1,648 research outputs found

    Essential evidence for guiding health system priorities and policies: anticipating epidemiological transition in Africa

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    KIMBACKGROUND: Despite indications that infection-related mortality in sub-Saharan Africa may be decreasing and the burden of non-communicable diseases increasing, the overwhelming reality is that health information systems across most of sub-Saharan Africa remain too weak to track epidemiological transition in a meaningful and effective way. PROPOSALS: We propose a minimum dataset as the basis of a functional health information system in countries where health information is lacking. This would involve continuous monitoring of cause-specific mortality through routine civil registration, regular documentation of exposure to leading risk factors, and monitoring effective coverage of key preventive and curative interventions in the health sector. Consideration must be given as to how these minimum data requirements can be effectively integrated within national health information systems, what methods and tools are needed, and ensuring that ethical and political issues are addressed. A more strategic approach to health information systems in sub-Saharan African countries, along these lines, is essential if epidemiological changes are to be tracked effectively for the benefit of local health planners and policy makers. CONCLUSION: African countries have a unique opportunity to capitalize on modern information and communications technology in order to achieve this. Methodological standards need to be established and political momentum fostered so that the African continent's health status can be reliably tracked. This will greatly strengthen the evidence base for health policies and facilitate the effective delivery of services

    Non linear equation of state and effective phantom divide in brane models

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    Here, DGP model of brane-gravity is analyzed and compared with the standard general relativity and Randall-Sundrum cases using non-linear equation of state. Phantom fluid is known to violate the weak energy condition. In this paper, it is found that this characteristic of phantom energy is affected drastically by the negative brane-tension λ\lambda of the RS-II model. It is found that in DGP model strong energy condition(SEC) is always violated and the universe accelerates only where as in RS-II model even SEC is not violated for 1<ρ/λ<21 < \rho/\lambda < 2 and the universe decelerates

    Probing neutrino masses with future galaxy redshift surveys

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    We perform a new study of future sensitivities of galaxy redshift surveys to the free-streaming effect caused by neutrino masses, adding the information on cosmological parameters from measurements of primary anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Our reference cosmological scenario has nine parameters and three different neutrino masses, with a hierarchy imposed by oscillation experiments. Within the present decade, the combination of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and CMB data from the PLANCK experiment will have a 2-sigma detection threshold on the total neutrino mass close to 0.2 eV. This estimate is robust against the inclusion of extra free parameters in the reference cosmological model. On a longer term, the next generation of experiments may reach values of order sum m_nu = 0.1 eV at 2-sigma, or better if a galaxy redshift survey significantly larger than SDSS is completed. We also discuss how the small changes on the free-streaming scales in the normal and inverted hierarchy schemes are translated into the expected errors from future cosmological data.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Added results with the KAOS proposal and 1 referenc

    Higher spin fields and the problem of cosmological constant

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    The cosmological evolution of free massless vector or tensor (but not gauge) fields minimally coupled to gravity is analyzed. It is shown that there are some unstable solutions for these fields in De Sitter background. The back reaction of the energy-momentum tensor of such solutions to the original cosmological constant exactly cancels the latter and the expansion regime changes from the exponential to the power law one. In contrast to the adjustment mechanism realized by a scalar field the gravitational coupling constant in this model is time-independent and the resulting cosmology may resemble the realistic one.Comment: 15 pages, Latex twic

    Quantum corrections to the conductivity of fermion - gauge field models: Application to half filled Landau level and high-TcT_c superconductors

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    We calculate the Altshuler-Aronov type quantum correction to the conductivity of 2d2d charge carriers in a random potential (or random magnetic field) coupled to a transverse gauge field. The gauge fields considered simulate the effect of the Coulomb interaction for the fractional quantum Hall state at half filling and for the tJt-J model of high-TcT_c superconducting compounds. We find an unusually large quantum correction varying linearly or quadratically with the logarithm of temperature, in different temperature regimes.Comment: 12 pages REVTEX, 1 figure. The figure is added and minor misprints are correcte

    Bounds on the tau and muon neutrino vector and axial vector charge radius

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    A Majorana neutrino is characterized by just one flavor diagonal electromagnetic form factor: the anapole moment, that in the static limit corresponds to the axial vector charge radius . Experimental information on this quantity is scarce, especially in the case of the tau neutrino. We present a comprehensive analysis of the available data on the single photon production process e+e>ννˉγe^+ e^- -> \nu \bar\nu \gamma off Z-resonance, and we discuss the constraints that these measurements can set on for the tau neutrino. We also derive limits for the Dirac case, when the presence of a vector charge radius is allowed. Finally, we comment on additional experimental data on νμ\nu_\mu scattering from the NuTeV, E734, CCFR and CHARM-II collaborations, and estimate the limits implied for and for the muon neutrino.Comment: 20 pages, 2 eps figures. CCFR data included in the analysis. Conclusion unchange

    Dephasing in sequential tunneling through a double-dot interferometer

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    We analyze dephasing in a model system where electrons tunnel sequentially through a symmetric interference setup consisting of two single-level quantum dots. Depending on the phase difference between the two tunneling paths, this may result in perfect destructive interference. However, if the dots are coupled to a bath, it may act as a which-way detector, leading to partial suppression of the phase-coherence and the reappearance of a finite tunneling current. In our approach, the tunneling is treated in leading order whereas coupling to the bath is kept to all orders (using P(E) theory). We discuss the influence of different bath spectra on the visibility of the interference pattern, including the distinction between "mere renormalization effects" and "true dephasing".Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; For a tutorial introduction to dephasing see http://iff.physik.unibas.ch/~florian/dephasing/dephasing.htm

    Scalar field exact solutions for non-flat FLRW cosmology: A technique from non-linear Schr\"odinger-type formulation

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    We report a method of solving for canonical scalar field exact solution in a non-flat FLRW universe with barotropic fluid using non-linear Schr\"{o}dinger (NLS)-type formulation in comparison to the method in the standard Friedmann framework. We consider phantom and non-phantom scalar field cases with exponential and power-law accelerating expansion. Analysis on effective equation of state to both cases of expansion is also performed. We speculate and comment on some advantage and disadvantage of using the NLS formulation in solving for the exact solution.Comment: 12 pages, GERG format, Reference added. accepted by Gen. Relativ. and Gra