141 research outputs found


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    Os edifícios de balanço energético nulo (NZEB - Net-Zero Energy Building) e/ou quase nulo (nZEB), têm vindo a ganhar crescente atenção desde a publicação da diretiva europeia 2010/31/EU [15]. Em Portugal, com a introdução do Decreto-Lei n.º118/2013, dá o primeiro passo para os edifícios com necessidades quase nulas de energia. Os novos edifícios licenciados após 31 dezembro de 2020, ou após 31 de dezembro de 2018 no caso de edifícios públicos, serão edifícios com necessidades quase nulas de energia. O objetivo do trabalho descrito neste artigo consiste na aplicação do conceito ”Net Zero Energy Building”, ao edifício existente do Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya (ISPGaya), em Vila Nova de Gaia, com o intuito de analisar a viabilidade de otimização de energia e a metodologia deste conceito ao edifício, com recurso a ferramentas de simulação. Neste trabalho efetuámos uma simulação energética do edifício, através do DesignBuilder®, que servirá como termo de comparação para outras simulações. Serão delineadas as especificações a implementar no edifício por forma a ser considerado Net Zero Energy Building, com alterações na simulação do mesmo de acordo com as novas especificações. Por último, será feita a comparação técnica, financeira e ambiental da solução NZEB encontrada. Através das várias simulações energéticas ao edifício, conclui-se que é possível baixar as necessidades energéticas do edifício através de medidas de eficiência energética, em especial na iluminação e que os resultados obtidos, apesar de ser viável a implementação do conceito Net Zero Energy Building, traduzem um esforço financeiro e algumas condicionantes para a sua concretização

    Estimating Engel curves: a new way to improve the SILC-HBS matching process using GLM methods

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    Microdata are required to evaluate the distributive impact of the taxation system as a whole (direct and indirect taxes) on individuals or households. However, in European Union countries this information is usually distributed into two separate surveys: the Household Budget Surveys (HBS), including total household expenditure and its composition, and EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), including detailed information about households'' income and direct (but not indirect) taxes paid. We present a parametric statistical matching procedure to merge both surveys. For the first stage of matching, we propose estimating total household expenditure in HBS (Engel curves) using a GLM estimator, instead of the traditionally used OLS method. It is a better alternative, insofar as it can deal with the heteroskedasticity problem of the OLS estimates, while making it unnecessary to retransform the regressors estimated in logarithms. To evaluate these advantages of the GLM estimator, we conducted a computational Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, when an error term is added to the deterministic imputation of expenditure in the EU-SILC, we propose replacing the usual Normal distribution of the error with a Chi-square type, which allows a better approximation to the original expenditures variance in the HBS. An empirical analysis is provided using Spanish surveys for years 2012–2016. In addition, we extend the empirical analysis to the rest of the European Union countries, using the surveys provided by Eurostat (EU-SILC, 2011; HBS, 2010)

    The proteins DLK1 and DLK2 modulate NOTCH1-dependent proliferation and oncogenic potential of human SK-MEL-2 melanoma cells

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    AbstractNOTCH receptors regulate cell proliferation and survival in several types of cancer cells. Depending on the cellular context, NOTCH1 can function as an oncogene or as a tumor suppressor gene. DLK1 is also involved in the regulation of cell growth and cancer, but nothing is known about the role of DLK2 in these processes. Recently, the proteins DLK1 and DLK2 have been reported to interact with NOTCH1 and to inhibit NOTCH1 activation and signaling in different cell lines. In this work, we focused on the role of DLK proteins in the control of melanoma cell growth, where NOTCH1 is known to exert an oncogenic effect. We found that human DLK proteins inhibit NOTCH signaling in SK-MEL-2 metastatic melanoma cells. Moreover, the proliferation rate of these cells was dependent upon the level of NOTCH activation and signaling as regulated by DLK proteins. In particular, high levels of NOTCH inhibition resulted in a decrease, whereas lower levels of NOTCH inhibition led to an increase in melanoma cell proliferation rates, both in vitro and in vivo. Finally, our data revealed additive NOTCH-mediated effects of DLK proteins and the γ-secretase inhibitor DAPT on cell proliferation. The data presented in this work suggest that a fine regulation of NOTCH signaling plays an important role in the control of metastatic melanoma cell proliferation. Our results open the way to new research on the role of DLK proteins as potential therapeutic tools for the treatment of human melanoma

    Enteral stents: Complications and their management

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    The treatment of malignant colonic and gastric outlet obstruction with self-expanding metallic stents (SEMS) is an established technique that can be performed by radiologic or a combination of radiologic and endoscopic guidance. The procedure is very effective to relieve the obstructive symptoms of advanced malignancies, with important clinical benefits and significant improvement in quality of life for the patients. Despite much advancement in the designs of SEMS, enteral stent placement is still associated with some significant early and late complications. Stent dysfunction mainly caused by tumor ingrowth/over growth, and stent migration when covered stent are used, are relatively common complications and many times require reinterventions

    Productivity growth and international openness : evidence from Latin American countries 1980-2006

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    In this study we examine productivity growth and their relationship with international openness in Latin American countries over the period 1980¿2006. Overall results on productivity indicate a stagnation process for the entire period 1986¿2006. The decomposition of productivity into catching up and technical change reveals that the first have a stagnation process and the latter worsening. Analyzing the relationship between productivity growth and international openness we find different patterns for both methodologies parametric (Arellano¿Bond estimator) and nonparametric (GAM) and for both measures of international openness merchandise trade (% of GDP) and (export+imports)/GDP. In particular in a parametric way, although the shape is curvilinear for both models the relationship is positive inverted U¿shaped in the first case and Ushaped in second

    Productivity growth and international openness : evidence from Latin American countries 1980-2006

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    In this study we examine productivity growth and their relationship with international openness in Latin American countries over the period 1980¿2006. Overall results on productivity indicate a stagnation process for the entire period 1986¿2006. The decomposition of productivity into catching up and technical change reveals that the first have a stagnation process and the latter worsening. Analyzing the relationship between productivity growth and international openness we find different patterns for both methodologies parametric (Arellano¿Bond estimator) and nonparametric (GAM) and for both measures of international openness merchandise trade (% of GDP) and (export+imports)/GDP. In particular in a parametric way, although the shape is curvilinear for both models the relationship is positive inverted U¿shaped in the first case and Ushaped in second

    Simulación computacional con elementos finitos y redes neuronales de problemas multifísicos. Aplicación al cocinado de carne

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado se enmarca en un proyecto de colaboración entre la Universidad de Zaragoza y la empresa B/S/H España. Con el objetivo del desarrollo de una metodología computacional capaz de sentar las bases del cocinado autónomo.En primer lugar, se describe la física que rige el cocinado de carne y se realiza una breve introducción del aprendizaje profundo y las redes neuronales. Una buena forma de comprobar, a priori, el potencial y validez de las redes neuronales, es resolviendo una serie de ejemplos de aplicación relacionados cada uno, con las físicas que intervienen en el cocinado de carne: Mecánica estructural, Transferencia de calor y Transferencia de masa. Para ello se han simulado dichos problemas en un software de elementos finitos, obteniendo una población de resultados utilizados para entrenar a las redes neuronales y que estas sean capaces de predecir estos resultados, en tiempo real y con exactitud.En segundo lugar, se ha abordado la simulación del cocinado de carne utilizando los resultados de modelos 1D y 3D para entrenar redes neuronales que permitan obtener predicciones disminuyendo el coste computacional. En este caso se han considerado como variables de salida la distribución de la temperatura y de la pérdida de masa del alimento. Un aspecto que se ha tenido en cuenta para valorar la metodología propuesta, reside en las principales características de las redes neuronales como: variables de entrada, número de capas ocultas o tamaño de la población de entrenamiento. En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio detallado de la influencia de estas características.Por último, se han comparado las predicciones obtenidas mediante las redes neuronales con los resultados obtenidos en el software de elementos finitos, con el objetivo de comprobar la validez de las redes neuronales en la aplicación al cocinado de carne.<br /

    Efectos del fraude en el IVA sobre su progresividad y capacidad redistributiva: el caso de España en 2022

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    El trabajo realiza una estimación del fraude potencial existente en el IVA para España en 2022 a través de una metodología basada en la unión de la información proporcionada por la Orden Ministerial reguladora del régimen de estimación objetiva del IRPF y de los regímenes especial simplificado y de recargo de equivalencia del IVA, con lo datos proporcionados por la Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares del INE acerca del gasto y consumo de los hogares residentes en España. Además, se realiza una estimación de los efectos de este fraude en el IVA sobre su recaudación, progresividad y capacidad redistributiva comparando los índices de Kakwani y Reynolds-Smolensky del IVA, con y sin presencia del fraude potencial estimado.<br /

    Comparative analysis on the efficiency of the firm and theirs determinants of European transition economics

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    In this study we evaluate the efficiency of the firms with DEA technique and bootstrapping procedure in eleven transition economics among sixth industrial and service sectors in a cross-section 2005. At the second stage, we study the relationship between corrected efficiency scores and possible explanatory variables. On one hand, our result shows statistically significant differences in efficiency levels across countries and sectors. Likewise, significant levels of inefficiency are identified especially in service sectors (Hotels and Restaurants, Retail and Wholesale and Transport). On the others hand, the results of the analysis in second stage confirmed the existence of a significant relationship between the country that firms operate (country-effect) and firm′s age (learning by doing). The latter relationship between age and efficiency has different behaviors according to the sector concerned, in the form of U shape in the Hotels and Restaurants, inverted U shape in Metal and Machinery and Wood and Furniture and linear in the Retail and Wholesale sector. Contrary perhaps to expectations, the results also allow us to conclude that there is no important statistically significant relationship between the efficiency and variables related to the strategies implemented by firms and the control of the property

    Las arañas en agroecosistemas: bioindicadores terrestres de calidad ambiental

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    Las arañas son predadores generalistas en ecosistemas terrestres, ampliamente utilizadas en estudios de biodiversidad. En el último siglo, el paisaje de Uruguay se transformó en un mosaico de áreas formadas por ambientes naturales y agroecosistemas. ¿Qué nivel de cambio se espera hallar en la comunidad de arañas si las áreas de estudio están próximas? ¿Qué porcentaje de especies nativas serán reemplazadas con la plantación? ¿Cómo afecta esto a la biodiversidad local? Se realizó un estudio en cuatro áreas vecinas en INIA Las Brujas, Canelones: un bosque ribereño, un bosque de “Espinillo”, una plantación de Eucalyptus globulus y una pradera artificial de Trifolium pratense y Avena sativa. Las arañas fueron capturadas con trampas de caída, trampas de tronco, segado, batido de follaje y colecta manual nocturna. Un total de 3.023 adultos fueron colectados. La mayor abundancia y riqueza de especies se observó en el bosque ribereño. A pesar de la proximidad de los sitios estudiados, se observó un alto reemplazo de especies, especialmente entre áreas naturales y agroecosistemas. Los protocolos de colecta utilizados podrían ser útiles para evaluar el impacto de agroecosistemas con diferentes tipos de manejos sobre la biodiversidad local y su aplicación en la certificación de calidad ambiental