123 research outputs found

    Employer engagement within 14-19 diploma development

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    In 2005, the UK government announced the development of a suite of employer-designed diplomas for 14-19 year olds linked to different industrial and commercial sectors. This article will reflect on some of the achievements and challenges of this major employer engagement initiative by drawing on three pieces of research: a review of Diploma development and two employer consultation studies belonging to the latest phase of Diploma development - the Diplomas in Humanities and Social Sciences and Languages and International Communications. The article suggests that meeting the needs of employers in qualification design is problematic as employers are a heterogeneous group bringing a range of different views, ideas and contributions to the process. Furthermore, the article points to a possible mismatch between policymakers' expectations from employers at the macro level, and what in fact happens at the local, micro level owing to personal and economic circumstances, companies' demands and the economic climate

    Contributions to Measuring of Screw Surfaces

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    The derivation of geometrical parameters of the screw surfaces will be illustrated with the exact mathematical forms. We give the method for the calculating of pitch diameter and the lead


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    The articIe demonstrates the generalized (fraction) dimension number and some characteristic fractals as objects with fractional dimension. It gives the cIosed expression of the dimension number according to Hausdorff, and the one of a simplified dimension number, which is suitable for the global qualification ofthe machined surfaces. The illustrations are the product of a self developed computer program

    Towards understanding of policy transfer and policy learning in adult education in the context of United Kingdom

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    Over the past decade, adult education and Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the UK context have been strongly affected by the implications of unstable political, social and economic situations, specifically in relation to social and economic inclusion of vulnerable young adults. This paper argues, that the development of policy transfer and policy learning in adult education has been characterised by its multidimensional nature and has been influenced by the implications of contemporary global challenges, country-specific priorities and the European agenda on inclusion. The notion of policy learning in adult education highlights the complex interdependencies between policies and practices. We will endeavour to consider how the complex interplays between country-specific priorities, global discourses and the European agenda on active citizenship (AC) contribute to national policies and practices for social inclusion of young adults in the UK context. Selected case studies will demonstrate the ways this policy agenda transfers into specific programmes for vulnerable young adults

    ELTE IK órarendtervező webalkalmazás

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    Az ELTE IK hallgatóinak készült, órarendek összeállítását segítő webalkalmazás. Vizuálisan jeleníti meg az egyetemi adatbázisból kiválasztott tanórákat. Az órarendek megoszthatóak más felhasználókkal is

    Methods and principles of unified personal protective equipment during chemical industrial catastrophes

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    Magyarországi szlovák kisebbség kisebbségek

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    Non-destructive characterization of nitrogen-implanted silicon-on-insulator structures by spectroscopic ellipsometry

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    Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) structures implanted with 200 or 400 keV N+ ions at a dose of 7.5 × 1017cm−2 were studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The SE measurements were carried out in the 300–700 nm wavelength (4.13-1.78 eV photon energy) range. The SE data were analysed by the conventional method of using appropriate optical models and linear regression analysis. We applied a seven-layer model (a surface oxide layer, a thick silicon layer, upper two interface layers, a thick nitride layer and lower two interface layers) with good results. The fitted parameters were the layer thickness and compositions. The results were compared with data obtained from Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) and transmission electron microscopy. The sensitivity of our optical model and fitting technique was good enough to distinguish between the silicon-rich transition layers near the upper and lower interfaces of the nitride layer, which are unresolvable in RBS measurements