131 research outputs found

    The influence of kinematic conditions and design on the wear of patella-femoral replacements

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    The success rate of patella-femoral arthroplasty varies between 44% and 90% in 17 years of follow-up. Several studies have been performed previously for assessing the surface wear in the patella-femoral joint. However, they have not included all six degrees of freedom. The aim of this study was to develop a six-axis patella-femoral joint simulator to assess the wear rate for two patellae designs (round and oval dome) at different kinematic conditions. An increase in patellar rotation from 1° to 4° led to a significantly (p0.08). The increase in wear rate was likely due to the higher cross shear. A decrease in patellar medial lateral displacement from passive to constrained resulted in a nonsignificant reduction in wear (p>0.06). There was no significant difference in wear rate between the two patellae designs (p>0.28). The volumetric wear under all conditions was positively correlated with the level of passive patellar tilt (rho>0.8). This is the first report of preclinical wear simulation of patella-femoral joint in a six-axis simulator under different kinematic conditions

    Damages of the tibial post in constrained total knee prostheses in the early postoperative course – a scanning electron microscopic study of polyethylene inlays

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Investigation of the risk of fracture of the polyethylene (PE) inlay in constrained total knee prostheses.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three unused and seven polyethylene inlays that had been implanted in a patient's knee for an average of 25.4 months (min 1.1 months, max 50.2 months) were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). All inlays were of the same type and size (Genesis II constrained, Smith & Nephew). The PE surface at the transition from the plateau to the post was analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The unused inlays had fissure-free surfaces. All inlays that had been implanted in a patient's knee already had distinct fissures at the front and backside of the post.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The fissures of the transition from the plateau to the post indicated a loading-induced irreversible mechanical deformation and possibly cause the fracture of the inlay.</p

    New fluoroscopic imaging technique for investigation of 6DOF knee kinematics during treadmill gait

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>This report presents a new imaging technique for non-invasive study of six degrees of freedom (DOF) knee kinematics during treadmill gait.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>A treadmill was integrated into a dual fluoroscopic imaging system (DFIS) to formulate a gait analysis system. To demonstrate the application of the system, a healthy subject walked on the treadmill at four different speeds (1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 MPH) while the DFIS captured the knee motion during three strides under each speed. Characters of knee joint motion were analyzed in 6DOF during the treadmill walking.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The speed of the knee motion was lower than that of the treadmill. Flexion amplitudes increased with increasing walking speed. Motion patterns in other DOF were not affected by increase in walking speed. The motion character was repeatable under each treadmill speed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presented technique can be used to accurately measure the 6DOF knee kinematics at normal walking speeds.</p

    Small Oscillatory Accelerations, Independent of Matrix Deformations, Increase Osteoblast Activity and Enhance Bone Morphology

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    A range of tissues have the capacity to adapt to mechanical challenges, an attribute presumed to be regulated through deformation of the cell and/or surrounding matrix. In contrast, it is shown here that extremely small oscillatory accelerations, applied as unconstrained motion and inducing negligible deformation, serve as an anabolic stimulus to osteoblasts in vivo. Habitual background loading was removed from the tibiae of 18 female adult mice by hindlimb-unloading. For 20 min/d, 5 d/wk, the left tibia of each mouse was subjected to oscillatory 0.6 g accelerations at 45 Hz while the right tibia served as control. Sham-loaded (n = 9) and normal age-matched control (n = 18) mice provided additional comparisons. Oscillatory accelerations, applied in the absence of weight bearing, resulted in 70% greater bone formation rates in the trabeculae of the metaphysis, but similar levels of bone resorption, when compared to contralateral controls. Quantity and quality of trabecular bone also improved as a result of the acceleration stimulus, as evidenced by a significantly greater bone volume fraction (17%) and connectivity density (33%), and significantly smaller trabecular spacing (−6%) and structural model index (−11%). These in vivo data indicate that mechanosensory elements of resident bone cell populations can perceive and respond to acceleratory signals, and point to an efficient means of introducing intense physical signals into a biologic system without putting the matrix at risk of overloading. In retrospect, acceleration, as opposed to direct mechanical distortion, represents a more generic and safe, and perhaps more fundamental means of transducing physical challenges to the cells and tissues of an organism

    Accuracy of biplane x-ray imaging combined with model-based tracking for measuring in-vivo patellofemoral joint motion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Accurately measuring <it>in-vivo</it> motion of the knee's patellofemoral (PF) joint is challenging. Conventional measurement techniques have largely been unable to accurately measure three-dimensional, <it>in-vivo</it> motion of the patella during dynamic activities. The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of a new model-based technique for measuring PF joint motion.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To assess the accuracy of this technique, we implanted tantalum beads into the femur and patella of three cadaveric knee specimens and then recorded dynamic biplane radiographic images while manually flexing and extending the specimen. The position of the femur and patella were measured from the biplane images using both the model-based tracking system and a validated dynamic radiostereometric analysis (RSA) technique. Model-based tracking was compared to dynamic RSA by computing measures of bias, precision, and overall dynamic accuracy of four clinically-relevant kinematic parameters (patellar shift, flexion, tilt, and rotation).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The model-based tracking technique results were in excellent agreement with the RSA technique. Overall dynamic accuracy indicated errors of less than 0.395 mm for patellar shift, 0.875° for flexion, 0.863° for tilt, and 0.877° for rotation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This model-based tracking technique is a non-invasive method for accurately measuring dynamic PF joint motion under <it>in-vivo</it> conditions. The technique is sufficiently accurate in measuring clinically relevant changes in PF joint motion following conservative or surgical treatment.</p

    Improved Performance of High Areal Density Indirect Drive Implosions at the National Ignition Facility using a Four-Shock Adiabat Shaped Drive

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    Hydrodynamic instabilities can cause capsule defects and other perturbations to grow and degrade implosion performance in ignition experiments at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Here, we show the first experimental demonstration that a strong unsupported first shock in indirect drive implosions at the NIF reduces ablation front instability growth leading to a 3 to 10 times higher yield with fuel ρR > 1  g/cm[superscript 2]. This work shows the importance of ablation front instability growth during the National Ignition Campaign and may provide a path to improved performance at the high compression necessary for ignition

    Análise do impacto do tênis e coturno fornecidos pelo Exército Brasileiro durante a marcha

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a absorção de impacto durante a marcha descalço e com tênis e coturno fornecidos pelo Exército Brasileiro. A amostra foi composta por 20 soldados saudáveis recém-incorporados sem sintomas ou lesões musculoesqueléticas ou neurológicas que interferissem na marcha. Os sujeitos foram instruídos a caminhar em uma plataforma de madeira de 10 metros de comprimento por um metro de largura, com duas plataformas de força (Bertec, EUA) embutidas no centro. O componente vertical da força de reação do solo foi avaliado durante a marcha nas situações tênis, coturno e descalço. O sistema de cinemetria (Qualysis, Suécia) foi utilizado para medir a velocidade da marcha em cada situação de teste. O primeiro pico de força (PPF), o tempo para atingir o PPF (T_PPF), pico transiente de impacto (IPF) e a taxa de aceitação do peso (TAP) entre 10% e 30%, 30% e 50%, 50% e 70%, 70% e 90% e 10% e 90% do PPF foram avaliadas. O T_PPF foi em média 1s menor (p < 0,0001), o IPF e a TAP entre 10% e 30% do PPF foram maiores (p < 0,0001, ambos) descalço comparados a marcha com tênis e coturno. Não foi observado diferença estatística nas outras variáveis estudadas nas três condições de teste, bem como em nenhuma variável na comparação entre tênis e coturno. Os calçados avaliados são eficientes em reduzir o impacto durante a marcha por atrasar em média 1 s o tempo em que o PPF foi atingido, reduzir o IPF e a TAP nos primeiros 30% do PPF

    A comparison between electromechanical and pneumatic-controlled knee simulators for the investigation of wear of total knee replacements

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    More robust preclinical experimental wear simulation methods are required in order to simulate a wider range of activities, observed in different patient populations such as younger more active patients, as well as to fully meet and be capable of going well beyond the existing requirements of the relevant international standards. A new six-station electromechanically driven simulator (Simulation Solutions, UK) with five fully independently controlled axes of articulation for each station, capable of replicating deep knee bending as well as other adverse conditions, which can be operated in either force or displacement control with improved input kinematic following, has been developed to meet these requirements. This study investigated the wear of a fixed-bearing total knee replacement using this electromechanically driven fully independent knee simulator and compared it to previous data from a predominantly pneumatically controlled simulator in which each station was not fully independently controlled. In addition, the kinematic performance and the repeatability of the simulators have been investigated and compared to the international standard requirements. The wear rates from the electromechanical and pneumatic knee simulators were not significantly different, with wear rates of 2.6 ± 0.9 and 2.7 ± 0.9 mm3/million cycles (MC; mean ± 95% confidence interval, p = 0.99) and 5.4 ± 1.4 and 6.7 ± 1.5 mm3/MC (mean ± 95 confidence interval, p = 0.54) from the electromechanical and pneumatic simulators under intermediate levels (maximum 5 mm) and high levels (maximum 10 mm) of anterior–posterior displacements, respectively. However, the output kinematic profiles of the control system, which drive the motion of the simulator, followed the input kinematic profiles more closely on the electromechanical simulator than the pneumatic simulator. In addition, the electromechanical simulator was capable of following kinematic and loading input cycles within the tolerances of the international standard requirements (ISO 14243-3). The new-generation electromechanical knee simulator with fully independent control has the potential to be used for a much wider range of kinematic conditions, including high-flexion and other severe conditions, due to its improved capability and performance in comparison to the previously used pneumatic-controlled simulators

    The influence of simulator input conditions on the wear of total knee replacements: an experimental and computational study

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    Advancements in knee replacement design, material and sterilisation processes have provided improved clinical results. However, surface wear of the polyethylene leading to osteolysis is still considered the longer-term risk factor. Experimental wear simulation is an established method for evaluating the wear performance of total joint replacements. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of simulation input conditions, specifically input kinematic magnitudes, waveforms and directions of motion and position of the femoral centre of rotation, on the wear performance of a fixed-bearing total knee replacement through a combined experimental and computational approach. Studies were completed using conventional and moderately cross-linked polyethylene to determine whether the influence of these simulation input conditions varied with material. The position of the femoral centre of rotation and the input kinematics were shown to have a significant influence on the wear rates. Similar trends were shown for both the conventional and moderately cross-linked polyethylene materials, although lower wear rates were found for the moderately cross-linked polyethylene due to the higher level of cross-linking. The most important factor influencing the wear was the position of the relative contact point at the femoral component and tibial insert interface. This was dependent on the combination of input displacement magnitudes, waveforms, direction of motion and femoral centre of rotation. This study provides further evidence that in order to study variables such as design and material in total knee replacement, it is important to carefully control knee simulation conditions. This can be more effectively achieved through the use of displacement control simulation