148 research outputs found

    The use of the Nursing Activities Score in clinical settings: an integrative review

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    ABSTRACT Objective analyze how studies have approached the results obtained from the application of the Nursing Activities Score (NAS) based on Donabedian’s model of healthcare organization and delivery. Method CINAHL and PubMed databases were searched for papers published between 2003 and March 2015. Results 36 articles that met the inclusion criteria were reviewed and double-coded by three independent coders and analyzed based on the three elements of Donabedian’s health care quality framework: structure, process and outcome. The most frequently addressed, but not always tested, variables were those that fell into the structure category. Conclusion variables that fell into the process category were used less frequently. Beside NAS, the most frequently used variables in the outcome category were mortality and length of stay. However, no study used a quality framework for healthcare or NAS to evaluate costs, and it is recommended that further research should explore this approach

    Vetores de malária em duas reservas indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the composition, ecological and behavioral characteristics and infectivity of Anopheles species in indigenous reserves of the Amazon region. METHODS: The study was performed in villages of the Nhamundá-Mapuera and Cuminapanema indigenous reserves, in the state of Pará, Northern Brazil, in 2002. A total of three two-week collections were conducted in each reserve, with the capture of adult and immature forms. Adult Anopheles specimens were captured using a Castro sucking tube with human landing trap in indoor and outdoor environments, from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm and from 6.00 pm to 6.00 am, and subsequently assessed to verify parity and infectivity by plasmodiums using dissection and ELISA. Water collections near the villages were surveyed using 500 ml ladles, with 20 ladlefuls for each 10 m, covering the maximum extent of 200 m of perimeter around the breeding spot. RESULTS: Adding up the collections from both reserves, a total of 8,668 females were captured. Anopheles darlingi was the most frequent species, with higher frequency around the homes. In the Mapuera reserve, blood feeding activity was concentrated between 8.00 pm and 12.00 am, while, in Cuminapanema, it remained high until 12.00 am, decreasing after this time and increasing again early in the morning. Of all the 6,350 An. darlingi females analyzed, 18 were infected with Plasmodium vivax VK247, VK210, P. falciparum and P. malariae. In addition, other 1,450 females of other species were analyzed, but none was found infected. An. nuneztovari and Chagasia bonnae were the most frequent species in the breeding spots of the Mapuera and Cuminapanema villages, respectively. Immature An. darlingi forms were not located in Mapuera and were captured in only one of the collections of the Cuminapanema reserve. CONCLUSIONS: An. darlingi populations in the two reserves showed exophilic behavior and intense nocturnal activity. The occurrence of immature forms was little frequent and larval density was low. Vector behavioral characteristics were not favorable for the usual vector control activities.OBJETIVO: Describir la composición, características ecológicas y de comportamiento e infectividad de las especies de anofelinos en reservas indígenas en la región Amazónica. MÉTODOS: El estudio fue conducido en el año de 2002 en aldeas de las reservas indígenas Nhamundá-Mapuera y Cuminapanema en el estado Pará (Norte de Brasil). Fueron realizadas tres colectas de dos semanas en cada reserva, con capturas de adultos e inmaduros. Anofelinos adultos fueron capturados con capturador de Castro por atracción humano en los ambientes intra y peridomiciliares, en el período de las 18 h a 21 h y de las 18 h a 6 h y evaluados para verificación de la paridad e infectividad para plasmodios por disección y ELISA. Las colecciones hídricas próximas a las aldeas fueron evaluadas utilizando cucharones de 500 mL, siendo 20 cucharones a cada 10 m, cubriéndose la extensión máxima de 200 m de perímetro del criadero. RESULTADOS: Fueron capturadas 8.668 hembras sumándose las colectas de las dos reservas. Anopheles darlingi fue la especie predominante, con mayor frecuencia en el peridomicilio. En la reserva Mapuera, la actividad hematofágica se concentró entre las 20 h y 24 h y en Cuminapanema, se mantuvo elevada hasta las 24 h, disminuyendo posterior a ese horario y volviendo a elevarse en el inicio de la mañana. De las 6.350 hembras de An. darlingi examinadas, 18 estaban infectadas por Plasmodium vivax VK 247, VK 210, P. falciparum y P. malariae. Otras 1.450 hembras de otras especies fueron examinadas, pero ninguna fue encontrada infectada. An. nuneztovari y Chagasia bonnae fueron las especies más frecuentes en los criaderos de las aldeas Mapuera y Cuminapanema, respectivamente. Inmaduros de An. darlingi no fueron localizados en Mapuera y fueron capturados en sólo una de las colectas de la reserva Cuminapanema. CONCLUSIONES: Las poblaciones de An. darlingi de las dos reservas presentaron comportamiento exofílico e intensa actividad nocturna. La ocurrencia de inmaduros fue poco frecuente y la densidad larvaria fue baja. Las características de comportamiento de los vectores no se mostraron favorables a las actividades usuales de control vectorial.OBJETIVO: Descrever a composição, características ecológicas e comportamentais e infectividade das espécies de anofelinos em reservas indígenas da região Amazônica. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi conduzido no ano de 2002 em aldeias das reservas indígenas Nhamundá-Mapuera e Cuminapanema no estado do Pará. Foram realizadas três coletas de duas semanas em cada reserva, com capturas de adultos e de imaturos. Anofelinos adultos foram capturados com capturador de Castro por atração humana nos ambientes intra e peridomiciliares, no período das 18h às 21h e das 18 às 06h e avaliados para verificação da paridade e infectividade para plasmódios por dissecção e ELISA. As coleções hídricas próximas às aldeias foram pesquisadas utilizando conchas de 500 ml, sendo 20 conchadas a cada 10 m, cobrindo-se a extensão máxima de 200 m de perímetro do criadouro. RESULTADOS: Foram capturadas 8.668 fêmeas somando-se as coletas das duas reservas. Anopheles darlingi foi a espécie predominante, com maior freqüência no peridomicílio. Na reserva Mapuera, a atividade hematofágica concentrou-se entre as 20h e 24h e, em Cuminapanema, manteve-se elevada até as 24h, diminuindo após esse horário e voltando a elevar-se no início da manhã. Das 6.350 fêmeas de An. darlingi examinadas, 18 estavam infectadas por Plasmodium vivax VK 247, VK 210, P. falciparum e P. malariae. Outras 1.450 fêmeas de outras espécies foram examinadas, mas nenhuma foi encontrada infectada. An. nuneztovari e Chagasia bonnae foram as espécies mais freqüentes nos criadouros das aldeias Mapuera e Cuminapanema, respectivamente. Imaturos de An. darlingi não foram localizados em Mapuera e foram capturados em apenas uma das coletas da reserva Cuminapanema. CONCLUSÕES: As populações de An. darlingi das duas reservas apresentaram comportamento exofílico e intensa atividade noturna. A ocorrência de imaturos foi pouco freqüente e a densidade larvária foi baixa. As características comportamentais dos vetores não se mostraram favoráveis às atividades usuais de controle vetorial

    Comparison between transfer path analysis methods on an electric vehicle

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    A comparison between transfer path analysis and operational path analysis methods using an electric vehicle is presented in this study. Structure-borne noise paths to the cabin from different engine and suspension points have been considered. To realise these methods, two types of test have been performed; operational tests on a rolling road and hammer tests in static conditions. The main aim of this work is assessing the critical paths which are transmitting the structure-borne vibrations from the electric vehicle?s vibration sources to the driver?s ear. This assessment includes the analysis of the noise contribution of each path depending on the frequency and vehicle speed range and moreover, the assessment of the path noise impact for harmonic orders which arise due to the physical components of the electric vehicle. Furthermore, the applicability of these methods to electric vehicles is assessed as these techniques have been extensively used for vehicles powered with internal combustion engines.The authors would like to acknowledge the COST ACTION TU1105 for supporting this research

    Patient Destination after Discharge from Intensive Care Units: Wards or Intermediate Care Units?

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    This study characterizes patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) of hospitals that have intermediate units (IU) regarding their demographic and clinical data and identifies factors related to discharge from these units. This prospective longitudinal study involved 600 adult patients hospitalized in general ICUs in four hospitals in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Demographic and clinical characteristics were similar to those found in other studies addressing patients hospitalized in ICUs. Factors associated with discharge from ICU to IU were: age ≥60 years, diseases related to the nervous, circulatory or respiratory systems, originated from the IU, and Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II (SAPS II), Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LODS) and Nursing Activities Scores (NAS) at admission and discharge from the ICU. Age and risk of death at admission in the ICU, according to SAPS II, stood out as indicators of discharge to IUs in the Multiple Logistic Regression analysis.Este estudio tuvo como objetivos caracterizar a los pacientes internados en unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) de hospitales con unidades intermediarias - en lo que se refiere a los datos demográficos y clínicos - e identificar los factores relacionados con el alta médica para esa unidad. Es estudio prospectivo longitudinal, con 600 pacientes adultos, internados en UTIs generales de cuatro hospitales del municipio de Sao Paulo. En los resultados, las características demográficas y clínicas fueron similares a las descritas en otros estudios sobre pacientes en UTIs. Los factores asociados con el alta hospitalaria para la unidad intermediaria fueron: edad ≥60 años, antecedentes relacionados al sistema nervioso, circulatorio o respiratorio, procedencia de la unidad intermediaria y valores del Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II (SAPS II), Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LODS) y Nursing Activities Score (NAS) en la admisión y el alta de la UTI. En el análisis de regresión logística múltiple la edad y el riesgo de muerte en la admisión, por el SAPS II, se destacaron como indicadores del alta médica para la unidad intermediaria.Este estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar os pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) de hospitais com unidades intermediárias, quanto aos dados demográficos e clínicos, e identificar os fatores relacionados à alta para essa unidade. É estudo prospectivo longitudinal, com 600 pacientes adultos, internados em UTIs gerais de quatro hospitais do município de São Paulo. Nos resultados, as características demográficas e clínicas foram similares às descritas em outros estudos sobre pacientes em UTIs. Os fatores associados à alta para unidade intermediária foram: idade ≥60 anos, antecedentes relacionados ao sistema nervoso, circulatório ou respiratório, procedência da unidade intermediária e valores do Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II (SAPS II), Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LODS) e Nursing Activities Score (NAS) na admissão e alta da UTI. Na análise de regressão logística múltipla a idade e o risco de morte na admissão, pelo SAPS II, destacaram-se como indicadores de alta para unidade intermediária

    Carrier multiplication in germanium nanocrystals

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    Carrier multiplication is demonstrated in a solid-state dispersion of germanium nanocrystals in a silicon-dioxide matrix. This is performed by comparing ultrafast photo-induced absorption transients at different pump photon energies below and above the threshold energy for this process. The average germanium nanocrystal size is approximately 5-6 nm, as inferred from photoluminescence and Raman spectra. A carrier multiplication efficiency of approximately 190% is measured for photo-excitation at 2.8 times the optical bandgap of germanium nanocrystals, deduced from their photoluminescence spectra.Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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