4 research outputs found

    Fixed-target serial femtosecond crystallography using in cellulo grown microcrystals

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    The crystallization of recombinant proteins in living cells is an exciting new approach in structural biology. Recent success has highlighted the need for fast and efficient diffraction data collection, optimally directly exposing intact crystal-containing cells to the X-ray beam, thus protecting the in cellulo crystals from environmental challenges. Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) at free-electron lasers (XFELs) allows the collection of detectable diffraction even from tiny protein crystals, but requires very fast sample exchange to utilize each XFEL pulse. Here, an efficient approach is presented for high-resolution structure elucidation using serial femtosecond in cellulo diffraction of micometre-sized crystals of the protein HEX-1 from the fungus Neurospora crassa on a fixed target. Employing the fast and highly accurate Roadrunner II translation-stage system allowed efficient raster scanning of the pores of micro-patterned, single-crystalline silicon chips loaded with living, crystal-containing insect cells. Compared with liquid-jet and LCP injection systems, the increased hit rates of up to 30% and reduced background scattering enabled elucidation of the HEX-1 structure. Using diffraction data from only a single chip collected within 12 min at the Linac Coherent Light Source, a 1.8 Å resolution structure was obtained with significantly reduced sample consumption compared with previous SFX experiments using liquid-jet injection. This HEX-1 structure is almost superimposable with that previously determined using synchrotron radiation from single HEX-1 crystals grown by sitting-drop vapour diffusion, validating the approach. This study demonstrates that fixed-target SFX using micro-patterned silicon chips is ideally suited for efficient in cellulo diffraction data collection using living, crystal-containing cells, and offers huge potential for the straightforward structure elucidation of proteins that form intracellular crystals at both XFELs and synchrotron sources

    Probing the existence of non-thermal Terahertz radiation induced changes of the protein solution structure

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    During the last decades discussions were taking place on the existence of global, non-thermal structural changes in biological macromolecules induced by Terahertz (THz) radiation. Despite numerous studies, a clear experimental proof of this effect for biological particles in solution is still missing. We developed a setup combining THz-irradiation with small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), which is a sensitive method for detecting the expected structural changes. We investigated in detail protein systems with different shape morphologies (bovine serum albumin, microtubules), which have been proposed to be susceptible to THz-radiation, under variable parameters (THz wavelength, THz power densities up to 6.8 mW/cm2^2, protein concentrations). None of the studied systems and conditions revealed structural changes detectable by SAXS suggesting that the expected non-thermal THz-induced effects do not lead to alterations of the overall structures, which are revealed by scattering from dissolved macromolecules. This leaves us with the conclusion that, if such effects are present, these are either local or outside of the spectrum and power range covered by the present study

    Rapid screening of in cellulo grown protein crystals via a small-angle X-ray scattering/X-ray powder diffraction synergistic approach

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    Crystallization of recombinant proteins in living cells is an exciting new approach for structural biology that provides an alternative to the time-consuming optimization of protein purification and extensive crystal screening steps. Exploiting the potential of this approach requires a more detailed understanding of the cellular processes involved and versatile screening strategies for crystals in a cell culture. Particularly if the target protein forms crystalline structures of unknown morphology only in a small fraction of cells, their detection by applying standard visualization techniques can be time consuming and difficult owing to the environmental challenges imposed by the living cells. In this study, a high-brilliance and low-background bioSAXS beamline is employed for rapid and sensitive detection of protein microcrystals grown within insect cells. On the basis of the presence of Bragg peaks in the recorded small-angle X-ray scattering profiles, it is possible to assess within seconds whether a cell culture contains microcrystals, even in a small percentage of cells. Since such information cannot be obtained by other established detection methods in this time frame, this screening approach has the potential to overcome one of the bottlenecks of intracellular crystal detection. Moreover, the association of the Bragg peak positions in the scattering curves with the unit-cell composition of the protein crystals raises the possibility of investigating the impact of environmental conditions on the crystal structure of the intracellular protein crystals. This information provides valuable insights helping to further understand the in cellulo crystallization process

    On a practical distributed source coding scheme for wireless sensor networks

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    The new European X-ray Free-Electron Laser is the first X-ray free-electron laser capable of delivering X-ray pulses with a megahertz inter-pulse spacing, more than four orders of magnitude higher than previously possible. However, to date, it has been unclear whether it would indeed be possible to measure high-quality diffraction data at megahertz pulse repetition rates. Here, we show that high-quality structures can indeed be obtained using currently available operating conditions at the European XFEL. We present two complete data sets, one from the well-known model system lysozyme and the other from a so far unknown complex of a β-lactamase from K. pneumoniae involved in antibiotic resistance. This result opens up megahertz serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) as a tool for reliable structure determination, substrate screening and the efficient measurement of the evolution and dynamics of molecular structures using megahertz repetition rate pulses available at this new class of X-ray laser source