3,912 research outputs found

    Systematic-free inference of the cosmic matter density field from SDSS3-BOSS data

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    We perform an analysis of the three-dimensional cosmic matter density field traced by galaxies of the SDSS-III/BOSS galaxy sample. The systematic-free nature of this analysis is confirmed by two elements: the successful cross-correlation with the gravitational lensing observations derived from Planck 2018 data and the absence of bias at scales k103102hk \simeq 10^{-3}-10^{-2}h Mpc1^{-1} in the a posteriori power spectrum of recovered initial conditions. Our analysis builds upon our algorithm for Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies (BORG) and uses a physical model of cosmic structure formation to infer physically meaningful cosmic structures and their corresponding dynamics from deep galaxy observations. Our approach accounts for redshift-space distortions and light-cone effects inherent to deep observations. We also apply detailed corrections to account for known and unknown foreground contaminations, selection effects and galaxy biases. We obtain maps of residual, so far unexplained, systematic effects in the spectroscopic data of SDSS-III/BOSS. Our results show that unbiased and physically plausible models of the cosmic large scale structure can be obtained from present and next-generation galaxy surveys

    Design of a low-noise aeroacoustic wind tunnel facility at Brunel University

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    This paper represents the design principle of a quiet, low turbulence and moderately high speed aeroacoustic wind tunnel which was recently commissioned at Brunel University. A new hemi-anechoic chamber was purposely built to facilitate aeroacoustic measurements. The wind tunnel can achieve a maximum speed of about 80 ms-1. The turbulence intensity of the free jet in the potential core is between 0.1–0.2%. The noise characteristic of the aeroacoustic wind tunnel was validated by three case studies. All of which can demonstrate a very low background noise produced by the bare jet in comparison to the noise radiated from the cylinder rod/flat plate/airfoil in the air stream.The constructions of the aeroacoustic wind tunnel and the hemi-anechoic chamber are financially supported by the School of Engineering and Design at Brunel University

    Trigeminal neuralgia

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    AbstractTwo different clinical entities, essential or secondary neuralgia, are associated with different pathologies. The pathways of CN V comprise the cervical spine, the brainstem, the root of the nerve and the three peripheral branches: V1, V2 and V3. The lesions responsible for neuralgia are neoplastic, vascular, inflammatory, malformative or post-traumatic. The examination protocol should explore the set of CN V pathways. Neurovascular compression is the main cause of essential neuralgia. It is investigated by T2-weighted inframillimetric volume. Two conditions are necessary to diagnose a neurovascular compression: localised on the root entry zone [(REZ), 2–6mm from the emergence of the pons] and perpendicularly. In the absence of neurovascular compression, thin slices and a gadolinium injection are necessary

    Moralka i metafizika

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    Varia mala hodiernum statum theologiae moralis premunt. Inter haec merito numeraturur nocua illa eiusdem a metaphysica separatio. Huic vulneri remedia afferenda sunt. Concretum ac mirabile exemplum habes in S. Thoma. Hic namque, quamvis philosophiam a theologia apprime distinguat, minime tamen separat. In SUMMA enim philosophicae speculationes cum theologicis notionibus amice iunguntur. Bonitas entis fit bonitas moralis in ipsa actione bona seu virtuosa. Theologia moralis sine notione metaphysica boni solido fundamento caret. Ita, nefas est distinguere moralem praeceptorum et moralem consiliorum, cum ad perfectionem tendere commune omnium officium existat. Bonum convertitur cum perfecto, et perfecto est quaedam entis expansio, plenitudo. Doctrina de imperfectionibus huic conceptui non satisfacit. Obligationi derogare est defectus, peccatum. Ex radicatione boni in ente idea boni realis et obiectivi sponte exurgit. Moralis obiectiva est regula humanorum actuum, nec moralis subiectiva (moralis responsabilitatis, meriti) aliud officium habet nisi tendere ad hoc ut moralis obiectiva in praxim deducatur

    Pour l'histoire du vocabulaire latin de la pauvreté

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    Isolation, identification and characterisation of ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta plasma pigment

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    This work was supported by co-funding from Innovate U.K. (formerly Technology Strategy Board), Marine Harvest Scotland and Scottish Seafarms Ltd (project ref: 81199) as well as the University of Stirling, Impact studentship funding scheme. Mass spectrometry analysis was performed by the BSRC Mass Spectrometry Facility, University of St Andrews.This study confirmed that observations of blue-green colouration in plasma fractions of the ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta were caused by the linear tetra-pyrrole biliverdin and that the molecule was of the physiologically relevant IXα isomer. Accumulation appears driven by chromogenic association with an unknown protein moiety which precludes enzymatic reduction and would suggest active management. It was demonstrated that the pigment did not fluctuate relative to ontogeny, or indeed binary gender in the species of interest, but mobilisation and depletion in the subset of individuals undergoing sex change at the time of study supports a potential association with gender inversion processes. It is of note that although biliverdin does have some effect on external colouration, the evidence is indicative that crypsis is a supplementary function thus other factors must be considered.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Optimization of selectivity by tuning column temperatures for series-coupled capillary columns in dual-oven gas chromatographic systems

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    A method has been developed and evaluated for optimization of the selectivity of series-coupled capillary columns in a twin-oven gas chromatographic system in the shortest possible analysis time. The temperatures of either one or both columns were varied independently (partial optimization) or simultaneously (overall optimization), in order to separate the maximum number of sample components. The method is based upon computer-aided calculation of Kováts indices of the coupled columns by means of second and third order (polynomial) functions of the temperatures of the individual columns. The applicability and limitations of the methods are discussed and illustrated with separations of a synthetic hydrocarbon mixture of 33 components