13 research outputs found

    The effect of atmospheric turbulence and chamber deployment period on autochamber CO2 and CH4 flux measurements in an ombrotrophic peatland

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    Accurate quantification of soil-atmosphere gas exchange is essential for understanding the magnitude and controls of greenhouse gas emissions. We used an automatic, closed, dynamic chamber system to measure the fluxes of CO 2 and CH4 for several years at the ombrotrophic Mer Bleue peatland near Ottawa, Canada and found that atmospheric turbulence and chamber deployment period had a considerable influence on the observed flux rates. With a short deployment period of 2.5 min, CH4 flux exhibited strong diel patterns and both CH4 and nighttime CO2 effluxes were highly and negatively correlated with ambient fricti

    The uncertain climate footprint of wetlands under human pressure

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    Significant climate risks are associated with a positive carbon-temperature feedback in northern latitude carbon-rich ecosystems, making an accurate analysis of human impacts on the net greenhouse gas balance of wetlands a priority. Here, we provide a coherent assessment of the climate footprint of a network of wetland sites based on simultaneous and quasi-continuous ecosystem observations of CO2 and CH4 fluxes. Experimental areas are located both in natural and in managed wetlands and cover a wide range of climatic regions, ecosystem types, and management practices. Based on direct observations we predict that sustained CH4 emissions in natural ecosystems are in the long term (i.e., several centuries) typically offset by CO2 uptake, although with large spatiotemporal variability. Using a space-for-time analogy across ecological and climatic gradients, we represent the chronosequence from natural to managed conditions to quantify the "cost" of CH4 emissions for the benefit of net carbon sequestration. With a sustained pulse-response radiative forcing model, we found a significant increase in atmospheric forcing due to land management, in particular for wetland converted to cropland. Our results quantify the role of human activities on the climate footprint of northern wetlands and call for development of active mitigation strategies for managed wetlands and new guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) accounting for both sustained CH4 emissions and cumulative CO2 exchange

    Dinâmica da emissão de metano em solos sob cultivo de arroz irrigado no sul do Brasil

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    Solos de várzea sob cultivo de arroz irrigado contribuem com aproximadamente 18 % das emissões totais de metano (CH4) do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Entretanto, a liberação de CH4 depende do curso de redução de cada solo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a dinâmica da emissão desse gás de efeito estufa (GEE) em seis solos: Gleissolo (2), Planossolo (2), Chernossolo e Neossolo, representativos do cultivo de arroz irrigado no Sul do Brasil, visando identificar também sua relação com propriedades do solo e as alterações eletroquímicas da solução após o alagamento. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, com três repetições, segundo delineamento de blocos casualizados. Os solos foram dispostos em vasos de PVC mantidos com uma lâmina de água de 10 cm de altura e cultivados com arroz. A avaliação das emissões de CH4 foi realizada semanalmente, do 3º ao 66º dia após o alagamento (DAA) do solo, com o auxílio de uma câmara de PVC acoplada ao topo dos vasos. As amostras de ar foram coletadas em quatro intervalos de 5 min, para estimativa das taxas de emissão de CH4. A solução do solo também foi coletada e caracterizada. O início da emissão de CH4 variou entre os solos e, normalmente, ocorreu após a quase total redução do Fe3+ (em torno de 90 % da maior liberação de Fe2+) e estabilização dos valores de pH e de Eh da solução. A emissão total de CH4 variou de 8,5 a 44,2 g m-2 e apresentou relação sigmoidal com os teores de C orgânico dos solos (r²=0,83, p < 0,05), sugerindo que a disponibilidade de C somente foi limitante para o processo de metanogênese em teores inferiores a 8 g kg-1 de C no solo. Os resultados mostram que a dinâmica e as quantidades totais de CH4 emitidas são influenciadas pelo tipo de solo e que esforços devem ser direcionados para determinação dos fatores de emissão de CH4 para os diferentes solos representativos da produção de arroz no Sul do Brasil, bem como na avaliação do efeito de práticas agrícolas na mitigação das emissões desse GEE nos diferentes solos

    The uncertain climate footprint of wetlands under human pressure

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    Significant climate risks are associated with a positive carbon-temperature feedback in northern latitude carbon-rich ecosystems, making an accurate analysis of human impacts on the net greenhouse gas balance of wetlands a priority. Here, we provide a coherent assessment of the climate footprint of a network of wetland sites based on simultaneous and quasi-continuous ecosystem observations of CO2 and CH4 fluxes. Experimental areas are located both in natural and managed wetlands, and cover a wide range of climatic regions, ecosystem types and management practices. Based on direct observations we predict that sustained CH4 emissions in natural ecosystems are in the long term (i.e. several centuries), typically offset by CO2 uptake, though with large spatio-temporal variability. Using a space-for-time analogy across ecological and climatic gradients we represent the chronosequence from natural to managed conditions in order to quantify the "cost" of CH4 emissions for the benefit of net carbon sequestration. With a sustained pulse-response radiative forcing model, we found a significant increase in atmospheric forcing due to land management, in particular for wetland converted to cropland. Our results quantify the role of human activities on the climate footprint of northern wetlands and call for development of active mitigation strategies for managed wetlands and new IPCC guidelines accounting for both sustained CH4 emissions and cumulative CO2 exchange.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    The uncertain climate footprint of wetlands under human pressure

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    Significant climate risks are associated with a positive carbon–temperature feedback in northern latitude carbon-rich ecosystems, making an accurate analysis of human impacts on the net greenhouse gas balance of wetlands a priority. Here, we provide a coherent assessment of the climate footprint of a network of wetland sites based on simultaneous and quasi-continuous ecosystem observations of CO2 and CH4 fluxes. Experimental areas are located both in natural and in managed wetlands and cover a wide range of climatic regions, ecosystem types, and management practices. Based on direct observations we predict that sustained CH4 emissions in natural ecosystems are in the long term (i.e., several centuries) typically offset by CO2 uptake, although with large spatiotemporal variability. Using a space-for-time analogy across ecological and climatic gradients, we represent the chronosequence from natural to managed conditions to quantify the “cost” of CH4 emissions for the benefit of net carbon sequestration. With a sustained pulse–response radiative forcing model, we found a significant increase in atmospheric forcing due to land management, in particular for wetland converted to cropland. Our results quantify the role of human activities on the climate footprint of northern wetlands and call for development of active mitigation strategies for managed wetlands and new guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) accounting for both sustained CH4 emissions and cumulative CO2 exchang