147 research outputs found

    Alguns aspectos da elaboração dos orçamentos dos Estados e Municípios

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    Texto da conferência focalizando algumas questões orçamentárias dos Estados e dos Municípios de Luiz Simões Lopes.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, Ano VII, v. 1, n. 2, 5-13 p.EconomiaGestão PúblicaOrçamento e Finança

    Artificial intelligence in digital mental health

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    The prevention of diseases considered a scourge of our society, as for example mental illness, particularly anxiety disorders and depressive states, is a primary and urgent goal today and a priority axis of the EU. Mental illness includes many clinical conditions associated with several changes that include limitations related with social interaction or several tasks such as sleeping through the night, doing homework, making friends, thinking capacity and reality understanding, deficits in communication skills, and difficulties in developing appropriate emotional and behavioural response. Artificial intelligence has gained a prominent role in the management and delivery of healthcare. There is a growth in mobile devices applied to health with high mobility, connectivity, and processing capacity. This chapter provides an analysis of the actual trends regarding the main problems that can be dealt with using AI in mental healthcare and the corresponding main techniques used to deal with these problems. Additionally, some case studies for using AI for mental health care are described.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of Brucella sp. isolated in Brazil from 1976 to 2013 by Bruce-Ladder PCR

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    Background: Brucella sp. are the causative agents of brucellosis, an infectious disease that affects various species of animals and can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with infected animals, indirectly by the ingestion of rawmilk products, and during the handling of strains or infected material in the laboratory. Being a zoonosis, the detection of Brucella species in animals is essential for the prevention of the disease in humans and to perform a good program of control in infected herds. This study aimed at identifying Brucella field strains isolated from 1976 to 2013 in Brazil, using the modified Bruce-Ladder method, to evaluate the performance of this technique. Materials, Methods & Results: Eighty-three strains of Brucella sp. were included in the study, i.e. 21 reference strains (nine B. abortus, one B. canis, four B. melitensis, two B. ovis and five B. suis) and 62 field strains (six B. canis, one B. suis and 55 B. abortus). For the identification of the genus and/or species of Brucella, biochemical and physiological tests, including MacConkey-agar growth, glucose fermentation, haemolysis, catalase, oxidase and urease tests, nitrate reduction, citrate utilization, H2 S production and CO2 requirement, were performed. Genomic DNA was extracted from pure cultures through heat-lysis of bacterial cultures and the genus was confirmed by a genus-specific PCR (bcsp31 target gene), before performing the modified Bruce-Ladder PCR for the confirmation of the Brucella species. No problems of specificity were observed with the Bruce-Ladder PCR. However, the 1,682 bp fragment was not systematically amplified, even after several modifications such as the concentration of mix components, annealing temperatures and time. Therefore, an individual PCR using primers specific to this fragment was needed for complete identification of some strains. Also, only one kind of Polymerase gave the best results. All Brucella reference strains and negative controls gave the expected results. All field strains previously identified as B. abortus, B. canis and B. suis by biochemical and physiological tests were confirmed by the modified Bruce-Ladder PCR. All isolated Brucella abortus presented a Bruce-Ladder PCR profile expected for field strains, excluding the vaccine strains. Discussion: The modified Bruce-Ladder PCR identified properly all Brucella species (reference and field strains) and proved to be a reliable technique, thus facilitating the identification of the species in the laboratory, reducing the manipulation of these bacteria and the associated danger. Albeit the difficulties of amplification of one fragment for some strains, when using the multiplex technique, this method is fast and without risks after inactivation of the strains. Most studies on animal brucellosis in Brazil were only based on serological tests without identification of the pathogen; while the knowledge of the particular species and/or biovars that occur in Brazil, as well as their distribution, is important to monitor the spread of Brucella among sensitive species and among farms. Our results showed also that B. abortus is still the predominant species isolated in cattle in Brazil. The knowledge of the species that occur in Brazil can help to identify the source of infection and the measures of control to be applied, while it is also very important to trace the dispersion of strains among farms

    Solid Waste Generated by Amazon and Tapajós River Vessels: An Environmental Education Activity

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    Given the lack of research on solid waste generated by vessels and often incorrectly discarded, it became clear the need for a new methodological approach focusing on the knowledge of this theme. Thus this study was conducted focusing on the process of awareness of users of a vessel that made the route that traveled the Amazon River and Tapajós, using an environmental awareness activity, with results and immediate observations. From this, the waste was quantified before and after the interventions, which occurred from the clarification of the environment, solid waste generation, natural resources, water, among others. The research took place aboard a vessel that connects Manaus-AM to Alenquer-PA, evaluating the before and after the intervention. Given this, it is verified that the evaluation process achieved positive results in the minimization of solid waste generated, ensuring that the study has immediate effect, but the intervention measures need time for consolidation, given the responsibility of environmental education, which needs different approaches, under different eyes and with depth of knowledge, even if it requires a long-term process. Therefore, the importance of this type of activity is verified, aiming at the correct destination of the solid waste generated, in any circumstance, mainly in vessels, in different rivers, considering the condition of this natural resource. In addition, user awareness and education through environmental education is mandatory to better understand the impacts caused by different changes over time and needs to be an effective tool to ensure the success of habit transformation processes and quality improvement of life

    Pequenos conteúdos por mensagens instantâneas como recurso de aprendizagem

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    O uso maciço das tecnologias móveis tomou conta da sociedade contemporânea de maneira tal que a Aprendizagem Móvel – por ser mais rápida, objetiva e interativa – vem ganhando espaço dentro e fora das salas de aula. Para esse estudo, utilizamos o aplicativo WhatsApp como ferramenta para compartilhar pequenos conteúdos de forma sistemática aos integrantes de uma turma da disciplina de Produção Gráfica em um curso superior de Design Gráfico. Experimentamos, em pequena escala, avaliar a eficácia desse recurso como técnica de reforço ao conteúdo dado em aula presencial em comparação com outra turma de igual disciplina que não teve acesso ao material disponibilizado por mensagens instantâneas. Avaliadas as turmas, ao final do semestre letivo, constatamos que as notas dos alunos integrantes ao grupo experimental foram substancialmente superiores às dos alunos do grupo de controle, apresentando assim, fortes indícios do poder dessa ferramenta como suporte em processos de ensino e aprendizado. Em vista disso, sugerimos o desenvolvimento de mais trabalhos na mesma linha e com uma amostra numericamente significativa de participantes para que se possa confirmar a validade estatística dos resultados alcançados neste estudo

    Fiability Study of Diabetes Empowerment Scale: Short Version

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a correlação entre o valor obtido pelo instrumento de medição Diabetes Empowerment Scale - Short Form e o controlo da pessoa com diabetes medido pelo valor da hemoglobina glicada A1c. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal pela aplicação do Diabetes Empowerment Scale - Short Form a pessoas com diabetes de três Unidades de Saúde Familiar da Região Centro de Portugal após realização de teste e reteste (primeiro por escrito e, passados cinco minutos, oralmente) para determinação da coerência interna através do valor de alfa de Cronbach em 20 elementos que não foram depois estudados. A aplicação a pacientes diabéticos foi feita após a consulta de enfermagem e antes da entrada na consulta médica. Foi realizada estatística descritiva e inferencial apos verificação da normalidade dos dados. Resultados: Na primeira fase o valor de alfa de Cronbach de 0,90 a 1,00 relativamente aos oito itens da escala. Na aplicação escrita, a média de resultados foi de 3,78 ± 0,71 e na aplicação oral de 3,79 ± 0,65, p = 0,629. A amostra da segunda fase foi de 81 pessoas com diabetes, sendo 55,6% do sexo masculino. A idade média foi de 68,5 ± 1,1 anos com uma HbA1c média de 6,8 ± 0,2 e um tempo de evolução desde o diagnóstico de 9,2 ± 0,9 anos. A média da pontuação final da escala foi de 4,1 ± 0,8. Verificou-se uma correlação significativa entre a pontuação final e os níveis de Hba1C (ρ = -0,114; p = 0,312). Conclusão: A Escala de Capacidade de Controlo da Diabetes – Versão Breve revelou ser uma escala fiável para medir a capacitação em doentes diabéticos em Portugal. Confirmou-se a presença de uma correlação estatisticamente significativa entre o resultado obtido no final da escala e o valor de HbA1c.Purpose: To compare the final score of the scale to the levels of HbA1c. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional observational study by applying the Diabetes Empowerment Scale - Short Form to diabetics at three primary care units in the central region of Portugal. The test-retest (in writing first and, five minutes later, orally) was performed to access Cronbach‘s alpha in 20 patients not studied in the next phase. Then, the scale was applied to diabetic patients after nursing consultation and prior to entering the medical consultation. Descriptive and inferential statistics after checking for the normality of the data were performed. Results: In the first phase Cronbach’s alpha was 0.90 to 1.00 in all of eight scale items. The average result obtained in the written phase was 3.78 ± 0.71 and in the oral 3.79 ± 0.64, p = 0.629. The sample of the second stage was of 81 diabetic patients, 55.6% male. Sample’s mean age was 68.5 ± 1.1 years, mean HbA1c of 6.8 ± 0.2 and mean time from diagnosis of 9.2 ± 0.9 years. The average final score of the scale was 4.1 ± 0.8. There was significant correlation between the final score and HbA1c levels (ρ = -0.114; p = 0.312). Conclusion: The Portuguese version of the Diabetes Empowerment Scale – Short Form proved to be a reliable scale to measure empowerment in diabetic patients in Portugal. It was evident the presence of a statistically significant correlation between the results obtained at the end of the scale and HbA1c.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caracterização química e espectroscópica de solos irrigados com efluente de esgoto tratado

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    A utilização de efluentes de esgoto tratado na irrigação, ao invés de realizar a disposição deste subproduto nos cursos d'água tem sido uma alternativa antiga, popular e atrativa, com triplo propósito: tratamento complementar do efluente, fonte de água e de nutrientes ao sistema solo-planta. Entretanto, no Brasil, a reciclagem de águas residuárias, particularmente, do efluente de esgoto tratado, não é uma prática comum e, conseqüentemente, trabalhos científicos relacionados a este tema são incipientes. Com a finalidade de fornecer mais informações para subsidiar as pesquisas nesta área, este trabalho visa avaliar, por meio de técnicas química e espectroscópica, o processo de humificação na matéria orgânica dos solos irrigados com efluente de esgoto tratado em experimentos de campo. Os cinco tratamentos estudados foram: TSI (controle) - irrigado com água potável e adição de nitrogênio via fertilizante mineral, T100, T125, T150 e T200 irrigado com efluente de esgoto tratado e adição de nitrogênio via fertilizante mineral. Os resultados obtidos mostram variações no teor de carbono e no grau de humificação, para os solos irrigados com efluente de esgoto tratado, decorrentes do aumento da atividade de decomposição da matéria orgânica, estimulada pelo aumento da quantidade de água no solo.FAPESPCNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES

    A Systematic Approach to the Management of Military Human Resources through the ELECTRE-MOr Multicriteria Method

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    Personnel selection is increasingly proving to be an essential factor for the success of organizations. These issues almost universally involve multiple conflicting objectives, uncertainties, costs, and benefits in decision-making. In this context, personnel assessment problems, which include several candidates as alternatives, along with several complex evaluation criteria, can be solved by applying Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. Uncertainty and subjectivity characterize the choice of personnel for missions or promotions at the military level. In this paper, we evaluated 30 Brazilian Navy officers in the light of four criteria and 34 subcriteria. To support the decision-making process regarding the promotion of officers, we applied the ELECTRE-Mor MCDM method. We categorized the alternatives into three classes in the modeling proposed in this work, namely: Class A (Promotion by deserving), Class B (Promotion by seniority), and Class C (Military not promoted). As a result, the method presented 20% of the officers evaluated with performance corresponding to class A, 53% of the alternatives to class B, and 26.7% with performances attributed to class C. In addition, we presented a sensitivity analysis procedure through variation of the cut-off level λ, allowing decision-making on more flexible or rigorous scenarios at the discretion of the Naval High Administration. This work brings a valuable contribution to academia and society since it represents the application of an MCDM method in state of the art to contribute to solving a real problem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SUAPE: novo polo de crescimento

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a microrregião de Suape, a partir das ideias de Hirschman sobre estratégias de desenvolvimento regional e a concepção perrouxiana de polos de crescimento, buscando entender o papel desta região como indutora de desenvolvimento regional. Além disso, será realizado um estudo de caso sobre os impactos econômicos potenciais da fase de construção da Refinaria de Abreu e Lima (RNEST), considerada aqui como núcleo relevante da indústria motriz. Para isso, foi utilizada a Matriz de Insumo-Produto Inter-regional Nordeste e Estados (GUILHOTO et al., 2010), ano base 2004. Os principais resultados apontaram que a região de Suape apresenta indícios para a formação de um possível polo de crescimento. A fase de construção da RNEST poderá aumentar em 1,14% a produção total pernambucana, 32,8% os empregos totais do estado, considerando todo o período de obras (2007-2014), e pode gerar um impacto de R$ 4 bilhões de renda adicional das famílias na economia estadual (a preços de 2004). Por outro lado, os efeitos de vazamento desses investimentos foram maiores para o restante do Brasil do que para o restante do Nordeste, o que representa uma incipiente integração econômica com vistas ao desenvolvimento regional. Palavras-chave: Suape; encadeamentos setoriais; polos de crescimento, RNEST; Pernambuco