165 research outputs found

    La marge de manœuvre de la France dans le déclenchement d'un régime dérogatoire aux libertés fondamentales, une dénaturation de l’article 15 de la CEDH ?

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    A la suite des attentats survenus le 13 novembre 2015, l’état d’urgence a été décrété selon le cadre législatif posé en 1955, actualisé par la loi du 20 novembre 2015. Parallèlement à la mise en œuvre de ce régime d’exception, la représentation permanente française a informé le Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l’Europe de la volonté de déroger à la Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme (CEDH) sur le fondement de son article 15. Pour autant, lors de la ratification de ce texte international en 1974, l’Etat français avait fait le choix de formuler une réserve d’interprétation concernant le déclenchement d’une éventuelle dérogation aux droits protégés par la Convention. Or, cette dernière confère une compétence discrétionnaire à la France dans la qualification du danger prévue à l’article 15 de la CEDH, en neutralisant la portée de cet article. En effet, elle indique que les circonstances de l’article 16 de la Constitution, de l’état d’urgence et de l’état de siège doivent être comprises comme correspondant à l’article 15 de la CEDH. La possibilité de dérogation prévue par la Convention fait toutefois l’objet d’un contrôle de la part de la Cour. Elle procède alors en deux temps. Elle vérifie, en premier lieu, que les conditions du déclenchement de l’article 15 sont bien remplies, puis, elle opère en second lieu, un contrôle de proportionnalité entre les mesures prises par l’Etat et le danger menaçant la Nation

    Reduced physical activity level and cardiorespiratory fitness in children with chronic diseases

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    We aimed to compare physical activity level and cardiorespiratory fitness in children with different chronic diseases, such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), obesity (OB) and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), with healthy controls (HC). We performed a cross-sectional study including 209 children: OB: n = 45, T1DM: n = 48, JIA: n = 31, and HC: n = 85. Physical activity level was assessed by accelerometer and cardiorespiratory fitness by a treadmill test. ANOVA, linear regressions and Pearson correlations were used. Children with chronic diseases had reduced total daily physical activity counts (T1DM 497 ± 54cpm, p = 0.003; JIA 518 ± 28, p < 0.001, OB 590 ± 25, p = 0.003) and cardiorespiratory fitness (JIA 39.3 ± 1.7, p = 0.001, OB 41.7 ± 1.2, p = 0.020) compared to HC (668 ± 35cpm; 45.3 ± 0.9mlkg−1 min−1, respectively). Only 60.4% of HC, 51.6% of OB, 38.1% of JIA and 38.5% of T1DM children met the recommended daily 60min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Low cardiorespiratory fitness was associated with female gender and low daily PA. Conclusion: Children with chronic diseases had reduced physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness. As the benefits of PA on health have been well demonstrated during growth, it should be encouraged in those children to prevent a reduction of cardiorespiratory fitness and the development of comorbiditie

    Impaired endothelial and smooth muscle functions and arterial stiffness appear before puberty in obese children and are associated with elevated ambulatory blood pressure

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    Aims To determine whether impaired brachial endothelial (flow-mediated dilation, FMD) and smooth muscle function (nitroglycerin-mediated dilation, NTGMD), and remodelling of the common carotid artery (CCA) develop before puberty in obese children. Methods and results Arterial intima-media thickness (IMT), FMD and NTGMD were measured by high-resolution ultrasound in 48 obese and 23 lean pre-pubertal children (8.8 ± 1.5 years old). We assessed central pulse pressure, incremental elastic modulus (Einc), casual and ambulatory systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and body fatness by DXA. Obese children had significantly lower FMD (4.5 ± 4.0 vs. 8.3 ± 1.7%), NTGMD (19.0 ± 9.0 vs. 25.8 ± 6.1%), and increased Einc (13.9 ± 5.2 vs. 10.4 ± 5.2 mmHg/102), ambulatory SBP (121.3 ± 12.6 vs. 106.6 ± 7.1, mmHg), and DBP (69.1 ± 5.7 vs. 63.7 ± 4.5) than lean subjects, whereas IMT was not augmented. Ambulatory systolic hypertension was present in 47% of obese subjects. FMD, NTGMD, and Einc were correlated with body fatness, body mass index, and blood pressure (BP). Conclusion Impaired endothelial and smooth muscle functions and altered wall material develop before puberty in obese children, however remodelling of the CCA is not yet present. Arterial dysfunction may be considered as the first marker of atherosclerosis and is associated with elevated BP. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring may be a potential tool to improve risk stratification in obese childre

    Evidence for new targets and synergistic effect of metronomic celecoxib/fluvastatin combination in pilocytic astrocytoma.

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    RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are.BACKGROUND: Pilocytic astrocytomas occur predominantly in childhood. In contrast to the posterior fossa location, hypothalamo-chiasmatic pilocytic astrocytomas display a worse prognosis often leading to multiple surgical procedures and/or several lines of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to achieve long-term control. Hypothalamo-chiasmatic pilocytic astrocytomas and cerebellar pilocytic astrocytomas have a distinctive gene signature and several differential expressed genes (ICAM1, CRK, CD36, and IQGAP1) are targets for available drugs: fluvastatin and/or celecoxib. RESULTS: Quantification by RT-Q-PCR of the expression of these genes was performed in a series of 51 pilocytic astrocytomas and 10 glioblastomas: they were all significantly overexpressed in hypothalamo-chiasmatic pilocytic astrocytomas relative to cerebellar pilocytic astrocytomas, and CRK and ICAM1 were significantly overexpressed in pilocytic astrocytomas versus glioblastomas.We used two commercially available glioblastoma cell lines and three pilocytic astrocytoma explant cultures to investigate the effect of celecoxib/fluvastatin alone or in combination. Glioblastoma cell lines were sensitive to both drugs and a combination of 100 μM celecoxib and 240 μM fluvastatin was the most synergistic. This synergistic combination was used on the explant cultures and led to massive cell death of pilocytic astrocytoma cells.As a proof of concept, a patient with a refractory multifocal pilocytic astrocytoma was successfully treated with the fluvastatin/celecoxib combination used for 18 months. It was well tolerated and led to a partial tumor response. CONCLUSION: This study reports evidence for new targets and synergistic effect of celecoxib/fluvastatin combination in pilocytic astrocytoma. Because it is non-toxic, this new strategy offers hope for the treatment of patients with refractory pilocytic astrocytoma

    Gonadotropin administration to mimic mini-puberty in hypogonadotropic males: pump or injections?

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    Objective: Newborns with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) have an impaired postnatal activation of the gonadotropic axis. Substitutive therapy with recombinant gonadotropins can be proposed to mimic physiological male mini-puberty during the first months of life. The aim of this study was to co mpare the clinical and biological efficacy of two treatment modalities of gonadotropins administration during mini-puberty in CHH neonates. Design: Multicenter retrospective analytical epidemiological study comparing two treatments, pump vs injection, between 2004 and 2019. Methods: Clinical (penile size, testis size, testicular descent) and biological parameters (serum concentrations of testosterone, anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and Inhibin B) were compared between the two groups by multivariate analyses. Results: Thirty-five patients were included. A significantly higher incre ase in penile length and testosterone level was observed in the injection group compared to the pump group (+0.16 ± 0.02 mm vs +0.10 ± 0.02 mm per day, P = 0.002; and +0.04 ± 0.007 ng/mL vs +0.01 ± 0.008 ng/mL per day, P = 0.001). In both groups, significant increases in penile length and width, testosterone, AMH, and Inhibin B levels were observed, as well as improved testicular descent (odds ratio of not being in a scrotal position at the end of treatment = 0.97 (0.96; 0.99)). Conclusions: Early postnatal administration of recombinant gonadotropins in CHH boys is effective in stimulating penile growth, Sertoli cell proliferati on, and testicular descent, with both treatment modalities

    Training healthcare professionals in LGBTI cultural competencies: Exploratory findings from the Health4LGBTI pilot project

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    Abstract Objectives Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people experience health inequalities and barriers to accessing healthcare at a greater rate than the general population. This paper aims to present the Health4LGBTI training course for healthcare workers and the results of its pilot implementation. Methods Funded by the European Parliament, the training course was developed by a multidisciplinary team including LGBTI organisations as part of the Health4LGBTI Project. 110 healthcare professionals from diverse medical fields attended the pilot training in six European Member States. Knowledge and attitudes were compared on the basis of a pre-post evaluation design utilising an ad hoc questionnaire. Results Knowledge scores increased after the training, irrespective of age and sexual orientation of participants. Attitudes scores generally improved, particularly in terms of inclusivity and a greater acknowledgement of LGBTI health needs and self-competence. Conclusion The Health4LGBTI training course is both feasible and effective in training healthcare professionals and support staff to improve cultural competence and thereby promoting inclusive healthcare practice. Practice Implications The Health4LGBTI training course can be implemented in different healthcare contexts. Piloting of the course provided an opportunity for healthcare professionals and for support staff to improve their knowledge of, and attitudes towards, LGBTI people
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