452 research outputs found


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    La contaminación de suelos peruanos por uso indiscriminado de mercurio conlleva al riesgo de absorción del metal por las plantas cercanas a estos suelos y en consecuencia posiblemente a toda la cadena trófica del lugar. Es por eso que con esta investigación se hace un esfuerzo por encontrar soluciones costo-efectivas y amigables con el medio ambiente, como el uso de biocarbón (BC), que favorezcan la retención e inmovilización del mercurio en el suelo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la eficiencia en la retención de Hg en el suelo de cuatro tipos de biocarbón compostado, evaluando las diferencias entre los diferentes tipos de biocarbón generados a dos temperaturas (300 y 680°C) y activados con adición de ácido fosfórico (0,1 L•kg-1) o no activado. Se calculó el Coeficiente de Absorción Biológica (BAC), el cual mide la distribución del metal en el sistema suelo-planta. El BAC correspondiente al biocarbón producido a alta temperatura (680°C) resultó significativamente menor con respecto al producido a baja temperatura (300°C), promoviendo la retención del metal en el suelo. El efecto del ácido fosfórico en la activación del BC no obtuvo resultados significativos en la retención del mercurio. Se observó que el BC producido a baja temperatura promovió mayor fitoextracción del mercurio por la planta. Mayor investigación es necesaria para evaluar diferentes materias primas para la fabricación de varios tipos de biocarbón con distintas propiedades y experimentar con diferentes compuestos de mercurio

    Splicing factor and exon profiling across human tissues

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    It has been shown that alternative splicing is especially prevalent in brain and testis when compared to other tissues. To test whether there is a specific propensity of these tissues to generate splicing variants, we used a single source of high-density microarray data to perform both splicing factor and exon expression profiling across 11 normal human tissues. Paired comparisons between tissues and an original exon-based statistical group analysis demonstrated after extensive RT-PCR validation that the cerebellum, testis, and spleen had the largest proportion of differentially expressed alternative exons. Variations at the exon level correlated with a larger number of splicing factors being expressed at a high level in the cerebellum, testis and spleen than in other tissues. However, this splicing factor expression profile was similar to a more global gene expression pattern as a larger number of genes had a high expression level in the cerebellum, testis and spleen. In addition to providing a unique resource on expression profiling of alternative splicing variants and splicing factors across human tissues, this study demonstrates that the higher prevalence of alternative splicing in a subset of tissues originates from the larger number of genes, including splicing factors, being expressed than in other tissues

    Strain engineering and one-dimensional organization of metal-insulator domains in single-crystal VO2 beams

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    Spatial phase inhomogeneity at the nano- to microscale is widely observed in strongly-correlated electron materials. The underlying mechanism and possibility of artificially controlling the phase inhomogeneity are still open questions of critical importance for both the phase transition physics and device applications. Lattice strain has been shown to cause the coexistence of metallic and insulating phases in the Mott insulator VO2. By continuously tuning strain over a wide range in single-crystal VO2 micro- and nanobeams, here we demonstrate the nucleation and manipulation of one-dimensionally ordered metal-insulator domain arrays along the beams. Mott transition is achieved in these beams at room temperature by active control of strain. The ability to engineer phase inhomogeneity with strain lends insight into correlated electron materials in general, and opens opportunities for designing and controlling the phase inhomogeneity of correlated electron materials for micro- and nanoscale device applications.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, with supplementary informatio

    Sea Ice and Substratum Shape Extensive Kelp Forests in the Canadian Arctic

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    The coastal zone of the Canadian Arctic represents 10% of the world’s coastline and is one of the most rapidly changing marine regions on the planet. To predict the consequences of these environmental changes, a better understanding of how environmental gradients shape coastal habitat structure in this area is required. We quantified the abundance and diversity of canopy forming seaweeds throughout the nearshore zone (5–15 m) of the Eastern Canadian Arctic using diving surveys and benthic collections at 55 sites distributed over 3,000 km of coastline. Kelp forests were found throughout, covering on average 40.4% (±29.9 SD) of the seafloor across all sites and depths, despite thick sea ice and scarce hard substrata in some areas. Total standing macroalgal biomass ranged from 0 to 32 kg m–2 wet weight and averaged 3.7 kg m–2 (±0.6 SD) across all sites and depths. Kelps were less abundant at depths of 5 m compared to 10 or 15 m and distinct regional assemblages were related to sea ice cover, substratum type, and nutrient availability. The most common community configuration was a mixed assemblage of four species: Agarum clathratum (14.9% benthic cover ± 12.0 SD), Saccharina latissima (13% ± 14.7 SD), Alaria esculenta (5.4% ± 1.2 SD), and Laminaria solidungula (3.7% ± 4.9 SD). A. clathratum dominated northernmost regions and S. latissima and L. solidungula occurred at high abundance in regions with more open water days. In southeastern areas along the coast of northern Labrador, the coastal zone was mainly sea urchin barrens, with little vegetation. We found positive relationships between open water days (days without sea ice) and kelp biomass and seaweed diversity, suggesting kelp biomass could increase, and the species composition of kelp forests could shift, as sea ice diminishes in some areas of the Eastern Canadian Arctic. Our findings demonstrate the high potential productivity of this extensive coastal zone and highlight the need to better understand the ecology of this system and the services it provides.publishedVersio

    Childhood loneliness as a predictor of adolescent depressive symptoms: an 8-year longitudinal study

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    Childhood loneliness is characterised by children’s perceived dissatisfaction with aspects of their social relationships. This 8-year prospective study investigates whether loneliness in childhood predicts depressive symptoms in adolescence, controlling for early childhood indicators of emotional problems and a sociometric measure of peer social preference. 296 children were tested in the infant years of primary school (T1 5 years of age), in the upper primary school (T2 9 years of age) and in secondary school (T3 13 years of age). At T1, children completed the loneliness assessment and sociometric interview. Their teachers completed externalisation and internalisation rating scales for each child. At T2, children completed a loneliness assessment, a measure of depressive symptoms, and the sociometric interview. At T3, children completed the depressive symptom assessment. An SEM analysis showed that depressive symptoms in early adolescence (age 13) were predicted by reports of depressive symptoms at age 8, which were themselves predicted by internalisation in the infant school (5 years). The interactive effect of loneliness at 5 and 9, indicative of prolonged loneliness in childhood, also predicted depressive symptoms at age 13. Parent and peer-related loneliness at age 5 and 9, peer acceptance variables, and duration of parent loneliness did not predict depression. Our results suggest that enduring peer-related loneliness during childhood constitutes an interpersonal stressor that predisposes children to adolescent depressive symptoms. Possible mediators are discussed

    Large tunable valley splitting in edge-free graphene quantum dots on boron nitride

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    Coherent manipulation of binary degrees of freedom is at the heart of modern quantum technologies. Graphene offers two binary degrees: the electron spin and the valley. Efficient spin control has been demonstrated in many solid state systems, while exploitation of the valley has only recently been started, yet without control on the single electron level. Here, we show that van-der Waals stacking of graphene onto hexagonal boron nitride offers a natural platform for valley control. We use a graphene quantum dot induced by the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope and demonstrate valley splitting that is tunable from -5 to +10 meV (including valley inversion) by sub-10-nm displacements of the quantum dot position. This boosts the range of controlled valley splitting by about one order of magnitude. The tunable inversion of spin and valley states should enable coherent superposition of these degrees of freedom as a first step towards graphene-based qubits

    Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this chapter, we present a literature survey of an emerging, cutting-edge, and multi-disciplinary field of research at the intersection of Robotics and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) which we refer to as Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks (RWSN). We define a RWSN as an autonomous networked multi-robot system that aims to achieve certain sensing goals while meeting and maintaining certain communication performance requirements, through cooperative control, learning and adaptation. While both of the component areas, i.e., Robotics and WSN, are very well-known and well-explored, there exist a whole set of new opportunities and research directions at the intersection of these two fields which are relatively or even completely unexplored. One such example would be the use of a set of robotic routers to set up a temporary communication path between a sender and a receiver that uses the controlled mobility to the advantage of packet routing. We find that there exist only a limited number of articles to be directly categorized as RWSN related works whereas there exist a range of articles in the robotics and the WSN literature that are also relevant to this new field of research. To connect the dots, we first identify the core problems and research trends related to RWSN such as connectivity, localization, routing, and robust flow of information. Next, we classify the existing research on RWSN as well as the relevant state-of-the-arts from robotics and WSN community according to the problems and trends identified in the first step. Lastly, we analyze what is missing in the existing literature, and identify topics that require more research attention in the future

    Parent-Of-Origin Effects in Autism Identified through Genome-Wide Linkage Analysis of 16,000 SNPs

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    Autism is a common heritable neurodevelopmental disorder with complex etiology. Several genome-wide linkage and association scans have been carried out to identify regions harboring genes related to autism or autism spectrum disorders, with mixed results. Given the overlap in autism features with genetic abnormalities known to be associated with imprinting, one possible reason for lack of consistency would be the influence of parent-of-origin effects that may mask the ability to detect linkage and association.We have performed a genome-wide linkage scan that accounts for potential parent-of-origin effects using 16,311 SNPs among families from the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) autism repository. We report parametric (GH, Genehunter) and allele-sharing linkage (Aspex) results using a broad spectrum disorder case definition. Paternal-origin genome-wide statistically significant linkage was observed on chromosomes 4 (LOD(GH) = 3.79, empirical p<0.005 and LOD(Aspex) = 2.96, p = 0.008), 15 (LOD(GH) = 3.09, empirical p<0.005 and LOD(Aspex) = 3.62, empirical p = 0.003) and 20 (LOD(GH) = 3.36, empirical p<0.005 and LOD(Aspex) = 3.38, empirical p = 0.006).These regions may harbor imprinted sites associated with the development of autism and offer fruitful domains for molecular investigation into the role of epigenetic mechanisms in autism

    Added Value Measures in Education Show Genetic as Well as Environmental Influence

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    Does achievement independent of ability or previous attainment provide a purer measure of the added value of school? In a study of 4000 pairs of 12-year-old twins in the UK, we measured achievement with year-long teacher assessments as well as tests. Raw achievement shows moderate heritability (about 50%) and modest shared environmental influences (25%). Unexpectedly, we show that for indices of the added value of school, genetic influences remain moderate (around 50%), and the shared (school) environment is less important (about 12%). The pervasiveness of genetic influence in how and how much children learn is compatible with an active view of learning in which children create their own educational experiences in part on the basis of their genetic propensities