between May and June 2008 in the southwestern part of the marshes around Alaotra and discuss the key findings derived from the analysis of the data collected. Our study indicates that the probability of detecting the species in an area where it is present is very low and depends on factors that vary in space and time. These results stress the need to account for imperfect detection when monitoring this species, an issue especially relevant when reporting population trends. Our analyses also show that habitat fragmentation is a key determinant of habitat suitability for H. alaotrensis, with fragmented areas of marsh showing low suitability. Finally, our observations and analysis suggest that the protection provided by the local community to H. alaotrensis in Andreba is contributing to the conservation of this Critically Endangered species. This highlights the need to continue working on engaging the local communities in the conservation of the marshes at Lac Alaotra as a critical element to secure the future of H. alaotrensis

    Bringing It All Together: Multi-species Integrated Population Modelling of a Breeding Community

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    Integrated population models (IPMs) combine data on different aspects of demography with time-series of population abundance. IPMs are becoming increasingly popular in the study of wildlife populations, but their application has largely been restricted to the analysis of single species. However, species exist within communities: sympatric species are exposed to the same abiotic environment, which may generate synchrony in the fluctuations of their demographic parameters over time. Given that in many environments conditions are changing rapidly, assessing whether species show similar demographic and population responses is fundamental to quantifying interspecific differences in environmental sensitivity and highlighting ecological interactions at risk of disruption. In this paper, we combine statistical approaches to study populations, integrating data along two different dimensions: across species (using a recently proposed framework to quantify multi-species synchrony in demography) and within each species (using IPMs with demographic and abundance data).We analyse data from three seabird species breeding at a nationally important long-term monitoring site. We combine demographic datasets with island-wide population counts to construct the first multi-species Integrated Population Model to consider synchrony. Our extension of the IPM concept allows the simultaneous estimation of demographic parameters, adult abundance and multi-species synchrony in survival and productivity, within a robust statistical framework. The approach is readily applicable to other taxa and habitats

    Data integration for large-scale models of species distributions

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    With the expansion in the quantity and types of biodiversity data being collected, there is a need to find ways to combine these different sources to provide cohesive summaries of species’ potential and realized distributions in space and time. Recently, model-based data integration has emerged as a means to achieve this by combining datasets in ways that retain the strengths of each. We describe a flexible approach to data integration using point process models, which provide a convenient way to translate across ecological currencies. We highlight recent examples of large-scale ecological models based on data integration and outline the conceptual and technical challenges and opportunities that arise

    A standard protocol for reporting species distribution models

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    Species distribution models (SDMs) constitute the most common class of models across ecology, evolution and conservation. The advent of ready-to-use software packages and increasing availability of digital geoinformation have considerably assisted the application of SDMs in the past decade, greatly enabling their broader use for informing conservation and management, and for quantifying impacts from global change. However, models must be fit for purpose, with all important aspects of their development and applications properly considered. Despite the widespread use of SDMs, standardisation and documentation of modelling protocols remain limited, which makes it hard to assess whether development steps are appropriate for end use. To address these issues, we propose a standard protocol for reporting SDMs, with an emphasis on describing how a study's objective is achieved through a series of modeling decisions. We call this the ODMAP (Overview, Data, Model, Assessment and Prediction) protocol, as its components reflect the main steps involved in building SDMs and other empirically-based biodiversity models. The ODMAP protocol serves two main purposes. First, it provides a checklist for authors, detailing key steps for model building and analyses, and thus represents a quick guide and generic workflow for modern SDMs. Second, it introduces a structured format for documenting and communicating the models, ensuring transparency and reproducibility, facilitating peer review and expert evaluation of model quality, as well as meta-analyses. We detail all elements of ODMAP, and explain how it can be used for different model objectives and applications, and how it complements efforts to store associated metadata and define modelling standards. We illustrate its utility by revisiting nine previously published case studies, and provide an interactive web-based application to facilitate its use. We plan to advance ODMAP by encouraging its further refinement and adoption by the scientific community

    Population Status of a Cryptic Top Predator: An Island-Wide Assessment of Tigers in Sumatran Rainforests

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    Large carnivores living in tropical rainforests are under immense pressure from the rapid conversion of their habitat. In response, millions of dollars are spent on conserving these species. However, the cost-effectiveness of such investments is poorly understood and this is largely because the requisite population estimates are difficult to achieve at appropriate spatial scales for these secretive species. Here, we apply a robust detection/non-detection sampling technique to produce the first reliable population metric (occupancy) for a critically endangered large carnivore; the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae). From 2007–2009, seven landscapes were surveyed through 13,511 km of transects in 394 grid cells (17×17 km). Tiger sign was detected in 206 cells, producing a naive estimate of 0.52. However, after controlling for an unequal detection probability (where p = 0.13±0.017; ±S.E.), the estimated tiger occupancy was 0.72±0.048. Whilst the Sumatra-wide survey results gives cause for optimism, a significant negative correlation between occupancy and recent deforestation was found. For example, the Northern Riau landscape had an average deforestation rate of 9.8%/yr and by far the lowest occupancy (0.33±0.055). Our results highlight the key tiger areas in need of protection and have led to one area (Leuser-Ulu Masen) being upgraded as a ‘global priority’ for wild tiger conservation. However, Sumatra has one of the highest global deforestation rates and the two largest tiger landscapes identified in this study will become highly fragmented if their respective proposed roads networks are approved. Thus, it is vital that the Indonesian government tackles these threats, e.g. through improved land-use planning, if it is to succeed in meeting its ambitious National Tiger Recovery Plan targets of doubling the number of Sumatran tigers by 2022

    Model averaging in ecology: a review of Bayesian, information-theoretic and tactical approaches for predictive inference

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    In ecology, the true causal structure for a given problem is often not known, and several plausible models and thus model predictions exist. It has been claimed that using weighted averages of these models can reduce prediction error, as well as better reflect model selection uncertainty. These claims, however, are often demonstrated by isolated examples. Analysts must better understand under which conditions model averaging can improve predictions and their uncertainty estimates. Moreover, a large range of different model averaging methods exists, raising the question of how they differ in their behaviour and performance. Here, we review the mathematical foundations of model averaging along with the diversity of approaches available. We explain that the error in model‐averaged predictions depends on each model's predictive bias and variance, as well as the covariance in predictions between models, and uncertainty about model weights. We show that model averaging is particularly useful if the predictive error of contributing model predictions is dominated by variance, and if the covariance between models is low. For noisy data, which predominate in ecology, these conditions will often be met. Many different methods to derive averaging weights exist, from Bayesian over information‐theoretical to cross‐validation optimized and resampling approaches. A general recommendation is difficult, because the performance of methods is often context dependent. Importantly, estimating weights creates some additional uncertainty. As a result, estimated model weights may not always outperform arbitrary fixed weights, such as equal weights for all models. When averaging a set of models with many inadequate models, however, estimating model weights will typically be superior to equal weights. We also investigate the quality of the confidence intervals calculated for model‐averaged predictions, showing that they differ greatly in behaviour and seldom manage to achieve nominal coverage. Our overall recommendations stress the importance of non‐parametric methods such as cross‐validation for a reliable uncertainty quantification of model‐averaged predictions

    Bayesian analysis of multi-species demography : synchrony and integrated population models for a breeding community of seabirds

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    In the study of wildlife populations, demographic data have traditionally been analysed independently for different species, even within communities. With environmental conditions changing rapidly, there is a need to move beyond single-species models and consider how communities respond to environmental drivers. This thesis proposes a modelling framework to study multi-species synchrony in demographic parameters, using random effects to partition year-to-year variation into synchronous and asynchronous components. The approach also allows us to quantify the contribution of environmental covariates as synchronising/desynchronising agents. We apply the framework to long-term data from a breeding community of seabirds at the Isle of May, Scotland, studying synchrony in adult survival and parameters related to breeding success. We then combine demographic data with population counts and propose the first multi-species integrated population model (IPM), which estimates simultaneously the abundance of puffins, guillemots and razorbills and the demographic parameters that drive their fluctuations, while estimating synchrony in adult survival and productivity. Most analyses are carried out within the Bayesian framework. Results indicate that for these three auk species the same climatic covariates act simultaneously as synchronising and desynchronising agents of a mostly synchronous adult survival, based on resighting data of ringed birds. They also reveal varying degrees of productivity synchrony in a set of five species, with the synchronous terms, a potential community based indicator of local marine ecosystem health, indicating a decline in productivity during the study period. The thesis also investigates options to optimise the monitoring of guillemot juveniles at the Isle of May. Using the historic data set, we show that ringing effort is adequate but that resighting effort could be substantially reduced while still being able to detect the dramatic variations in first-year survival and ecological relationships with individual-level covariates investigated. We finally explore the limitations of an IPM to compensate for the lack of direct juvenile data in the case of stopping the ringing of guillemot chicks. Both synchrony models and the multi-species IPM are readily applicable to any species assemblage in any ecosystem, provided long-term data are available. They represent new steps towards more integrative approaches to modelling demographical parameters. The study of synchrony may facilitate the generation of further hypotheses about similarities and differences in species’ ecology
