26 research outputs found

    Método automático de clasificación de color en dientes humanos usando aprendizaje de máquina

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónActualmente el proceso de identificación del color de los dientes para la fabricación de prótesis dentales es realizado manualmente por un experto que, utilizando un método de identificación visual, determina el color de las piezas dentales en la boca del paciente, usando guías de color como la VITA®. A pesar de que el método visual es el más utilizado para la identificación del color de dientes, este se ve afectado por distintas variables tales como: el cansancio del experto, la luminosidad en el ambiente, salud visual del especialista, entre otras que influyen en la identificación del color en los dientes. Los errores en la clasificación del color de los dientes pueden generar pérdidas de tiempo lo que implicaría en consecuencia sobrecostos que afectarían directamente al fabricante y la satisfacción final del cliente.1. Planteamiento del problema 2. Pregunta de investigación 3. Objetivos 4. Estado del arte 5. Marco de referencia 6. Alcances y limitaciones 7. Metodología 8. Diseño metodológico 9. Discusión y resultados 10. Conclusiones 11. Trabajos futuros 12. Bibliografía 13. ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Critical review of immediate implant loading

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    Background : Implant dentistry has become successful with the discovery of the biological properties of titanium. In the original protocol, studies have advocated a 2-stage surgical protocol for load-free and submerged healing to ensure predictable osseointegration. However, the discomfort, inconvenience, and anxiety associated with waiting period remains a challenge to both patients and clinicians. Hence, loading implant right after placement was attempted and has gained popularity among clinicians. Issues/questions related to this approach remain unanswered. Therefore, it is the purpose of this review article to (1) review and analyze critically the current available literature in the field of immediate implant loading and (2) discuss, based on scientific evidence, factors that may influence this treatment modality. Material and Methods : Literature published over the past 20 years was selected and reviewed. Findings from these studies were discussed and summarized in the tables. The advantages and disadvantages associated with immediate implant loading were analyzed. Factors that may influence the success of immediate implant loading, including patient selection, type of bone quality, required implant length, micro- and macrostructure of the implant, surgical skill, need for achieving primary stability/control of occlusal force, and prosthesis guidelines, were thoroughly reviewed and discussed. Results and Conclusion : Various studies have demonstrated the feasibility and predictability of this technique. However, most of these articles are based on retrospective data or uncontrolled cases. Randomized, prospective, parallel-armed longitudinal human trials are primarily based on short-term results and long-term follow-ups are still scarce in this field. Nonetheless, from available literature, it may be concluded that anatomic locations, implant designs, and restricted prosthetic guidelines are key to ensure successful outcomes. Future studies, preferably randomized, prospective longitudinal studies, are certainly needed before this approach can be widely used. To cite this article: Gapski R, Wang H-L, Mascarenhas P, Lang NP. Critical review of immediate implant loading. Clin. Oral Impl. Res , 14 , 2003; 515–527Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73058/1/j.1600-0501.2003.00950.x.pd

    Mechanical design, analysis, and laboratory testing of a dental implant with axial flexibility similar to natural tooth with periodontal ligament

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    At the interface between the jawbone and the roots of natural teeth, a thin, elastic, shock-absorbing tissue, called the periodontal ligament, forms a cushion which provides certain flexibility under mechanical loading. The dental restorations supported by implants, however, involve comparatively rigid connections to the jawbone. This causes overloading of the implant while bearing functional loading together with neighboring natural teeth, which leads to high stresses within the implant system and in the jawbone. A dental implant, with resilient components in the upper structure (abutment) in order to mimic the mechanical behavior of the periodontal ligament in the axial direction, was designed, analyzed in silico, and produced for mechanical testing. The aims of the design were avoiding high levels of stress, loosening of the abutment connection screw, and soft tissue irritations. The finite element analysis of the designed implant revealed that the elastic abutment yielded a similar axial mobility with the natural tooth while keeping stress in the implant at safe levels. The in vitro mechanical testing of the prototype resulted in similar axial mobility predicted by the analysis and as that of a typical natural tooth. The abutment screw did not loosen under repeated loading and there was no static or fatigue failure