663 research outputs found

    Teaching Translation in Promoting College English Teaching in Newly Built Universities

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    Teaching translation is regarded as one of the means of foreign language teaching. It aims to help students master relevant language points so as to improve their foreign language proficiency. In Tier 2 colleges and universities, there is a widespread phenomenon that students lack solid English foundations, also due to the heavy learning pressure form the other subjects such as their major, it is easy for them to neglect English learning and make it stagnate. In this paper, through the application of the translation teaching method, freshmen and sophomores’ understanding and adsorbing basic English knowledge in classrooms are enhanced, and their learning abilities such as memorizing phrases and expressions, recognizing and analyzing meanings of sentences are strengthened,. Meanwhile, problems which should be paid attention to as well as the shortcomings of the teaching method are also pointed out when the method of teaching translation is applied in teaching practice

    Based on the Theory of Chronic Liver Disease

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    Doctors discuss the treatment of chronic liver disease from the perspective of dampness, poison, and blood stasis, less from the perspective of spleen Yin loss. The author discusses the physiological function of spleen Yin and its relationship with chronic liver disease, and analyzes that spleen Yin defciency is an important cause of chronic liver disease, and also an important manifestation of chronic liver disease, and puts forward three methods of solid spleen, liver and spleen treatment, sweet and fat tonic, sour and sweet Yin

    Środowiskowe aspekty europejskiego doświadczenia w architekturze krajobrazu

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    Understanding all the possibilities of environmentally oriented landscape planning will contribute to the effective environmental planning of the territory and nature management in general. Accordingly, the purpose of the study was to investigate the experience of the European countries towards the introduction of an effective system of environmentally oriented landscape planning and improvement of territories, as well as their protection. For this purpose, it is necessary to comprehensively study the strengths and weaknesses of existing developments in the field of environmentally oriented landscape planning in Europe. An analysis of the best practices of environmentally oriented landscape planning in such countries as Great Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, etc. has been conducted. The findings allowed to state that the effectiveness of development and implementation of substantial planning for landscape design depends not only on the volume and depth of research, but to a very large extent from their reasonable and productive organisation. The paper summarises that in environmentally oriented landscape planning, it is first necessary to determine the reasons for planning. Before choosing the object and territory of planning, it is necessary to find out: who are the potential customers and investors – their goals and motivation; what are the problem situations and conflicts in nature management in the area; what is the practical use of the results of landscape planning; the purpose of the territory, including cartographic; the availability of source information, and more. And then make decisions regarding the stages of landscape planning, taking into account the environmental component and, accordingly, the implementation of the idea of landscape planning.Zrozumienie wszystkich aspektów architektury krajobrazu zorientowanej na środowisko przyczyni się do efektywnego planowania środowiskowego terytorium i ogólnie do zarządzania przyrodą. W związku z tym celem badania było zbadanie doświadczeń krajów europejskich w zakresie wprowadzenia efektywnego systemu architektury krajobrazu zorientowanej na środowisko i poprawy obszarów, a także ich ochrony. W tym celu konieczne jest kompleksowe zbadanie mocnych i słabych stron istniejących rozwiązań w dziedzinie architektury krajobrazu zorientowanej na środowisko. Przeprowadzono analizę najlepszych praktyk architektury krajobrazu w takich krajach jak Wielka Brytania, Francja, Niemcy i Holandia. Wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że skuteczność opracowania i wdrożenia planowania merytorycznego do projektowania krajobrazu zależy nie tylko od zakresu i głębokości badań, ale w bardzo dużym stopniu od ich racjonalnej organizacji. Stwierdzono, że w planowaniu krajobrazu zorientowanego na środowisko najpierw należy określić przyczyny planowania. Przed wyborem przedmiotu i terenu planowania należy dowiedzieć się: kim są potencjalni klienci i inwestorzy – ich cele i motywacja; jakie są sytuacje problemowe i konflikty w zarządzaniu przyrodą na danym terenie; jakie jest praktyczne wykorzystanie wyników planowania krajobrazu; cel terytorium, w tym opis kartograficzny; dostępność informacji źródłowych itp. Następnie należy podjąć decyzje dotyczące etapów planowania krajobrazowego z uwzględnieniem komponentu środowiskowego w celu odpowiedniej realizacji idei architektury krajobrazu

    Genome-wide identification and evolutionary analyses of the PP2C gene family with their expression profiling in response to multiple stresses in Brachypodium distachyon

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    Expression pattern of duplication BdPP2C genes under biotic/abiotic stresses and phytohormone treatments. (TIF 9276 kb

    Effect of Surface Roughness on Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Performance of Cylindrical Roller Bearing

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    In order to study the effect of surface roughness on the Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (EHL) performance of cylindrical roller bearing, an EHL model of cylindrical roller bearing with three dimensional surface cosine roughness based on finite length line contact theory is established. The EHL performance of cylindrical roller bearing is calculated by the Finite Difference Method (FDM) program, with which the effects of surface cosine roughness amplitude, wavelength and texture angle on EHL performance of cylindrical roller bearing are analyzed. The numerical results show that the roughness amplitude, wavelength and texture angle have great influence on the EHL performance in the contact area. The increase of roughness amplitude and wavelength in a reasonable range is beneficial to the enhancement of EHL performance of the cylindrical roller bearing, and the transverse roughness is more favorable to enhance the bearing capacity and reduce the friction coefficient

    Observation and Analysis of Leather Structure Based on Nano-CT

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    Content: The composition, working principle and the image acquisition procedure of nano-CT were introduced. A dried piece of blue stock of chrome-tanned cattle hide was chosen for this work and a sequence of 2356 images was obtained. 3D visible digital models (5mm*3.5mm*3.5mm) of leather fiber bundle braided network (Figure 1) and the interspace between fiber bundles (Figure 2) were reconstructed. The inner structure and composition of leather were shown accurately and intuitively in the form of 2D sectional images and 3D image. Based on the 3D model, the diameter, volume, surface area and other parameters of the fiber bundles, the pore structure and inclusions were measured and calculated. Take-Away: 1. 3D visible digital model of leather fiber bundle braided network was reconstructed. 2. The inner structure and composition of leather were shown accurately and intuitively in the form of 2D sectional images and 3D image

    Denoising and Segmentation of MCT Slice Images of Leather Fiber

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    Content: The braiding structure of leather fibers has not been understood clearly and it is very useful and interesting to study it. Microscopic X-ray tomography (MCT) technology can produce cross-sectional images of the leather without destroying its structure. The three-dimensional structure of leather fibers can be reconstructed by using MCT slice images, so as to show the braiding structure and regularity of leather fibers. The denoising and segmentation of MCT slice images of leather fibers is the basic procedure for three-dimensional reconstruction. In order to study the braiding structure of leather fibers in the round, the image of resinembedded leather fibers MCT slices and in situ leather fibers MCT slices were analyzed and processed. It is showed that the resin-embedded leather fiber MCT slices were quite different from that of in situ leather fiber MCT slices. In-situ leather fiber MCT slice image could be denoised relatively easily. But denoising of resin-embedded leather fiber MCT slice image is a challenge because of its strong noise. In addition, some fiber bundles adhere to each other in the slice image, which are difficult to be segmented. There are many methods of image denoising and segmentation, but there is no general method to process all types of images. In this paper, a series of computer-aided denoising and segmentation algorithms are designed for in-situ MCT slice images of leather fibers and resin-embedded MCT slice images. The fiber bundles in wide field MCT images are distributed densely, adherent to each other. Many fiber bundles are separated in one image and tightly bound in another. This brings great difficulties to image segmentation. To solve this problem, the following segmentation methods are used: Grayscale-threshold segmentation method, The region-growing segmentation method, Three-dimensional image segmentation method. The denoising and segmentation algorithm proposed in this paper has remarkable effect in processing a series of original MCT slice images and resin-embedded leather fibers MCT slice images. A series of threedimensional images based on this work demonstrate the fine spatial braiding structure of leather fiber, which would help us to understand the braiding structure of leather fibers better. Take-Away: presentation ppt, Figure

    Generative Adversarial Mapping Networks

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown impressive performance in generating photo-realistic images. They fit generative models by minimizing certain distance measure between the real image distribution and the generated data distribution. Several distance measures have been used, such as Jensen-Shannon divergence, ff-divergence, and Wasserstein distance, and choosing an appropriate distance measure is very important for training the generative network. In this paper, we choose to use the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) as the distance metric, which has several nice theoretical guarantees. In fact, generative moment matching network (GMMN) (Li, Swersky, and Zemel 2015) is such a generative model which contains only one generator network GG trained by directly minimizing MMD between the real and generated distributions. However, it fails to generate meaningful samples on challenging benchmark datasets, such as CIFAR-10 and LSUN. To improve on GMMN, we propose to add an extra network FF, called mapper. FF maps both real data distribution and generated data distribution from the original data space to a feature representation space R\mathcal{R}, and it is trained to maximize MMD between the two mapped distributions in R\mathcal{R}, while the generator GG tries to minimize the MMD. We call the new model generative adversarial mapping networks (GAMNs). We demonstrate that the adversarial mapper FF can help GG to better capture the underlying data distribution. We also show that GAMN significantly outperforms GMMN, and is also superior to or comparable with other state-of-the-art GAN based methods on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and LSUN-Bedrooms datasets.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Study on the Difference of Collagen Fibre Structure Caused by Epoxy Resin Embedding

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    Content: The research on Collagen that possesses unique fibre structure are reported frequently. In this paper, the cross image of leather fibre of dried wet blue cowhide embedded with and without epoxy resin were investigated with micro computed topography(MCT). The images obtained by MCT of leather fibre are original status without any damage, while the embedded leather can emerge distortion because the fibre was fixed during the solidifying and immersing of the resin. In this research, 2357 images of leather fibre were investigated on wet blue leather(original fibre) and the same piece of leather embedded by epoxy resin(embedded fibre). The area ratio of the sections from the original fibre and the embedded fibre was examined for each image. The statistic results showed that the mode of area ratio of the original fibre section to the entire fibre section is 75%, and the mode of area ratio of the embedded fibre section to the embedded fibre entire section is only 48%. The mode of the area ratio of the original fibre is obviously higher than the mode of the area ratio of the embedded fibre, that is diverse with the anticipation of fibre swelling caused by resin. The reason might be the expansion of interval space among the fibre filled with epoxy resin, otherwise the conglutination of fibre caused by the evaporation of solvent(acetone used in embedding) in the course of the resion solidifying. Likewise, it can be the adhesion of the tiny fibre with the larger fibre that will diminish the area caculated. The factors will be studied further on embedding to achieve a method with minimum deformation on cross image of fibre. Take-Away: The area ratio of cross section on embedded fibre shrunk comparing with the original fibre, that is out of anticipation of the probable swelling created by resin

    A Statistics-Based Study on Wood Presentation of Modern Wood Building Facades

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    Wood presentation of modern wood building facades relating to the expression of the essential characteristics of architecture, utilization efficiency of wood and acceptance of architectural image,etc. However, relevant studies are obviously insufficient. This paper makes a statistical analysis of outstanding wood structure space cases which be selected, tries to reveal the expression rule of major timber application variables of wood coverage, materials collocation, wood form and wood color under the limitation of the main influencing factors of building function, building form and building scale.The purpose of this study is to explore the wood presentation rule of modern wood building Facades under the influence of building factors