138 research outputs found

    Construir representacions compartides entre iguals

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    La actividad del sujeto en el proceso de equilibración de las estructuras cognoscitivas en Jean Piaget

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    Universidad Complutense de MadridTRUEProQuestpu

    Prácticas juveniles en la comunicación audiovisual: más allá de las aulas

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    Juvenile practices are associated with very specific social and cultural contexts. This work is situated within the environment of western societies, be it European or American. The groups living there are undoubtedly defined by specific traits, but also by other common ones, especially by the fact that they participate in a global universe mediated by digital instruments, where mobility and swiftness in communication prevail. I shall reflect on this matter within these pages: I will first show what it means to live in a mobile society, and then I will dwell on the educational opportunities that this offers outside the classroom: for example, the way in which, within the environments generated therein, young people can learn to build stories or think scientifically, as well as to develop multimodal languages and, finally, to become aware of the fact that they live in communities where values are shared.Las prácticas juveniles están asociadas a contextos sociales y culturales muy específicos. Este trabajo se sitúa en el entorno de las sociedades occidentales, europeas o americanas. Los grupos que viven allí se definen, sin duda, por rasgos específicos, pero también por otros que tienen en común, especialmente el hecho de participar de un universo global mediado por instrumentos digitales, donde prima la movilidad y la rapidez en la comunicación. Reflexionaré sobre ello en estas páginas: mostraré primero qué significa vivir en una sociedad móvil y, a continuación, me detendré en las oportunidades educativas que ello ofrece fuera de las aulas: por ejemplo, la manera en que, en los entornos comunicativos que allí se generan, la gente joven puede aprender a construir historias o a pensar científicamente; también a desarrollar lenguajes multimodales y, finalmente, a tomar conciencia de que viven en comunidades en las que se comparten valores

    Remixing war: An analysis of the reimagination of the Russian–Ukraine war on TikTok

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    Interpretative struggles of global crises are increasingly being reflected on social media networks. TikTok is a relatively new social media platform that has achieved substantial popularity among young people in many parts of the world and is now being used to disseminate and make sense of information about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Through a user-centered sampling approach, we collected 62 TikTok videos and conducted an in-depth qualitative analysis of them and their uploading profiles to explore how the war was being represented on the platform. Our analysis revealed a strong prevalence of remixing practices among content creators; that is, they recontextualise images, sounds and embodied self-performance within the platform-specific affordances of trends. We found that distant suffering is mediated through the emotive online self-performance of content creators, cuing their audiences toward appropriate emotional responses. Trending sounds situate videos within a singular-motif and context-diverse environment, facilitating what we theorize as affective audio networks

    Transmedia Narratives and Social Networks: Peaky Blinders' Television Fiction

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    Digital media expanded the scenarios in which people watch television and the communication contexts where fans comment on their content. This work focuses on the conversations between Spanish speakers that take place on the Internet about the Peaky Blinders TV series. We focus on analysis of the discourse generated from the series’ content in social networks, where spectators converse with one another and on analysis of other, creative practices, which help to develop the transmedia narrative but are generated by the spectators themselves. This is known as fan fiction, cosplay or crossover. We combine big data (Kitchin, 2014), to extract digital texts, and small data to analyze the construction of meanings from the perspective of discourse analysis (Gee, 2014). Big data were collected during the recent premiere of the fifth season in Spain, from 14 March to 15 June 2020 (3 months of which coincided with Covid-19 lockdown).The texts appeared on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, as well as in forums, comments, and other digital information. We dynamically defined 268 categories during the data collection stage. This study includes only those that the research team considered were more relevant, facilitating in-depth analysis of the conversations through discourse analysis. The results discuss how participants construct narratives that we interpret from a triple model. First, digital and situated storytelling (Ryan, 2019) through reconstruction of the contents and formats of the series by fans (Lacasa, 2020). Second, digital media and the presence of multi-platforms, which have generated transmedia strategies (Kavoori et al., 2017 (Kavoori, 2017)). The study establishes the relationships between these multiple platforms and how audiences are present there. Third, digital contexts that generate conversations, creating dialogue between cultural industries and TV series followers

    Aprender en mundos digitales

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    Este artículo aporta reflexiones acerca de losretos que implica el desarrollo de los nuevosmedios y las transformaciones sociales que permiten.Como conceptos teóricos que permitendar cuenta de la capacidad creativa y de aprendizajeque se pueden desarrollar en estos medios,se toma en cuenta “cultura participativa” deJenkins y Cole, el “enfoque constructivista” conVigotsky, Rogoff, Holland y Kuhn. Finalmentese plantean nuevas posibilidades a partir de lacultura participativa, nuevas formas de aprendery oportunidades para relaciones más simétricasen la enseñanza

    Learning as a communal process and as a byproduct of social activism

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    The purpose of this paper is to draw out the consequences of the communal character of learning approach promoted by a sociocultural framework. This approach has both descriptive-analytical and prescriptive-guiding power: it helps to analyze existing practices be they traditional, exclusive, or innovative but, what is, probably, even more important, it also helps to guide practitioners in the design of more inclusive educational practices. In the first part of the paper, we will provide a framework for analyzing the case of a shift from a traditional institutionalized perspective that understands learning as an individual process located in the head of the learner to the institutionalization of learning as a communal process — a regime which helps avoid constructing children in terms of a deficit model, disability, and academic failure. In the second part of the paper, we will discuss how treating learning as a communal process can guide an educational practitioner to develop a new pedagogical regime of a learning community of social activists that leads to inclusive pedagogy and eliminate “zones of teacher-student disability

    Guided participation in youth media practices

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    Youth has to deal with some digital practices and develop media discourses on their own. Our study aims to deepen these concepts from the point of view of the guided participation, understood in this case as a collaborative process of media literacy based on culturally significant activities. Our data comes from a series of workshops that took place at the Telefonica Flagship Store (Madrid, Spain) with teens between eight and 14 years old. The evidence was collected by qualitative research techniques such as observation, conversation and descriptive analysis. The results give us some preliminary ideas for discussion: 1) social media practices enable youth to connect their online and offline activities with their interests; 2) the generation of collaborative learning scenarios based on the interaction between young people becomes a fundamental element of media literacy and 3) user-generated content emerges as an identity and habits depiction in media, especially among young people.Os jovens têm de lidar com algumas práticas digitais e desenvolver discursos mediáticos por conta própria. O objetivo do nosso estudo é aprofundar estes conceitos do ponto de vista da participação guiada, compreendida, neste caso, como um processo colaborativo de literacia mediática baseado em atividades culturalmente significativas. Os nossos dados provêm de uma série de workshops realizados na Telefonica Flagship Store (Madrid, Espanha) com adolescentes entre os oito e os 14 anos de idade. As observações foram recolhidas através de técnicas de pesquisa qualitativa, como a observação, conversação e análise descritiva. Os resultados fornecem-nos algumas ideias preliminares para discussão: 1) as práticas nas redes sociais permitem que os jovens liguem as suas atividades online e offline aos seus interesses; 2) a geração de cenários de aprendizagem colaborativa baseados na interação entre jovens torna-se um elemento fundamental da literacia mediática; e 3) o conteúdo gerado pelo utilizador surge como uma identidade e representação de hábitos nos media, especialmente entre os jovens