352 research outputs found

    Measuring center of pressure signals to quantify human balance using multivariate multiscale entropy by designing a force platform

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    Copyright @ 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).To assess the improvement of human body balance, a low cost and portable measuring device of center of pressure (COP), known as center of pressure and complexity monitoring system (CPCMS), has been developed for data logging and analysis. In order to prove that the system can estimate the different magnitude of different sways in comparison with the commercial Advanced Mechanical Technology Incorporation (AMTI) system, four sway tests have been developed (i.e., eyes open, eyes closed, eyes open with water pad, and eyes closed with water pad) to produce different sway displacements. Firstly, static and dynamic tests were conducted to investigate the feasibility of the system. Then, correlation tests of the CPCMS and AMTI systems have been compared with four sway tests. The results are within the acceptable range. Furthermore, multivariate empirical mode decomposition (MEMD) and enhanced multivariate multiscale entropy (MMSE) analysis methods have been used to analyze COP data reported by the CPCMS and compare it with the AMTI system. The improvements of the CPCMS are 35% to 70% (open eyes test) and 60% to 70% (eyes closed test) with and without water pad. The AMTI system has shown an improvement of 40% to 80% (open eyes test) and 65% to 75% (closed eyes test). The results indicate that the CPCMS system can achieve similar results to the commercial product so it can determine the balance.National Science Council (NSC) of Taiwan and the Center for Dynamical Biomarkers and Translational Medicine, National Central University, Taiwan (which is sponsored by the NSC)

    Wildfire may increase habitat quality for spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River subbasin, WA, USA

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    Pacific Northwest salmonids are adapted to natural disturbance regimes that create dynamic habitat patterns over space and through time. However, human land use, particularly long-term fire suppression, has altered the intensity and frequency of wildfire in forested upland and riparian areas. To examine the potential impacts of wildfire on aquatic systems, we developed stream-reach-scale models of freshwater habitat for three life stages (adult, egg/fry, and juvenile) of spring Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Wenatchee River subbasin, Washington. We used variables representing pre- and post-fire habitat conditions and employed novel techniques to capture changes in in-stream fine sediment, wood, and water temperature. Watershed-scale comparisons of high-quality habitat for each life stage of spring Chinook salmon habitat suggested that there are smaller quantities of high-quality juvenile overwinter habitat as compared to habitat for other life stages. We found that wildfire has the potential to increase quality of adult and overwintering juvenile habitat through increased delivery of wood, while decreasing the quality of egg and fry habitat due to the introduction of fine sediments. Model results showed the largest effect of fire on habitat quality associated with the juvenile life stage, resulting in increases in high-quality habitat in all watersheds. Due to the limited availability of pre-fire high-quality juvenile habitat, and increased habitat quality for this life stage post-fire, occurrence of characteristic wildfires would likely create a positive effect on spring Chinook salmon habitat in the Wenatchee River subbasin. We also compared pre- and post-fire model results of freshwater habitat for each life stage, and for the geometric mean of habitat quality across all life stages, using current compared to the historic distribution of spring Chinook salmon. We found that spring Chinook salmon are currently distributed in stream channels in which in-stream habitat for most life stages has a consistently positive response to fire. This compares to the historic distribution of spring Chinook, in which in-stream habitat exhibited a variable response to fire, including decreases in habitat quality overall or for specific life stages. This suggests that as the distribution of spring Chinook has decreased, they now occupy those areas with the most positive potential response to fire. Our work shows the potentially positive link between wildfire and aquatic habitat that supports forest managers in setting broader goals for fire management, perhaps leading to less fire suppression in some situations

    The Void Phenomenon Explained

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    We use high-resolution N-body simulations, combined with a halo occupation model of galaxy bias, to investigate voids in the galaxy distribution. Our goal is to address the 'void phenomenon' of Peebles (2001), which presents the observed dearth of faint galaxies in voids as a challenge to the current cosmology. In our model, galaxy luminosity is determined only as a function of dark matter halo mass. With this simple assumption, we demonstrate that large, empty voids of ~15 Mpc/h in diameter are expected even for galaxies seven magnitudes fainter than L*. The predictions of our model are in excellent agreement with several statistical measures; (i) the luminosity function of galaxies in underdense regions, (ii) nearest neighbor statistics of dwarf galaxies, (iii) the void probability function of faint galaxies. In the transition between filaments and voids in the dark matter, the halo mass function changes abruptly, causing the maximum galaxy luminosity to decrease by ~5 magnitudes over a range of ~1 Mpc/h. Thus the boundary between filaments and voids in the galaxy distribution is nearly as sharp for dwarfs as for ~L* objects. These results support a picture in which galaxy formation is driven predominantly by the mass of the host dark matter halo, and is nearly independent of the larger-scale halo environment. Further, they demonstrate that LCDM, combined with a straightforward bias model, naturally explains the existence of the void phenomenon.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ. citations update

    Raman spectroscopic detection of the T-HgII-T base pair and the ionic characteristics of mercury

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    Developing applications for metal-mediated base pairs (metallo-base-pair) has recently become a high-priority area in nucleic acid research, and physicochemical analyses are important for designing and fine-tuning molecular devices using metallo-base-pairs. In this study, we characterized the HgII-mediated T-T (T-HgII-T) base pair by Raman spectroscopy, which revealed the unique physical and chemical properties of HgII. A characteristic Raman marker band at 1586 cm−1 was observed and assigned to the C4=O4 stretching mode. We confirmed the assignment by the isotopic shift (18O-labeling at O4) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The unusually low wavenumber of the C4=O4 stretching suggested that the bond order of the C4=O4 bond reduced from its canonical value. This reduction of the bond order can be explained if the enolate-like structure (N3=C4-O4−) is involved as a resonance contributor in the thymine ring of the T-HgII-T pair. This resonance includes the N-HgII-bonded state (HgII-N3-C4=O4) and the N-HgII-dissociated state (HgII+ N3=C4-O4−), and the latter contributor reduced the bond order of N-HgII. Consequently, the HgII nucleus in the T-HgII-T pair exhibited a cationic character. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis supports the interpretations of the Raman experiments

    TTF-1 Action on the Transcriptional Regulation of Cyclooxygenase-2 Gene in the Rat Brain

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    We have recently found that thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1), a homeodomain-containing transcription factor, is postnatally expressed in discrete areas of the hypothalamus and closely involved in neuroendocrine functions. We now report that transcription of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), the rate limiting enzyme in prostaglandin biosynthesis, was inhibited by TTF-1. Double immunohistochemistry demonstrated that TTF-1 was expressed in the astrocytes and endothelial cells of blood vessel in the hypothalamus. Promoter assays and electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that TTF-1 inhibited COX-2 transcription by binding to specific binding domains in the COX-2 promoter. Furthermore, blocking TTF-1 synthesis by intracerebroventricular injection of an antisense oligomer induced an increase of COX-2 synthesis in non-neuronal cells of the rat hypothalamus, and resulted in animals' hyperthermia. These results suggest that TTF-1 is physiologically involved in the control of thermogenesis by regulating COX-2 transcription in the brain

    An Allograft Glioma Model Reveals the Dependence of Aquaporin-4 Expression on the Brain Microenvironment

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    Aquaporin-4 (AQP4), the main water channel of the brain, is highly expressed in animal glioma and human glioblastoma in situ. In contrast, most cultivated glioma cell lines don’t express AQP4, and primary cell cultures of human glioblastoma lose it during the first passages. Accordingly, in C6 cells and RG2 cells, two glioma cell lines of the rat, and in SMA mouse glioma cell lines, we found no AQP4 expression. We confirmed an AQP4 loss in primary human glioblastoma cell cultures after a few passages. RG-2 glioma cells if grafted into the brain developed AQP4 expression. This led us consider the possibility of AQP4 expression depends on brain microenvironment. In previous studies, we observed that the typical morphological conformation of AQP4 as orthogonal arrays of particles (OAP) depended on the extracellular matrix component agrin. In this study, we showed for the first time implanted AQP4 negative glioma cells in animal brain or flank to express AQP4 specifically in the intracerebral gliomas but neither in the extracranial nor in the flank gliomas. AQP4 expression in intracerebral gliomas went along with an OAP loss, compared to normal brain tissue. AQP4 staining in vivo normally is polarized in the astrocytic endfoot membranes at the glia limitans superficialis and perivascularis, but in C6 and RG2 tumors the AQP4 staining is redistributed over the whole glioma cell as in human glioblastoma. In contrast, primary rat or mouse astrocytes in culture did not lose their ability to express AQP4, and they were able to form few OAPs

    HETDEX Public Source Catalog 1: 220K Sources Including Over 50K Lyman Alpha Emitters from an Untargeted Wide-area Spectroscopic Survey

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    We present the first publicly released catalog of sources obtained from the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX). HETDEX is an integral field spectroscopic survey designed to measure the Hubble expansion parameter and angular diameter distance at 1.88<z<3.52 by using the spatial distribution of more than a million Ly-alpha-emitting galaxies over a total target area of 540 deg^2. The catalog comes from contiguous fiber spectra coverage of 25 deg^2 of sky from January 2017 through June 2020, where object detection is performed through two complementary detection methods: one designed to search for line emission and the other a search for continuum emission. The HETDEX public release catalog is dominated by emission-line galaxies and includes 51,863 Ly{\alpha}-emitting galaxy (LAE) identifications and 123,891 OII-emitting galaxies at z<0.5. Also included in the catalog are 37,916 stars, 5274 low-redshift (z<0.5) galaxies without emission lines, and 4976 active galactic nuclei. The catalog provides sky coordinates, redshifts, line identifications, classification information, line fluxes, OII and Ly-alpha line luminosities where applicable, and spectra for all identified sources processed by the HETDEX detection pipeline. Extensive testing demonstrates that HETDEX redshifts agree to within deltaz < 0.02, 96.1% of the time to those in external spectroscopic catalogs. We measure the photometric counterpart fraction in deep ancillary Hyper Suprime-Cam imaging and find that only 55.5% of the LAE sample has an r-band continuum counterpart down to a limiting magnitude of r~26.2 mag (AB) indicating that an LAE search of similar sensitivity with photometric pre-selection would miss nearly half of the HETDEX LAE catalog sample. Data access and details about the catalog can be found online at http://hetdex.org/.Comment: 38 pages, 20 figures. Data access and details about the catalog can be found online at http://hetdex.org/. A copy of the catalogs presented in this work (Version 3.2) is available to download at Zenodo doi:10.5281/zenodo.744850

    The Effects of Replacing Native Forest on the Quantity and Impacts of In-Channel Pieces of Large Wood in Chilean Streams

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    Dead trees in rivers can significantly affect their morphological and ecological properties by increasing flow resistance, affecting sediment transport, and storing organic matter. Logs are usually recruited from banks or along the entire upstream basin. Although it is generally acknowledged that forested headwater streams feature higher volumes of in-channel pieces of large wood, the influence of forest type and forest management of the potential recruitment zone on the volumes and effects of wood have been less explored, especially in relation to the effects of replacing native forests with pine plantations. This paper presents a comparison of volumes of wood, and characteristics and effects on streams draining paired basins with comparable slopes, areas, and hydrologic regimes, but different in terms of land use. The five selected pairs of basins are located in the Coastal and Andean mountain Ranges in central Chile, in order to compare native forest and pine plantation basins. The results show that logs tend to be shorter and with larger diameters in streams draining native forest basins. Because of their smaller dimensions, logs and jams tend to be more mobile and oriented parallel to the flow. Volumes of in-channel wood in native forest basins are only slightly larger than in pine plantation basins, and no differences have been identified in terms of morphological effects on channel geometry. Also, fish type and biomass were comparable among pairs. Evidence highlights the importance of the width of riparian buffers in mitigating the effects of land use change, especially the substitution of native forest with plantations

    WWOX protein expression varies among ovarian carcinoma histotypes and correlates with less favorable outcome

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    BACKGROUND: The putative tumor suppressor WWOX gene spans the common chromosomal fragile site 16D (FRA16D) at chromosome area 16q23.3-24.1. This region is a frequent target for loss of heterozygosity and chromosomal rearrangement in ovarian, breast, hepatocellular, prostate carcinomas and other neoplasias. The goal of these studies was to evaluate WWOX protein expression levels in ovarian carcinomas to determine if they correlated with clinico-pathological parameters, thus providing additional support for WWOX functioning as a tumor suppressor. METHODS: We performed WWOX protein expression analyses by means of immunobloting and immunohistochemistry on normal ovaries and specific human ovarian carcinoma Tissue Microarrays (n = 444). Univariate analysis of clinical-pathological parameters based on WWOX staining was determined by χ(2 )test with Yates' correction. The basic significance level was fixed at p < 0.05. RESULTS: Immunoblotting analysis from normal ovarian samples demonstrated consistently strong WWOX expression while 37% ovarian carcinomas showed reduced or undetectable WWOX protein expression levels. The immunohistochemistry of normal human ovarian tissue sections confirmed strong WWOX expression in ovarian surface epithelial cells and in epithelial inclusion cysts within the cortex. Out of 444 ovarian carcinoma samples analyzed 30% of tumors showed lack of or barely detectable WWOX expression. The remaining ovarian carcinomas (70%) stained moderately to strongly positive for this protein. The two histotypes showing significant loss of WWOX expression were of the Mucinous (70%) and Clear Cell (42%) types. Reduced WWOX expression demonstrated a significant association with clinical Stage IV (FIGO) (p = 0.007), negative Progesterone Receptor (PR) status (p = 0.008) and shorter overall survival (p = 0.03). CONCLUSION: These data indicate that WWOX protein expression is highly variable among ovarian carcinoma histotypes. It was also observed that subsets of ovarian tumors demonstrated loss of WWOX expression and is potentially associated with patient outcome