1,534 research outputs found

    Floristic composition and similaritie between areas of Montane Atlantic Rainforest, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    The study was conducted in two areas of Montana Atlantic Rainforest at Nucleo Santa Virginia, Serra do Mar State Park, Brazil. The aim was to investigate structural and floristic composition of each area and the differences between them, knowing that one has not been disturbed recently and the other was subjected to selective logging until 1970, as reported by local people. We installed two 1 ha (PLOT K and PLOT N), approximately 4 km away from each other, and within this plots all individuals with DBH >= 4.8 cm were recorded. Considering the two plots we sampled 3,503 individuals (2,269 trees - 64.7%; 860 palms - 24.5%; and 159 ferns - 4.5%), distributed in 265 species and 51 families. The rest (215 individuals) was dead. Among the most abundant families (Arecaceae, Myrtaceae, Lauraceae, Cyatheaceae) Monimiaceae is the only one classified as typical of the Montane Ombrophylus Dense Atlantic Forest. Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae) is the dominant species in PLOT K (old), where we recorded 1,852 individuals, 189 species and 43 families, with Myrtaceae (48), Lauraceae (26) and Monimiaceae (13) presenting the higher number of species. It is important to mention that clumps of a native bamboo (Merostachys neesii Ruprecht, Poaceae) are present in 93 of the 100 subparcels of PLOT K, summing up 3,813 culms. In contrast, in PLOT N (secondary) where palm heart (Euterpe edulis) is also the dominant species but bamboos are not so conspicuous, we recorded 1436 individuals, 149 species and 40 families, with Myrtaceae (27), Lauraceae (15) and Fabaceae (eight) being the ones with higher number of species. In the plot of secondary forest (N) Shannon's diversity index (H' = 4.05) and the eveness index (J' = 0.8) are higher than those recorded in the old plot of forest (K) where H' = 3,72 nats.ind(-1) and J' = 0.7. Plots K and N have a low similarity (Jaccard index C(J) = 0,3), with only 94 species (34,47%) in common, and 102(38,5%) occurring exclusively in PLOT K. However, the maximum estimate of species expected at the point of rarefaction of PLOT N (IC 95% - 158.54) overlaps with the minimum estimate of species at the same point of PLOT K (95% - 157.12), showing that the number of species of both areas would be equivalent in the number of 1,420 individuals. Although the largest tree sampled was found in PLOT K, where forest stratification is more evident, there is no significant difference between the sums of basal area of living individuals. Considering the disturbance history of the region, the results suggest that forest structure recovery may occur within 25 years but, as shown by the total number of species and by the diversity parameters determined, species richness does not recover within this time frame.11213915

    Effects of iron-ore mining and processing on metal bioavailability in a tropical coastal lagoon

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    In water systems, water quality and geochemical properties of sediments determine the speciation of trace metals, metal transport, and sediment-water exchange, influencing metal availability and its potential effects on biota. Studies from temperate climates have shown that iron-ore mining and tailing wastewaters, besides being a source of trace metals, usually show high levels of dissolved ions and particulate suspended matter, thus having the potential of indirectly changing metal bioavailability. For the first time in the tropics, we identified the effects of iron-ore mining and processing on metal bioavailability in a coastal lagoon. With an extensive sampling scheme, we investigated the potential sources of metals; the links among metal levels in water, sediments, and invertebrates; and the contrasting effects on metal speciation and bioavailability. The metals Fe, Mn, Al, Cr, Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Hg, and As were measured in water, sediments (surface and profiles), and invertebrates from Mãe-Bá Lagoon and in the sites directly influenced by the mining operations (tailing dams and nearby rivers). In addition, samples from two other lagoons, considered pristine, were analyzed. The study area is located in the southeast of Brazil (Iron Quadrangle Region and a coastal area of Espírito Santo State). General water characteristics included pH, dissolved organic carbon, alkalinity, and anion composition. Water metal speciation was assessed by a speciation model (Chemical Equilibria in Aquatic Systems). Grain-size distribution, organic carbon, carbonate, and acid volatile sulfide (AVS) were determined in sediments. Statistical methods included comparison of means by Mann-Whitney test, ordination and correlation analyses, and analysis of regression for geochemical normalization of metals with grain size. The dissolved metal concentrations, the total metal levels in sediments, and the normalization based on the fine sediment fraction showed that the mining operations constitute potential sources of Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, As, and Hg to Mãe-Bá Lagoon. However, trace metal availability was reduced because of increased pH, hardness, and sulfide content (356 μmol/g) in the sites influenced by the mining. The lagoon showed similar water chemistry as in the mining sites, with metal bioavailability further decreased by the presence of dissolved organic carbon and chloride. Although AVS levels in the lagoon were low (0.48-56 μmol/g), metal bioavailability was reduced because of the presence of organic matter. Metal levels in invertebrates confirmed the predicted low metal bioavailability in Mãe-Bá Lagoon. The lagoon was considered moderately contaminated only by Hg and As. The iron-ore mining and processing studied here constitute potential sources of metal pollution into the tropical lagoon. Contrary to expectations, however, it also contributes to reducing the overall metal bioavailability in the lagoon. These findings are believed to be useful for evaluating metal exposure in a more integrated way, identifying not only the sources of pollution but also how they can affect the components involved in metal speciation and bioavailability in water systems, leading to new insights

    Dichotic listening and SPECT in dyslexic children

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    Dichotic listening (DL) was evaluated in 36 children with: verbal dichotic listening test, alternating dissilable dichotic test and non-verbal dichotic listening test. Children were separated into two groups: experimental group with 18 dyslexic children and control group with 18 normal children. Both groups were comparable in gender, laterality and social-economic level. All dyslexic children underwent neuroimaging exam (SPECT). Our data showed that there was a statistical difference between both groups in all DL tests. Abnormal SPECT findings were seen in 50% of the dyslexic children, hypoperfusion of the left temporal lobe being the most frequent abnormality. We conclude that dyslexic children present an impairment of central neurologic processing that may be detected by DL tests, and by functional imaging exam, such as SPECT, as well.64110811

    Vulnerability and Protective Factors for PTSD and Depression Symptoms Among Healthcare Workers During COVID-19: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Background: Healthcare workers are at high risk for developing mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an urgent need to identify vulnerability and protective factors related to the severity of psychiatric symptoms among healthcare workers to implement targeted prevention and intervention programs to reduce the mental health burden worldwide during COVID-19. // Objective: The present study aimed to apply a machine learning approach to predict depression and PTSD symptoms based on psychometric questions that assessed: (1) the level of stress due to being isolated from one's family; (2) professional recognition before and during the pandemic; and (3) altruistic acceptance of risk during the COVID-19 pandemic among healthcare workers. // Methods: A total of 437 healthcare workers who experienced some level of isolation at the time of the pandemic participated in the study. Data were collected using a web survey conducted between June 12, 2020, and September 19, 2020. We trained two regression models to predict PTSD and depression symptoms. Pattern regression analyses consisted of a linear epsilon-insensitive support vector machine (ε-SVM). Predicted and actual clinical scores were compared using Pearson's correlation coefficient (r), the coefficient of determination (r2), and the normalized mean squared error (NMSE) to evaluate the model performance. A permutation test was applied to estimate significance levels. // Results: Results were significant using two different cross-validation strategies to significantly decode both PTSD and depression symptoms. For all of the models, the stress due to social isolation and professional recognition were the variables with the greatest contributions to the predictive function. Interestingly, professional recognition had a negative predictive value, indicating an inverse relationship with PTSD and depression symptoms. // Conclusions: Our findings emphasize the protective role of professional recognition and the vulnerability role of the level of stress due to social isolation in the severity of posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms. The insights gleaned from the current study will advance efforts in terms of intervention programs and public health messaging

    Development of ibuprofen-loaded electrospun materials suitable for surgical implantation in peripheral nerve injury

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    The development of nerve wraps for use in the repair of peripheral nerves has shown promise over recent years. A pharmacological effect to improve regeneration may be achieved by loading such materials with therapeutic agents, for example ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with neuroregenerative properties. In this study, four commercially available polymers (polylactic acid (PLA), polycaprolactone (PCL) and two co-polymers containing different ratios of PLA to PCL) were used to fabricate ibuprofen-loaded nerve wraps using blend electrospinning. In vitro surgical handling experiments identified a formulation containing a PLA/PCL 70/30 molar ratio co-polymer as the most suitable for in vivo implantation. In a rat model, ibuprofen released from electrospun materials significantly improved the rate of axonal growth and sensory recovery over a 21-day recovery period following a sciatic nerve crush. Furthermore, RT-qPCR analysis of nerve segments revealed that the anti-inflammatory and neurotrophic effects of ibuprofen may still be observed 21 days after implantation. This suggests that the formulation developed in this work could have potential to improve nerve regeneration in vivo

    Strained graphene structures: from valleytronics to pressure sensing

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    Due to its strong bonds graphene can stretch up to 25% of its original size without breaking. Furthermore, mechanical deformations lead to the generation of pseudo-magnetic fields (PMF) that can exceed 300 T. The generated PMF has opposite direction for electrons originating from different valleys. We show that valley-polarized currents can be generated by local straining of multi-terminal graphene devices. The pseudo-magnetic field created by a Gaussian-like deformation allows electrons from only one valley to transmit and a current of electrons from a single valley is generated at the opposite side of the locally strained region. Furthermore, applying a pressure difference between the two sides of a graphene membrane causes it to bend/bulge resulting in a resistance change. We find that the resistance changes linearly with pressure for bubbles of small radius while the response becomes non-linear for bubbles that stretch almost to the edges of the sample. This is explained as due to the strong interference of propagating electronic modes inside the bubble. Our calculations show that high gauge factors can be obtained in this way which makes graphene a good candidate for pressure sensing.Comment: to appear in proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Worksho

    Scale of Auditory Behaviors e testes auditivos comportamentais para avaliação do processamento auditivo em crianças falantes do português europeu

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    PURPOSE: The objective of this research was to assess the auditory abilities of Portuguese children and compare such abilities to the score of the Scale of Auditory Behaviors (SAB). METHODS: Fifty-one children were evaluated with audiometry, speech audiometry, acoustic immittance measures, and eight behavioral tests involving dichotic listening, monotic listening, temporal processing, and sound localization. Their parents filled in the SAB questionnaire adapted to European A. SAB scores and auditory tests scores were submitted to Pearson's correlation coefficient. RESULTS: There is significant correlation between the score on SAB questionnaire and the auditory processing tests. The greatest coefficient was observed in temporal processing test (p=0.000). CONCLUSION: There was correlation between the score of SAB and the performance in auditory processing tests, suggesting that the SAB may be used for auditory processing screening.OBJETIVO: Investigar as habilidades auditivas de crianças portuguesas e verificar se há correlação entre aquelas e o escore do Scale of Auditory Behaviors (SAB). MÉTODOS: Todas as crianças foram submetidas a audiometria tonal, logoaudiometria, medidas de imitância acústica e oito testes comportamentais do processamento auditivo, envolvendo tarefas de escuta dicótica, escuta monótica, processamento temporal e localização sonora. Os pais das 51 crianças portuguesas avaliadas preencheram o questionário SAB adaptado ao português europeu. Foram calculados os valores do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson entre os escores obtidos no questionário e os dos testes do processamento auditivo. RESULTADOS: Observou-se correlação significativa entre o escore do questionário e o dos testes comportamentais, tendo a maior sido observada nos testes relacionados ao processamento temporal (p=0,000). CONCLUSÃO: Houve correlação entre o escore da SAB e os resultados obtidos nos testes auditivos comportamentais em crianças portuguesas, sugerindo que este questionário pode ser utilizado em triagem do processamento auditivo.CIEC – Research Centre on Child Studies, UM (FCT R&D 317

    Gender perspectives on views and preferences of older people on exercise to prevent falls: a systematic mixed studies review

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    Background: To offer fall prevention exercise programs that attract older people of both sexes there is a need to understand both womens and mens views and preferences regarding these programs. This paper aims to systematically review the literature to explore any underlying gender perspectives or gender interpretations on older peoples views or preferences regarding uptake and adherence to exercise to prevent falls. Methods: A review of the literature was carried out using a convergent qualitative design based on systematic searches of seven electronic databases (PubMed, CINAHL, Amed, PsycINFO, Scopus, PEDro, and OTseeker). Two investigators identified eligible studies. Each included article was read by at least two authors independently to extract data into tables. Views and preferences reported were coded and summarized in themes of facilitators and barriers using a thematic analysis approach. Results: Nine hundred and nine unique studies were identified. Twenty five studies met the criteria for inclusion. Only five of these contained a gender analysis of mens and womens views on fall prevention exercises. The results suggests that both women and men see women as more receptive to and in more need of fall prevention messages. The synthesis from all 25 studies identified six themes illustrating facilitators and six themes describing barriers for older people either starting or adhering to fall prevention exercise. The facilitators were: support from professionals or family; social interaction; perceived benefits; a supportive exercise context; feelings of commitment; and having fun. Barriers were: practical issues; concerns about exercise; unawareness; reduced health status; lack of support; and lack of interest. Considerably more women than men were included in the studies. Conclusion: Although there is plenty of information on the facilitators and barriers to falls prevention exercise in older people, there is a distinct lack of studies investigating differences or similarities in older womens and mens views regarding fall prevention exercise. In order to ensure that fall prevention exercise is appealing to both sexes and that the inclusion of both men and women are encouraged, more research is needed to find out whether gender differences exists and whether practitioners need to offer a range of opportunities and support strategies to attract both women and men to falls prevention exercise.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council [2015-03481]; Strategic Research Programme in Care Sciences, Umea University; Karolinska Institute, Sweden; Umea University</p
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