4,305 research outputs found

    Bubble-Mediated Gas Transfer and Gas Transfer Suppression of DMS and CO2

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    Direct dimethyl sulfide (DMS) flux measurements using eddy covariance have shown a suppression of gas transfer at medium to high wind speed. However, not all eddy covariance measurements show evidence of this suppression. Processes, such as wave-wind interaction and surfactants, have been postulated to cause this suppression. We measured DMS and carbon dioxide eddy covariance fluxes during the Asian summer monsoon in the western tropical Indian Ocean (July and August 2014). Both fluxes and their respective gas transfer velocities show signs of a gas transfer suppression above 10 m/s. Using a wind-wave interaction, we describe a flow separation process that could be responsible for a suppression of gas transfer. As a result we provide a Reynolds number-based parameterization, which states the likelihood of a gas transfer suppression for this cruise and previously published gas transfer data. Additionally, we compute the difference in the gas transfer velocities of DMS and CO2 to estimate the bubble-mediated gas transfer using a hybrid model with three whitecap parameterizations

    Estimating oceanic primary production using vertical irradiance and chlorophyll profiles from ocean gliders in the North Atlantic

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    An autonomous underwater vehicle (Seaglider) has been used to estimate marine primary production (PP) using a combination of irradiance and fluorescence vertical profiles. This method provides estimates for depth-resolved and temporally evolving PP on fine spatial scales in the absence of ship-based calibrations. We describe techniques to correct for known issues associated with long autonomous deployments such as sensor calibration drift and fluorescence quenching. Comparisons were made between the Seaglider, stable isotope (13C), and satellite estimates of PP. The Seaglider-based PP estimates were comparable to both satellite estimates and stable isotope measurements

    Isolation and characterization of centroacinar/terminal ductal progenitor cells in adult mouse pancreas

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    The question of whether dedicated progenitor cells exist in adult vertebrate pancreas remains controversial. Centroacinar cells and terminal duct (CA/TD) cells lie at the junction between peripheral acinar cells and the adjacent ductal epithelium, and are frequently included among cell types proposed as candidate pancreatic progenitors. However these cells have not previously been isolated in a manner that allows formal assessment of their progenitor capacities. We have found that a subset of adult CA/TD cells are characterized by high levels of ALDH1 enzymatic activity, related to high-level expression of both Aldh1a1 and Aldh1a7. This allows their isolation by FACS using a fluorogenic ALDH1 substrate. FACS-isolated CA/TD cells are relatively depleted of transcripts associated with differentiated pancreatic cell types. In contrast, they are markedly enriched for transcripts encoding Sca1, Sdf1, c-Met, Nestin, and Sox9, markers previously associated with progenitor populations in embryonic pancreas and other tissues. FACS-sorted CA/TD cells are uniquely able to form self-renewing 'pancreatospheres' in suspension culture, even when plated at clonal density. These spheres display a capacity for spontaneous endocrine and exocrine differentiation, as well as glucose-responsive insulin secretion. In addition, when injected into cultured embryonic dorsal pancreatic buds, these adult cells display a unique capacity to contribute to both the embryonic endocrine and exocrine lineages. Finally, these cells demonstrate dramatic expansion in the setting of chronic epithelial injury. These findings suggest that CA/TD cells are indeed capable of progenitor function and may contribute to the maintenance of tissue homeostasis in adult mouse pancreas

    Air–sea exchange of acetone, acetaldehyde, DMS and isoprene at a UK coastal site

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are ubiquitous in the atmosphere and are important for atmospheric chemistry. Large uncertainties remain in the role of the ocean in the atmospheric VOC budget because of poorly constrained marine sources and sinks. There are very few direct measurements of air–sea VOC fluxes near the coast, where natural marine emissions could influence coastal air quality (i.e. ozone, aerosols) and terrestrial gaseous emissions could be taken up by the coastal seas. To address this, we present air–sea flux measurements of acetone, acetaldehyde and dimethylsulfide (DMS) at the coastal Penlee Point Atmospheric Observatory (PPAO) in the south-west UK during the spring (April–May 2018). Fluxes of these gases were measured simultaneously by eddy covariance (EC) using a proton-transfer-reaction quadrupole mass spectrometer. Comparisons are made between two wind sectors representative of different air–water exchange regimes: the open-water sector facing the North Atlantic Ocean and the terrestrially influenced Plymouth Sound fed by two estuaries. Mean EC (± 1 standard error) fluxes of acetone, acetaldehyde and DMS from the open-water wind sector were −8.0 ± 0.8, −1.6 ± 1.4 and 4.7 ± 0.6 µmol m−2 d−1 respectively (“−” sign indicates net air-to-sea deposition). These measurements are generally comparable (same order of magnitude) to previous measurements in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean at the same latitude. In comparison, the Plymouth Sound wind sector showed respective fluxes of −12.9 ± 1.4, −4.5 ± 1.7 and 1.8 ± 0.8 µmol m−2 d−1. The greater deposition fluxes of acetone and acetaldehyde within the Plymouth Sound were likely to a large degree driven by higher atmospheric concentrations from the terrestrial wind sector. The reduced DMS emission from the Plymouth Sound was caused by a combination of lower wind speed and likely lower dissolved concentrations as a result of the estuarine influence (i.e. dilution). In addition, we measured the near-surface seawater concentrations of acetone, acetaldehyde, DMS and isoprene from a marine station 6 km offshore. Comparisons are made between EC fluxes from the open-water and bulk air–sea VOC fluxes calculated using air and water concentrations with a two-layer (TL) model of gas transfer. The calculated TL fluxes agree with the EC measurements with respect to the directions and magnitudes of fluxes, implying that any recently proposed surface emissions of acetone and acetaldehyde would be within the propagated uncertainty of 2.6 µmol m−2 d−1. The computed transfer velocities of DMS, acetone and acetaldehyde from the EC fluxes and air and water concentrations are largely consistent with previous transfer velocity estimates from the open ocean. This suggests that wind, rather than bottom-driven turbulence and current velocity, is the main driver for gas exchange within the open-water sector at PPAO (depth of ∼ 20 m)

    Ultracold-neutron infrastructure for the gravitational spectrometer GRANIT

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    The gravitational spectrometer GRANIT will be set up at the Institut Laue Langevin. It will profit from the high ultracold neutron density produced by a dedicated source. A monochromator made of crystals from graphite intercalated with potassium will provide a neutron beam with 0.89 nm incident on the source. The source employs superthermal conversion of cold neutrons in superfluid helium, in a vessel made from BeO ceramics with Be windows. A special extraction technique has been tested which feeds the spectrometer only with neutrons with a vertical velocity component v < 20 cm/s, thus keeping the density in the source high. This new source is expected to provide a density of up to 800 1/cm3 for the spectrometer.Comment: accepted for publication in Proceedings International Workshop on Particle Physics with Slow Neutron

    Patients with serious injection drug use-related infections who experience patient-directed discharges on oral antibiotics have high rates of antibiotic adherence but require multidisciplinary outpatient support for retention in care

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    Background: Persons who inject drugs (PWID) are frequently admitted for serious injection-related infections (SIRIs). Outcomes and adherence to oral antibiotics for PWID with patient-directed discharge (PDD) remain understudied. Methods: We conducted a prospective multicenter bundled quality improvement project of PWID with SIRI at 3 hospitals in Missouri. All PWID with SIRI were offered multidisciplinary care while inpatient, including the option of addiction medicine consultation and medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). All patients were offered oral antibiotics in the event of a PDD either at discharge or immediately after discharge through an infectious diseases telemedicine clinic. Additional support services included health coaches, a therapist, a case manager, free clinic follow-up, and medications in an outpatient bridge program. Patient demographics, comorbidities, 90-day readmissions, and substance use disorder clinic follow-up were compared between PWID with PDD on oral antibiotics and those who completed intravenous (IV) antibiotics using an as-treated approach. Results: Of 166 PWID with SIRI, 61 completed IV antibiotics inpatient (37%), while 105 had a PDD on oral antibiotics (63%). There was no significant difference in 90-day readmission rates between groups ( Conclusions: PWID with SIRI who experience a PDD should be provided with oral antibiotics. Multidisciplinary outpatient support services are needed for PWID with PDD on oral antibiotics

    Probing impulsive strain propagation with x-ray pulses

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    Pump-probe time-resolved x-ray diffraction of allowed and nearly forbidden reflections in InSb is used to follow the propagation of a coherent acoustic pulse generated by ultrafast laser-excitation. The surface and bulk components of the strain could be simultaneously measured due to the large x-ray penetration depth. Comparison of the experimental data with dynamical diffraction simulations suggests that the conventional model for impulsively generated strain underestimates the partitioning of energy into coherent modes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, eps. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. http://prl.aps.or

    Understanding Shale Gas: Recent Progress and Remaining Challenges

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    Because of a number of technological advancements, unconventional hydrocarbons, and in particular shale gas, have transformed the US economy. Much is being learned, as demonstrated by the reduced cost of extracting shale gas in the US over the past five years. However, a number of challenges still need to be addressed. Many of these challenges represent grand scientific and technological tasks, overcoming which will have a number of positive impacts, ranging from the reduction of the environmental footprint of shale gas production to improvements and leaps forward in diverse sectors, including chemical manufacturing and catalytic transformations. This review addresses recent advancements in computational and experimental approaches, which led to improved understanding of, in particular, structure and transport of fluids, including hydrocarbons, electrolytes, water, and CO2 in heterogeneous subsurface rocks such as those typically found in shale formations. The narrative is concluded with a suggestion of a few research directions that, by synergistically combining computational and experimental advances, could allow us to overcome some of the hurdles that currently hinder the production of hydrocarbons from shale formations

    Housekeeping genes for quantitative expression studies in the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

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    Background During the last years the quantification of immune response under immunological challenges, e.g. parasitation, has been a major focus of research. In this context, the expression of immune response genes in teleost fish has been surveyed for scientific and commercial purposes. Despite the fact that it was shown in teleostei and other taxa that the gene for beta-actin is not the most stably expressed housekeeping gene (HKG), depending on the tissue and experimental treatment, the gene has been us Results To establish a reliable method for the measurement of immune gene expression in Gasterosteus aculeatus, sequences from the now available genome database and an EST library of the same species were used to select oligonucleotide primers for HKG, in order to perform quantitative reverse-transcription (RT) PCR. The expression stability of ten candidate reference genes was evaluated in three different tissues, and in five parasite treatment groups, using the three algorithms BestKeeper, geNorm and N Conclusion As they were the most stably expressed genes in all tissues examined, we suggest using the genes for the L13a ribosomal binding protein and ubiquitin as alternative or additional reference genes in expression analysis in Gasterosteus aculeatus.

    Phrenologyand the Insanity Defence: Medical Jurisprudence in the McNaughtan Trial

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    This thesis argues that phrenology shaped the defence argument in the McNaughtan trial. The role of this now-discredited science exemplifies the negotiation of scientific, legal and lay knowledge in the early nineteenth century, at a time when science was challenging the primacy of lay understandings of insanity. Phrenological ideas allowed the defence to privilege medical opinion over lay opinion, and propose a model of the mind that could account for McNaughtan’s insanity. This was possible because the medical and professional communities accepted some elements of the science. They applied these principles when explaining and verifying insanity in a courtroom setting