189 research outputs found

    Estimating multiple linear regression parameters using term omission method

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    In this paper, we introduce a new method to estimate multiple linear regression parameters, namely Multiple Term Omission (MTO). Then, we compare its performance with other three methods: Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Model using several criteria, such as Mean Average Deviation (MAD), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and Root Mean Square Error standard (RMSE). MTO method has the finest consequences as compared to the other methods for the experimented data

    Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Bruxism: A Systematic Review of Case Reports

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    Since the time of birth until adulthood, the mouth has been known to be a natural site to release stress. The expression of this stress varies as the human grows. A newborn cries when stressed to attract the attention of parents. A child might spit and bite to release stress and anger. An adult might use abusive language, smokes, and uses drugs (all orally) to release stress. Bruxism, clenching or grinding of the teeth, is also a form of stress release through the oral route. It is a harmful behavior or a risk factor for developing negative oral health outcomes rather than a disorder. A psychological element is commonly associated with it. Multiple treatments can be used to treat bruxism, one of which is hypnotherapy. Although many case reports have discussed the role of hypnotherapy in treating bruxism, there is no comprehensive review of them. In this study, we review all published cases in which hypnotherapy was involved in treating bruxism. Our results encompass ten cases which conclude that hypnotherapy is effective in the treatment of bruxism

    Antiepileptic drugs and bone metabolism

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    Anti-epileptic medications encompass a wide range of drugs including anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, enzyme inducers or inhibitors, with a variety effects, including induction of cytochrome P450 and other enzyme, which may lead to catabolism of vitamin D and hypocalcemia and other effects that may significantly effect the risk for low bone mass and fractures. With the current estimates of 50 million people worldwide with epilepsy together with the rapid increase in utilization of these medications for other indications, bone disease associated with the use of anti-epileptic medications is emerging as a serious health threat for millions of people. Nevertheless, it usually goes unrecognized and untreated. In this review we discuss the pathophysiologic mechanisms of bone disease associated with anti-epileptic use, including effect of anti-epileptic agents on bone turnover and fracture risk, highlighting various strategies for prevention of bone loss and associated fractures a rapidly increasing vulnerable population

    Adaptable Xerogel-Layered Amperometric Biosensor Platforms on Wire Electrodes for Clinically Relevant Measurements

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    Biosensing strategies that employ readily adaptable materials for different analytes, can be miniaturized into needle electrode form, and function in bodily fluids represent a significant step toward the development of clinically relevant in vitro and in vivo sensors. In this work, a general scheme for 1st generation amperometric biosensors involving layer-by-layer electrode modification with enzyme-doped xerogels, electrochemically-deposited polymer, and polyurethane semi-permeable membranes is shown to achieve these goals. With minor modifications to these materials, sensors representing potential point-of-care medical tools are demonstrated to be sensitive and selective for a number of conditions. The potential for bedside measurements or continuous monitoring of analytes may offer faster and more accurate clinical diagnoses for diseases such as diabetes (glucose), preeclampsia (uric acid), galactosemia (galactose), xanthinuria (xanthine), and sepsis (lactate). For the specific diagnostic application, the sensing schemes have been miniaturized to wire electrodes and/or demonstrated as functional in synthetic urine or blood serum. Signal enhancement through the incorporation of platinum nanoparticle film in the scheme offers additional design control within the sensing scheme. The presented sensing strategy has the potential to be applied to any disease that has a related biomolecule and corresponding oxidase enzyme and represents rare, adaptable, sensing capabilities

    The influence of delayed light curing on the degree of conversion and polymerization contraction stress in dual-cured resin luting agents

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of delayed photo-initiation on the polymerization contraction stress (PCS) and degree of conversion (DC) of a dual-cure resin-luting agent. Thirty-five disk (6 mm × 1 mm) samples (n = 10 each group) of dual cure resin luting agent for PCS assessment were fabricated and polymerized using two illuminated quartz rods. Based on the delay in photo-initiation, 30 disks were divided among six groups [group A-0 min (min) delay, group B-2 min, group C-4 min, group D-6 min, group E-8 min and group F-10 min]. A non-photoinitiated group (group G – chemical cure – n = 5) was included as control. The PCS for all specimens was assessed using a Tensometer. For DC evaluation thirty-five specimens were divided into seven groups with delays in photo-initiation (group H-0 min, group I-2 min, group J-4 min, group K-6 min, group L-8 min and group M-10 min, group N-chemical cure). DC was assessed using attenuated total reflectance spectroscopic technique. Statistical comparison among groups was performed using analysis of variance (α = 0.05). The maximum and minimum PCS and DC values with delayed photo-initiation was observed in group-C (3.34 MPa) & group-F (2.44 MPa); and group-M (0.78 MPa) and group-H (0.55 MPa) respectively. Chemically cured samples showed the least PCS (group-G, 1.94) and DC (group-N, 0.53) values in their respective categories. PCS significantly decreased with delayed photo-initiation. A significant increase in DC was noticed when photo-initiation was delayed in the dual cure resin luting agent

    Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Adsorption Interfaces for Electron Transfer Studies of Galactose Oxidase

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    Modified electrodes featuring specific adsorption platforms able to access the electrochemistry of the copper containing enzyme galactose oxidase (GaOx) were explored, including interfaces featuring nanomaterials such as nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Electrodes modified with various self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) including those with attached nanoparticles or amide-coupled functionalized CNTs were examined for their ability to effectively immobilize GaOx and study the redox activity related to its copper core. While stable GaOx electrochemistry has been notoriously difficult to achieve at modified electrodes, strategically designed functionalized CNT-based interfaces, cysteamine SAM-modified electrode subsequently amide-coupled to carboxylic acid functionalized single wall CNTs, were significantly more effective with high GaOx surface adsorption along with well-defined, more reversible, stable (≥ 8 days) voltammetry and an average ET rate constant of 0.74 s-1 in spite of increased ET distance - a result attributed to effective electronic coupling at the GaOx active site. Both amperometric and fluorescence assay results suggest embedded GaOx remains active. Fundamental ET properties of GaOx may be relevant to biosensor development targeting galactosemia while the use functionalized CNT platforms for adsorption/electrochemistry of electroactive enzymes/proteins may present an approach for fundamental protein electrochemistry and their future use in both direct and indirect biosensor schemes

    Psychosocial predictors of primiparous breastfeeding initiation and duration

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    Background: Many US women fall short of meeting the recommendations on breastfeeding.Whereas prenatal demographic factors have been well researched in relation to breastfeeding,psychosocial maternal characteristics are less understood but could be important predictors ofbreastfeeding initiation and duration.Objective: This study examined primiparous maternal psychosocial characteristics andtemperamentally based negative infant affect as predictors of breastfeeding initiation andduration while accounting for depression and sociodemographic covariates.Methods: Prenatally, 237 primiparous women were administered the Adult AttachmentInterview and completed a measure of beliefs related to infant crying. At 6 months postpartum,negative infant affect was assessed via mother report. Breastfeeding was assessed at 6 monthsand 1 year postpartum via mother report.Results: Results indicated that younger, low income, less educated, single, ethnic minoritymothers and mothers with elevated depressive symptoms were less likely to initiate breastfeedingand breastfed for a shorter period than other women. Women who initiated breastfeeding tendedto have higher adult attachment coherence scores (more secure attachment) than those who didnot initiate breastfeeding (median score of 6.00 vs 4.00). An interaction was observed betweennegative infant affect and beliefs about crying related to spoiling, such that earlier cessation ofbreastfeeding was observed among mothers who reported high levels of negative infant affectand strongly endorsed the belief that responding to cries spoils infants (hazard ratio = 1.71, P Conclusion: Although these psychosocial variables predicted relatively little variation inbreastfeeding over and above covariates, the results suggest some novel approaches to promotebreastfeeding

    Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Wave Energy Converter (WEC)

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    Honorable Mention Winner The UNF CREW competing in the U.S. Department of Energy 2021 Marine Energy Collegiate Competition developed a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) for quick deployment in disaster relief areas. When natural disasters disable coastal power grids, a WEC can be easily deployed close to shore and serve as a source of electricity. The ocean waves move magnets through a coil wired within the WEC to generate electricity. To initiate the design process, ANSYS AQWA software simulated both the oceanic environment and the device’s response in the WEC’s testing conditions. AQWA allows the user to change device dimensions easily and optimize the design ahead of physical construction. The resulting WEC proof of concept minimized prototype manufacturing waste and cost by eliminating poor designs in advance. The simulated geometry neglected hollow sections and used unidirectional, regular waves to account for software limitations. The software simulated the WEC for 20 seconds in an oceanic environment with a 40-meter depth and a 0.25-meter amplitude regular wave. Simulations produced graphs and animations describing the forces acting on the WEC as well as the WEC’s movement. The animation proved that the WEC reacts well in similar physical testing conditions. Based on the simulation results, the team constructed a 3D model for small-scale testing. Future investigations will involve more complex designs. Research conducted onward will focus on mass-damper systems and contact surfaces provided in the software

    Cost Analysis of Osprey C.R.E.W.

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    Renewable energy adoption is on the rise in the U.S. and abroad. More than ever, energy sourcing needs to shift away from harmful fossil fuels and towards fully renewable energy sources. Adapting from traditional fossil fuel energy sources to renewable energy sources is paramount for environmental health and public health. Fossil fuels emit harmful pollutants, which have led to changing weather conditions and exasperated natural disasters. Existing renewable sources are not ideal, either. For instance, solar cannot run continuously and wind turbines are subject to weather changes. The recent energy debacle in Texas shows the need for alternative renewable energy sources. The Osprey C.R.E.W. wave energy converter (WEC) alleviates many of the current problems existing renewable energy systems cannot solve. First, it provides reliable and constant service. With other renewable energy services, there will be stops in production. However, there are no stops in wave energy because the waves are constant. Another positive of the WEC device is that their deployments are flexible and scalable. This means that energy production levels can be changed rapidly and without delay. The average cost per device falls significantly with seamless scalability, making large increments of devices procured in a relatively cost-effective manner. Cost comparisons between competing energy sources show that the WEC is very cost-efficient as well. The cost of producing wave energy is found to be more efficient than solar energy and wind alternatives. Our cost figures also show that Osprey C.R.E.W provides a very competitive alternative to the primary fossil fuel producers such as coal and fuel

    Optimization of Power Performance of a Wave Energy Converter

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    With climate change on the rise, unprecedented dependence on electricity, and an increased incidence of extreme weather, the UNF team participating in the U.S. Department of Energy 2021 Marine Energy Collegiate Competition: Powering the Blue Economy wants to give an alternative solution to provide renewable energy in areas that lose electricity as a result of a natural disaster, or that due to their isolated location cannot use traditional renewable energy sources. This led to the creation of the Osprey C.R.E.W (Cheap Reliable Energy from Waves). The Osprey C.R.E.W. is a wave energy converter that uses the vertical motion of the ocean waves to generate electricity. The principle of energy conversion is Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction, which states that a magnetic field moving past a conductor will generate electricity. The UNF team has developed a numerical simulation to test how different parameters influence the output and has built three small-scale prototypes that have been tested in a wave tank. A medium-sized prototype and a wave pool are being constructed, with the expectation that the size will also increase the output
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