19 research outputs found

    Maximizing farrowing rate

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    Farrowing rate can be defined as: 1) the number of mated females that farrow within a contemporary group per total number of MATED females for this group or 2) the number of females that farrow within a contemporary group per total number of EXPOSED females for this group. Generally, the first definition is used when hand-mating, whereas the second definition has to be used when pen-mating. Regardless of the definition, farrowing rate can be maximized only by taking total control of the breeding herd. High farrowing rates will result when fertility is high in boars, sows, and gilts; however, excellent management must be used to maintain high fertility in males and females. North Carolina State University data have shown a high correlation between farrowing rate and live pigs born per bred sow per year (Figure 1). Their data show that for each 10% increase in farrowing rate of bred sows, there is a corresponding increase of 2.63 live pigs born per sow per year. In light of these data, pork producers should strive to maximize farrowing rate. This can be done by providing good management during prebreeding, breeding, and gestation phases. The purpose of this article is to provide information on possible management practices to use during each of these phases

    Comparação entre diferentes métodos de inseminação artificial em suínos Comparison between different methods of artificial insemination in swine

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar três métodos de inseminação artificial(IA) no suíno em relação ao tempo de infusão e perdas por refluxo da DI durante a IA e aos 120 minutos após a IA, bem como dados de operacionalidade medido pelo grau de dificuldade verificado para execução da IA e dados de desempenho reprodutivo. Foram utilizadas 604 matrizes até a parição 7 e IDE < 7 dias. As fêmeas foram inseminadas em 3 tratamentos: T1= método auto IA com pipetas longas lameladas (Supertip®), sêmen acondicionado em flexitubos® e aparato de IA constituído por uma cinta abdominal e uma mala dorsal; T2= método intermediário, pipetas Supertip®, flexitubos® e sem aparato de IA; T3= método tradicional, pipetas tipo Melrose, sêmen acondicionado em bisnagas e sem aparato de IA, onde o tempo de IA ficou atrelado ao desempenho do funcionário. O tempo médio de IA foi diferente (P<0,02) entre os três tratamentos (1,7&plusmn;1,6; 2,2&plusmn;1,8 e 3,6&plusmn;1,1 minutos para T1, T2 e T3 respectivamente). Em uma parte dos animais (108 fêmeas distribuídas nos 3 tratamentos) foram coletados os refluxos até 120 minutos transcorridos das IAs por meio de uma bolsa de colostomia fixada na vulva . O volume de refluxo durante a IA foi maior (P<0,02) em T1 (7,7&plusmn;13,5mL) quando comparado a T3 (5,8&plusmn;10,8mL). Não foram verificadas diferenças entre os tratamentos no número de espermatozóides eliminados por refluxo até 120 minutos após a IA. Independentemente do tratamento, em torno de 70% do volume e 30% do total de espermatozóides contidos na DI foram eliminados por refluxo em até duas horas após a IA. Na avaliação do grau de dificuldade, foi verificado que, no T1= 85,6%, no T2= 92,9 e no T3= 97,7% das fêmeas tiveram suas inseminações concluídas com até uma intervenção (P<0,05 entre todos os tratamentos). Com relação as taxas de retornos ao estro, taxa de parto ajustada e número de leitões nascidos não foram observadas diferenças entre os tratamentos (P>0,05). As taxas de retorno ao estro foram 10,3, 7,4 e 8,5 %, a taxa de parto ajustada foi de 90,8, 94,0 e 91,7% com 10,9, 11,1 e 11,1 leitões nascidos totais em T1, T2 e T3, respectivamente. O método auto IA e o método intermediário proporcionam IAs mais rápidas e podem substituir o método tradicional sem prejuízos ao desempenho reprodutivo.<br>This study was performed to compare the Hands-free insemination method, i.e., the high degree automation procedure, with an intermediate method, which allows less participation of the inseminator during the application of the inseminating dose (ID), and the conventional method, which is widely used in Brazil. The comparison was based on infusion time and losses due to semen backflow during AI and 120 minutes after AI, degree of difficulty experienced during AI procedure, and reproductive performance data. A number of 604 sows on the parity up to 7 and a weaning to estrus interval < 7 days were used. Females were distributed into 3 treatments: T1= hands-free AI method, with long coilable shaft pipettes (Supertip®), semen stored in flexitubes® and AI device consisting of an abdominal belt and a saddlebag; T2= intermediate method, Supertip® pipettes, flexitubes®, without AI device; T3= traditional method, Melrose-type pipettes, semen stored in tubs, without AI device. AI time was associated with the inseminator’s performance. The average AI time was different (P<0.02) among treatments (1.7&plusmn;1.6; 2.2&plusmn;1.8 e 3.6&plusmn;1.1 minutes for T1, T2 and T3 respectively). One hundred eight sows distributed into the three treatments, had the semen backflow collected up to 120 minutes after AI in a colostomy bag fixed by the vulva. Semen backflow volume during AI was higher (P<0.02) in T1 (7.7&plusmn;13.5 mL) as compared to T3 (5.8&plusmn;10.8 mL). There were no differences among treatments in the number of spermatozoa eliminated by semen backflow up to 120 minutes after AI. Regardless of the treatment, nearly 70% of the volume and 30% of the total spermatozoa contained in the ID were eliminated by semen backflow up to 2 hours after AI. Concerning the degree of difficulty of the AI procedure, 85.6%, 92.9 and 97.7% of T1, T2 and T3 females were inseminated with up to 1 intervention (P<0,05 between all treatments). There were no differences among treatments (P>0.05) in return to estrus rate, adjusted farrowing rate and number of born piglets. The return to estrus rates were 10.3, 7.4 and 8.5%, adjusted farrowing rates were 90.8, 94.0 and 91.7%, with 10.9, 11.1 e 11.1 total born piglets in T1, T2 and T3, respectively. The Hands free method and the intermediate method allowed faster AI and can replace the traditional method without influence on the reproductive performance

    Foreign direct investment and country risk: Further empirical evidence

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    Global political and economic changes over the last decade have resulted into massive capital inflows to developing countries, most of these flows are foreign direct investments. In light of threats of political instability in the forms of civil wars, illegal capital flight, financial market instability, and political corruption, etc., further assessment of country risk is warranted. We examine the relationship between FDI and political and economic risks for 26 countries for the years 1992, 1993, and 1994 by using regression analysis and cross section data. The results indicate a significant relationship between FDI and these risks. This study provides more reliable estimates by using a current and eclectic measurement of risks represented by Euromoney indexes of political and economic risks. In the previous studies the perception of risk was narrowly defined and also political instability events were mistakenly interpreted as political risks.

    Reproductive performance of sows submitted to intrauterine insemination Desempenho reprodutivo de matrizes suínas inseminadas pela técnica intrauterina

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of sows artificially inseminated by the intrauterine (IAIU) technique. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design, with 300 sows being distributed in five insemination techniques: control, intra-cervical (IAIC) with 3x10(9) spermatozoa/100 mL; intrauterine (IAIU) with 1x10(9) spermatozoa/100 mL; intrauterine with com 1x10(9) spermatozoa/50 mL; intrauterine with 5x10(8) spermatozoa/100 mL; and intrauterine com 5x10(8) spermatozoa/50 mL. The sows submitted to intrauterine insemination presented a farrowing rate of 90.8% and return to estrus rate of 9.2%, which did not differ from the rates obtained by the intra-cervical technique (90.0% and 10.0%, respectively). Total litter size did not differ between the techniques, with the means being from 11.4 to 11.9 piglets at farrowing. Although 4.6% of the sows submitted to intrauterine artificial insemination had difficulty with pipette insertion into the cervix, 100% of them were inseminated. When evaluating semen backflow, no difference was found between the intra-cervical and intrauterine insemination techniques. However, total semen backflow was higher in sows submitted to inter-cervical insemination. No difference was found in the presence of blood between the two methods evaluated. Hence, any of the intrauterine insemination techniques can substitute inter-cervical artificial insemination without damaging the reproductive performance of the animals.<br>Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho reprodutivo de matrizes suínas inseminadas pela técnica intrauterina (IAIU). Em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, 300 fêmeas foram distribuídas em cinco técnicas de inseminação: controle - intracervical (IAIC) com 3x10(9) espermatozoides/100 mL; intrauterina (IAIU) com 1x10(9) espermatozoides/100 mL; intrauterina com 1x10(9) espermatozoides/50 mL; intrauterina com 5x10(8) espermatozoides/100 mL; e intrauterina com 5x10(8) espermatozoides/50 mL. As fêmeas inseminadas pela técnica intrauterina apresentaram taxa de parto de 90,8% e taxa de repetição de estro de 9,2%, que não diferiram das taxas obtidas pela técnica intracervical (90,0% e 10,0%, respectivamente). O total de leitões nascidos não diferiu entre as técnicas, com média geral de 11,4 a 11,9 leitões por parto. Apesar da dificuldade na passagem da pipeta em 4,6% das fêmeas submetidas à inseminação artificial intrauterina, 100% das fêmeas foram inseminadas. Na avaliação da ocorrência de refluxo de sêmen, não houve diferença entre as técnicas de inseminação intracervical e intrauterina. Entretanto, o total de espermatozoides refluídos foi maior nas fêmeas submetidas à inseminação intracervical. A ocorrência de sangramento não diferiu entre as técnicas estudadas. Portanto, qualquer uma das técnicas de inseminação intrauterina pode substituir a inseminação artificial intracervical, pois não comprometem o desempenho reprodutivo dos animais