4,053 research outputs found

    Commitment and Oblivious Transfer in the Bounded Storage Model with Errors

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    The bounded storage model restricts the memory of an adversary in a cryptographic protocol, rather than restricting its computational power, making information theoretically secure protocols feasible. We present the first protocols for commitment and oblivious transfer in the bounded storage model with errors, i.e., the model where the public random sources available to the two parties are not exactly the same, but instead are only required to have a small Hamming distance between themselves. Commitment and oblivious transfer protocols were known previously only for the error-free variant of the bounded storage model, which is harder to realize

    The self-consistent quantum-electrostatic problem in strongly non-linear regime

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    The self-consistent quantum-electrostatic (also known as Poisson-Schr\"odinger) problem is notoriously difficult in situations where the density of states varies rapidly with energy. At low temperatures, these fluctuations make the problem highly non-linear which renders iterative schemes deeply unstable. We present a stable algorithm that provides a solution to this problem with controlled accuracy. The technique is intrinsically convergent including in highly non-linear regimes. We illustrate our approach with (i) a calculation of the compressible and incompressible stripes in the integer quantum Hall regime and (ii) a calculation of the differential conductance of a quantum point contact geometry. Our technique provides a viable route for the predictive modeling of the transport properties of quantum nanoelectronics devices.Comment: 28 pages. 14 figures. Added solution to a potential failure mode of the algorith

    Detection of Contact Binaries Using Sparse High Phase Angle Lightcurves

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    We show that candidate contact binary asteroids can be efficiently identified from sparsely sampled photometry taken at phase angles >60deg. At high phase angle, close/contact binary systems produce distinctive lightcurves that spend most of the time at maximum or minimum (typically >1mag apart) brightness with relatively fast transitions between the two. This means that a few (~5) sparse observations will suffice to measure the large range of variation and identify candidate contact binary systems. This finding can be used in the context of all-sky surveys to constrain the fraction of contact binary near-Earth objects. High phase angle lightcurve data can also reveal the absolute sense of the spin.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Sputtering of Oxygen Ice by Low Energy Ions

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    Naturally occurring ices lie on both interstellar dust grains and on celestial objects, such as those in the outer solar system. These ices are continu- ously subjected to irradiation by ions from the solar wind and/or cosmic rays, which modify their surfaces. As a result, new molecular species may form which can be sputtered off into space or planetary atmospheres. We determined the experimental values of sputtering yields for irradiation of oxygen ice at 10 K by singly (He+, C+, N+, O+ and Ar+) and doubly (C2+, N2+ and O2+) charged ions with 4 keV kinetic energy. In these laboratory experiments, oxygen ice was deposited and irradiated by ions in an ultra high vacuum chamber at low temperature to simulate the environment of space. The number of molecules removed by sputtering was observed by measurement of the ice thickness using laser interferometry. Preliminary mass spectra were taken of sputtered species and of molecules formed in the ice by temperature programmed desorption (TPD). We find that the experimental sputtering yields increase approximately linearly with the projectile ion mass (or momentum squared) for all ions studied. No difference was found between the sputtering yield for singly and doubly charged ions of the same atom within the experimental uncertainty, as expected for a process dominated by momentum transfer. The experimental sputter yields are in good agreement with values calculated using a theoretical model except in the case of oxygen ions. Preliminary studies have shown molecular oxygen as the dominant species sputtered and TPD measurements indicate ozone formation.Comment: to be published in Surface Science (2015

    Transplante alogénico de células estaminais em doentes com síndrome mielodisplásica: análise de acordo com o Índice de Prognóstico Internacional

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    © Ordem dos MédicosWe determined the outcome of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and secondary acute myeloid leukemia (sAML) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation according to their international prognostic scoring system (IPSS) risk categories at diagnosis. A total of 11 females and 7 males, with a median age of 45 years, were transplanted. With a median follow-up of 60 months, the 6-year actuarial event-free survival (EFS) for Less Advanced (Low and Intermediate-1 risk IPSS) and Advanced (Intermediate-2 and High risk IPSS) MDS was 71.4% and 43.6%, respectively (p=0.002). We did not observe a difference in EFS depending on cytogenetics at diagnosis (good risk 53.8% Vs intermediate and high risk 53.3%, p=ns), neither on the type of conditioning regimen used (myeloablative 50% Vs reduced intensity 52.2%, p=ns). Our results support that IPSS score at diagnosis may be used to predict EFS in patients with MDS undergoing allogeneic SCT.Neste estudo avaliámos o valor preditivo do índice prognóstico internacional (IPSS) na altura do diagnóstico em doentes com síndrome mielodisplásica (SMD) e leucemia mielóide aguda secundária submetidos a transplante alogénico de células estaminais. Foram transplantados um total de 11 mulheres e sete homens, com uma mediana de idades de 45 anos. Com um seguimento mediano de 60 meses, a sobrevivência livre de eventos aos 6 anos nos doentes com doença menos avançada (IPSS Risco Baixo e Intermédio 1) e com doença avançada (IPSS Intermédio 2 e Alto Risco) foi de 71.4% e 43.6%, respectivamente (p=0.002). Não observámos diferenças significativas na sobrevivência livre de eventos de acordo com a análise citogenética na altura do diagnóstico (risco bom 53,8% VS risco intermédio e alto 53,3%, p=ns) nem com o tipo de regime de condicionamento utilizado (mieloablativo 50% VS intensidade reduzida 52,2%, p=ns). Os nossos resultados demonstram que o IPSS na altura do diagnóstico pode ser utilizado para predizer a sobrevivência livre de eventos em doentes com SMD submetidos a transplante alogénico de células estaminaisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Quantum critical 5f-electrons avoid singularities in U(Ru,Rh)2Si2

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    We present specific heat measurements of 4% Rh-doped U(Ru,Rh)2Si2 at magnetic fields above the proposed metamagnetic transition field Hm~34 T, revealing striking similarities to the isotructural Ce analog CeRu2Si2, suggesting that strongly renormalized hybridized band models apply equally well to both systems. The vanishing bandwidths as H --> Hm are consistent with a putative quantum critical point close to Hm. The existence of a phase transition into an ordered phase in the vicinity of Hm for 4% Rh-doped U(Ru,Rh)2Si2, but not for CeRu2Si2, is consistent with a stronger super-exchange in the case of the U 5-f system, with irreversible processes at the transition revealing a strong coupling of the 5f orbitals to the lattice, most suggestive of orbital or electric quadrupolar order.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Near-infrared spatially resolved spectroscopy of (136108) Haumea's multiple system

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    The transneptunian region of the solar system is populated by a wide variety of icy bodies showing great diversity. The dwarf planet (136108) Haumea is among the largest TNOs and displays a highly elongated shape and hosts two moons, covered with crystalline water ice like Hamuea. Haumea is also the largest member of the sole TNO family known to date. A catastrophic collision is likely responsible for its unique characteristics. We report here on the analysis of a new set of observations of Haumea obtained with SINFONI at the ESO VLT. Combined with previous data, and using light-curve measurements in the optical and far infrared, we carry out a rotationally resolved spectroscopic study of the surface of Haumea. We describe the physical characteristics of the crystalline water ice present on the surface of Haumea for both regions, in and out of the Dark Red Spot (DRS), and analyze the differences obtained for each individual spectrum. The presence of crystalline water ice is confirmed over more than half of the surface of Haumea. Our measurements of the average spectral slope confirm the redder characteristic of the spot region. Detailed analysis of the crystalline water-ice absorption bands do not show significant differences between the DRS and the remaining part of the surface. We also present the results of applying Hapke modeling to our data set. The best spectral fit is obtained with a mixture of crystalline water ice (grain sizes smaller than 60 micron) with a few percent of amorphous carbon. Improvements to the fit are obtained by adding ~10% of amorphous water ice. Additionally, we used the IFU-reconstructed images to measure the relative astrometric position of the largest satellite Hi`iaka and determine its orbital elements. An orbital solution was computed with our genetic-based algorithm GENOID and our results are in full agreement with recent results.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    A recuperação das fachadas do edifício do IRB, monumento da arquitetura modernista brasileira, no Rio de Janeiro

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    O edifício do IRB- Instituto Brasileiro de Resseguros, foi projetado pelo escritório MMM Roberto em 1941, e nele os arquitetos colocaram em prática as pesquisas que já vinham desenvolvendo sobre o uso do brise no controle da luz intensa do Rio de Janeiro. O projeto do IRB, não só incorporou esse elemento, já sedimentado no repertório modernista, como inovou ao trazer para o partido duas novas experiências, que tornaram o edifício um símbolo na evolução do estilo que iria seria conhecido como arquitetura modernista brasileira: a inserção de movimento na geometria rígida estabelecida pelos princípios do modernismo; e o uso de modulação que permitiu criar um dos primeiros edifícios, do Brasil, a utilizar elementos construtivos pré-fabricados. O edifício tem as fachadas totalmente revestidas por um tipo de mármore de estrutura laminar, um material de que não há mais jazidas conhecidas no país, e que se encontrava alterado pelo intemperismo a ponto de se destacarem placas da fachada. Procedeu-se então ao estudo dos materiais e das condições do ambiente, para que fosse possível detectar as causas das patologias e erradicá-las ou minorá-las sensívelmente. Foram testados e propostos métodos de limpeza e consolidação do mármore da fachada e de sustentação das placas que ameaçavam desprendimento.Tópico 3: Construcciones en piedra. Durabilidad y preservación de las rocas

    A recuperação das cantarias da Capela de N.Sra da Glória do Outeiro, no Rio de Janeiro

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    A Capela de Nossa Senhora da Glória do Outeiro, localizada sobre um morro beirando o mar da baía de Guanabara é uma jóia do século XVIII. Sua planta poligonal é formada por dois octógonos irregulares, alongados e interligados, antecedidos pela base quadrada da única torre sineira, cujo pé forma a galilé de acesso à capela Cada uma das arestas dos octógonos é marcada (interna e externamente, por pilastras de cantaria, coroadas por pináculos. São também de cantaria os emolduramentos de janelas, portas e óculos, as cimalhas e a galilé, os elementos de composição do arco cruzeiro e a cobertura plana da edificação. Foram esses elementos de cantaria, atacados pela umidade e pelo intemperismo, que foram objeto do estudo para determinar os processos de limpeza e consolidação adequados. As principais patologias identificadas foram o descolamento de placas da cantaria, a presença de crostas negras, o ataque por fungos e vegetação superior e as manchas de grafitti e de matérias graxas. Cada uma destas patologias foi estudada e testados processos e materiais de limpeza e consolidação e integração das lacunas existentes.Tópico 3: Construcciones en piedra. Durabilidad y preservación de las rocas

    Estudio de métodos de aproximación y el uso de analogías con el desarrollo de textiles biomiméticos

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    La biomimética es una rama de la ciencia dedicada al estudio de la naturaleza y aprender de ella objetivar utilizar este conocimiento en diferentes áreas. El término proviene del griego "bios" que significa vida y "mimesis", que significa imitación. Por lo tanto, la imitación biomiméticos media de la vida y es una ciencia que trata de encontrar soluciones a los más variados campos de la inspiración de la ingeniería de los sistemas de la naturaleza y biológicos que tienen millones de años y siempre están evolucionando. Y bajo la inspiración en los modelos y procesos de la naturaleza, la industria textil ha sido la aplicación de los conocimientos de la biomimética y ha logrado un éxito ya que las soluciones se encontraron varios y diversos productos que fueron creados. En este sentido, este trabajo presenta una revisión de la evolución del sector textil obtenida mediante técnicas de mímica y presentar las similitudes de enfoque y los métodos utilizados en la investigación y el desarrollo de textiles biomiméticos.Biomimetics is a branch of science devoted to study nature and learn from it to use this knowledge in different areas. The term comes from the Greek "bios" meaning life and "mimesis," which means imitation. Therefore, biomimetic means imitation of life and it is a science that seeks to find solutions to the most varied fields of engineering based on the inspiration from nature and biological systems that have millions of years and are always evolving. Considering the inspiration in the models and processes of nature, textile industry has been applying the knowledge obtained from biomimetics and has achieved success since several solutions were found out and several products were created. In this sense, this paper presents a review of the developments in the textile field obtained using techniques of mimicry and to present the approach similarities and methods used in research and development of biomimetic textiles