14 research outputs found

    Heart rate, mortality, and the relation with clinical and subclinical cardiovascular diseases: results from the Gutenberg Health Study

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    BACKGROUND: Higher, but also lower resting heart rate (HR), has been associated with increased cardiovascular events and mortality. Little is known about the interplay between HR, cardiovascular risk factors, concomitant diseases, vascular (endothelial) function, neurohormonal biomarkers, and all-cause mortality in the general population. Thus, we aimed to investigate these relationships in a population-based cohort. METHODS: 15,010 individuals (aged 35-74 at enrolment in 2007-2012) from the Gutenberg Health Study were analyzed. Multivariable regression modeling was used to assess the relation between the variables and conditional density plots were generated for cardiovascular risk factors, diseases, and mortality to show their dependence on HR. RESULTS: There were 714 deaths in the total sample at 7.67 +/- 1.68 years of follow-up. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, coronary and peripheral artery disease, chronic heart failure, and previous myocardial infarction exhibited a J-shaped association with HR. Mortality showed a similar relation with a nadir of 64 beats per minute (bpm) in the total sample. Each 10 bpm HR reduction in HR \u3c 64 subjects was independently associated with increased mortality (Hazard Ratio 1.36; 95% confidence interval 1.06-1.75). This increased risk was also present in HR \u3e 64 subjects (Hazard Ratio 1.29; 95% confidence interval 1.19-1.41 per 10 bpm increase in HR). Results found for vascular and neurohormonal biomarkers exhibited a differential picture in subjects with a HR below and above the nadir. DISCUSSION: These results indicate that in addition to a higher HR, a lower HR is associated with increased mortality

    Laser modified functional carbon-based coatings on titanium substrate for cardiac tissue integration and blood clotting inhibition

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    The work focused on developing functional coatings on titanium substrates that would facilitate the integration with the cardiac tissue and with a specific form of connective tissue like blood. Surface modifications consisted in the laser evaporation of part of the biocompatible layer, thus creating a suitable environment for a particular tissue. For the myocardium integration, the metal surface was refined by biohemocompatible coatings. Such surfaces were the starting point for further modifications in the form of channels. The channeled surfaces enabled a controlled cell migration and proliferation. The interaction of endothelial cells with the material was highly dependent on the surface characteristics such as: topography, microstructure or mechanical properties. The controlled cellular response was achieved by modifying the surface to obtain a network of wells or channels of different dimensions via the laser interference lithography. This technique determined a high resolution shape, size and distribution patterns. As a result, it was possible to control cells in the scale corresponding to biological processes. The surface periodization ensured the optimal flow of oxygen and nutrients within the biomaterial, which was of a key importance for the cell adhesion and proliferation. The work attempted at producing the surface networks mimicking natural blood vessels. To stimulate the formation of new blood vessel the finishing resorbable synthetic coatings were applied on the surface to act as a drug carrier. Therefore, the initial trial to introduce factors stimulating the blood vessels growth was performed

    Carbon-based coatings on titanium substrate, laser modifed to control endothelium cell growth

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    Analiza właściwości mechanicznych i tribologicznych powłok wielowarstwowych Zr/Zr2N

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    The paper presents the analysis of effect of the Zr to Zr2N layer thickness ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:4 on the mechanical properties of Zr /Zr2N multilayer coatings. With the increase in the amount of the ceramic phase in the multilayer coating, an increase in hardness from 11 to 14.5 GPa and Young's modulus from 158 to 211 GPa was observed. This was accompanied by improved scratch resistance as critical load LC2 raises from 17 to over 30 N. A ratio increase from 1:1 to 1:2 caused a 3-fold improvement in the coating wear resistance, which was also accompanied by a change in the wear mechanism. However, there was no further improvement of this parameter with a ratio increase to 1:4. Microscopic analysis of wear tracks, using the TEM technique revealed that the Zr metal layers change the direction of crack propagation. This phenomenon results in the improved fracture resistance of multilayer coatings compared to single coatings. Such a mechanism was even observed for the 1:4 coating with the thinnest 58 nm Zr layers.W pracy przedstawiono analizę wpływu stosunku grubości warstw Zr i Zr2N 1:1, 1:2 i 1:4 na właściwości mechaniczne powłok wielowarstwowych Zr/Zr2N. Wraz ze wzrostem udziału fazy ceramicznej w powłoce wielowarstwowej obserwowano wzrost jej twardości z 11 do 14,5 GPa i modułu Younga ze 158 do 211 GPa. Towarzyszyła temu także poprawa odporności na zarysowanie, o czym świadczy wzrost wartości obciążenia krytycznego LC2 z 17 do ponad 30 N. Wzrost stosunku z 1:1 do 1:2 powodował 3-krotną poprawę odporności na zużycie powłoki, czemu towarzyszyła także zmiana mechanizmu zużywania. Natomiast nie następowała dalsza poprawa tej cechy przy wzroście stosunku do 1:4. Analizy mikroskopowe torów tarcia przy użyciu techniki TEM wykazały, że warstwy metali Zr powodują zmianę kierunku propagacji pęknięć, co przekłada się na poprawę odporności na pękanie powłok wielowarstwowych w stosunku do powłok pojedynczych. Mechanizm taki obserwowano nawet dla powłoki 1:4, dla której grubość warstwy Zr była najmniejsza i wynosiła 58 nm

    Cigarette Smoking Is Related to Endothelial Dysfunction of Resistance, but Not Conduit Arteries in the General Population-Results From the Gutenberg Health Study

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    Aims: Cigarette smoking is one of the most complex and least understood cardiovascular risk factors. Importantly, differences in the tobacco-related pathophysiology of endothelial dysfunction, an early event in atherogenesis, between circulatory beds remain elusive. Therefore, this study evaluated how smoking impacts endothelial function of conduit and resistance arteries in a large population-based cohort. Methods and results: 15,010 participants (aged 35-74 years) of the Gutenberg Health Study were examined at baseline from 2007 to 2012. Smoking status, pack-years of smoking, and years since quitting smoking were assessed by a computer-assisted interview. Endothelial function of conduit and resistance arteries was determined by flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery, reactive hyperemia index (RHI) using peripheral arterial tonometry, as well as by reflection index (RI) derived from digital photoplethysmography, respectively. Among all subjects, 45.8% had never smoked, 34.7% were former smokers, and 19.4% were current smokers. Mean cumulative smoking exposure was 22.1 +/- 18.1 pack-years in current smokers and mean years since quitting was 18.9 +/- 12.7 in former smokers. In multivariable linear regression models adjusted for typical confounders, smoking status, pack-years of smoking, and years since quitting smoking were independently associated with RHI and RI, while no association was found for FMD. Overall, no clear dose-dependent associations were observed between variables, whereby higher exposure tended to be associated with pronounced resistance artery endothelial dysfunction. Conclusions: Cigarette smoking is associated with altered endothelial function of resistance, but not conduit arteries. The present results suggest that smoking-induced endothelial dysfunction in different circulatory beds may exhibit a differential picture

    The human placenta shapes the phenotype of decidual macrophages

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    During human pregnancy, placenta-derived extravillous trophoblasts (EVTs) invade the decidua and commu-nicate with maternal immune cells. The decidua distinguishes into basalis (decB) and parietalis (decP). The latter remains unaffected by EVT invasion. By defining a specific gating strategy, we report the accumulation of macrophages in decB. We describe a decidua basalis-associated macrophage (decBAM) population with a differential transcriptome and secretome compared with decidua parietalis-associated macrophages (dec-PAMs). decBAMs are CD11chi and efficient inducers of Tregs, proliferate in situ, and secrete high levels of CXCL1, CXCL5, M-CSF, and IL-10. In contrast, decPAMs exert a dendritic cell-like, motile phenotype char-acterized by induced expression of HLA class II molecules, enhanced phagocytosis, and the ability to acti-vate T cells. Strikingly, EVT-conditioned media convert decPAMs into a decBAM phenotype. These findings assign distinct macrophage phenotypes to decidual areas depending on placentation and further highlight a critical role for EVTs in the induction of decB-associated macrophage polarization.Funding Agencies|Clinical biomarker facility at SciLifeLab Sweden; Austrian Science Fund [P33485]; Austrian National Bank [17613ONB]</p

    Savoirs locaux et agriculture durable au Yémen

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    Réalisé en partenariat avec le Centre Yéménite de Ressources Génétiques, ce numéro des ‘Cahiers du CEFAS’, qui fait suite à deux précédents ‘Cahiers du CFEY’, réunit une sélection de 19 articles issus du séminaire Place des pratiques et des techniques anciennes dans l’agriculture yéménite d’aujourd’hui : problèmes et perspectives, qui s’était tenu en juin 2000 à la Faculté d’Agriculture de Sanaa et dans les locaux du CEFAS. Plus de trente anthropologues, archéologues, géographes, historiens, agronomes et spécialistes du développement, étrangers et yéménites, ont pris la parole au cours de ces journées de rencontres et d’échanges.Loin d’un regard nostalgique sur l’image d’une agriculture yéménite immuable qui aurait échappé à toute modernisation ‘néfaste’ de ses pratiques et de ses techniques, et bien loin d’un débat remettant en question des avancées technologiques ‘excessives’ et leurs éventuels effets sur l’environnement et la qualité de l’alimentation, il fut davantage question ici de réfléchir aux interventions en matière de développement dans un pays principalement d’économie rurale et pour lequel toute politique de développement doit s’appuyer en priorité sur le travail de sa population paysanne.This third publication of ‘Cahiers du CEFAS’ –previously named ‘Cahiers du CFEY’- results from a partnership with the Yemeni Genetic Resources Center (YGRC) and consists of 19 articles selected from the seminar The place of ancient agricultural practices and techniques in Yemen today : problems and perspectives, held in June 2000, at the Faculty of Agriculture of Sanaa University and in the CEFAS. More than 30 anthropologists, archaeologists, geographers, historians, agronomists and development specialists, from Yemen and abroad, participated in the meetings. Far from being a nostalgic point of view on a potentially ‘unchanging’ Yemeni agriculture, protected from any ‘harmful’ modernisation of its practices and techniques, and at the same time, far from discrediting ‘excessive’ technological improvements and their effects on environment or food quality, this seminar was clearly dedicated to sharing ideas related to development operations in this mainly rural country, where any development policy has to, in all cases, rely upon farmers’ labour