2,312 research outputs found

    A note on Hapke's bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy. Part 3: Correction for macroscopic roughness

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    The multiple-scattering theory of K. Lumme and E. Bowell (1981) was criticized by B. Hapke by stating, in particular, that energy is not conserved. It is shown that Hapke's treatment is, in this respect, inferior to that of Lumme and Bowell, and itself violates the principal concepts of radiative transfer theory. Hapke's additinal claim that, in Lumme and Bowell's work, the reflectance tends to zero at the limb is also refuted. Comment is made on the deduction of surface physical properties by modeling photometric observations

    Inversion methods for interpretation of asteroid lightcurves

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    We have developed methods of inversion that can be used in the determination of the three-dimensional shape or the albedo distribution of the surface of a body from disk-integrated photometry, assuming the shape to be strictly convex. In addition to the theory of inversion methods, we have studied the practical aspects of the inversion problem and applied our methods to lightcurve data of 39 Laetitia and 16 Psyche

    Molecular approach to the regulation of mitochondrial function in oxidative muscle cells

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    National Treatment of Foreign Retention of Title Clauses in Finland : A Restriction to Internal Market Freedoms or Merely an Issue of De Minimis Value?

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    The aim of this thesis is to develop fact-based arguments on whether the European Court of Justice would regard non-recognition and non-enforcement of a foreign retention of title clause by a Finnish court as a restriction to the free movement of goods or the free movement of capital. The issue is elaborated through a fictional case method between Finland and Germany that reflects an earlier case of the ECJ, Krantz. In that case, the Court did not find a restriction to internal market as the issue was considered “too remote and indirect” – an expression that might hint for an implied de minimis threshold. Consequently, the focus is directed to whether the new developments of the Court’s assessment of the free movement provisions might change the way a situation that resembles Krantz is seen at the current state of the EU. Is it a hindrance or even an obstacle? Or perhaps, could there be a hidden de minimis threshold that the “restriction” at hand merely does not meet? The thesis begins with an introductory chapter, after which it is divided into three parts: two premises and their conclusion. The first part focuses on examining why there is a problem, whilst exploring the literature written on possible alternatives to the reason of the problem, the lex rei sitae rule. Hence, the approach in the second chapter is mostly of private international law. Chapters three and four form a whole and continue from what was concluded in chapter two. Here, the focus is on internal market law. After this, part two begins and the focus shifts to de minimis in the form of the market access test which I see as the most feasible way to include proprietary security rights, such as retention of title clauses. The findings here are that there can indeed be seen to be different de minimis thresholds even with regard to the internal market freedoms, regardless of the ECJ’s express denial. The third part consists of chapters six and seven which aim to provide answers to the research questions and thus construe a theory on how the fictional case could we resolved by the ECJ at this stage of the EU integration

    Talent Management in the Humanitarian Aid Context

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    Talent management is currently seen as a high-priority issue in organizations worldwide, and a critical determinant of organizational success. Organizations spend a great deal of resources on identifying and developing talent necessary for strategy implementation and to achieve strategic targets. When looking at critical factors for competitive advantage and business success, ‘talent’ is gaining status as an important element, almost equal to financial resources. Furthermore, both management researchers and practitioners have found the identification and development of high potential employees to be one of the major challenges of the current human resource function. Even if talent management has in recent years received much attention in academia, research on different contexts, such as that of non-profit organizations, is limited. This dissertation explores talent management in the context of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), and more precisely in humanitarian aid organizations. The focal organization of this study is the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The main question of my study is: “Do the managerial or business approaches to talent management and the principal assumption of organizations as money-making entities make talent management frameworks and theories non-applicable in the context of e.g. non-profit organizations?” I studied this question by beginning with the pivotal matter of ‘what is talent’, and how it is defined both in academia and by practitioners. The notion of potential is of essence in talent definition, and is thus included in the way I advocate that ‘talent’ should be defined: it is a formula multiplying competence by commitment and contribution. Furthermore, each of these components is divided into two distinctive time dimensions: the present and future. Particularly the future dimension of ‘contribution’ involves factors that epitomize potential; insight, curiosity, and determination, to name a few. Talent management, i.e. attracting, identifying, recruiting, developing, and retaining people, is a strategic process that should contribute to competitive advantage by first identifying the strategically pivotal positions in the organization and then making sure that these positions are filled with talent: right people at the right time in the right job. Talent management at its most mature stage should both inform the overall strategy of the organization and be informed by it. Overall, the results indicated that talent management frameworks and related activities are applicable to non-profit organizations, and can contribute to better attraction, identification, and retention of talent in humanitarian aid organizations. Traditionally, particularly in humanitarian aid organizations, the determining factors in recruitment and retention have been experience in similar organizations and a significant number of required competencies. The results suggest that these so-called competency frameworks are not ideal in the current VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, since they do not take e.g. meta-competencies into account, and tend to be rather mechanical in their approach. Furthermore, the development approach of humanitarian aid organizations can arguably be beneficial for corporations as well. This is particularly the case when developing high potentials or talent at the early stages of their careers. Namely, the way these organizations use mentoring – equaling to strong involvement of one’s supervisor in the corporate world – and deployments to emergency operations – i.e. not simulations or experiments in ‘safe’ environments – are among development activities corporations could benefit from. The ability to identify potential remains to be one of the priorities of any manager, be it in non- or for-profit organizations. The competencies that guaranteed success in the past will most probably not be adequate, and managers need to learn to detect potential, with its components of curiosity and learning agility seeming crucial

    Teoreettinen pohja kulttuuriekologiselle restauroinnille

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    TiivistelmÀ Tutkin kulttuuriekologista restaurointia ja kuinka se toteutuu nykyajan restaurointikohteissa. KestĂ€vĂ€ kehitys on olennaisessa osassa kulttuuriekologisessa restauroinnissa. KestĂ€vĂ€ kehitys jakautuu neljÀÀn eri osa-alueeseen yleisesti kĂ€ytetyn kolmijaon (ekologinen, taloudellinen ja sosiaalinen) sijaan. Osa-alueet ovat ekologinen, taloudellinen, sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen. Kulttuuriekologisessa restauroinnissa korostuvat kulttuurinen ja ekologinen osa-alue. Kulttuuriekologia on kulttuuriantropologian tieteenhaara, joka tutkii ihmisen kulttuuriympĂ€ristösuhdetta. Kulttuuriekologia sai alkunsa 1950- ja 1960-luvuilla Yhdysvalloissa Julian Stewardin ja Leslie Whiten johtamissa tutkimuksissa. Stewardin mielestĂ€ kulttuuriekologia on oppi, jossa kulttuurista evoluutiota pidetÀÀn erilaisten aineellisten tekijöiden, vĂ€estön, ekologian ja teknologian yhteisvaikutuksen tuloksena. Steward erotti ”kulttuuriytimen” ”kulttuurin muista ulottuvuuksista”. Ytimeen kuuluivat toimeentuloon liittyvĂ€t aineelliset prosessit. Kulttuuriekologiassa painotetaan aineellisten tekijöiden merkitystĂ€ yhteiskunnan ja kulttuurin muutoksissa.(Eriksen, 2004, p. 255.) Pyrin selvittĂ€mÀÀn kuinka kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen kulttuurinen ja ekologinen osa-alue toteutuvat restauroinnin kentĂ€ssĂ€. Kuinka ekologinen ja kulttuurinen puoli kohtaavat restaurointikohteessa? Voivatko molemmat puolet onnistua yhtĂ€ aikaa? Kuinka luoda tasapaino ympĂ€ristön kestĂ€vyyden ja kulttuurimerkityksen omaavan perintökohteen vĂ€lille? Restauroitavat rakennukset vĂ€littĂ€vĂ€t kulttuurimerkityksiĂ€ ja –perintöÀ tulevaisuuteen. Rakennusten pysyvyys ja laadukkuus ovat ekologisen rakentamisen perusperiaatteita. Ekologisuus ja rakennuskulttuuri kohtaavat rakennusten pysyvyydessĂ€ ja laadukkuudessa. Rakennusten pysyvÀÀ ja laadukasta luonnetta on vaatinut jo Vitruviuskin teoksessaan Kymmenen kirjaa arkkitehtuurista ajanlaskumme alusta. Energiatehokkuuden paine kasvaa koko ajan arkkitehtuuriperintökohteissa. Kulttuurinen merkittĂ€vyys ei saisi altistua haitallisesti energiasÀÀstön toimenpiteille. Kuinka ottaa huomioon ympĂ€ristön kestĂ€vyyden lĂ€hestymistavat? Interventioiden tulisi olla kestĂ€vĂ€llĂ€ tavalla toteutettuja ja mahdollistaa kohderakennuksen kehitys ja huolto. Jotta saavutetaan tasapainoinen, kĂ€ytĂ€nnöllinen ja kestĂ€vĂ€ lopputulos, on neuvoteltava kaikkien sidosryhmien kanssa. Kohde on sĂ€ilytettĂ€vĂ€ kulttuurimerkityksineen jĂ€lkipolville.(Madridin dokumentti, 2011.) Artikkelissa pohditaan autenttisuuden ja integriteetin kĂ€sitteitĂ€. Kuinka sĂ€ilytetÀÀn kohteen integriteetti eli koskemattomuus? Kuinka hallitaan muutospaineet niin, ettĂ€ kulttuurinen merkittĂ€vyys, autenttisuus ja integriteetti voivat sĂ€ilyĂ€? Interventioiden tulisi nostaa ja sĂ€ilyttÀÀ kohteen kulttuurista merkittĂ€vyyttĂ€, autenttisuutta ja integriteettiĂ€. Onko pienen rekonstruktion rakentaminen ymmĂ€rrettĂ€vÀÀ, kun se perustuu dokumentteihin ja vaikuttaa positiivisella tavalla perintökohteen koskemattomuuteen tai sen ymmĂ€rtĂ€miseen

    AsutusjÀtelietteen, havupuun kuorituhkan ja puukuitujÀtteen vaikutus maaperÀn ominaisuuksiin ja vesipajun kasvuun.

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    [1], 24, [1] s. :  kuv., kartt.25 cm

    Cubature orientation-averaging scheme

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    Proceeding volume: 2010Peer reviewe
