47 research outputs found
Influencia del enfriamiento en las propiedades de titanatos de lantano y litio
Se ha estudiado el efecto de los tratamientos a alta temperatura sobre la estructura y la movilidad del litio para la solución sÛlida Li3xLa2/3-xTiO3 (0.03<x<0.167) con difracciÛn de rayos X a alta temperatura (DRXAT), espectroscopia Raman, RMN y de impedancias. Los patrones de difracción de rayos X (DRX) a temperatura ambiente de muestras enfriadas lentamente muestran una estructura tipo perovskita doblada en el eje c con simetrÌas tetragonales u ortorrómbicas, mientras que las muestras con un enfriamiento r·pido muestran una estructura tipo perovskita c ̇bica simple. Sin embargo, el espectro Raman de las muestras analizadas se interpreta, en todos los casos, con una simetrÌa tetragonal en la que el desorden catiónico se incrementa con el contenido de litio y el tratamiento de enfriamiento. La existencia de microdominios de maclado, orientados a lo largo de las tres direcciones de la perovski- ta, favorece la detecciÛn de la fase c ̇bica en los patrones de DRX. A partir de la espectroscopia de RMN del 7Li, se ha detectado un movimiento bidi- mensional del litio en las muestras ordenadas, el cual se convierte progresivamente en un movimiento tridimensional conforme se incrementa el desorden catiÛnico. Asimismo, la presencia de microdominios hace disminuir la conductividad dc de muestras con contenidos bajos de litio
Modeling and Simulation of Radiative Compressible Flows in Aerodynamic Heating Arc-Jet Facility
Numerical simulations of an arc heated flow inside NASA's 20 [MW] Aerodynamics heating facility (AHF) are performed in order to investigate the three-dimensional swirling flow and the current distribution inside the wind tunnel. The plasma is considered in Local Thermodynamics Equilibrium(LTE) and is composed of Air-Argon gas mixture. The governing equations are the Navier-Stokes equations that include source terms corresponding to Joule heating and radiative cooling. The former is obtained by solving an electric potential equation, while the latter is calculated using an innovative massively parallel ray-tracing algorithm. The fully coupled system is closed by the thermodynamics relations and transport properties which are obtained from Chapman-Enskog method. A novel strategy was developed in order to enable the flow solver and the radiation calculation to be preformed independently and simultaneously using a different number of processors. Drastic reduction in the computational cost was achieved using this strategy. Details on the numerical methods used for space discretization, time integration and ray-tracing algorithm will be presented. The effect of the radiative cooling on the dynamics of the flow will be investigated. The complete set of equations were implemented within the COOLFluiD Framework. Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the Anode and part of the constrictor of the Aerodynamics heating facility (AHF). Fig. 2 shows the velocity field distribution along (x-y) plane and the streamline in (z-y) plane
Structural determination of Bi-doped magnetite multifunctional nanoparticles for contrast imaging
To determine with precision how Bi atoms are distributed in Bi-doped iron oxide nanoparticles their structural characterization has been carried out by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) recorded at the K edge of Fe and at the L edge of Bi. The inorganic nanoparticles are nominally hybrid structures integrating an iron oxide core and a bismuth oxide shell. Fe K-edge XAS indicates the formation of a structurally ordered, non-stoichiometric magnetite (FeO) phase for all the nanoparticles. The XAS spectra show that, in the samples synthesized by precipitation in aqueous media and laser pyrolysis, the Bi atoms neither enter into the iron oxide spinel lattice nor form any other mixed Bi-Fe oxides. No modification of the local structure around the Fe atoms induced by the Bi atoms is observed at the Fe K edge. In addition, contrary to expectations, our results indicate that the Bi atoms do not form a well-defined Bi oxide structure. The XAS study at the Bi L edge indicates that the environment around Bi atoms is highly disordered and only a first oxygen coordination shell is observed. Indefinite [BiO(OH)] units (isolated or aggregated forming tiny amorphous clusters) bonded through hydroxyl bridges to the nanoparticle, rather than a well defined BiO shell, surround the nanoparticle. On the other hand, the XAS study indicates that, in the samples synthesized by thermal decomposition, the Bi atoms are embedded in a longer range ordered structure showing the first and second neighbors
Una Experiencia de iniciación al paralelismo en segundo curso del Grado de IngenierÃa Informática
En este artÃculo se analiza una experiencia de introducción
del paralelismo de forma temprana en el
Grado de IngenierÃa Informática. En la experiencia
participan cuatro asignaturas de segundo curso, impartidas
por tres departamentos distintos y con la colaboración
de un centro de computación. En este curso
se realiza la primera aproximación de los alumnos
al paralelismo, y se pretende realizar un acercamiento
coordinado y práctico a diferentes materias.SUMMARY -- This work presents an experience of early introduction
to parallelism in the Degree on Computing Engineering.
Four courses of the second year participate
in the experience and also a computing centre.
The courses are tought by three departments. In the
second year the students are introduced to parallelism
for the first time, and with our experience we
intend to approach different topics of parallelism in
a coordinated and practical way.Peer Reviewe
Dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation improves reproductive outcomes in women of the POSEIDON IV group
Background: The decrease in ovarian reserve has become one of the main causes of infertility. Recent studies have sought to improve the reproductive outcomes of these women through adjuvant treatments. In patients undergoing assisted reproduction treatments, exogenous Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) or prasterone acts as a precursor to testosterone in the follicular fluid, which increases steroidogenesis and the number of primary and antral follicles.
Methods: A quantitative, quasi-experimental case series study was carried out in the clinical area of assisted reproduction from August 2021 to March 2022. All women included were over 34 years and categorized as POSEIDON IV. They were supplemented with 100 mg of DHEA one month prior to the follicular capture. Data was collected from the records of the patients who met the inclusion criteria, including the antral follicle count on the first three days of the menstrual period before the supplementation and one month after. Finally, the number of metaphase II oocytes and blastocysts obtained were analyzed.
Results: There were 22 women underwent controlled ovarian stimulation; there was a difference in antral follicle count from 5±2.1 SD to 8.23​±4.29 SD (p=0.004) and MII oocytes 3.25±2.31 to 4.53±3.27 (p=0.04) before DHEA and after DHEA, respectively.
Conclusions: DHEA or prasterone supplementation can be used as an adjuvant treatment in women of the POSEIDON IV group one month before the ovarian stimulation to improve their reproductive outcome
TiEMPO: Open-source time-dependent end-to-end model for simulating ground-based submillimeter astronomical observations
The next technological breakthrough in millimeter-submillimeter astronomy is
3D imaging spectrometry with wide instantaneous spectral bandwidths and wide
fields of view. The total optimization of the focal-plane instrument, the
telescope, the observing strategy, and the signal-processing software must
enable efficient removal of foreground emission from the Earth's atmosphere,
which is time-dependent and highly nonlinear in frequency. Here we present
TiEMPO: Time-Dependent End-to-End Model for Post-process Optimization of the
DESHIMA Spectrometer. TiEMPO utilizes a dynamical model of the atmosphere and
parametrized models of the astronomical source, the telescope, the instrument,
and the detector. The output of TiEMPO is a time-stream of sky brightness
temperature and detected power, which can be analyzed by standard
signal-processing software. We first compare TiEMPO simulations with an on-sky
measurement by the wideband DESHIMA spectrometer and find good agreement in the
noise power spectral density and sensitivity. We then use TiEMPO to simulate
the detection of a line emission spectrum of a high-redshift galaxy using the
DESHIMA 2.0 spectrometer in development. The TiEMPO model is open source. Its
modular and parametrized design enables users to adapt it to design and
optimize the end-to-end performance of spectroscopic and photometric
instruments on existing and future telescopes.Comment: Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020.
Full published paper, poster and video available at
https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2561014 Open-source Python package of TiEMPO:
https://pypi.org/project/tiempo-deshima/ Open-source code of TiEMPO:
First light demonstration of the integrated superconducting spectrometer
Ultra-wideband 3D imaging spectrometry in the millimeter-submillimeter
(mm-submm) band is an essential tool for uncovering the dust-enshrouded portion
of the cosmic history of star formation and galaxy evolution. However, it is
challenging to scale up conventional coherent heterodyne receivers or
free-space diffraction techniques to sufficient bandwidths (1 octave) and
numbers of spatial pixels (>). Here we present the design and first
astronomical spectra of an intrinsically scalable, integrated superconducting
spectrometer, which covers 332-377 GHz with a spectral resolution of . It combines the multiplexing advantage of microwave kinetic
inductance detectors (MKIDs) with planar superconducting filters for dispersing
the signal in a single, small superconducting integrated circuit. We
demonstrate the two key applications for an instrument of this type: as an
efficient redshift machine, and as a fast multi-line spectral mapper of
extended areas. The line detection sensitivity is in excellent agreement with
the instrument design and laboratory performance, reaching the atmospheric
foreground photon noise limit on sky. The design can be scaled to bandwidths in
excess of an octave, spectral resolution up to a few thousand and frequencies
up to 1.1 THz. The miniature chip footprint of a few
allows for compact multi-pixel spectral imagers, which would enable
spectroscopic direct imaging and large volume spectroscopic surveys that are
several orders of magnitude faster than what is currently possible.Comment: Published in Nature Astronomy. SharedIt Link to the full published
paper: https://rdcu.be/bM2F
Mobilising communities for Aedes aegypti control: the SEPA approach
Abstract Camino Verde (the Green Way) is an evidence-based community mobilisation tool for prevention of dengue and other mosquito-borne viral diseases. Its effectiveness was demonstrated in a cluster-randomised controlled trial conducted in 2010–2013 in Nicaragua and Mexico. The common approach that brought functional consistency to the Camino Verde intervention in both Mexico and Nicaragua is Socialisation of Evidence for Participatory Action (SEPA). In this article, we explain the SEPA concept and its theoretical origins, giving examples of its previous application in different countries and contexts. We describe how the approach was used in the Camino Verde intervention, with details that show commonalities and differences in the application of the approach in Mexico and Nicaragua. We discuss issues of cost, replicability and sustainability, and comment on which components of the intervention were most important to its success. In complex interventions, multiple components act in synergy to produce change. Among key factors in the success of Camino Verde were the use of community volunteers called brigadistas, the house-to-house visits they conducted, the use of evidence derived from the communities themselves, and community ownership of the undertaking. Communities received the intervention by random assignment; dengue was not necessarily their greatest concern. The very nature of the dengue threat dictated many of the actions that needed to be taken at household and neighbourhood levels to control it. But within these parameters, communities exercised a large degree of control over the intervention and displayed considerable ingenuity in the process. Trial registration ISRCTN27581154