65 research outputs found

    Responsible practices in the wild: an actor-network perspective on mobile apps in learning as translation(s)

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    Competence to enact responsible practices, such as recycling waste or boycotting irresponsible companies, is core to learning for responsibility. We explore the role of apps in learning such responsible practices ‘in the wild,’ outside formal educational environments over a 3-week period. Learners maintained a daily diary in which they reflected on their learning of responsible practices with apps. Through a thematic analysis of 557 app mentions in the diaries, we identified five types of app-agency: cognitive, action, interpersonal, personal development, and material. Findings were interpreted from an actor-network perspective using the lens of ‘translation.’ To understand how apps enabled the learning of responsible practices, we analyzed app agency throughout four moments of translation: problematization, interessement, enrolment, and mobilization. Based on our analysis of how students’ app mentions changed over time, we further theorize learning as a sequence of subtranslations that form the larger translation process: learning as translation(s). Each subtranslation cycle is centered on enrolling a different set of human and nonhuman actors, with their competence, into the network. We contribute to the learning for responsibility field by showcasing how app-enabled learning may create real-life actor networks enacting responsibility, and by priming an actor-network pedagogy for ‘learning in the wild.’ We also contribute to the actor-network learning discussion by conceptualizing heterogeneous human–nonhuman competence and the first processual model of learning as translation(s)

    Gastrointestinal Stents: Materials and Designs

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    Over the last 25 years stents have developed into an established way of restoring luminal patency throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Materials used as well as the construction of these devices have become more and more sophisticated in order to comply better with the complex environment they are inserted. The requirements vary greatly from organ to organ and stent behavior differs significantly between stent constructions. However this is not necessarily understood by many operators, as the choice of devices is now vast and in many cases decisions are made on availability and cost. An increasing challenge in malignant conditions is the improving survival of incurable patients, which now exceeds the traditional life expectancy of a stent by a factor of 2 to 3. Consequently more patients experience failure of their stent and require repeat interventions. This has a poor impact on patients’ quality of life and potentially on their survival. Re-intervention is often more difficult, carries the risk of additional complications and presents an additional economic burden to the health systems. This article illustrates current stent designs, their different behavior and their limitations

    Clinical Performance Status and Technical Factors Affecting Outcomes from Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Interventions; A Multicentre, Prospective, Observational Cohort Study.

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    Funder: British Society of Interventional RadiologyPURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of a 'Modified Karnofsky Scoring System' on outcomes and provide real-world data regarding the UK practice of biliary interventions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective multi-centred cohort study was performed. The pre-procedure modified Karnofsky score, the incidence of sepsis, complications, biochemical improvement and mortality were recorded out to 30 days post procedure. RESULTS: A total of 292 patients (248 with malignant lesions) were suitable for inclusion in the study. The overall 7 and 30 day mortality was 3.1% and 16.1%, respectively. The 30 day sepsis rate was 10.3%. In the modified Karnofsky 'high risk' group the 7 day mortality was 9.7% versus 0% for the 'low risk' group (p = 0.002), whereas the 30 day mortality was 28.8% versus 13.3% (p = 0.003). The incidence of sepsis at 30 days was 19% in the high risk group versus 3.3% at the low risk group (p = 0.001) CONCLUSION: Percutaneous biliary interventions in the UK are safe and effective. Scoring systems such as the Karnofsky or the modified Karnofsky score hold promise in allowing us to identify high risk groups that will need more careful consideration and enhanced patient informed consent but further research with larger studies is warranted in order to identify their true impact on patient selection and outcomes post biliary interventions

    A Typology of Digital Sharing Business Models: A Design Science Research Approach

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    The digitally enabled sharing economy, also called the “digital sharing economy” (DSE), has changed patterns of consumption by introducing new choices and channels for provision and receipt of services. The DSE encompasses sharing systems whose business models may vary distinctly from platform to platform. Although business models in the context of the sharing economy have been studied so far, we have observed that the current literature does not provide an approach that covers all the possible business models (in the broadest sense of the term) that (potentially) exist within the scope of the DSE. The present paper, therefore, aims to propose a typology of business models in the DSE that covers a wide space of models – even those which may not involve “business” in the commercial sense. This is achieved through an iterative inductive process based on a design science research approach. The typology can assist in positioning the current and future sharing systems in the DSE by systematically classifying their business models. It is intended to serve as a guiding tool for the sustainability assessment of platforms from both resource and socio-economic perspectives. The present study can also enable researchers and practitioners to capture and systematically analyse digital sharing business models based on a structured, actionable approach

    Towards an appreciation of ethics in social enterprise business models

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    How can a critical analysis of entrepreneurial intention inform an appreciation of ethics in social enterprise business models? In answering this question, we consider the ethical commitments that inform entrepreneurial action (inputs) and the hybrid organisations that emerge out of these commitments and actions (outputs). Ethical theory can be a useful way to re-orient the field of social enterprise so that it is more critical of bureaucratic (charitable) and market-driven (business) enterprises connected to neo-liberal doctrine. Social enterprise hybrid business models are therefore reframed as outcomes of both ethical and entrepreneurial intentions. We challenge the dominant conceptualisation of social enterprise as a hybrid blend of mission and market (purpose-versus-resource) by reframing hybridity in terms of the moral choice of economic system (redistribution, reciprocity and market) and social value orientation (personal, mutual or public benefit). We deconstruct the political foundations of charitable trading activities (CTAs), co-operative and mutual enterprises (CMEs) and socially responsible businesses (SRBs) by examining the rationalities (formal, social and substantive) and ethical commitments (utilitarian, communitarian, pragmatic) that underpin them. Whilst conceptual modelling of social enterprise is not new, this paper contributes to knowledge by developing a theory of social enterprise ethics based on the moral/political choices that are made by entrepreneurs (knowingly and unknowingly) when choosing between systems of economic exchange and social value orientation, then expressing it through a legal form

    Session 17 Ecophysiology

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    Transition to Work, Youth Policies and Participation in Italy

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    The National Report, after stating the socio-economic structural conditions affecting young people transiction to adulthood, analyses limits and potential of italian young people's active participation in their transitions to work. National and regional policies have not always considered young people's subjective motivation for citizenship and lifelong learning. By enhancing the role of local youth policies within this area the potential of informal learning in transitions to work is expected to be uncovered. Experiences of young people in thre italian regions (Piemonte, Emilia-Romagna, Sicily) are assessed, comparing disengaged young people with 'risk biographies' to those with 'choice biographies' combining formal and informal learning. The main aim of the national report is to improve the knowledge of the prerequisites for citizenship, focusing upon young people's active participation in their transition to the labour market

    Changes in biomass and chemical composition of spider crab (Hyas araneus) larvae reared in the laboratory

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    Larval and early post-larval growth has been investigated in H. araneus L. (Majidae) reared in the laboratory. Growth was measured as dry weight (DW), ash-free dry weight (AFDW), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), gross biochemical constituents (protein, lipid, carbohydrate, chitin, ash) and energy (calculated separately from carbon and biochemical composition). During larval development, i.e. from freshly hatched zoea-I to late megalopa, all these criteria of biomass increase by factors ranging between 5 and 14; carbohydrate shows the lowest, chitin the highest increment. There are indications of loss in organic body weight during the latest period preceding metamorphosis to the crab stage. When no food is offered during this time, megalopae lose significantly more biomass than control larvae. This suggests that food is still required, but feeding activity is reduced to a level below maintenance ingestion rate. Following metamorphosis, the juvenile crab accumulates biomass at a far higher absolute rate (expressed as µg/d) than all larval stages

    The SAGE Handbook of Responsible Management Learning and Education

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    Reflecting the rapid rise in popularity of recent initiatives such as the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), this handbook exhaustively covers a variety of responsible management, learning and education topics, and provides an invaluable roadmap for this fast-developing field

    The COCOON Object Model

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    The COCOON model was intended to extend the concepts of relational database management systems (DBMSs) beyond nested relational to object-oriented ones. Key characteristics of COCOON and its database language COOL are: generic, set-oriented query and update operators similar to relational algebra and SQL updates, respectively; object-preserving semantics of query operators, which allows for the definition of updatable views; update operations that keep model-inherent integrity constraints consistent; a separation of the two aspects of programming language "classes": type vs. collection; predicative description of collections, similar to "defined concepts" in KL-One-like knowledge representation languages; automatic classification of objects and views (positioning in the class hierarchy). This report gives a comprehensive introduction to the COCOON model and its language COOL as well as a formal definition. Our formalization uses denotational semantics, a popular technique in programming..