24 research outputs found

    Experimental evolution of herbicide resistance in chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of selection for herbicide resistance is limited by the time and space required to conduct meaningful selection experiments in higher plants. This constrains the study of the dynamics of resistance evolution predominantly to mathematical models. The primary goal of this thesis was to overcome these limitations, and to study the evolutionary phenomena underpinning several management strategies. To do so, a series of experimental evolution studies were conducted using Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a single-­‐cell green chlorophyte susceptible to a range of commercial herbicides. In particular, this thesis explored the impact of herbicide sequences, rotations and mixtures, as well the impact of herbicide dose, on evolution of resistance. Applying herbicides in sequence allowed the study of the impact of environmental perturbation on the dynamics of resistance and the associated fitness costs, finding more rapid selection for resistance to a second and third mode of action in some populations. Cycling between herbicides creates conditions of temporal environmental heterogeneity, the outcomes of which are not easily predictable as resistance was slowed down in some cycling regimes, while in others it accelerated the evolution of resistance or gave rise to cross-­‐resistance. Herbicide mixtures are a management strategy relying on increases in environmental complexity to provide better control of resistance. The results presented show that mixtures were effective at slowing the evolution of resistance when all mixture components were used at fully effective doses, while low doses of mixtures accelerated resistance evolution and led to more cross-­‐resistance. Finally, modifications of the applied herbicide dose allowed the study of local adaptation along an environmental gradient, where the differences in outcomes based on the specific herbicides used were again evident. Overall, the work presented here uses applied scenarios to study the underlying evolutionary phenomena, in order to feed back into the applied thinking

    Herbicide mixtures at high doses slow the evolution of resistance in experimentally evolving populations of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    The widespread evolution of resistance to herbicides is a pressing issue in global agriculture. Evolutionary principles and practices are key to the management of this threat to global food security. The application of mixtures of herbicides has been advocated as an anti-resistance strategy, without substantial empirical support for its validation. We evolved experimentally populations of the unicellular green chlorophyte, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, to minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of single-herbicide modes of action and to pair-wise and three-way mixtures between different herbicides at various total combined doses. Herbicide mixtures were most effective when each component was applied at or close to its MIC. When doses were high, increasing the number of mixture components was also effective in reducing the evolution of resistance. Employing mixtures at low combined doses did not retard resistance evolution, even accelerating the evolution of resistance to some components. At low doses, increasing the number of herbicides in the mixture tended to select for more generalist resistance (cross-resistance). Our results reinforce findings from the antibiotic resistance literature and confirm that herbicide mixtures can be very effective for resistance management, but that mixtures should only be employed where the economic and environmental context permits the applications of high combined doses

    Adaptation at different points along antibiotic concentration gradients

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    Antibiotic concentrations vary dramatically in the body and the environment. Hence, understanding the dynamics of resistance evolution along antibiotic concentration gradients is critical for predicting and slowing the emergence and spread of resistance. While it has been shown that increasing the concentration of an antibiotic slows resistance evolution, how adaptation to one antibiotic concentration correlates with fitness at other points along the gradient has not received much attention. Here, we selected populations of Escherichia coli at several points along a concentration gradient for three different antibiotics, asking how rapidly resistance evolved and whether populations became specialized to the antibiotic concentration they were selected on. Populations selected at higher concentrations evolved resistance more slowly but exhibited equal or higher fitness across the whole gradient. Populations selected at lower concentrations evolved resistance rapidly, but overall fitness in the presence of antibiotics was lower. However, these populations readily adapted to higher concentrations upon subsequent selection. Our results indicate that resistance management strategies must account not only for the rates of resistance evolution but also for the fitness of evolved strains

    Adaptation at different points along antibiotic concentration gradients

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    From The Royal Society via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2020-12-29, accepted 2021-04-19, collection 2021-05, pub-electronic 2021-05-12Article version: VoRPublication status: PublishedFunder: H2020 European Research Council; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100010663; Grant(s): 250152, 268540Funder: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001711; Grant(s): 155866Funder: Wellcome Trust Royal Society; Grant(s): 216779/Z/19/ZAntibiotic concentrations vary dramatically in the body and the environment. Hence, understanding the dynamics of resistance evolution along antibiotic concentration gradients is critical for predicting and slowing the emergence and spread of resistance. While it has been shown that increasing the concentration of an antibiotic slows resistance evolution, how adaptation to one antibiotic concentration correlates with fitness at other points along the gradient has not received much attention. Here, we selected populations of Escherichia coli at several points along a concentration gradient for three different antibiotics, asking how rapidly resistance evolved and whether populations became specialized to the antibiotic concentration they were selected on. Populations selected at higher concentrations evolved resistance more slowly but exhibited equal or higher fitness across the whole gradient. Populations selected at lower concentrations evolved resistance rapidly, but overall fitness in the presence of antibiotics was lower. However, these populations readily adapted to higher concentrations upon subsequent selection. Our results indicate that resistance management strategies must account not only for the rates of resistance evolution but also for the fitness of evolved strains

    Epistatic Interactions in the Arabinose Cis-Regulatory Element

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    Changes in gene expression are an important mode of evolution; however, the proximate mechanism of these changes is poorly understood. In particular, little is known about the effects of mutations within cis binding sites for transcription factors, or the nature of epistatic interactions between these mutations. Here, we tested the effects of single and double mutants in two cis binding sites involved in the transcriptional regulation of the Escherichia coli araBAD operon, a component of arabinose metabolism, using a synthetic system. This system decouples transcriptional control from any posttranslational effects on fitness, allowing a precise estimate of the effect of single and double mutations, and hence epistasis, on gene expression. We found that epistatic interactions between mutations in the araBAD cis-regulatory element are common, and that the predominant form of epistasis is negative. The magnitude of the interactions depended on whether the mutations are located in the same or in different operator sites. Importantly, these epistatic interactions were dependent on the presence of arabinose, a native inducer of the araBAD operon in vivo, with some interactions changing in sign (e.g., from negative to positive) in its presence. This study thus reveals that mutations in even relatively simple cis-regulatory elements interact in complex ways such that selection on the level of gene expression in one environment might perturb regulation in the other environment in an unpredictable and uncorrelated manner

    The Role of the Environment in Horizontal Gene Transfer

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    Gene-by-environment interactions play a crucial role in horizontal gene transfer by affecting how the transferred genes alter host fitness. However, how the environment modulates the fitness effect of transferred genes has not been tested systematically in an experimental study. We adapted a high-throughput technique for obtaining very precise estimates of bacterial fitness, in order to measure the fitness effects of 44 orthologs transferred from Salmonella Typhimurium to Escherichia coli in six physiologically relevant environments. We found that the fitness effects of individual genes were highly dependent on the environment, while the distributions of fitness effects across genes were not, with all tested environments resulting in distributions of same shape and spread. Furthermore, the extent to which the fitness effects of a gene varied between environments depended on the average fitness effect of that gene across all environments, with nearly neutral and nearly lethal genes having more consistent fitness effects across all environments compared to deleterious genes. Put together, our results reveal the unpredictable nature of how environmental conditions impact the fitness effects of each individual gene. At the same time, distributions of fitness effects across environments exhibit consistent features, pointing to the generalizability of factors that shape horizontal gene transfer of orthologous genes

    Data from: Selection history and epistatic interactions impact dynamics of adaptation to novel environmental stresses

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    In rapidly changing environments, selection history may impact the dynamics of adaptation. Mutations selected in one environment may result in pleiotropic fitness trade-offs in subsequent novel environments, slowing the rates of adaptation. Epistatic interactions between mutations selected in sequential stressful environments may slow or accelerate subsequent rates of adaptation, depending on the nature of that interaction. We explored the dynamics of adaptation during sequential exposure to herbicides with different modes of action in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Evolution of resistance to two of the herbicides was largely independent of selection history. For carbetamide, previous adaptation to other herbicide modes of action positively impacted the likelihood of adaptation to this herbicide. Furthermore, while adaptation to all individual herbicides was associated with pleiotropic fitness costs in stress-free environments, we observed that accumulation of resistance mechanisms was accompanied by a reduction in overall fitness costs. We suggest that antagonistic epistasis may be a driving mechanism that enables populations to more readily adapt in novel environments. These findings highlight the potential for sequences of xenobiotics to facilitate the rapid evolution of multiple-drug and -pesticide resistance, as well as the potential for epistatic interactions between adaptive mutations to facilitate evolutionary rescue in rapidly changing environments

    Selection history and epistatic interactions impact dynamics of adaptation to novel environmental stresses

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    In rapidly changing environments, selection history may impact the dynamics of adaptation. Mutations selected in one environment may result in pleiotropic fitness trade-offs in subsequent novel environments, slowing the rates of adaptation. Epistatic interactions between mutations selected in sequential stressful environments may slow or accelerate subsequent rates of adaptation, depending on the nature of that interaction. We explored the dynamics of adaptation during sequential exposure to herbicides with different modes of action in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Evolution of resistance to two of the herbicides was largely independent of selection history. For carbetamide, previous adaptation to other herbicide modes of action positively impacted the likelihood of adaptation to this herbicide. Furthermore, while adaptation to all individual herbicides was associated with pleiotropic fitness costs in stress-free environments, we observed that accumulation of resistance mechanisms was accompanied by a reduction in overall fitness costs. We suggest that antagonistic epistasis may be a driving mechanism that enables populations to more readily adapt in novel environments. These findings highlight the potential for sequences of xenobiotics to facilitate the rapid evolution of multiple-drug and -pesticide resistance, as well as the potential for epistatic interactions between adaptive mutations to facilitate evolutionary rescue in rapidly changing environments

    Data from: The experimental evolution of herbicide-resistance in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii results in a positive correlation between fitness in the presence and absence of herbicides

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    Pleiotropic fitness trade-offs will be key determinants of the evolutionary dynamics of selection for pesticide resistance. However, for herbicide resistance, empirical support for a fitness cost of resistance is mixed, and it is therefore also questionable what further ecological trade-offs can be assumed to apply to herbicide resistance. Here, we test the existence of trade-offs by experimentally evolving herbicide resistance in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Although fitness costs are detected for all herbicides, we find that, counterintuitively, the most resistant populations also have the lowest fitness costs as measured by growth rate in the ancestral environment. Furthermore, after controlling for differences in the evolutionary dynamics of resistance to different herbicides, we also detect significant positive correlations between resistance, fitness in the ancestral environment and cross-resistance to other herbicides. We attribute this to the highest levels of nontarget-site resistance being achieved by fixing mutations that more broadly affect cellular physiology, which results in both more cross-resistance and less overall antagonistic pleiotropy on maximum growth rate. Consequently, the lack of classical ecological trade-offs could present a major challenge for herbicide resistance management

    The Role of the Environment in Horizontal Gene Transfer

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    Gene-by-environment interactions play a crucial role in horizontal gene transfer by affecting how the transferred genes alter host fitness. However, how the environment modulates the fitness effect of transferred genes has not been tested systematically in an experimental study. We adapted a high-throughput technique for obtaining very precise estimates of bacterial fitness, in order to measure the fitness effects of 44 orthologs transferred from Salmonella Typhimurium to Escherichia coli in six physiologically relevant environments. We found that the fitness effects of individual genes were highly dependent on the environment, while the distributions of fitness effects across genes were not, with all tested environments resulting in distributions of same shape and spread. Furthermore, the extent to which the fitness effects of a gene varied between environments depended on the average fitness effect of that gene across all environments, with nearly neutral and nearly lethal genes having more consistent fitness effects across all environments compared to deleterious genes. Put together, our results reveal the unpredictable nature of how environmental conditions impact the fitness effects of each individual gene. At the same time, distributions of fitness effects across environments exhibit consistent features, pointing to the generalizability of factors that shape horizontal gene transfer of orthologous genes