626 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Larossa, John (Rumford, Oxford County)

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    Marxist Implementation of Climate Change as a Geopolitical Fear Tactic

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    In recent years the climate change debate has shifted from the peripheries of international political discussions to center stage, manifesting in the Paris Agreement in November of 2016 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, the science behind the climate change debate is disputed and does not support the claims made by global leaders who continue to push for increasing environmental regulations and financial aid to those most adversely affected by the supposed climate change (underdeveloped and developing nations). Examining the geopolitical and economic implications of climate change actions reveals the underlying political philosophies guiding global leaders. The advocacy and adoption of climate agreements stem from a Marxist worldview, seeking a global redistribution of wealth and the disintegration of national sovereignty in favor of a new international system

    In-Depth Interviewing in Family Medicine Research

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    Kekuasaan dan Pengetahuan: Diskursus Mitos Maskulinitas Pada Seksualitas Pemuda

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    This study aims to uncover how the masculinity discourse of young immigrants in Uluwatu Bali (basecamp) exists. By using Foucault's Genaology, the insights and values they adopt one by one must be dismantled to see what logic they are constructs. This research using qualitative method with fenomenology approach, which used foucoult framework abour sex and power. It can be said, in this research found various discourses reproduced by various sources of youth knowledge regarding the myth of masculinity which is identical to the characteristics and behavior of men who are strong, aggressive, dominant, rude, and full of egoism. In practice, they myth that their various behaviors, especially regarding their sexuality, are a manifestation of their masculinity as a male. The internet or online media and the environment in which they live are one of the sources of knowledge for young people that create discourses about the myth of masculinity. The youth in the peer group also take part in formulating discourses about ideal masculinity for their group. Free sex behavior, dare to take risks, follow wild races to cause chaos are the masculinity myths they adopt as the ideal male masculinity. This study also found that the masculinity myth was more often represented in youth sexual practices as an affirmation of control over women's bodies and sexuality in order to maintain their reputation in front of their friends and others. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membongkar bagaimana hadirnya diskursus maskulinitas pemuda pendatang di uluwatu Bali (basecamp). Dengan menggunakan Genaologi Foucault, pemahaman dan nilai yang mereka adopsi satu per satu harus dibongkar untuk melihat logika apa yang sebenarnya mereka bangun. Sehingga dapat ditemukan berbagai wacana yang direproduksi oleh berbagai sumber pengetahuan pemuda mengenai mitos maskulinitas diamana identik dengan sifat dan perilaku laki-laki kuat, agresif, dominatif, kasar, dan penuh egoisme. Dalam praktiknya mereka memitoskan beragam perilakunya terutama menyangkut seksualitasnya merupakan manifestasi dari maskulinitasnya sebagai laki-laki yang jantan. Internet atau media online serta lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka menjadi salah satu sumber pengetahuan pemuda yang menciptakan diskursus mengenai mitos maskulinitas tersebut. Para pemuda dalam peer groupnya juga mengambil bagian dalam merumuskan wacana-wacana mengenai maskulinitas ideal bagi kelompoknya. Perilaku seks bebas, berani mengambil resiko, mengikuti balap liar hingga menyebabkan keonaran merupakan mitos-mitos maskulinitas yang mereka adopsi sebagai maskulinitas laki-laki ideal. Penelitian ini juga menemukan jika mitos maskulinitas tersebut lebih banyak direpresentasikan kedalam praktik-praktik seksual pemuda sebagai penegasan atas penguasaan tubuh dan seksualitas perempuan demi mempertahankan reputasinya di hadapan teman-temannya dan orang lain

    “A Kiss for Mother, A Hug for Dad”: The Early 20th Century Parents’ Day Campaign

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    Father’s Day and Mother’s Day occupy sacred positions in American society—at least today. Unbeknownst to many, however, there was a campaign in the 1920s and 1930s to change Father’s Day and Mother’s Day to Parents’ Day, so that fathers and mothers would be honored on the same day. The campaign, based in New York City, was essentially a debate about the cultural position of parents in American society. How the campaign came to be—and why, in the end, it failed—illustrate the political maneuvering that characterizes people’s efforts to draw symbolic boundaries around fatherhood and motherhood

    Primary Group Contact and Elderly Morale: An Exchange/Power Analysis

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    Using a sample of 757 middle-aged and older residents of the Atlanta metropolitan region, the relationship between primary group contact and morale was investigated. Controlling on sex and dependency, it was found that interaction with children had a negative impact on the morale of dependent, older males. This finding was explained in terms of the power-dependence relationships that exist within the family. It was argued that visits with children and grandchildren are perceived by the dependent older male as a drama in which the ascending generations legitimate their claims to leadership through a gradual process of situation redefinition. One manifest result of having to cede control to his middle-aged offspring is lower morale

    Oxidative Stress Detection With Escherichia Coli Harboring A katG\u27::lux Fusion

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    A plasmid containing a transcriptional fusion of the Escherichia coli katG promoter to a truncated Vibrio fischeri lux operon (luxCDABE) was constructed. An E. coli strain bearing this plasmid (strain DPD2511) exhibited low basal levels of luminescence, which increased up to 1,000-fold in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, organic peroxides, redox-cycling agents (methyl viologen and menadione), a hydrogen peroxide-producing enzyme system (xanthine and xanthine oxidase), and cigarette smoke. An oxyR deletion abolished hydrogen peroxide-dependent induction, confirming that oxyR controlled katG\u27::lux luminescence. Light emission was also induced by ethanol by an unexplained mechanism. A marked synergistic response was observed when cells were exposed to both ethanol and hydrogen peroxide; the level of luminescence measured in the presence of both inducers was much higher than the sum of the level of luminescence observed with ethanol and the level of luminescence observed with hydrogen peroxide. It is suggested that this construction or similar constructions may be used as a tool for assaying oxidant and antioxidant properties of chemicals, as a biosensor for environmental monitoring and as a tool for studying cellular responses to oxidative hazards

    Detection Of DNA Damage By Use Of Escherichia Coli Carrying recA\u27::lux, uvrA\u27::lux, And alkA\u27::lux Reporter Plasmids

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    Plasmids were constructed in which DNA damage-inducible promoters recA, uvrA, and alkA from Escherichia coli were fused to the Vibrio fischeri luxCDABE operon. Introduction of these plasmids into E. coli allowed the detection of a dose-dependent response to DNA-damaging agents, such as mitomycin and UV irradiation. Bioluminescence was measured in real time over extended periods. The fusion of the recA promoter to luxCDABE showed the most dramatic and sensitive responses. lexA dependence of the bioluminescent SOS response was demonstrated, confirming that this biosensor\u27s reports were transmitted by the expected regulatory circuitry. Comparisons were made between luxCDABE and lacZ fusions to each promoter. It is suggested that the lux biosensors may have use in monitoring chemical, physical, and genotoxic agents as well as in further characterizing the mechanisms of DNA repair

    Sensory-Based Interventions in Schools

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    Dr. Jamie Palmer, DrOT/L of Central Kitsap school district requested that University of Puget Sound occupational therapy (OT) students research the impact of sensory-based interventions (SBIs) on attention, behavior, and academic performance for children in preschool to high school with or without diagnoses. Based on a systematic review of 33 studies, the evidence for the use of SBIs in the classroom to improve academic performance, behavior and attention is preliminary and ranges from limited to moderate depending on the specific type of SBI. The use of those specific SBIs with limited to moderate evidence is recommended for students whose demographic profiles match those of the study participants. The knowledge translation process consisted of two primary components: developing and delivering an in-service to share findings of the present study with Dr. Palmer and other professionals in her school district, and developing and disseminating an evidence-based movement program called Break 5. School district professionals reported being highly satisfied with the in-service and reported that the program was moderately effective for regulating student behaviors. The principal and occupational therapy team expressed interest in expanding the movement program throughout the school. Given that Break 5 has only been trialed on an informal basis, research is needed to determine its efficacy. Break 5 and those SBIs with the strongest evidence should only be implemented by OTs with strong rationale, systematic outcome monitoring, and adjustment to meet individual needs
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