207 research outputs found

    Dokaz “shiga-like” toksigene E. coli u svježim sirevima proizvedenim u Kermanu, Iran

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    The Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is the most important group of food-borne pathogens that emerged recently. These bacteria can cause severe health problems in humans like diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uraemic syndrome which have become a serious health problem in various countries. Cattle are thought to be a reservoir for E. coli STEC, and many foodborne diseases have been associated with the consumption of minced beef, beefburgers and raw milk. Although some data suggest that STEC are not prevalent within dairy products, the aim of this work was to assess the prevalence of E. coli O157 and non-O157 STEC in raw milk cheeses produced in the Southern part of Iran (Kerman province). For this purpose, 125 samples of soft and semi-soft cheeses made with raw cow milk were analysed with multiplex-PCR method for the presence of STEC. The use of consensus primers detected stx genes in 6.4% of the samples, but STEC strains could be isolated in only five of them (4%). Just one sample was found to be contaminated with E. coli O157. Our results suggest that in our area study raw milk cheeses could be considered a risk for food born STEC contaminationEscherichia coli koja proizvodi “shiga-like” toksin (engl. shiga-toxin producing E. coli; STEC) pripada skupini najvažnijih bakterija trovača hranom te odnedavno ima sve veće značenje. Ta bakterija može uzrokovati teške poremećaje u ljudi, kao što su proljev, hemoragijski kolitis i sindrom hemolitične uremije, koji su postali ozbiljni zdravstveni problemi u različitim zemljama. Goveda se smatraju rezervoarom za E. coli STEC te su mnoge bolesti vezane uz uzimanje mljevene govedine, usitnjena oblikovana goveđeg mesa i sirova mlijeka. Premda neki podatci govore da se STEC ne nalazi u većoj mjeri u mliječnim proizvodima, svrha je ovoga rada procijeniti prevalenciju E. coli O157 i non-O157 STEC u svježim sirevima proizvedenima u južnom dijelu Irana, u pokrajini Kerman. U tu je svrhu 125 uzoraka mekanih i polutvrdih sireva proizvedenih od sirova kravljeg mlijeka bilo analizirano multipleks PCR-om na prisutnost STEC-a. Uporabom sukladnih početnica dokazani su geni stx u 6,4% uzoraka, ali su sojevi STEC bili izdvojeni samo u pet od njih (4%). Samo jedan uzorak bio je kontaminiran bakterijom E. coli O157. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da se u istraživanom području sirevi od svježeg kravljeg mlijeka mogu smatrati rizičnim za pojavu STEC-a

    Nurses' attitudes towards euthanasia: a cross-sectional study in Iran

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    Aim: Nurses have an important role in caring for terminally ill patients. They are often confronted with euthanasia but little is known about their attitudes towards it. The present study aimed to examine Iranian Muslim nurses' attitudes towards euthanasia. Methods: In this exploratory cross-sectional study, all qualified registered nurses working in two teaching hospitals (Kashani and Hajar hospitals) in Iran were invited to participate. The Euthanasia Attitude Scale (EAS) was used to assess the nurses' attitude towards euthanasia. Of 266 nurses who fit the criteria, 190 participated in the study (response rate 72.9%); 91.1% (n=173) were female and 8.9% (n=17) were male. Results: In total, 57.4%, 3.2% and 39.5% of nurses reported a negative, neutral and positive attitude to euthanasia respectively. Nurses reported their most negative attitude to the domain `practical consideration' with mean of 2.36 +/- 0.9 and most positive attitude to the domain `treasuring life' with a mean EAS score of 2.85 +/- 0.4. Conclusion: The majority of Muslim nurses were found to have negative attitudes to euthanasia. We recommend that future studies should be conducted to examine Muslim nurses' attitudes to euthanasia in different cultures to determine the role of culture and religious beliefs in attitude to euthanasia

    Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Term Neonates: Sources, Severity and Outcome

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    How to Cite This Article: Afsharkhas L, Khalessi N, Karimi Panah M. Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Term Neonates: Sources, Severity and Outcome. Iran J Child Neurol. Summer 2015;9(3):34-39. AbstractObjectiveIntraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) occurs in preterm infants; however, theoccurrence of this event is less frequent in term neonates. The present studyevaluated clinical characteristics, pathophysiological features, and earlyoutcome of term neonates with IVH in a referral neonatal center in Iran.Materials & MethodsThis study was performed on 30 full-term neonates admitted to the NeonatalIntensive Care Unit (NICU) of Ali-Asghar Hospital, Tehran, Iran betweenMarch 2005 and April 2011. IVH was diagnosed using cranial ultrasonography,or brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).ResultsThe mean age at onset of symptoms was 3.9 days. Seizure was the commonestclinical symptoms followed by poor feeding and fever. The sources ofbleeding in the brain were choroid plexus (60%), germinal matrix (20%) andparenchyma (6.7%). Severity of bleeding included 33.3% grade I, 30.0% gradeII, 36.7% grade III to IV. Fifteen (50%) cases had coagulopathy. Twenty-five(83.3%) cases were discharged with a good condition, three (10%) cases werereferred to surgical ward and two cases (6.7%) died in NICU.ConclusionThe main source of IVH in term neonates is choroid plexus; the most commonclinical symptoms include seizure and poor feeding, and one-third of IVHevents are graded as III to IV. Most affected neonates are discharged fromNICU without CNS complication, about 10% need to refer to surgicalinterventions, and death was occurred in a few of neonates

    Influence of training about carcinogenic effects of hookah smoking on the awareness, attitude, and performance of women

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    Background: Wrong attitudes and beliefs about the less carcinogenic effects of hookah smoking comparing to cigarette, easy availability, low cost, and other factors have caused that the usage of hookah smoking increase a lot in our country. Objective: This study has been done with the purpose of examining the influence of education about carcinogenic effects of hookah smoking on the awareness, attitude, and performance of women who refer to the healthcare and medical treatment centers. Materials and Methods: At this semi experimental study, 60 women who refer to the medical and hygienic centers of Bushehr were placed in 3 educational groups based on simple accidental sampling. The tool for data collection was a questionnaire including demographic features, awareness, attitude, and performance measurement. Results: according to the results, the amount of awareness in the majority (48%) of participants about carcinogenic effects of hookah smoking was in an average level. 100% of the participants had the awareness of over 33.1% and their attitude toward hookah smoking was 100% positive that after the intervention it was reported 5%. The participants’ performance in hookah smoking before the intervention was only 25% desirable that after the intervention it was reported 73.3%. The results of Kolmogorov–Smirnov test also showed that the distribution of awareness, attitude, and performance was quite normal. Conclusion: according to the results, it’s the society’s basic need to warn people about carcinogenic effects of hookah smoking by increasing people’s awareness through media, holding training courses, showing movies, and training booklets

    A comparative study on the effects of verbal and non-verbal education on the knowledge and attitude of soldiers regarding the transmission and prevention of AIDS

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    Aims: Aims: Todays attention on sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS has significantly increased. Military services is the best place that can help to prevent the spread of the disease. The aim of this study is to compare the effect of different educational methods on soldiers' knowledge and attitudes about the transmission and prevention of AIDS. Methods: Ninety tree soldiers were assigned to three training groups using stratified sampling. Data gathering tools contained questions related to knowledge and attitude. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16. Results: According to the results regarding the attitudes of the soldiers in the lecture group, the difference between the pre-test and the post-test attitude scores was statistically significant (P=0.011). The difference of the attitudes between the pretest and posttest in the tutorial group was also significant (P=0.019). Knowledge of the participants in the lecture group and the training manual group differed significantly from that of the control group (P<0.01 and P<0.001 respectively). Conclusion: According to the findings, the indirect training method could be more effective on the durability of the knowledge of the soldiers

    Correlation between hope and mental health after mastectomy in breast cancer survivors

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    Background & objectives: Mastectomy is one of the main treatments for breast cancer that may stimulate a lot of psychological distresses in women’s life. It may affect the level of hope among women. This study was conducted with the aim of assessing correlation between hope and mental health after mastectomy in patients with breast cancer. Methods: This is a descriptive-correlational study that one hundred patients with breast cancer after mastectomy referred to Seyed-Al-Shohada hospital of Isfahan in 2013 were selected by the convenient sampling method. Data gathering tool were SCL-25 mental health and Herth Hope Index and data were analyzed by SPSS-17. Results: According to the results, 49% of the subjects�had high hope and among the dimensions of the mental health, depressive dimension owned the highest average�of score (3.05±1.72). Based on the Spearman correlation coefficient test, there was a direct linear correlation between hope and mental health (p<0.001, � � �=0.565). Conclusion:�Because of positive relationship between hope and mental health adopting the counseling psychology as the major priority in health centers should be considered by health officials and managers will play a key role to decrease mental health problems in mastectomy survivors

    Interactive digital environment: A symbiosis of hypertext fiction and reader

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    In 1965, when Theodore Nelson and Douglas Engelbart developed Vannevar Bush’s idea of an efficient information retrieval device called Memex and coined the term “hypertext,” least did they realize that the revolutionary system would result in radical changes to human thoughts from the production of texts and its form to the reading experience of these electronic texts in the digital platform. The purpose of this paper is to account for multiplicity of readings in interactive narrative structure of hypertext fiction and its comparison to that of linear printed text. Additionally, this study involves changing role of a reader which is reinforced in an interactive environment while navigating narrative structures of hypertext fictions

    Genetic linkage analysis of DFNB24 locus in a group of families with autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss in Khouzestan province of Iran

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    زمینه و هدف: ناشنوایی رایج ترین اختلال حسی عصبی با بروز یک در هر هزار نوزاد می باشد. حدود 70 از موارد ژنتیکی ناشنوایی را موارد غیر سندرومی تشکیل می دهند. بیش از 100 لوکوس در ناشنوایی غیر سندرومی مغلوب اتوزومی(ARNSHL) درگیر می باشند. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی آنالیز پیوستگی به لوکوس DFNB24 (ژن رادیکسین) در خانواده های مبتلا به ARNSHL می باشد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی- آزمایشگاهی 400 نمونه از 25 خانواده مبتلا به ناشنوایی غیر سندرومی مغلوب اتوزومی با ازدواج خویشاوندی و دارای حداقل سه فرد ناشنوا، از استان خوزستان انتخاب شدند. در نهایت23 خانواده از نظر جهش در ژن GJB2 (لوکوس DFNB1) منفی گزارش و به مطالعه وارد شدند. شش نشانگر STR (Short Tandem Repeat) انتخاب شد و پس از انجام واکنش PCR، تعیین ژنوتیپ با استفاده از بررسی نمونه ها بر روی ژل پلی اکریل آمید، انجام شد. نرم افزارهایی همچون Easy Linkage، SimWalk و HaploPainter برای تجزیه و تحلیل ژنتیکی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. یافته ها: در راستای بررسی پیوستگی لوکوس DFNB24 در جمعیت ناشنوایان استان خوزستان، نتایج مطالعه ما نشان داد که هیچ مورد پیوستگی بین لوکوس DFNB24 و ناشنوایی در هیچ یک از خانواده ها وجود ندارد. نتیجه گیری: نتایج مطالعه حاضر نشان از آن دارد که احتمالاً جهش های این ژن نقشی ناچیز در بروز ناشنوایی در جمعیت ناشنوای استان خوزستان دارد

    Dokaz “shiga-like” toksigene E. coli u svježim sirevima proizvedenim u Kermanu, Iran

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    The Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is the most important group of food-borne pathogens that emerged recently. These bacteria can cause severe health problems in humans like diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uraemic syndrome which have become a serious health problem in various countries. Cattle are thought to be a reservoir for E. coli STEC, and many foodborne diseases have been associated with the consumption of minced beef, beefburgers and raw milk. Although some data suggest that STEC are not prevalent within dairy products, the aim of this work was to assess the prevalence of E. coli O157 and non-O157 STEC in raw milk cheeses produced in the Southern part of Iran (Kerman province). For this purpose, 125 samples of soft and semi-soft cheeses made with raw cow milk were analysed with multiplex-PCR method for the presence of STEC. The use of consensus primers detected stx genes in 6.4% of the samples, but STEC strains could be isolated in only five of them (4%). Just one sample was found to be contaminated with E. coli O157. Our results suggest that in our area study raw milk cheeses could be considered a risk for food born STEC contaminationEscherichia coli koja proizvodi “shiga-like” toksin (engl. shiga-toxin producing E. coli; STEC) pripada skupini najvažnijih bakterija trovača hranom te odnedavno ima sve veće značenje. Ta bakterija može uzrokovati teške poremećaje u ljudi, kao što su proljev, hemoragijski kolitis i sindrom hemolitične uremije, koji su postali ozbiljni zdravstveni problemi u različitim zemljama. Goveda se smatraju rezervoarom za E. coli STEC te su mnoge bolesti vezane uz uzimanje mljevene govedine, usitnjena oblikovana goveđeg mesa i sirova mlijeka. Premda neki podatci govore da se STEC ne nalazi u većoj mjeri u mliječnim proizvodima, svrha je ovoga rada procijeniti prevalenciju E. coli O157 i non-O157 STEC u svježim sirevima proizvedenima u južnom dijelu Irana, u pokrajini Kerman. U tu je svrhu 125 uzoraka mekanih i polutvrdih sireva proizvedenih od sirova kravljeg mlijeka bilo analizirano multipleks PCR-om na prisutnost STEC-a. Uporabom sukladnih početnica dokazani su geni stx u 6,4% uzoraka, ali su sojevi STEC bili izdvojeni samo u pet od njih (4%). Samo jedan uzorak bio je kontaminiran bakterijom E. coli O157. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da se u istraživanom području sirevi od svježeg kravljeg mlijeka mogu smatrati rizičnim za pojavu STEC-a

    Effect of addition of Nano hydroxyapatite particles on wear of resin modified glass ionomer by tooth brushing simulation

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    Recently, incorporation of nanohydroxyapatite (NHA) has been suggested to improve the mechanical properties of glass ionomers (GIs). This study aimed to assess the effect of addition of NHA on wear of resin modified glass ionomer (RMGI) by tooth brushing simulation. In this in vitro, experimental study, NHA in 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10wt% concentrations was added to Fuji II LC RMGI powder, and 48 samples (5×5mm) in five experimental and one control group (n=8) were fabricated. After polishing, cleaning and incubation at 37°C for three weeks, the samples were weighed and subjected to tooth brushing simulation in a toothpaste slurry according to ISO14569-1. Then, they were weighed again and the weight loss was calculated. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey?s test. The highest and the lowest weight loss was found in the 0% NHA (-1.052±0.176) and 5% NHA (-0.370±0.143) groups, respectively. Wear was significantly higher in 0% NHA group (P<0.05). No difference was detected in wear between 2 and 5wt% NHA or among 1, 7 and 10wt% NHA groups. Significant differences were noted in wear between 2 and 5wt% NHA and 1, 7 and 10wt% NHA groups (P<0.001). Incorporation of up to 10wt% of NHA increases the wear resistance of Fuji II LC RMGI. This increase was the highest when 2 and 5wt% NHA were added