4,694 research outputs found

    Classical Representation of a Quantum System at Equilibrium

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    A quantum system at equilibrium is represented by a corresponding classical system, chosen to reproduce the thermodynamic and structural properties. The objective is to develop a means for exploiting strong coupling classical methods (e.g., MD, integral equations, DFT) to describe quantum systems. The classical system has an effective temperature, local chemical potential, and pair interaction that are defined by requiring equivalence of the grand potential and its functional derivatives with respect to the external and pair potentials for the classical and quantum systems. Practical inversion of this mapping for the classical properties is effected via the hypernetted chain approximation, leading to representations as functionals of the quantum pair correlation function. As an illustration, the parameters of the classical system are determined approximately such that ideal gas and weak coupling RPA limits are preserved


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    Penelitian ini membahas bentuk, fungsi dan makna tuturan ritual Da’ba pada masyarakat Sabu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) memaparkan dan menjelaskan karakteristik bentuk Da’ba dalam guyub tutur Sabu, (2) memaparkan dan menjelaskan karakteristik fungsi Da’ba pada guyub tutur Sabu, (3) memaparkan dan menjelaskan karakteristik makna Da’ba pada guyub tutur Sabu. Teori yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori linguistik kebudayaan dan teori semiotik. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pada bentuk tuturan ritual Da’ba  non verbal lebih banyak ditemukan di bagian pendahuluan sedangkan isi dan penutup non verbal cuma satu karena lebih banyak verbal. Fungsi tuturan ritual Da’ba termasuk fungsi manifes yang terbagi atas: fungsi referensial, fungsi emotif, fungsi konatif, fungsi metalinguistik, fungsi puitik dan fungsi fatik sedangkan fungsi laten meliputi: sebagai sarana pendidikan, fungsi magis, dan fungsi religius. Makna tuturan ritual Da’ba meliputi makna religius, makna sosial, dan makna ekonomis

    Optimization of drilling hydraulics in vertical holes

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    This paper describes a proven technique that maximizes either the hydraulic impact force or the hydraulic power of the fluid hitting the bottom of the hole. The objective is to determine nozzle sizes and flow rate to deliver maximum Hydraulic Horse power (HHP) or Jet Impact Force (JIF) within specified operating constraints

    Exploring the link between market orientation and innovation in the European and US insurance markets

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    Despite the increasing research importance of market orientation concept in the marketing literature, few comparative studies between Europe and U.S. have been conducted. Consequently, this void limits the understanding of marketing orientation strategy in global markets. The empirical study reported in this article investigates (a) the influence of competitive environments on the understanding and uses of market orientation in insurance flrms in Europe and U.S. and (b) the effects of market orientation on firms innovativeness. The results not only provide empirical support of the concept of market orientation as defmed in the literature, but also expands it

    Spremljanje pritalne vegetacije

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    Estimating the power spectrum covariance matrix with fewer mock samples

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    The covariance matrices of power-spectrum (P(k)) measurements from galaxy surveys are difficult to compute theoretically. The current best practice is to estimate covariance matrices by computing a sample covariance of a large number of mock catalogues. The next generation of galaxy surveys will require thousands of large volume mocks to determine the covariance matrices to desired accuracy. The errors in the inverse covariance matrix are larger and scale with the number of P(k) bins, making the problem even more acute. We develop a method of estimating covariance matrices using a theoretically justified, few-parameter model, calibrated with mock catalogues. Using a set of 600 BOSS DR11 mock catalogues, we show that a seven parameter model is sufficient to fit the covariance matrix of BOSS DR11 P(k) measurements. The covariance computed with this method is better than the sample covariance at any number of mocks and only ~100 mocks are required for it to fully converge and the inverse covariance matrix converges at the same rate. This method should work equally well for the next generation of galaxy surveys, although a demand for higher accuracy may require adding extra parameters to the fitting function.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Environment, knowledge and change: a case study of peasant farming in Maridi district, southern Sudan

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    This is a case study of peasant farming in Maridi District, Western Equatoria Province, Southern Sudan. The object is to explore the impact and inter-relationship of economic, environmental and ecological factors on the changes that have occurred in 'traditional' farming in the study area. Special attention is paid to internal as well as external forces leading to changes, and peasant farmers' own understanding of the change processes, as well as the externally-induced explanations of change. It is hypothesised that agricultural development in Third World countries cannot be fully appraised without an understanding of the farming knowledge and attitudes of farmers whom it is supposed to benefit. Some basic concepts are reviewed and the hypotheses and methods of data collection and problems encountered are presented, A background survey of the nature of the physical and human environments in which farmers base their decisions is provided. The spatial organisation and nature of 'traditional' agricultural changes and their importance to households' sustenance is noted. Farmers' environmental and agricultural knowledge, and some of the hazards and pressures of agricultural change from the farmers' viewpoint, and how they interpret and respond to these constraints are outlined. The socio-economic characteristics of farmers and the current farming activities and the nature of change taking place, including farmers' involvement in a cash economy, are examined. Emphasis is laid on the adaptive rationality/of existing modes of production and the importance of the web of social and economic networks surrounding the individual farmer and influencing his activities. Changes in the pattern of 'traditional' agriculture in an historical and regional perspective are elucidated. A discussion of the existing patterns and processes of agricultural change, and the diffusion of innovations through the formal and informal channels, and farmers' attitudes and response demonstrating their rationality is shown. In a broad analysis of farmers' world-view, the individual's attitude to farming is studied including the extent of his farming knowledge, his degree of interest in this activity, his needs and problems, land-use trends, and desired changes. A case study of coffee as a cash crop innovation and its socio-economic impact on 'traditional' land-use systems now and in the .future is considered. A brief concluding section summarises research findings and some of the practical and theoretical implications for policy consideration. This study mainly concludes that only by identifying farmers' management strategies, circumstances and their analysis of problems on their own behalf can a development programme and research be formulated which has technologies appropriate to them
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