154 research outputs found

    Methodological considerations for a randomised controlled trial of podiatry care in rheumatoid arthritis: lessons from an exploratory trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Whilst evidence exists to support the use of single treatments such as orthoses and footwear, the effectiveness of podiatry-led care as a complex intervention for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) related foot problems is unknown. The aim of this study was to undertake an exploratory randomised controlled parallel arm clinical trial (RheumAFooT) to inform the design and implementation of a definitive trial and to understand the potential benefits of this care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients with a definite diagnosis of RA, stable drug management 3 months prior to entry, and a current history of foot problems (pain, deformity, stiffness, skin or nail lesions, or footwear problems) were recruited from a hospital outpatient rheumatology clinic and randomised to receive 12 months of podiatry treatment or no care. The primary outcome was change in foot health status using the impairment/footwear (LFIS<sub>IF</sub>) and activity limitation/participation restriction (LFIS<sub>AP</sub>) subscales of the Leeds Foot Impact Scale. Disease Activity Score (DAS), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) score and walking speed (m/s) were also recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 80 patients identified, 64 patients were eligible to participate in the pilot and 34 were recruited. 16 patients were randomised to receive podiatry led foot care and 18 received no care. Against a backdrop of stable disease (DAS and HAQ scores), there was a statistically significant between group difference in the change in foot health status for foot impairment (LFIS<sub>IF</sub>) but not activity/participation (LFIS<sub>AP</sub>) or function (walking speed) over 12 months. In the podiatry arm, 1 patient declined treatment following randomisation (did not want additional hospital visits) and 3 self-withdrew (lost to follow-up). Patients received an average of 3 consultations for assessment and treatment comprising routine care for skin and nail lesions (n = 3), foot orthoses (n = 9), footwear referral to the orthotist (n = 5), and ultrasound guided intra-articular steroid injection (n = 1).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this exploratory trial patients were difficult to recruit (stable drug management and co-morbid disease) and retain (lack of benefit/additional treatment burden) but overall the intervention was safe (no adverse reactions). Twelve months of podiatry care maintained but did not improve foot health status. These observations are important for the design and implementation of a definitive randomised controlled trial.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ISRCTN: 01982076</p

    Baby-Led Weaning: The Evidence to Date

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    Purpose of ReviewInfants are traditionally introduced to solid foods using spoon-feeding of specially prepared infant foods.Recent FindingsHowever, over the last 10–15 years, an alternative approach termed ‘baby-led weaning’ has grown in popularity. This approach involves allowing infants to self-feed family foods, encouraging the infant to set the pace and intake of the meal. Proponents of the approach believe it promotes healthy eating behaviour and weight gain trajectories, and evidence is starting to build surrounding the method. This review brings together all empirical evidence to date examining behaviours associated with the approach, its outcomes and confounding factors.SummaryOverall, although there is limited evidence suggesting that a baby-led approach may encourage positive outcomes, limitations of the data leave these conclusions weak. Further research is needed, particularly to explore pathways to impact and understand the approach in different contexts and populations

    Exploiting inflammation for therapeutic gain in pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is an aggressive malignancy associated with &#60;5% 5-year survival, in which standard chemotherapeutics have limited benefit. The disease is associated with significant intra- and peritumoral inflammation and failure of protective immunosurveillance. Indeed, inflammatory signals are implicated in both tumour initiation and tumour progression. The major pathways regulating PDAC-associated inflammation are now being explored. Activation of leukocytes, and upregulation of cytokine and chemokine signalling pathways, both have been shown to modulate PDAC progression. Therefore, targeting inflammatory pathways may be of benefit as part of a multi-target approach to PDAC therapy. This review explores the pathways known to modulate inflammation at different stages of tumour development, drawing conclusions on their potential as therapeutic targets in PDAC

    Milk feeding, solid feeding, and obesity risk:a review of the relationships between early life feeding practices and later adiposity

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    Childhood obesity is a major health issue with associated ill-health consequences during childhood and into later adolescence and adulthood. Given that eating behaviors are formed during early childhood, it is important to evaluate the relationships between early life feeding practices and later child adiposity. This review describes and evaluates recent literature exploring associations between child weight and the mode of milk feeding, the age of introducing solid foods and caregivers’ solid feeding practices. There are many inconsistencies in the literature linking early life feeding to later obesity risk and discrepancies may be related to inconsistent definitions, or a lack of control for confounding variables. This review summarizes the literature in this area and identifies the need for large scale longitudinal studies to effectively explore how early life feeding experiences may interact with each other and with nutritional provision during later childhood to predict obesity risk

    Maternal feeding practices and fussy eating in toddlerhood: A discordant twin analysis

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    Background: Parental feeding practices are thought to play a causal role in shaping a child's fussiness; however, a child-responsive model suggests that feeding practices may develop in response to a child's emerging appetitive characteristics. We used a novel twin study design to test the hypothesis that mothers vary their feeding practices for twin children who differ in their 'food fussiness', in support of a child-responsive model. Methods: Participants were mothers and their 16 month old twin children (n=2026) from Gemini, a British twin birth cohort of children born in 2007. Standardized psychometric measures of maternal 'pressure to eat', 'restriction' and 'instrumental feeding', as well as child 'food fussiness', were completed by mothers. Within-family analyses examined if twin-pair differences in 'food fussiness' were associated with differences in feeding practices using linear regression models. In a subset of twins (n=247 pairs) who were the most discordant (highest quartile) on 'food fussiness' (difference score≥.50), Paired Samples T-test were used to explore the magnitude of differences in feeding practices between twins. Between-family analyses used Complex Samples General Linear Models to examine associations between feeding practices and 'food fussiness'. Results: Within-pair differences in 'food fussiness' were associated with differential 'pressure to eat' and 'instrumental feeding' (ps<.001), but not with 'restriction'. In the subset of twins most discordant on 'food fussiness', mothers used more pressure (p<.001) and food rewards (p<.05) with the fussier twin. Between-family analyses indicated that 'pressure to eat' and 'instrumental feeding' were positively associated with 'food fussiness', while 'restriction' was negatively associated with 'food fussiness' (ps<.001). Conclusions: Mothers appear to subtly adjust their feeding practices according to their perceptions of their toddler's emerging fussy eating behavior. Specifically, the fussier toddler is pressured more than their less fussy co-twin, and is more likely to be offered food rewards. Guiding parents on how to respond to fussy eating may be an important aspect of promoting feeding practices that encourage food acceptance

    Probing the urea dependence of residual structure in denatured human α-lactalbumin

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    Backbone 15N relaxation parameters and 15N–1HN residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) have been measured for a variant of human α-lactalbumin (α-LA) in 4, 6, 8 and 10 M urea. In the α-LA variant, the eight cysteine residues in the protein have been replaced by alanines (all-Ala α-LA). This protein is a partially folded molten globule at pH 2 and has been shown previously to unfold in a stepwise non-cooperative manner on the addition of urea. 15N R2 values in some regions of all-Ala α-LA show significant exchange broadening which is reduced as the urea concentration is increased. Experimental RDC data are compared with RDCs predicted from a statistical coil model and with bulkiness, average area buried upon folding and hydrophobicity profiles in order to identify regions of non-random structure. Residues in the regions corresponding to the B, D and C-terminal 310 helices in native α-LA show R2 values and RDC data consistent with some non-random structural propensities even at high urea concentrations. Indeed, for residues 101–106 the residual structure persists in 10 M urea and the RDC data suggest that this might include the formation of a turn-like structure. The data presented here allow a detailed characterization of the non-cooperative unfolding of all-Ala α-LA at higher concentrations of denaturant and complement previous studies which focused on structural features of the molten globule which is populated at lower concentrations of denaturant

    The morphology of human rod ERGs obtained by silent substitution stimulation

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    YesPurpose To record transient ERGs from the lightadapted human retina using silent substitution stimuli which selectively reflect the activity of rod photoreceptors. We aim to describe the morphology of these waveforms and examine how they are affected by the use of less selective stimuli and by retinal pathology. Methods Rod-isolating stimuli with square-wave temporal profiles (250/250 ms onset/offset) were presented using a 4 primary LED ganzfeld stimulator. Experiment 1: ERGs were recorded using a rodisolating stimulus (63 ph Td, rod contrast, Crod = 0.25) from a group (n = 20) of normal trichromatic observers. Experiment 2: Rod ERGs were recorded from a group (n = 5) using a rodisolating stimulus (Crod = 0.25) which varied in retinal illuminance from 40 to 10,000 ph Td. Experiment 3: ERGs were elicited using 2 kinds of nonisolating stimuli; (1) broadband and (2) rod-isolating stimuli which contained varying degrees of L- and M-cone excitation. Experiment 4: Rod ERGs were recorded from two patient groups with rod monochromacy (n = 3) and CSNB (type 1; n = 2). Results The rod-isolated ERGs elicited from normal subjects had a waveform with a positive onset component followed by a negative offset. Response amplitude was maximal at retinal illuminances\100 ph Td and was virtually abolished at 400 ph Td. The use of non-selective stimuli altered the ERG waveform eliciting more photopic-like ERG responses. Rod ERGs recorded from rod monochromats had similar features to those recorded from normal trichromats, in contrast to those recorded from participants with CSNB which had an electronegative appearance. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that ERGs elicited by silent substitution stimuli can selectively reflect the operation of rod photoreceptors in the normal, light-adapted human retina.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (KR1317/13-1) and Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) (01DN14009) provided financial support for JK

    Predictors of children's secondhand smoke exposure at home: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the evidence

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    BACKGROUND: Children's exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) has been causally linked to a number of childhood morbidities and mortalities. Over 50% of UK children whose parents are smokers are regularly exposed to SHS at home. No previous review has identified the factors associated with children's SHS exposure in the home. AIM: To identify by systematic review, the factors which are associated with children's SHS exposure in the home, determined by parent or child reports and/or biochemically validated measures including cotinine, carbon monoxide or home air particulate matter. METHODS: Electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINAHL and Web of Knowledge to July 2014, and hand searches of reference lists from publications included in the review were conducted. FINDINGS: Forty one studies were included in the review. Parental smoking, low socioeconomic status and being less educated were all frequently and consistently found to be independently associated with children's SHS exposure in the home. Children whose parents held more negative attitudes towards SHS were less likely to be exposed. Associations were strongest for parental cigarette smoking status; compared to children of non-smokers, those whose mothers or both parents smoked were between two and 13 times more likely to be exposed to SHS. CONCLUSION: Multiple factors are associated with child SHS exposure in the home; the best way to reduce child SHS exposure in the home is for smoking parents to quit. If parents are unable or unwilling to stop smoking, they should instigate smoke-free homes. Interventions targeted towards the socially disadvantaged parents aiming to change attitudes to smoking in the presence of children and providing practical support to help parents smoke outside the home may be beneficial