118 research outputs found

    Increase of mitochondrial DNA content and transcripts in early bovine embryogenesis associated with upregulation of mtTFA and NRF1 transcription factors

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    BACKGROUND: Recent work has shown that mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial functions are critical determinants of embryonic development. However, the expression of the factors controlling mitochondrial biogenesis in early embryogenesis has received little attention so far. METHODS: We used real-time quantitative PCR to quantify mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in bovine oocytes and in various stages of in vitro produced embryos. To investigate the molecular mechanisms responsible for the replication and the transcriptional activation of mtDNA, we quantified the mRNA corresponding to the mtDNA-encoded cytochrome oxidase 1 (COX1), and two nuclear-encoded factors, i.e. the Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1 (NRF1), and the nuclear-encoded Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A (mtTFA). RESULTS: Unlike findings reported in mouse embryos, the mtDNA content was not constant during early bovine embryogenesis. We found a sharp, 60% decrease in mtDNA content between the 2-cell and the 4/8-cell stages. COX1 mRNA was constant until the morula stage after which it increased dramatically. mtTFA mRNA was undetectable in oocytes and remained so until the 8/16-cell stage; it began to appear only at the morula stage, suggesting de novo synthesis. In contrast, NRF1 mRNA was detectable in oocytes and the quantity remained constant until the morula stage. CONCLUSION: Our results revealed a reduction of mtDNA content in early bovine embryos suggesting an active process of mitochondrial DNA degradation. In addition, de novo mtTFA expression associated with mitochondrial biogenesis activation and high levels of NRF1 mRNA from the oocyte stage onwards argue for the essential function of these factors during the first steps of bovine embryogenesis

    The Expression of Psychological Conflicts in Dermatological Infections

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    This paper is about a case study of a brief psychotherapeutic sandplay process with a vitiligo barrier patient. Based on analytical psychology theory that understands the disease as part of the psychological self regulation process, it discusses the symbolic nature of the skin and its pathological expressions. During the ten psychotherapeutic sessions an evolution of the initial situation was observed through the symptoms displacement and the increase of imaginative abilities. Sandplay scenes building helps shadow aspects of the patient personality to became more conscious. Psychological characteristics described in literature are observed, such as the conflictive relation with the mother’s figure, the appearance of the symptoms after an emotional stress due to situation of loss and so on. At the end of the psychotherapeutic process the interruption of the vitiligo stain development was observed

    Chão de minha utopia

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    O objetivo deste livro é trazer para a cena pública elementos de memória, próprios ao Brasil rural, acionados pelo relato de personagens representativos do pensamento, das lutas e dos movimentos sociais no campo. Muitos foram os personagens da nossa história comum que enfrentaram diretamente os desafios da questão agrária. Alguns foram homens de ação, cuja iniciativa soube lidar com a fragilidade dos negócios humanos e com os riscos de uma aventura rumo às incertezas da história. Outros foram homens de palavra, que, com uma luz singular e poética, dotaram de sentido e preservaram do esquecimento iniciativas memoráveis. Por esses motivos, esta obra pretende relembrar essas ações e essas palavras, ao recuperar a trajetória do líder camponês Manoel da Conceição – um subversivo indomável, como definiu, em entrevista famosa, o jornal O Pasquim, esforçando-se para explicar a história de vida de um personagem que participou do Movimento de Educação de Base; animou a revolta do Pindaré-Mirim; militou na organização de esquerda Ação Popular; ajudou a fundar o Partido dos Trabalhadores; e, ainda hoje, atua politicamente em organizações e cooperativas de trabalhadores rurais no sul do estado do Maranhão

    Ribeira Sacra Wine Route (Galicia – Spain): Analysis from the wine tourism offer’s point of view

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    En España existe una gran tradición vitivinícola que ha dado paso a la creación de las Rutas del Vino,  proyecto impulsado por Secretaría General de Turismo y la Asociación Española de Ciudades del Vino (ACEVIN), que se plasmó en el marco del  Programa de Calidad en los Productos Turísticos del Plan Integral de Calidad del Turismo - PICTE 2000-2006. En este contexto, se exponen los resultados de un estudio empírico llevado a cabo en las bodegas, restaurantes y alojamientos hoteleros adheridos  a la Ruta del Vino del Ribeira Sacra en el año 2013, con el objetivo de analizar la ruta desde el punto de vista de la oferta enoturística. La metodología consistió en un análisis descriptivo llevado a cabo en 27 establecimientos de un total de 35 que conforman la ruta. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán dar respuesta a todos los objetivos planteados, indicando el 38,46% de los establecimientos adheridos un nivel alto de satisfacción con su adhesión frente al 11,54% que no están satisfechos y solo el 18,52% valoran la actividad enoturística de la ruta como buena o muy buena, manifestando el 51,85% de los establecimiento una valoración neutra (ni buena, ni mala).Spain has an important and historical viticulture tradition that has led to the creation of the Wine Routes. This project was encouraged by the General Tourism Secretary and the Association of Wine Cities of Spain (ACEVIN), which was structured within the “Quality Program of Tourist Products” of the “Integral Plan for Tourism Quality- PICTE 2000-2006”. In this context, results of an empiric study carried out in the wineries, restaurants and hotels adhered to Ribera Sacra Wine Route in 2013 are exposed, with the aim to analyze it under the perspective of the wine tourist offer. The methodology consisted in a descriptive analysis conducted in 27 establishments of a total of 35 that comprise the wine route. The obtained results will permit to answer to all the proposed questions, indicating that the 38,46% of the adhered establishments are very satisfied with their adhesion, face to the 11,54% that are not satisfied and only 18,52% qualified the Wine Route as good or very good, while 51,85% of the total are neutral and they don't consider it neither good nor bad

    Vetores de malária em duas reservas indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the composition, ecological and behavioral characteristics and infectivity of Anopheles species in indigenous reserves of the Amazon region. METHODS: The study was performed in villages of the Nhamundá-Mapuera and Cuminapanema indigenous reserves, in the state of Pará, Northern Brazil, in 2002. A total of three two-week collections were conducted in each reserve, with the capture of adult and immature forms. Adult Anopheles specimens were captured using a Castro sucking tube with human landing trap in indoor and outdoor environments, from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm and from 6.00 pm to 6.00 am, and subsequently assessed to verify parity and infectivity by plasmodiums using dissection and ELISA. Water collections near the villages were surveyed using 500 ml ladles, with 20 ladlefuls for each 10 m, covering the maximum extent of 200 m of perimeter around the breeding spot. RESULTS: Adding up the collections from both reserves, a total of 8,668 females were captured. Anopheles darlingi was the most frequent species, with higher frequency around the homes. In the Mapuera reserve, blood feeding activity was concentrated between 8.00 pm and 12.00 am, while, in Cuminapanema, it remained high until 12.00 am, decreasing after this time and increasing again early in the morning. Of all the 6,350 An. darlingi females analyzed, 18 were infected with Plasmodium vivax VK247, VK210, P. falciparum and P. malariae. In addition, other 1,450 females of other species were analyzed, but none was found infected. An. nuneztovari and Chagasia bonnae were the most frequent species in the breeding spots of the Mapuera and Cuminapanema villages, respectively. Immature An. darlingi forms were not located in Mapuera and were captured in only one of the collections of the Cuminapanema reserve. CONCLUSIONS: An. darlingi populations in the two reserves showed exophilic behavior and intense nocturnal activity. The occurrence of immature forms was little frequent and larval density was low. Vector behavioral characteristics were not favorable for the usual vector control activities.OBJETIVO: Describir la composición, características ecológicas y de comportamiento e infectividad de las especies de anofelinos en reservas indígenas en la región Amazónica. MÉTODOS: El estudio fue conducido en el año de 2002 en aldeas de las reservas indígenas Nhamundá-Mapuera y Cuminapanema en el estado Pará (Norte de Brasil). Fueron realizadas tres colectas de dos semanas en cada reserva, con capturas de adultos e inmaduros. Anofelinos adultos fueron capturados con capturador de Castro por atracción humano en los ambientes intra y peridomiciliares, en el período de las 18 h a 21 h y de las 18 h a 6 h y evaluados para verificación de la paridad e infectividad para plasmodios por disección y ELISA. Las colecciones hídricas próximas a las aldeas fueron evaluadas utilizando cucharones de 500 mL, siendo 20 cucharones a cada 10 m, cubriéndose la extensión máxima de 200 m de perímetro del criadero. RESULTADOS: Fueron capturadas 8.668 hembras sumándose las colectas de las dos reservas. Anopheles darlingi fue la especie predominante, con mayor frecuencia en el peridomicilio. En la reserva Mapuera, la actividad hematofágica se concentró entre las 20 h y 24 h y en Cuminapanema, se mantuvo elevada hasta las 24 h, disminuyendo posterior a ese horario y volviendo a elevarse en el inicio de la mañana. De las 6.350 hembras de An. darlingi examinadas, 18 estaban infectadas por Plasmodium vivax VK 247, VK 210, P. falciparum y P. malariae. Otras 1.450 hembras de otras especies fueron examinadas, pero ninguna fue encontrada infectada. An. nuneztovari y Chagasia bonnae fueron las especies más frecuentes en los criaderos de las aldeas Mapuera y Cuminapanema, respectivamente. Inmaduros de An. darlingi no fueron localizados en Mapuera y fueron capturados en sólo una de las colectas de la reserva Cuminapanema. CONCLUSIONES: Las poblaciones de An. darlingi de las dos reservas presentaron comportamiento exofílico e intensa actividad nocturna. La ocurrencia de inmaduros fue poco frecuente y la densidad larvaria fue baja. Las características de comportamiento de los vectores no se mostraron favorables a las actividades usuales de control vectorial.OBJETIVO: Descrever a composição, características ecológicas e comportamentais e infectividade das espécies de anofelinos em reservas indígenas da região Amazônica. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi conduzido no ano de 2002 em aldeias das reservas indígenas Nhamundá-Mapuera e Cuminapanema no estado do Pará. Foram realizadas três coletas de duas semanas em cada reserva, com capturas de adultos e de imaturos. Anofelinos adultos foram capturados com capturador de Castro por atração humana nos ambientes intra e peridomiciliares, no período das 18h às 21h e das 18 às 06h e avaliados para verificação da paridade e infectividade para plasmódios por dissecção e ELISA. As coleções hídricas próximas às aldeias foram pesquisadas utilizando conchas de 500 ml, sendo 20 conchadas a cada 10 m, cobrindo-se a extensão máxima de 200 m de perímetro do criadouro. RESULTADOS: Foram capturadas 8.668 fêmeas somando-se as coletas das duas reservas. Anopheles darlingi foi a espécie predominante, com maior freqüência no peridomicílio. Na reserva Mapuera, a atividade hematofágica concentrou-se entre as 20h e 24h e, em Cuminapanema, manteve-se elevada até as 24h, diminuindo após esse horário e voltando a elevar-se no início da manhã. Das 6.350 fêmeas de An. darlingi examinadas, 18 estavam infectadas por Plasmodium vivax VK 247, VK 210, P. falciparum e P. malariae. Outras 1.450 fêmeas de outras espécies foram examinadas, mas nenhuma foi encontrada infectada. An. nuneztovari e Chagasia bonnae foram as espécies mais freqüentes nos criadouros das aldeias Mapuera e Cuminapanema, respectivamente. Imaturos de An. darlingi não foram localizados em Mapuera e foram capturados em apenas uma das coletas da reserva Cuminapanema. CONCLUSÕES: As populações de An. darlingi das duas reservas apresentaram comportamento exofílico e intensa atividade noturna. A ocorrência de imaturos foi pouco freqüente e a densidade larvária foi baixa. As características comportamentais dos vetores não se mostraram favoráveis às atividades usuais de controle vetorial

    Improvement of the high-accuracy O 17 ( p , α ) N 14 reaction-rate measurement via the Trojan Horse method for application to O 17 nucleosynthesis

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    The ^{17}\text{O}(p,\ensuremath{\alpha})^{14}\text{N} and ^{17}\text{O}(p,\ensuremath{\gamma})^{18}\text{F} reactions are of paramount importance for the nucleosynthesis in a number of stellar sites, including red giants (RGs), asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, massive stars, and classical novae. In particular, they govern the destruction of 17O^{17}\text{O} and the formation of the short-lived radioisotope 18F^{18}\text{F}, which is of special interest for \ensuremath{\gamma}-ray astronomy. At temperatures typical of the above-mentioned astrophysical scenario, T=0.01T=0.01--0.1 GK for RG, AGB, and massive stars and T=0.1T=0.1--0.4 GK for a classical nova explosion, the ^{17}\text{O}(p,\ensuremath{\alpha})^{14}\text{N} reaction cross section is dominated by two resonances: one at about ERcm=65{E}_{R}^{cm}=65 keV above the 18F^{18}\text{F} proton threshold energy, corresponding to the EX=5.673{E}_{X}=5.673 MeV level in 18F^{18}\text{F}, and another one at ERcm=183{E}_{R}^{cm}=183 keV (EX=5.786({E}_{X}=5.786 MeV). We report on the indirect study of the ^{17}\text{O}(p,\ensuremath{\alpha})^{14}\text{N} reaction via the Trojan Horse method by applying the approach recently developed for extracting the strength of narrow resonance at ultralow energies. The mean value of the strengths obtained in the two measurements was calculated and compared with the direct data available in literature. This value was used as input parameter for reaction-rate determination and its comparison with the result of the direct measurement is also discussed in the light of the electron screening effect

    Atherosclerosis in young Brazilians suffering violent deaths: a pathological study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke, which can cause sudden death in adulthood. In general, the clinical manifestations of cardiovascular diseases are caused by atherosclerosis, which is a process that starts during middle age. More recent studies indicate that the atherosclerotic process begins during childhood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To evaluate the extent of atherosclerotic disease in young Brazilians, we conducted a study of the pathological alterations in the major arteries of victims of violent death. Samples of the right carotid artery, left coronary artery, and thoracic aorta of young victims of violent death were analyzed and graded in accordance with the histological atherosclerotic lesion types proposed by the American Heart Association. Samples were collected from 100 individuals who had died from external causes, aged from 12 to 33 years.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The majority of cases (83%) were male, and 66% of deaths were homicides caused by firearms. The median age was 20.0 years and mean body mass index was 20.9 kg/m<sup>2</sup>. Of the right carotid artery specimens, 3% were normal, 55% had type I, 40% had type II, 1% had type III, and 1% had type IV atherosclerotic lesions. Of the left coronary artery specimens, 5% were normal, 48% had type I, 41% had type II, 3% had type III, and 3% had type IV lesions. Of the thoracic aorta specimens, none were normal, 13% had type I, 64% had type II, 22% had type III, and 1% had type IV lesions. Overall, 97.34% of arteries examined had some degree of atherosclerosis. The most common histological type was type II (foam cells). No thoracic aorta specimens were normal, and the coronary artery specimens had the most atherosclerosis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show a high prevalence of atherosclerotic lesions among young people in Brazil. Intervention should be undertaken to decrease the rate of sudden cardiac death in the adult population.</p