6 research outputs found

    Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education

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    This open access book develops a theoretical concept of teaching that is relevant to early childhood education, and based on children’s learning and development through play. It discusses theoretical premises and research on playing and learning, and proposes the development of play-responsive didaktik. It examines the processes and products of learning and development, teaching and its phylogenetic and ontogenetic development, as well as the ‘what’ of learning and didaktik. Next, it explores the actions, objects and meaning of play and provides insight into the diversity of beliefs about the practices of play. The book presents ideas on how combined research and development projects can be carried out, providing incentive and a model for practice development and research. The second part of the book consists of empirical studies on teacher’s playing skills and examples of play with very young as well as older children

    Inte lika men unika. En analys av sociala texter om förskolebarn med etnisk minoritetsbakgrund i behov av sÀrskilt stöd

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    Syfte: Studiens syfte Àr att belysa hur barn med etnisk minoritetsbakgrund som ocksÄ Àr i behov av sÀrskilt stöd, beskrivs i tal och skrift i ett mÄngetniskt verksamhetsomrÄde (med betoning pÄ förskola), samt hur verksamma pedagoger resonerar kring interkulturell pedagogik. Syftet preciseras i tre frÄgestÀllningar: 1. Hur skrivs verksamheten fram och hur talar pedagogerna om barnens behov? 2. Vilka specialpedagogiska ÄtgÀrder definieras som relevanta för barnen? 3. Hur talar pedagoger om interkulturell pedagogik i syfte att förebygga hinder för lÀrande och utveckling? Teori: I studien Àr det socialkonstruktionistiska perspektivet grundlÀggande och detta Àr hÀmtad frÄn poststrukturalismen. Tyngdpunkten lÀggs pÄ vad som konstruerar upplevelser, tÀnkande, kÀnnande och handlande i den sprÄkliga och diskursiva kontext som socialt skapar begrÀnsade former och uttryck för subjektivitet i tid och rum (Alvesson & Sköldberg, 2008, s. 415). AngreppssÀttet Àr inspirerat av diskurspsykologi och studien begrÀnsas sÄledes till att fokusera pÄ hur framstÀllningen av vÀrlden sker pÄ en mÄngetnisk förskola och det verksamhetsomrÄde den hör till, genom sociala texter: det talade och det skrivna. Metod: Urvalet Àr ÀndamÄlsbaserat och utgÄr frÄn ett verksamhetsomrÄde som medvetet har arbetat med interkulturalitet. Analyserna Àr gjorda pÄ samtal (det talade) samt av dokument (det skrivna) och dÀrav har en metodtriangulering gjorts. Ett fokusgruppssamtal med ett arbetslag pÄ en av verksamhetsomrÄdets förskolor samt en enskild intervju med en specialpedagog verksam vid omrÄdet, Àr gjorda. Dokumenten som har analyserats Àr ett Policydokument frÄn det specialpedagogiska teamet, en Kvalitetsredovisning frÄn en av förskolorna samt ett FörvÀntansdokument. Resultat: Dokument och samtal tyder pÄ att verksamhetsomrÄdet har utarbetat en policy för att barn i behov av sÀrskilt stöd skall ses utifrÄn ett tydligt relationellt perspektiv. Pedagogernas förhÄllningssÀtt beskrivs vara avgörande för en god lÀrandemiljö dÀr hinder för utvecklingen skall undanröjas. De behov barnen med etnisk minoritetsbakgrund har bedöms i stor utstrÀckning vara av sprÄklig karaktÀr. En del hinder för lÀrande och utveckling kan ocksÄ hÀrledas till barnens kulturella bakgrunder, bland annat att förÀldrarna har andra förvÀntningar pÄ verksamheterna och barnen Àn det som beskrivs i pedagogernas uppdrag. Genom att det interkulturella förhÄllningssÀttet har implementerats i frÀmst förskolans verksamhet underlÀttas inkludering av barn med etnisk minoritetsbakgrund. Barnen fÄr modersmÄlsstöd och genom god samverkan med förÀldrarna ses barnens olikheter som en tillgÄng. Viktiga aspekter i arbetet bedöms vara delaktighet, lÀrande och kommunikation i en verksamhet som prÀglas av interkulturalitet för alla barn

    Musical Play: Children interacting with and around music technology

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    This thesis explores young children and music learning in the ecology of music technologies. The research is a part of an EU project called MIROR (Musical Interaction Relying on Reflection) that had the intention to develop software for music learning designed to promote specific cognitive abilities in the field of music improvisation. The overarching aim of this thesis is to explore activities where children (and adults) interact with and around the music technology MIROR Impro, and what this participation allows and supports children to learn, including musical learning. The research focuses on the participants’ interaction with each other and in relation to the instrument connected to the software. Participants in the empirical studies are 4-8-year-old (with an emphasis on 6-year-old) children in a Swedish preschool and in an afterschool centre. The theoretical framework is a sociocultural perspective. A point of departure is the understanding of learning as an act of participation in communities of practice rather than as an individual, cognitive process of internalizing knowledge. According to this perspective, learning is situated in a context and mediated by cultural tools (physical such as musical instruments as well as discursive ones) which are included in the unit of analysis. The results are presented in four empirical studies. Together, these studies show that despite the technology being launched as self-instructive and work as an ‘advanced cognitive tutor’, in situations where a more experienced participant is engaged and interact with the children, their opportunities to learn in and about music is enhanced. In these contexts, the teacher is vital to help the children to conceptualize and identify musical possibilities. The make-believe play communicatively frames the activity in a way that creates meaningfulness and helps children make sense. By interacting verbally with the children as a co-creator, the teacher goes into dialogue with them about a musical content and thus provides opportunities for emerging music learning

    Play-responsive teaching in early childhood education

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    This open access book develops a theoretical concept of teaching that is relevant to early childhood education, and based on children’s learning and development through play. It discusses theoretical premises and research on playing and learning, and proposes the development of play-responsive didaktik. It examines the processes and products of learning and development, teaching and its phylogenetic and ontogenetic development, as well as the ‘what’ of learning and didaktik. Next, it explores the actions, objects and meaning of play and provides insight into the diversity of beliefs about the practices of play. The book presents ideas on how combined research and development projects can be carried out, providing incentive and a model for practice development and research. The second part of the book consists of empirical studies on teacher’s playing skills and examples of play with very young as well as older children

    Play-Responsive Teaching in Early Childhood Education

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    This open access book develops a theoretical concept of teaching that is relevant to early childhood education, and based on children’s learning and development through play. It discusses theoretical premises and research on playing and learning, and proposes the development of play-responsive didaktik. It examines the processes and products of learning and development, teaching and its phylogenetic and ontogenetic development, as well as the ‘what’ of learning and didaktik. Next, it explores the actions, objects and meaning of play and provides insight into the diversity of beliefs about the practices of play. The book presents ideas on how combined research and development projects can be carried out, providing incentive and a model for practice development and research. The second part of the book consists of empirical studies on teacher’s playing skills and examples of play with very young as well as older children