248 research outputs found

    The Temporal and Spatial Connectivity of the Gambles Mill Corridor, Richmond, VA

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    The City of Richmond and the Virginia Department of Transportation proposed to rehabilitate the Gambles Mill Trail connecting the University of Richmond (UR) to the intersection of Huguenot and River Road. Planners envision this trail as a sustainable model for the reduction of nutrient and sediment flow and as a vital path in a city-wide network of bike and pedestrian trails. Meanwhile, UR also proposes to rehabilitate the corridor in their new Master Plan. Nevertheless, until now, no substantive studies exist on the trail or the corridor linking the trail to the south side of the James River through the hazardous River-Huguenot Road intersection and the Huguenot Bridge currently under construction. The University of Richmond’s Geography 221 Course, Mapping Sustainability: Cartography and Geographic Information in an Environmental Context, is working with a variety of stakeholders (public, private, and community-based) to map the past, present, and future of the Gambles Mill Corridor and influence local and regional sustainability of transportation, hydrology, and recreation in a floodplain ecosystem. Students produce maps grouped around four scales: local corridor, UR to the River, a city scale sustainable transport network, and a temporal scale tracing previous transportation routes in the area such as the 1930s street car system and the colonial canal system.https://scholarship.richmond.edu/geography-posters/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Orthopedic surgery increases atherosclerotic lesions and necrotic core area in ApoE-/- mice

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    Background and aims Observational studies show a peak incidence of cardiovascular events after major surgery. For example, the risk of myocardial infarction increases 25-fold early after hip replacement. The acuteness of this increased risk suggests abrupt enhancement in plaque vulnerability, which may be related to intra-plaque inflammation, thinner fibrous cap and/or necrotic core expansion. We hypothesized that acute systemic inflammation following major orthopedic surgery induces such changes. Methods ApoE−/− mice were fed a western diet for 10 weeks. Thereafter, half the mice underwent mid-shaft femur osteotomy followed by realignment with an intramedullary K-wire, to mimic major orthopedic surgery. Mice were sacrificed 5 or 15 days post-surgery (n = 22) or post-saline injection (n = 13). Serum amyloid A (SAA) was measured as a marker of systemic inflammation. Paraffin embedded slides of the aortic root were stained to measure total plaque area and to quantify fibrosis, calcification, necrotic core, and inflammatory cells. Results Surgery mice showed a pronounced elevation of serum amyloid A (SAA) and developed increased plaque and necrotic core area already at 5 days, which reached significance at 15 days (p = 0.019; p = 0.004 for plaque and necrotic core, respectively). Macrophage and lymphocyte density significantly decreased in the surgery group compared to the control group at 15 days (p = 0.037; p = 0.024, respectively). The density of neutrophils and mast cells remained unchanged. Conclusions Major orthopedic surgery in ApoE−/− mice triggers a systemic inflammatory response. Atherosclerotic plaque area is enlarged after surgery mainly due to an increase of the necrotic core. The role of intra-plaque inflammation in this response to surgical injury remains to be fully elucidated. © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Lt

    Approximation for Cooperative Interactions of a Spatially-Detailed Cardiac Sarcomere Model

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    We developed a novel ordinary differential equation (ODE) model, which produced results that correlated well with the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation when applied to a spatially-detailed model of the cardiac sarcomere. Configuration of the novel ODE model was based on the Ising model of myofilaments, with the “co-operative activation” effect introduced to incorporate nearest-neighbor interactions. First, a set of parameters was estimated using arbitrary Ca transient data to reproduce the combinational probability for the states of three consecutive regulatory units, using single unit probabilities for central and neighboring units in the MC simulation. The parameter set thus obtained enabled the calculation of the state transition of each unit using the ODE model with reference to the neighboring states. The present ODE model not only provided good agreement with the MC simulation results but was also capable of reproducing a wide range of experimental results under both steady-state and dynamic conditions including shortening twitch. The simulation results suggested that the nearest-neighbor interaction is a reasonable approximation of the cooperativity based on end-to-end interactions. Utilizing the modified ODE model resulted in a reduction in computational costs but maintained spatial integrity and co-operative effects, making it a powerful tool in cardiac modeling

    Ischemia reperfusion dysfunction changes model-estimated kinetics of myofilament interaction due to inotropic drugs in isolated hearts

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    BACKGROUND: The phase-space relationship between simultaneously measured myoplasmic [Ca(2+)] and isovolumetric left ventricular pressure (LVP) in guinea pig intact hearts is altered by ischemic and inotropic interventions. Our objective was to mathematically model this phase-space relationship between [Ca(2+)] and LVP with a focus on the changes in cross-bridge kinetics and myofilament Ca(2+ )sensitivity responsible for alterations in Ca(2+)-contraction coupling due to inotropic drugs in the presence and absence of ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury. METHODS: We used a four state computational model to predict LVP using experimentally measured, averaged myoplasmic [Ca(2+)] transients from unpaced, isolated guinea pig hearts as the model input. Values of model parameters were estimated by minimizing the error between experimentally measured LVP and model-predicted LVP. RESULTS: We found that IR injury resulted in reduced myofilament Ca(2+ )sensitivity, and decreased cross-bridge association and dissociation rates. Dopamine (8 μM) reduced myofilament Ca(2+ )sensitivity before, but enhanced it after ischemia while improving cross-bridge kinetics before and after IR injury. Dobutamine (4 μM) reduced myofilament Ca(2+ )sensitivity while improving cross-bridge kinetics before and after ischemia. Digoxin (1 μM) increased myofilament Ca(2+ )sensitivity and cross-bridge kinetics after but not before ischemia. Levosimendan (1 μM) enhanced myofilament Ca(2+ )affinity and cross-bridge kinetics only after ischemia. CONCLUSION: Estimated model parameters reveal mechanistic changes in Ca(2+)-contraction coupling due to IR injury, specifically the inefficient utilization of Ca(2+ )for contractile function with diastolic contracture (increase in resting diastolic LVP). The model parameters also reveal drug-induced improvements in Ca(2+)-contraction coupling before and after IR injury

    Early biomarkers and potential mediators of ventilation-induced lung injury in very preterm lambs

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    BACKGROUND: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is closely associated with ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) in very preterm infants. The greatest risk of VILI may be in the immediate period after birth, when the lungs are surfactant deficient, still partially filled with liquid and not uniformly aerated. However, there have been very few studies that have examined this immediate post-birth period and identified the initial injury-related pathways that are activated. We aimed to determine if the early response genes; connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), cysteine rich-61 (CYR61) and early growth response 1 (EGR1), were rapidly induced by VILI in preterm lambs and whether ventilation with different tidal volumes caused different inflammatory cytokine and early response gene expression. METHODS: To identify early markers of VILI, preterm lambs (132 d gestational age; GA, term approximately 147 d) were resuscitated with an injurious ventilation strategy (V(T) 20 mL/kg for 15 min) then gently ventilated (5 mL/kg) for 15, 30, 60 or 120 min (n = 4 in each). To determine if early response genes and inflammatory cytokines were differentially regulated by different ventilation strategies, separate groups of preterm lambs (125 d GA; n = 5 in each) were ventilated from birth with a V(T) of 5 (VG5) or 10 mL/kg (VG10) for 135 minutes. Lung gene expression levels were compared to levels prior to ventilation in age-matched control fetuses. RESULTS: CTGF, CYR61 and EGR1 lung mRNA levels were increased approximately 25, 50 and 120-fold respectively (p < 0.05), within 30 minutes of injurious ventilation. VG5 and VG10 caused significant increases in CTGF, CYR61, EGR1, IL1- , IL-6 and IL-8 mRNA levels compared to control levels. CTGF, CYR61, IL-6 and IL-8 expression levels were higher in VG10 than VG5 lambs; although only the IL-6 and CYR61 mRNA levels reached significance. CONCLUSION: CTGF, CYR61 and EGR1 may be novel early markers of lung injury and mechanical ventilation from birth using relatively low tidal volumes may be less injurious than using higher tidal volumes