7 research outputs found

    Transient 2D IR spectroscopy and multiscale simulations reveal vibrational couplings in the Cyanobacteriochrome Slr1393-g3

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    Cyanobacteriochromes are bi-stable photoreceptor proteins with desirable photochemical properties for biotechnological applications such as optogenetics or fluorescence microscopy. Here, we investigated Slr1393-g3, a cyanobacteriochrome that reversibly photo-switches between a red-absorbing (Pr) and green-absorbing (Pg) form. We applied advanced IR spectroscopic methods to track the sequence of intermediates during the photocycle over many orders in magnitude in time. In the conversion from Pg to Pr, we have revealed a new intermediate which precedes the Pr formation by using transient IR spectroscopy. In addition, stationary and transient 2D~IR experiments measured the vibrational couplings between different groups of the chromophore and the protein during these intermediate states. Anharmonic QM/MM calculations predict spectra in close-to-quantitative agreement with experimental 2D~IR spectra of the initial and the final state of the photocycle. They facilitate the assignment of the IR spectra and provide an atomistic insight into the coupling mechanism. This serves as a basis for the interpretation of the spectroscopic results and suggests structural changes of the intermediates along the photocycle

    Spectral Tuning of Chlorophylls in Proteins – Electrostatics vs. Ring Deformation

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    In photosynthetic complexes, tuning of chlorophyll light-absorption spectra by the protein environment is crucial to their efficiency and robustness. Water Soluble Chlorophyll-binding Proteins from Brassicaceae (WSCPs) are useful for studying spectral tuning mechanisms due to their symmetric homotetramer structure, the ability to rigorously modify the chlorophyll’s protein surroundings, and the availability of crystal structures. Here, we present a rigorous analysis based on hybrid Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Mechanics simulations with conformational sampling to quantify the relative contributions of steric and electrostatic factors to the absorption spectra of WSCP-chlorophyll complexes. We show that when considering conformational dynamics, chlorophyll ring deformation accounts for about one-third of the spectral shift, whereas protein electrostatics accounts for the remaining two-thirds. From a practical perspective, protein electrostatics is easier to manipulate than chlorophyll conformations, thus, it may be more readily implemented in designing artificial protein-chlorophyll complexes with desired spectral shift

    Transient 2D IR Spectroscopy and Multiscale Simulations Reveal Vibrational Couplings in the Cyanobacteriochrome Slr1393-g3

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    Cyanobacteriochromes are bistable photoreceptor proteins with desirable photochemical properties for biotechnological applications, such as optogenetics or fluorescence microscopy. Here, we investigate Slr1393-g3, a cyanobacteriochrome that reversibly photoswitches between a red-absorbing (Pr) and green-absorbing (Pg) form. We applied advanced IR spectroscopic methods to track the sequence of intermediates during the photocycle over many orders of magnitude in time. In the conversion from Pg to Pr, we have revealed a new intermediate with distinct spectroscopic features in the IR, which precedes Pr formation using transient IR spectroscopy. In addition, stationary and transient 2D IR experiments measured the vibrational couplings between different groups of the chromophore and the protein in these intermediate states, as well as their structural disorder. Anharmonic QM/MM calculations predict spectra in good agreement with experimental 2D IR spectra of the initial and final states of the photocycle. They facilitate the assignment of the IR spectra that serve as a basis for the interpretation of the spectroscopic results and suggest structural changes of the intermediates along the photocycle