1,004 research outputs found

    Angle of Attack Modulation for Mars Entry Terminal State Optimization

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    From the perspective of atmospheric entry, descent, and landing (EDL), one of the most foreboding destinations in the solar system is Mars due in part to its exceedingly thin atmosphere. To benchmark best possible scenarios for evaluation of potential Mars EDL system designs, a study is conducted to optimize the entry-to-terminal-state portion of EDL for a variety of entry velocities and vehicle masses, focusing on the identification of potential benefits of enabling angle of attack modulation. The terminal state is envisioned as one appropriate for the initiation of terminal descent via parachute or other means. A particle swarm optimizer varies entry flight path angle, ten bank profile points, and ten angle of attack profile points to find maximum-final-altitude trajectories for a 10 30 m ellipsled at 180 different combinations of values for entry mass, entry velocity, terminal Mach number, and minimum allowable altitude. Parametric plots of maximum achievable altitude are shown, as are examples of optimized trajectories. It is shown that appreciable terminal state altitude gains (2.5-4.0 km) over pure bank angle control may be possible if angle of attack modulation is enabled for Mars entry vehicles. Gains of this magnitude could prove to be enabling for missions requiring high-altitude landing sites. Conclusions are also drawn regarding trends in the bank and angle of attack profiles that produce the optimal trajectories in this study, and directions for future work are identified

    Simulation benchmarks for low-pressure plasmas: capacitive discharges

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    Benchmarking is generally accepted as an important element in demonstrating the correctness of computer simulations. In the modern sense, a benchmark is a computer simulation result that has evidence of correctness, is accompanied by estimates of relevant errors, and which can thus be used as a basis for judging the accuracy and efficiency of other codes. In this paper, we present four benchmark cases related to capacitively coupled discharges. These benchmarks prescribe all relevant physical and numerical parameters. We have simulated the benchmark conditions using five independently developed particle-in-cell codes. We show that the results of these simulations are statistically indistinguishable, within bounds of uncertainty that we define. We therefore claim that the results of these simulations represent strong benchmarks, that can be used as a basis for evaluating the accuracy of other codes. These other codes could include other approaches than particle-in-cell simulations, where benchmarking could examine not just implementation accuracy and efficiency, but also the fidelity of different physical models, such as moment or hybrid models. We discuss an example of this kind in an appendix. Of course, the methodology that we have developed can also be readily extended to a suite of benchmarks with coverage of a wider range of physical and chemical phenomena

    The Annual Carbon Budget for Fen and Forest in a Wetland at Arctic Treeline

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    Three separate research efforts conducted in the same wetland-peatland system in the northern Hudson Bay Lowland near the town of Churchill, Manitoba, allow a comparison of two carbon budget estimates, one derived from long-term growth rates of organic soil and the other based on shorter-term flux measurements. For a tundra fen and an open subarctic forest, calculations of organic soil accumulation or loss over the last half-century indicate that while the fen on average has lost small amounts of carbon from the ecosystem, the adjacent forest has gained larger amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide. These longer-term data are supported by shorter-term flux measurements and estimates, which also show carbon loss by the fen and carbon uptake by the forest. The shorter-term data indicate that the fen's carbon loss is largely attributable to exceptionally dry years, especially if they are warm. The forest may gain carbon at an increased rate as it matures and during warm growing seasons. Also, the changes in relief of the dynamic hummock-hollow landscape in the fen may inhibit photosynthesis.Trois travaux de recherche distincts portant sur le même système de marécages/tourbières situés dans la partie septentrionale des basses-terres de la baie d'Hudson, près de la ville de Churchill au Manitoba, permettent de comparer deux estimations du budget de carbone, l'une tirée des taux de croissance à long terme du sol organique et l'autre fondée sur des mesures du flux à plus court terme. Pour une tourbière basse de toundra et une forêt claire subarctique, les calculs de l'accumulation ou de la perte de sol organique au cours des cinquante dernières années révèlent que, si la tourbière basse a perdu en moyenne de petites quantités du carbone présent dans l'écosystème, la forêt adjacente a acquis des quantités plus grandes de bioxyde de carbone atmosphérique. Ces données établies sur une période relativement longue sont étayées par des mesures et estimations du flux à plus court terme, qui révèlent également une perte de carbone par la tourbière basse et une absorption de carbone par la forêt. Les données à plus court terme montrent que la perte de carbone par la tourbière basse est due en grande partie à des années de sécheresse exceptionnelle, surtout s'il fait chaud. Il se peut que la forêt acquière du carbone à une vitesse accrue en devenant mature et au cours des saisons de croissance chaudes. Il est en outre possible que les changements dans le relief dynamique en bosses et en creux de la tourbière basse bloquent la photosynthèse

    Burn severity influences postfire CO2 exchange in Arctic tundra

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    Author Posting. © Ecological Society of America, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of Ecological Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecological Applications 21 (2011): 477–489, doi:10.1890/10-0255.1.Burned landscapes present several challenges to quantifying landscape carbon balance. Fire scars are composed of a mosaic of patches that differ in burn severity, which may influence postfire carbon budgets through damage to vegetation and carbon stocks. We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e., severely burned, moderately burned, and unburned tundra) to monitor postfire net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar in Alaska, USA, during the summer of 2008. Remote sensing data from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) was used to assess the spatial representativeness of the tower sites and parameterize a NEE model that was used to scale tower measurements to the landscape. The tower sites had similar vegetation and reflectance properties prior to the Anaktuvuk River fire and represented the range of surface conditions observed within the fire scar during the 2008 summer. Burn severity influenced a variety of surface properties, including residual organic matter, plant mortality, and vegetation recovery, which in turn determined postfire NEE. Carbon sequestration decreased with increased burn severity and was largely controlled by decreases in canopy photosynthesis. The MODIS two-band enhanced vegetation index (EVI2) monitored the seasonal course of surface greenness and explained 86% of the variability in NEE across the burn severity gradient. We demonstrate that understanding the relationship between burn severity, surface reflectance, and NEE is critical for estimating the overall postfire carbon balance of the Anaktuvuk River fire scar.This work was supported by NSF grants #0632139 (OPP-AON), #0808789 (OPP-ARCSS SGER), #0829285 (DEB-NEON SGER), and #0423385 (DEBLTER) to the Marine Biological Laboratory

    Using MODIS derived <i>f</i>PAR with ground based flux tower measurements to derive the light use efficiency for two Canadian peatlands

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    International audienceWe used satellite remote sensing data; fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by vegetation (fPAR) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) in combination with tower eddy covariance and meteorological measurements to characterise the light use efficiency parameter (?) variability and the maximum ? (?max) for two contrasting Canadian peatlands. Eight-day MODIS fPAR data were acquired for the Mer Bleue (2000 to 2003) and Western Peatland (2004). Flux tower eddy covariance and meteorological measurements were integrated to the same eight-day time stamps as the MODIS fPAR data. A light use efficiency model: GPP=? * APAR (where GPP is Gross Primary Productivity and APAR is absorbed photosynthetically active radiation) was used to calculated ?. The ?max value for each year (2000 to 2003) at the Mer Bleue bog ranged from 0.58 g C MJ?1 to 0.78 g C MJ?1 and was 0.91 g C MJ?1 in 2004, for the Western Peatland. The average growing season ? for the Mer Bleue bog for the four year period was 0.35 g C MJ?1 and for the Western Peatland in 2004 was 0.57 g C MJ?1. The average snow free period ? for the Mer Bleue bog over the four year period was 0.27 g C MJ?1 and for the Western Peatland in 2004 was 0.39 g C MJ?1. Using the light use efficiency method we calculated the ?max and the annual variability in ? for two Canadian peatlands. We determined that temperature was a growth-limiting factor at both sites Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPD) however was not. MODIS fPAR is a useful tool for the characterization of ? at flux tower sites

    McGill wetland model: evaluation of a peatland carbon simulator developed for global assessments

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    We developed the McGill Wetland Model (MWM) based on the general structure of the Peatland Carbon Simulator (PCARS) and the Canadian Terrestrial Ecosystem Model. Three major changes were made to PCARS: (1) the light use efficiency model of photosynthesis was replaced with a biogeochemical description of photosynthesis; (2) the description of autotrophic respiration was changed to be consistent with the formulation of photosynthesis; and (3) the cohort, multilayer soil respiration model was changed to a simple one box peat decomposition model divided into an oxic and anoxic zones by an effective water table, and a one-year residence time litter pool. MWM was then evaluated by comparing its output to the estimates of net ecosystem production (NEP), gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) from 8 years of continuous measurements at the Mer Bleue peatland, a raised ombrotrophic bog located in southern Ontario, Canada (index of agreement [dimensionless]: NEP = 0.80, GPP = 0.97, ER = 0.97; systematic RMSE [g C m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt; d&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt;]: NEP = 0.12, GPP = 0.07, ER = 0.14; unsystematic RMSE: NEP = 0.15, GPP = 0.27, ER = 0.23). Simulated moss NPP approximates what would be expected for a bog peatland, but shrub NPP appears to be underestimated. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the model output did not change greatly due to variations in water table because of offsetting responses in production and respiration, but that even a modest temperature increase could lead to converting the bog from a sink to a source of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;. General weaknesses and further developments of MWM are discussed