6 research outputs found

    Kvalitet i barnehagelærerutdanning i naturvitenskap: En fellesnordisk studiemodul

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    This article presents a new joint Nordic study module consisting of a theoretical framework, the kindergarten teacher students’ case study and a reflection talk, in natural science for the kinder-garten teacher education. The module is developed through an interdisciplinary collaboration in the Nordplus network: Learning of science concepts by kindergarten children: Nordic study module for the kindergarten teacher education (NATGREP), with science and quality in the kindergarten teacher education in focus. The introduction describes the Nordic kindergartens shortly, and concepts as quality and competence are shortly discussed. It is followed by the module’s theoretical framework. Then the study module’s development process is described accompanied by reflections of the student’s case studies in relation to the theoretical framework. At the end, the work with the study module is summarised, and the main conclusion is that the study module contributes positively to the students’ skills development, both in science and quality

    Læreres erfaringer med teknologi og design i ungdomsskolen i møte med ny læreplan i Norge: The experiences of middle school teachers with technology and design raise some issues with respect to the new national curriculum

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      Technology and Design was included as a multidisciplinary subject and specific field of science in the Knowledge Promotion reform in Norway. In this study middle school teachers are interviewed how they understand the school authorities’ intentions with technology and design, and how they plan and teach this subject. This article also investigate to what extent multidisciplinary collaboration exists between teachers responsible for technology and design. According to teachers, they believe the purpose behind technology and design is so students’ competencies can meet society’s needs related to engineering and science, and motivate students to choose a scientific education. The internet and educational instruction books in science inspire the teachers, but the curriculum’s competency goals hardly govern the provided education. Some teachers use relevant practical activities, but the quality of education varies considerably. Noteworthy, multidisciplinary instruction is hindered, due to a lack of planning time and priority. This experience raises questions when multidisciplinary instruction is expected to increase in the Norwegian curriculum reform from 2020. &nbsp

    Maur eller penger: Hvorfor velge og gjennomføre et nettstudium i naturfag?

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    I denne artikkelen gjør vi rede for og drøfter forhold som motiverer studenter til å velge og gjennomføre nettbaserte naturfagstudier i lærerutdanningen. Resultatene viser at nettstudentene oppgir en stor grad av indre motivasjon for å søke naturfagstudiene. Analysene våre tyder på at ytre faktorer spiller en mindre rolle for valg av nettstudium. Studentene sier at varierte opplevelser i naturen har hatt stor betydning for at de ble interessert i naturfag. Det synes å være en sammenheng mellom opplevelser i naturen og valg av naturfagstudium. Emnene Mangfold i naturen og Kropp og helse blir oppfattet som mer motiverende enn Kjemi og Fysikk for læringsarbeidet til studentene. Studentene mener de har lite forkunnskaper i kjemi og fysikk og vurderer disse emnene som faglig krevende, mens emner i biologi oppleves konkrete og mer forståelige. Studentene oppgir at praktisk arbeid skaper engasjement og motivasjon gjennom studiet

    Quality of Kindergarten Teacher Training in regard to Science: a Joint Nordic Approach

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    This article presents a new joint Nordic study module consisting of a theoretical framework, the kindergarten teacher students’ case study and a reflection talk, in natural science for the kindergarten teacher education. The module is developed through an interdisciplinary collaboration in the Nordplus network: Learning of science concepts by kindergarten children: Nordic study module for the kindergarten teacher education (NATGREP), with science and quality in the kindergarten teacher education in focus. The introduction describes the Nordic kindergartens shortly, and concepts as quality and competence are shortly discussed. It is followed by the module’s theoretical framework. Then the study module’s development process is described accompanied by reflections of the student’s case studies in relation to the theoretical framework. At the end, the work with the study module is summarised, and the main conclusion is that the study module contributes positively to the students’ skills development, both in science and quality