1,319 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of subgrid scale topographic variability and its effect upon the spatial structure of three dimensional river flow

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    A new approach to describing the associated topography at different scales in computational fluid dynamic applications to gravel bed rivers was developed. Surveyed topographic data were interpolated, using geostatistical methods, into different spatial discretizations, and grain-size data were used with fractal methods to reconstruct the microtopography at scales finer than the measurement (subgrid) scale. The combination of both scales of topography was then used to construct the spatial discretization of a three-dimensional finite volume Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) scheme where the topography was included using a mass flux scaling approach. The method was applied and tested on a 15 m stretch of Solfatara Creek, Wyoming, United States, using spatially distributed elevation and grain-size data. Model runs were undertaken for each topography using a steady state solution. This paper evaluates the impact of the model spatial discretization and additional reconstructed-variability upon the spatial structure of predicted three-dimensional flow. The paper shows how microtopography modifies the spatial structure of predicted flow at scales finer than measurement scale in terms of variability whereas the characteristic scale of predicted flow is determined by the CFD scale. Changes in microtopography modify the predicted mean velocity value by 3.6% for a mesh resolution of 5 cm whereas a change in the computational scale modifies model results by 60%. The paper also points out how the spatial variability of predicted velocities is determined by the topographic complexity at different scales of the input topographic model

    The fifth dimension as an analogue computer for strong interactions at the LHC

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    We present a mechanism to get S ~ 0 or even negative, without bringing into play the SM fermion sector. This mechanism can be applied to a wide range of 5D models, including composite Higgs and Higgsless models. As a realization of the mechanism we introduce a simple model, although the effect on S does not rely on the underlying dynamics generating the background. Models that include this mechanism enjoy the following features: weakly-coupled light resonances (as light as 600 GeV) and degenerate or inverted resonance spectrum.Comment: JHEP version. References adde

    Collective T=0 pairing in N=Z nuclei? Pairing vibrations around 56Ni revisited

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    We present a new analysis of the pairing vibrations around 56Ni, with emphasis on odd-odd nuclei. This analysis of the experimental excitation energies is based on the subtraction of average properties that include the full symmetry energy together with volume, surface and Coulomb terms. The results clearly indicate a collective behavior of the isovector pairing vibrations and do not support any appreciable collectivity in the isoscalar channel.Comment: RevTeX, two-column, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Momentum dependent quark mass in two-point correlators

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    A momentum dependent quark mass may be incorporated into a quark model in a manner consistent with dynamically broken chiral symmetry. We use this to study the high Q2Q^2 behavior of the vector, axialvector, scalar and pseudoscalar two-point correlation functions. Expanding the results to order 1/Q61/Q^6, we show the correspondence between the dynamical quark mass and the vacuum condensates which appear in the operator product expansion of QCD. We recover the correct leading logarithmic Q2Q^2 dependence of the various terms in the OPE, but we also find substantial subleading corrections which are numerically huge in a specific case. We conclude by using the vector minus axialvector correlator to estimate the π+π0\pi^+ - \pi^0 electromagnetic mass difference.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, figures in accompanying uuencoded postscript file. Published version. References adde

    The association between dietary macronutrient intake and fibrogen growth factor 21 in a sample of White UK adults with elevated cardiometabolic risk markers

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    Increased levels of Fibrogen growth factor 21 (FGF21) is an emerging risk marker for cardiometabolic (CM) disease(1). Little detail is known about the impact of the human diet on FGF21 levels. The aim of this investigation was to assess potential associations between mean daily dietary macronutrient intake and FGF21 levels in a sample of 10 healthy normal-weight and overweight Caucasian adults aged 32–60 (80 % male) at increased CM risk(2). This pilot study received ethical approval from Liverpool John Moores University Research Ethics Committee (16/ELS/029) and was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (Ref. NCT03257085). Participants were randomly allocated to one of two groups and asked to either consume 50 % energy from CHO for a duration of 8 weeks. Blood plasma samples were col- lected at baseline (BL), interim point (IP) and endpoint (EP) after a 12-hour overnight fast, immediately processed and frozen at −80°C. Thawed plasma samples were analysed via Quantikine® enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (R&D Systems) for FGF21 levels. Two-way mixed ANOVA and Pearson’s partial correlation adjusted for estimated weekly moderate and vigorous activity was undertaken using IBM SPSS 24®. There were no effects for diet between groups or over time (data not shown). Significant correlations between macronutrient intakes and FGF21 levels were found for both groups at IP, but not at BL or EP. Moderate and significant positive correlations were found in the overall group for intake (g/d) for glucose (rpartial = ·699, p = ·04) and fructose (rpartial = ·686, p = ·04) and strong and significant positive correlations for non-milk extrinsic sugars (rpartial = ·742, p = ·02). Strong and significant positive correlations were also found in the LC group for glucose intake (g/d) (rpartial = ·980, p = ·02) and fructose (rpartial = ·967, p = ·03) and for protein (rpartial =·998, p=·002) after adjusting for physical activity. Mean carbohydrate intake (g/d) was 160·0 (s.d. 124·5) overall and 44·2 (s.d. 14·9) in the LC group at IP. Mean protein intake (g/d) was 113·2 (21·4) 130·0 (s.d. 15·9) overall and in the LC group at IP. Mean FGF21 levels were 179·9 pg/mL (s.d. 144·9) in the overall group and 94.4 pg/ML (s.d. 48.6) in the LC group at IP. %TE Intake (g/d) PROT FAT CHO GLU FRU NMES PROT FAT rrrrrrrrrrr −·214 ·623 ·635 −·326 −·491 ·448 ·699* ·686* ·742* −·606 −·496 ·143 ·637 ·937 ·427 −·059 ·722 ·980* ·967* ·919 ·998** −·080 Total kcal CHO NMES T LC CHO-Total carbohydrates, FAT-Total fat, FRU-Fructose, GLUC-Glucose, LC-low-carbohydrate, high-fat group, NMES-non-milk extrinsic sugars, PROT-protein, T – total, %TE – percentage total energy, *p < ·05 **p < ·005. In conclusion, low-carbohydrate diets provide the opportunity to assess responses to even small amounts of CHO, which are likely to be replaced in part by proteins. Despite low overall intakes of fructose and glucose in the LC group, strong and positive correlations with FGF21 levels were observed. The lower levels of FGF21 in the LC compared to the overall group are in line with findings that FGF21 levels are elevated with high-carbohydrate, low-protein diets with dietary fats having only minor impact(3). However, the majority of studies have still been undertaken using rodent models. The impact of dietary macronutrients on FGF21 levels as novel CMR marker in humans and the mechanism behind this relationship warrant further investigation. 1. Lakhani I, Gong M, Wong W et al. (2018) Metabolism 2018 Feb 1. pii: S0026-0495(18)30023-4. [Epub ahead of print]. 2. Jebb S, Lovegrove J, Griffin B et al. (2010) Am J Clin Nutr 92, 748–58. 3. Solon-Biet S, Cogger V, Pulpitel T et al. (2016) Cell Metab 24, 555–565

    Dietary carbohydrate intake, visceral adipose tissue and associated markers of cardiometabolic risk

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    Risk of cardiometabolic (CM) disease is characterised by elevated visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and a number of associated biomar- kers(1). Some dietary carbohydrates (CHO) have been found to contribute to VAT accumulation(2). Little is known about the impact of following a low-carbohydrate diet versus a high-carbohydrate diet on VAT, adiponectin (ADPN), leptin (LEPT) and leptin:adipo- nectin ratio (LAR). The aim of this investigation was to assess the impact of dietary carbohydrates (CHO) on VAT and emerging CM risk markers in a sample of 10 healthy normal-weight and overweight Caucasian adults aged 32–60 (80 % male) at increased CM risk(3). This pilot study received ethical approval from Liverpool John Moores University Research Ethics Committee (16/ELS/ 029) and was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (Ref. NCT03257085). Participants were randomly allocated to one of two groups and asked to either consume 50 % energy from CHO (high-carb (HC)) for a duration of 8 weeks. VAT was ana- lysed via bioelectrical impedance (SECA mBCA 515). Blood plasma samples were collected at baseline (BL), interim point (IP) and endpoint (EP) after a 12-hour overnight fast, immediately processed and frozen at -80°C. Thawed plasma samples were analysed via immunoassay technology (Randox Evidence InvestigatorTM Metabolic Syndrome Arrays I and II) for ADPN and LEPT levels. Statistical analysis was undertaken using IBM SPSS 24®. Parametric data was analysed via two-way mixed ANOVA; non-parametric data was analysed via Mann-Whitney U test and Friedman test. Average daily carbohydrate intake in the LC group was 44·2 g at IP and 48·9 g at EP. There were no significant differences between groups at any time point for ADPN, LEPT, LAR or VAT and no significant inter- actions for time or group*time for ADPN, LEPT or LAR. However, in the LC group VAT decreased significantly between baseline and endpoint by 15 % (p = ·015) Over the course of the intervention ADPN and LEPT decreased non- significantly (by 4 % and 70 % respectively) in the LC group, whilst increasing non-significantly in the HC group (9 % and 65 % respectively). LAR increased in the HC group throughout the study, whilst LAR in the LC group decreased albeit not significantly. VAT (litre) ADPN (ng/mL) LEPT (ng/mL) LAR BL IP EP Median Median Median M SD M SD M SD BL IP EP BL IP EP BL IP EP LC 4·1a 1·2 3·8 1·3 3·5a 1·2 8·9 8·6 8·5 3·96 1·64 1·20 0·45 0·19 0·14 HC 2·7 0·1 1·6 0·3 2·5 0·1 11·3 13·4 12·3 0·97 1·1 1·60 0·07 0·07 0·46 ADPN = adiponectin, BL = baseline, EP = endpoint, HC = high-carbohydrate, moderate fat diet, IP = interim point, LAR = leptin:adiponectin ratio, LEPT = leptin, LC = low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, VAT = visceral adipose tissue, ap = ·015. NB: interquartile ranges not provided for median values due to missing data. Higher LAR has been found to be a marker of increased CM risk(4). In conclusion, while the significant reduction in VAT in the LC group corresponds with the reduction of LAR further evidence is required to corroborate these findings. Previous evidence for LC is supportive for improved CM health from various biomarkers(5); LAR should be considered as a useful endocrine addition for future LC studies. 1. Krasimira A, Mozaffarian D & Pischon T (2018) Clin Chem 64, 142–153. 2. Rüttgers D, Fischer K, Koch M et al. (2015) Br J Nutr 114, 1929–1940. 3. Jebb S, Lovegrove J, Griffin B et al. (2010) Am J Clin Nutr 92, 748–58. 4. López-Jaramillo P, Gómez-Arbeláez D, López-López J et al. (2014) Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig 18, 37–45. 5. Bazzano L, Hi T, Reynolds K et al. (2014) Ann Intern Med 161, 309–318

    The Green, Green Grass of Home: an archaeo-ecological approach to pastoralist settlement in central Kenya

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This paper considers the ecological residues of pastoralist occupation at the site of Maili Sita in Laikipia, central Kenya, drawing links with the archaeological record so as to contribute a fresh approach to the ephemeral settlement sites of mobile herding communities, a methodological aspect of African archaeology that remains problematic. Variations in the geochemical and micromorphological composition of soils along transects across the site are compared with vegetation distributions and satellite imagery to propose an occupation pattern not dissimilar to contemporary Cushitic-speaking groups further north. We argue that Maili Sita exemplifies the broad migratory and cultural exchange networks in place during the mid- to late second millennium AD, with pastoralist occupants who were both physically and culturally mobile.British Academy (2002-5 Funding) European Union - Marie Curie Initiatives (EXT grant 2007-11

    On ordinal utility, cardinal utility, and random utility  

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    Though the Random Utility Model (RUM) was conceived  entirely in terms of ordinal utility, the apparatus throughwhich it is widely practised exhibits properties of  cardinal utility.  The adoption of cardinal utility as a  working operation of ordinal is perfectly valid, provided  interpretations drawn from that operation remain faithful  to ordinal utility.  The paper considers whether the latterrequirement holds true for several measurements commonly  derived from RUM.  In particular it is found that  measurements of consumer surplus change may depart from  ordinal utility, and exploit the cardinality inherent in  the practical apparatus.

    Autoantibodies against EPCR are found in antiphospholipid syndrome and are a risk factor for fetal death

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    The antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is associated with thrombosis and fetal death but the pathologic mechanisms are poorly understood. Since endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) plays a role in the anticoagulant system and in placental development, we hypothesized that anti-EPCR autoantibodies may be involved in clinical manifestations of APS and in fetal loss. The levels of immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG anti-EPCR autoantibodies were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 43 patients with APS and 43 controls. Anti-EPCR levels were higher in APS patients than in controls. Interestingly, one of the IgM anti-EPCR autoantibodies inhibited the generation of activated protein C on endothelium. Since markedly high anti-EPCR levels were found in women with fetal death, 87 patients with a first episode of unexplained fetal death were subsequently analyzed and their anti-EPCR levels were compared with 87 matched controls. We found that anti-EPCR autoantibodies constitute an independent risk factor for a first fetal death episode: the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for anti-EPCR autoantibodies above the 95th percentile were 23.0 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.0-266.3) for IgM and 6.8 (95% CI, 1.2-38.4) for IgG. Anti-EPCR autoantibodies can be detected in APS patients and are independent risk factors for fetal death