1,670 research outputs found

    Paecilomyces fumosoroseus blastospore production using liquid culture in a bioreactor

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    There are many advantages to using liquid cultures for the production of blastospores. These include mainly the processes of scale up which are relatively easy, as well as the control of parameters such astemperature, aeration and pH. In this work, we evaluated the production of Paecilomyces fumosoroseus blastospores using a low-cost liquid culture medium in a fermenter in comparison to a mediumcommonly used for this purpose, with regard to yield and viability of blastospores. The two media contained the same concentration of glucose but differed in N source (M1 containing casamino acidsand M2 provided with collagen peptone and yeast extract). Starting with an inoculum of 1x106 blastospores/ml, M2 medium produced 2x1010 blastospores/ml after incubation for 72 h at 520 rev/minagitation and 1 v/v/m (volume air/volume liquid.min) aeration, while only 2.4 x 108/ml were produced with M1. In addition, the microorganisms in medium M1 grew more slowly during log phase and reached an earlier plateau at 36 h fermentation. The medium containing collagen peptone and yeast extract is an excellent alternative for the production of P. fumosoroseus blastospores, providing lower cost, higher yield and shorter propagation time, but formulation does need to be improved

    Should physical activity recommendations be ethnicity-specific? Evidence from a cross-sectional study of south Asian and European men

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    Background Expert bodies and health organisations recommend that adults undertake at least 150 min.week−1 of moderate-intensity physical activity (MPA). However, the underpinning data largely emanate from studies of populations of European descent. It is unclear whether this level of activity is appropriate for other ethnic groups, particularly South Asians, who have increased cardio-metabolic disease risk compared to Europeans. The aim of this study was to explore the level of MPA required in South Asians to confer a similar cardio-metabolic risk profile to that observed in Europeans undertaking the currently recommended MPA level of 150 min.week−1.<p></p> Methods Seventy-five South Asian and 83 European men, aged 40–70, without cardiovascular disease or diabetes had fasted blood taken, blood pressure measured, physical activity assessed objectively (using accelerometry), and anthropometric measures made. Factor analysis was used to summarise measured risk biomarkers into underlying latent ‘factors’ for glycaemia, insulin resistance, lipid metabolism, blood pressure, and overall cardio-metabolic risk. Age-adjusted regression models were used to determine the equivalent level of MPA (in bouts of ≥10 minutes) in South Asians needed to elicit the same value in each factor as Europeans undertaking 150 min.week−1 MPA.<p></p> Findings For all factors, except blood pressure, equivalent MPA values in South Asians were significantly higher than 150 min.week−1; the equivalent MPA value for the overall cardio-metabolic risk factor was 266 (95% CI 185-347) min.week−1.<p></p> Conclusions South Asian men may need to undertake greater levels of MPA than Europeans to exhibit a similar cardio-metabolic risk profile, suggesting that a conceptual case can be made for ethnicity-specific physical activity guidance. Further study is needed to extend these findings to women and to replicate them prospectively in a larger cohort.<p></p&gt

    A procedure for the change point problem in parametric models based on phi-divergence test-statistics

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    This paper studies the change point problem for a general parametric, univariate or multivariate family of distributions. An information theoretic procedure is developed which is based on general divergence measures for testing the hypothesis of the existence of a change. For comparing the accuracy of the new test-statistic a simulation study is performed for the special case of a univariate discrete model. Finally, the procedure proposed in this paper is illustrated through a classical change-point example

    Non-supersymmetric Extremal RN-AdS Black Holes in N=2 Gauged Supergravity

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    We investigate extremal Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black holes in four-dimensional N=2 abelian gauged supergravity. We find a new attractor equation which is not reduced to the one in the asymptotically flat spacetime. Focusing on so-called the T^3-model with a single neutral vector multiplet, we obtain non-supersymmetric extremal Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS black hole solutions with regular event horizon in the D0-D4 and the D2-D6 charge configurations. The negative cosmological constant emerges even without the Fayet-Iliopoulos parameters. Furthermore, we also argue the formal description of the non-supersymmetric black hole solutions of the T^3-model and the STU-model in generic configurations.Comment: 23 pages, accepted version in JHE

    Rotating BPS black holes in matter-coupled AdS(4) supergravity

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    Using the general recipe given in arXiv:0804.0009, where all timelike supersymmetric solutions of N=2, D=4 gauged supergravity coupled to abelian vector multiplets were classified, we construct genuine rotating supersymmetric black holes in AdS(4) with nonconstant scalar fields. This is done for the SU(1,1)/U(1) model with prepotential F=-iX^0X^1. In the static case, the black holes are uplifted to eleven dimensions, and generalize the solution found in hep-th/0105250 corresponding to membranes wrapping holomorphic curves in a Calabi-Yau five-fold. The constructed rotating black holes preserve one quarter of the supersymmetry, whereas their near-horizon geometry is one half BPS. Moreover, for constant scalars, we generalize (a supersymmetric subclass of) the Plebanski-Demianski solution of cosmological Einstein-Maxwell theory to an arbitrary number of vector multiplets. Remarkably, the latter turns out to be related to the dimensionally reduced gravitational Chern-Simons action.Comment: 23 pages, uses JHEP3.cl

    The selectivity, voltage-dependence and acid sensitivity of the tandem pore potassium channel TASK-1 : contributions of the pore domains

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    We have investigated the contribution to ionic selectivity of residues in the selectivity filter and pore helices of the P1 and P2 domains in the acid sensitive potassium channel TASK-1. We used site directed mutagenesis and electrophysiological studies, assisted by structural models built through computational methods. We have measured selectivity in channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes, using voltage clamp to measure shifts in reversal potential and current amplitudes when Rb+ or Na+ replaced extracellular K+. Both P1 and P2 contribute to selectivity, and most mutations, including mutation of residues in the triplets GYG and GFG in P1 and P2, made channels nonselective. We interpret the effects of these—and of other mutations—in terms of the way the pore is likely to be stabilised structurally. We show also that residues in the outer pore mouth contribute to selectivity in TASK-1. Mutations resulting in loss of selectivity (e.g. I94S, G95A) were associated with slowing of the response of channels to depolarisation. More important physiologically, pH sensitivity is also lost or altered by such mutations. Mutations that retained selectivity (e.g. I94L, I94V) also retained their response to acidification. It is likely that responses both to voltage and pH changes involve gating at the selectivity filter

    BPS black holes in N=2 D=4 gauged supergravities

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    We construct and analyze BPS black hole solutions in gauged N=2, D=4 supergravity with charged hypermultiplets. A class of solutions can be found through spontaneous symmetry breaking in vacua that preserve maximal supersymmetry. The resulting black holes do not carry any hair for the scalars. We demonstrate this with explicit examples of both asymptotically flat and anti-de Sitter black holes. Next, we analyze the BPS conditions for asymptotically flat black holes with scalar hair and spherical or axial symmetry. We find solutions only in cases when the metric contains ripples and the vector multiplet scalars become ghost-like. We give explicit examples that can be analyzed numerically. Finally, we comment on a way to circumvent the ghost-problem by introducing also fermionic hair.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures; v2 references added; v3 minor changes, published versio

    Lower cardiorespiratory fitness contributes to increased insulin resistance and fasting glycaemia in middle-aged South Asian compared with European men living in the UK

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: This study aimed to determine the extent to which increased insulin resistance and fasting glycaemia in South Asian men, compared with white European men, living in the UK, was due to lower cardiorespiratory fitness (maximal oxygen uptake [[Formula: see text]]) and physical activity. METHODS: One hundred South Asian and 100 age- and BMI-matched European men without diagnosed diabetes, aged 40–70 years, had fasted blood taken for measurement of glucose concentration, HOMA-estimated insulin resistance (HOMA(IR)), plus other risk factors, and underwent assessment of physical activity (using accelerometry), [Formula: see text], body size and composition, and demographic and other lifestyle factors. For 13 South Asian and one European man, HbA(1c) levels were >6.5% (>48 mmol/mol), indicating potential undiagnosed diabetes; these men were excluded from the analyses. Linear regression models were used to determine the extent to which body size and composition, fitness and physical activity variables explained differences in HOMA(IR) and fasting glucose between South Asian and European men. RESULTS: HOMA(IR) and fasting glucose were 67% (p < 0.001) and 3% (p < 0.018) higher, respectively, in South Asians than Europeans. Lower [Formula: see text], lower physical activity and greater total adiposity in South Asians individually explained 68% (95% CI 45%, 91%), 29% (11%, 46%) and 52% (30%, 80%), respectively, and together explained 83% (50%, 119%) (all p < 0.001) of the ethnic difference in HOMA(IR). Lower [Formula: see text] and greater total adiposity, respectively, explained 61% (9%, 111%) and 39% (9%, 76%) (combined effect 63% [8%, 115%]; all p < 0.05) of the ethnic difference in fasting glucose. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Lower cardiorespiratory fitness is a key factor associated with the excess insulin resistance and fasting glycaemia in middle-aged South Asian, compared with European, men living in the UK. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00125-013-2969-y) contains peer-reviewed but unedited supplementary material, which is available to authorised users

    Mg/Ca profiles within archaeological mollusc (Patella vulgata) shells: Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy compared to Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Biogenic carbonate mollusc shells have the unique property of being a durable material found in many archaeological and geological sites, recording in their shell chemical composition the ambient environmental conditions during the mollusc's lifespan. In particular, mollusc shell Mg/Ca ratios have been suggested to be related to seawater temperature, although such a relationship is controversial and appears to be species- and even location-specific. This study investigates the use of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for the rapid measurement of Mg/Ca profiles within Patella vulgata shells, via comparison with one established analytical technique that is most often used for this purpose, ICP-OES. LIBS offers some advantages over other spectrometric techniques, including ICP-OES, the latter requiring initial micromilling of sample powders. LIBS offers faster measurement, reduced sample preparation, easier automation and less complex and lower cost instrumentation. A high correlation is evident between LIBS and ICP-OES Mg/Ca profiles within four archaeological P. vulgata shells, as well as strong similarities between LIBS measurements made in two different areas of each P. vulgata shell (i.e. the apex and a more conventional transect along the axis of shell growth). Validation of the LIBS technique for determination of Mg/Ca profiles within P. vulgata shells has implications for archaeological studies, because a greater number of shell specimens sampled from each archaeological site and chronological level can be measured, thereby improving the statistical robustness of data interpretation and conclusions. One example archaeological application that would benefit from application of the LIBS technique is identification of the season-of-capture of marine molluscs as a food resource for prehistoric societies

    A special road to AdS vacua

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    We apply the techniques of special Kaehler geometry to investigate AdS_4 vacua of general N=2 gauged supergravities underlying flux compactifications of type II theories. We formulate the scalar potential and its extremization conditions in terms of a triplet of prepotentials P_x and their special Kaehler covariant derivatives only, in a form that recalls the potential and the attractor equations of N=2 black holes. We propose a system of first order equations for the P_x which generalize the supersymmetry conditions and yield non-supersymmetric vacua. Special geometry allows us to recast these equations in algebraic form, and we find an infinite class of new N=0 and N=1 AdS_4 solutions, displaying a rich pattern of non-trivial charges associated with NSNS and RR fluxes. Finally, by explicit evaluation of the entropy function on the solutions, we derive a U-duality invariant expression for the cosmological constant and the central charges of the dual CFT's.Comment: 41 pages; v2, v3: minor improvements, references added, published versio