60 research outputs found

    Seasonal Patterns in Growth Hormone, Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 in Female Muskoxen

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    Over a year, mean serum growth hormone concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 3 ng/ml in tame muskoxen with the lowest values and fewest pulses between October and January. Serum insulin ranged from 0.25 to 0.92 ng/ml, with minima in summer. There were marked seasonal changes in serum insulin-like growth factor-1 in both tame and wild muskoxen but the late summer peak was higher and more distinct in the tame animals with levels reaching 160-250 ng/ml in September

    Biliary and plasma copper and zinc in pregnant Simmental and Angus cattle

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    Three each of 3-year-old Angus and Simmental heifers, surgically modified to collect bile, were used to measure the effects of pregnancy and breed on bile flow, biliary copper and zinc excretion and plasma copper and zinc concentrations. Bile copper excretion was significantly higher at 7-mo of pregnancy when samples from both breeds were pooled. From then onwards it declined to its lowest, one week post-partum. During pregnancy, plasma copper concentration increased slightly, reaching its highest level at 7-mo of pregnancy and then decreased slightly until full term. In pooled samples from both breeds, the correlation between increase in bile copper excretion and plasma copper concentration from 0 to 7-mo of pregnancy was high (r = 0.85) and significant (p < 0.05). Plasma zinc concentration decreased to the lowest level around 6-mo of pregnancy but increased thereafter until full term. In cows that were dried off one week after parturition, major shifts in bile and plasma copper and zinc parameters occurred at one week following and these coincided with a marked decline of bile flow and bile copper and zinc excretion. By 3-mo post-partum, biliary copper and zinc excretion and plasma copper and zinc concentrations had reached levels observed prior to pregnancy. When the data from all samples were pooled, the bile flow and bile copper excretion were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in Simmental, and plasma copper and zinc concentration higher in the Angus

    Biotechnology in nutrition, physiology and animal health

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    *INRA UMR Veau et Porc Rennes (FRA) Diffusion du document : INRA UMR Veau et Porc Rennes (FRA)International audienc

    Biotechnology in animal nutrition, physiology and health

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    Biotechnology is already widely used in animal production and there are numerous other potential applications. Application of biotechnology can be envisaged for improving the performance of animals through better nutrition, enhanced production potential or improved health status. Nutrients (i.e. amino acids) can be produced and/or protected, resulting in improved formulation of diets that more accurately meet specific needs for productive functions. Enzymes can improve the nutrient availability from feedstuffs, lower feed costs and reduce output of waste into the environment. Pre- and pro-biotics or immune supplements can inhibit pathogenic gut microorganisms or make the animal more resistant to them. Plant biotechnology can produce crops with improved nutritional value or incorporate vaccines or antibodies into feeds that will cheaply and effectively protect the animals against diseases. Transgenic manipulation of commensal gut or rumen microorganisms has considerable potential for improving nutrition, gut development and health in animals. Administration of recombinant somatotropin (ST) results in accelerated growth and leaner carcasses in meat animals and increased milk production in dairy cows. The effects on meat or milk quality are limited. Immunomodulation can also be used for enhancing the activity of endogenous anabolic hormones. Transfer of the ST gene has the same effects as use of exogenous ST. However, unless the expression of the gene is controlled with ad-hoc promoters, the health status of the transgenic animals is severely impaired. There are numerous applications of biotechnology that aim to improve the health and welfare of animals. The generation of disease-resistant transgenic farm animals is still a long-term goal. On the other hand recombinant vaccines are widely in use. New advancements such as DNA-based vaccines and genetically engineered vaccine adjuvants hold much promise for improving animal health. Monoclonial antibodies and nucleic acid probes are used widely in diagnostic tools. Neutralization approaches, including immunological and antisense DNA, can offer interesting alternatives to surgical castration and the traditional prevention of broodiness in breeder birds. Acceptance of biotechnology in livestock production is difficult, and depends heavily on the perception of risks and benefits by the general public. Information is critically important in order that lay citizens can make an educated choice. The acceptance of biotechnology applied to animal production will depend on social and cultural aspects, and on the perceived benefits for consumers and society in general

    Leren voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling: een pedagogische opdracht voor de lerarenopleidingen en opleidingsscholen

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    ‘Bildung’ van het individu vindt plaats in wisselwerking met de directe omgeving, medemensen en de wereld (Wessels, 2017). In het concept 'Leren voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling' zijn al deze uitgangspunten verenigd. Het behelst kwalificatie, socialisatie en subjectificatie in verbinding met authentieke, maatschappelijk actuele duurzaamheidsthema's voor de lerende zelf. Dit maakt Leren voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling zelfstandig, of als invulling van burgerschapsvorming, bij uitstek een basis voor Bildung. In het onderwijs als geheel, maar ook in de kennisbasis van lerarenopleiders. In dit hoofdstuk zetten we de uitgangspunten van het UNESCO concept Leren voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling vanuit een historisch perspectief uiteen om vervolgens de verbinding te leggen met (beroepsgerichte) kennisverwerving en zelfontplooiing van leraren (in opleiding) en hun leerlingen en studenten. Aan de hand van recente praktijkgerichte onderzoeken illustreren we daarna de bijbehorende didactiek, bekwaamheden en een aantal landelijke kaders. Dit doen we voor zowel het voortgezet onderwijs als de lerarenopleidingen. Tot slot schetsen we enkele opties om het discipline-overstijgende Leren voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling binnen de lerarenopleidingen te implementeren

    Seasonal Patterns in Growth Hormone, Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 in Female Muskoxen

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    Over a year, mean serum growth hormone concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 3 ng/ml in tame muskoxen with the lowest values and fewest pulses between October and January. Serum insulin ranged from 0.25 to 0.92 ng/ml, with minima in summer. There were marked seasonal changes in serum insulin-like growth factor-1 in both tame and wild muskoxen but the late summer peak was higher and more distinct in the tame animals with levels reaching 160-250 ng/ml in September

    Seasonal Patterns in Growth Hormone, Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 in Female Muskoxen

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    Over a year, mean serum growth hormone concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 3 ng/ml in tame muskoxen with the lowest values and fewest pulses between October and January. Serum insulin ranged from 0.25 to 0.92 ng/ml, with minima in summer. There were marked seasonal changes in serum insulin-like growth factor-1 in both tame and wild muskoxen but the late summer peak was higher and more distinct in the tame animals with levels reaching 160-250 ng/ml in September
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