250 research outputs found

    Morphology of the prothorax and procoxa in the New World Cryptocephalini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae)

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    The comparative morphology of the prothorax and procoxae of New World Cryptocephalini was studied based on representatives of 11 of the 13 genera of the tribe. This study revealed a set of characters of obvious diagnostic and possible phylogenetic value supporting the currently accepted generic classification and two subtribes instead of the three currently recognized. Two general types of prothoracies were found, the first occurring in Cryptocephalina and Monachulina and the second in Pachybrachina. Previously undescribed for Polyphaga, a monocondylic joint between the coxa and trochantin, was found in all the genera studied. Possible movement of the trochanter, including the transfer of advance movement into rotation, is described and illustrated

    On the probability of reaching a barrier in an Erlang(2) risk process.

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    In this paper the process of aggregated claims in a non-life insurance portfolio as defined in the classical model of risk theory is modified. The Compound Poisson process is replaced with a more general renewal risk process with interoccurrence times of Erlangian type. We focus our analysis on the probability that the process of surplus reaches a certain level before ruin occurs, χ(u,b). Our main contribution is the generalization obtained in the computation of χ(u,b) for the case of interoccurrence time between claims distributed as Erlang(2, β) and the individual claim amount as Erlang (n, γ)

    Morphology of the prothorax and procoxa in the New World Cryptocephalini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae)

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    The comparative morphology of the prothorax and procoxae of New World Cryptocephalini was studied based on representatives of 11 of the 13 genera of the tribe. This study revealed a set of characters of obvious diagnostic and possible phylogenetic value supporting the currently accepted generic classification and two subtribes instead of the three currently recognized. Two general types of prothoracies were found, the first occurring in Cryptocephalina and Monachulina and the second in Pachybrachina. Previously undescribed for Polyphaga, a monocondylic joint between the coxa and trochantin, was found in all the genera studied. Possible movement of the trochanter, including the transfer of advance movement into rotation, is described and illustrated

    On the probability of reaching a barrier in an Erlang(2) risk process

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    HolaIn this paper the process of aggregated claims in a non-life insurance portfolio as defined in the classical model of risk theory is modified. The Compound Poisson process is replaced with a more general renewal risk process with interoccurrence times of Erlangian type. We focus our analysis on the probability that the process of surplus reaches a certain level before ruin occurs, χ(u,b). Our main contribution is the generalization obtained in the computation of χ(u,b) for the case of interoccurrence time between claims distributed as Erlang(2, β) and the individual claim amount as Erlang (n, γ).Peer Reviewe

    Gestión de residuos a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un automóvil

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    El estudio que se desarrolla a continuación tiene el objetivo de analizar los sectores y procesos de reciclaje de los residuos generados por un vehículo a lo largo desu vida útil. Se pretende detectar posibles lagunas  existentes en la actualidad y proponer mejoras organizativas según las carencias detectadas. Este estudio se realiza en definitiva, analizando el sector automovilístico y el reciclaje que se lleva acabo en el mismo, teniendo en cuenta la aplicación de la Directiva Europea2000/53 en el Estado Español y repasando los procesos de reciclaje de los diferentes componentes de un vehículo.  Mediante las carencias detectadas en dichos procesos se propone la mejora de la gestión de los residuos en los talleres con la creación de un SIG (Sistema Integrado de Gestión)


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    The female genitalia of New World Cryptocephalini was studied and illustrated based on representatives of 11 of the 13 genera of the tribe. It was found that female genitalia contain pleurites IX, a rare and apparently primitive feature among leaf beetles. In other features cryptocephaline female genitalia are simpler than genitalia of other leaf beetles in having a poorly sclerotized sternite VIII and lacking the tignum. It is also hypothesized that the vagina is formed by sternites IX (dorsally) and VIII (ventrally), and that sclerotized plate of sternite IX can be homologized with vaginal palpi of flea beetles. A set of characters of diagnostic and of possible phylogenetic value was found. In general, Cryptocephalina and Monachulina bear the greatest affinity in overall morphology of the female genitalia, with Pachybrachina possessing a different set of unique morphological states. Of particular diagnostic and phylogenetic value at the subtribal level, as revealed by this study, are the shape and degree of sclerotization of tergite VIII, tergite IX, and sternite VIII

    Emergence of Large-Scale Cell Morphology and Movement from Local Actin Filament Growth Dynamics

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    Variations in cell migration and morphology are consequences of changes in underlying cytoskeletal organization and dynamics. We investigated how these large-scale cellular events emerge as direct consequences of small-scale cytoskeletal molecular activities. Because the properties of the actin cytoskeleton can be modulated by actin-remodeling proteins, we quantitatively examined how one such family of proteins, enabled/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (Ena/VASP), affects the migration and morphology of epithelial fish keratocytes. Keratocytes generally migrate persistently while exhibiting a characteristic smooth-edged “canoe” shape, but may also exhibit less regular morphologies and less persistent movement. When we observed that the smooth-edged canoe keratocyte morphology correlated with enrichment of Ena/VASP at the leading edge, we mislocalized and overexpressed Ena/VASP proteins and found that this led to changes in the morphology and movement persistence of cells within a population. Thus, local changes in actin filament dynamics due to Ena/VASP activity directly caused changes in cell morphology, which is coupled to the motile behavior of keratocytes. We also characterized the range of natural cell-to-cell variation within a population by using measurable morphological and behavioral features—cell shape, leading-edge shape, filamentous actin (F-actin) distribution, cell speed, and directional persistence—that we have found to correlate with each other to describe a spectrum of coordinated phenotypes based on Ena/VASP enrichment at the leading edge. This spectrum stretched from smooth-edged, canoe-shaped keratocytes—which had VASP highly enriched at their leading edges and migrated fast with straight trajectories—to more irregular, rounder cells migrating slower with less directional persistence and low levels of VASP at their leading edges. We developed a mathematical model that accounts for these coordinated cell-shape and behavior phenotypes as large-scale consequences of kinetic contributions of VASP to actin filament growth and protection from capping at the leading edge. This work shows that the local effects of actin-remodeling proteins on cytoskeletal dynamics and organization can manifest as global modifications of the shape and behavior of migrating cells and that mathematical modeling can elucidate these large-scale cell behaviors from knowledge of detailed multiscale protein interactions

    Estudio de viabilidad de la Virtualización de Servidores aplicada al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Nicaragua (MINREX), Managua 2012.

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    La virtualización de servidores se sitúa en la actualidad en una de las facetas más importantes dentro de las tendencias de modernización del mundo empresarial [1], la virtualización de los sistemas informáticos se usa para paliar y en muchos casos eliminar la infra-utilización de servidores. Ante estas nuevas tendencias y con el objetivo de estar a la vanguardia en el MINREX se está pensando en la virtualización de los servicios de red que ofrece, para paliar la falta de recursos hardware que enfrenta actualmente; sin embargo, antes de proceder a esta virtualización se hace necesario un estudio para obtenerinformación sobre la viabilidad de este proceso; lográndose identicar las principales barreras que enfrenta la virtualización, así como también el software más apropiado para llevar a cabo este proceso.El tipo de investigación que se realizó fue un estudio explorativo de corte transversal, donde se logró identicar como principales barreras al proceso de virtualización el costo inicial y la falta de personal calicado, sin embargo los factores más determinantes para llevar a cabo este proceso son: ahorro en recursos hardware, minimización del consumo energético y mayor eciencia operativa, siendo los software más adecuado de implementación VMWare y VirtualBox [9]