7,960 research outputs found

    Edgar M. to Mrs. S. Johansson (28 September 1962)

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    Changes in neuronal CycD/Cdk4 activity affect aging, neurodegeneration, and oxidative stress.

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in human diseases, including cancer, and proposed to accelerate aging. The Drosophila Cyclin-dependent protein kinase complex cyclin D/cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CycD/Cdk4) promotes cellular growth by stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis. Here, we examine the neurodegenerative and aging consequences of altering CycD/Cdk4 function in Drosophila. We show that pan-neuronal loss or gain of CycD/Cdk4 increases mitochondrial superoxide, oxidative stress markers, and neurodegeneration and decreases lifespan. We find that RNAi-mediated depletion of the mitochondrial transcription factor, Tfam, can abrogate CycD/Cdk4's detrimental effects on both lifespan and neurodegeneration. This indicates that CycD/Cdk4's pathological consequences are mediated through altered mitochondrial function and a concomitant increase in reactive oxygen species. In support of this, we demonstrate that CycD/Cdk4 activity levels in the brain affect the expression of a set of 'oxidative stress' genes. Our results indicate that the precise regulation of neuronal CycD/Cdk4 activity is important to limit mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production and prevent neurodegeneration

    Inferring modules of functionally interacting proteins using the Bond Energy Algorithm

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Non-homology based methods such as phylogenetic profiles are effective for predicting functional relationships between proteins with no considerable sequence or structure similarity. Those methods rely heavily on traditional similarity metrics defined on pairs of phylogenetic patterns. Proteins do not exclusively interact in pairs as the final biological function of a protein in the cellular context is often hold by a group of proteins. In order to accurately infer modules of functionally interacting proteins, the consideration of not only direct but also indirect relationships is required.</p> <p>In this paper, we used the Bond Energy Algorithm (<it>BEA</it>) to predict functionally related groups of proteins. With <it>BEA </it>we create clusters of phylogenetic profiles based on the associations of the surrounding elements of the analyzed data using a metric that considers linked relationships among elements in the data set.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using phylogenetic profiles obtained from the Cluster of Orthologous Groups of Proteins (<it>COG</it>) database, we conducted a series of clustering experiments using <it>BEA </it>to predict (upper level) relationships between profiles. We evaluated our results by comparing with <it>COG's </it>functional categories, And even more, with the experimentally determined functional relationships between proteins provided by the <it>DIP </it>and <it>ECOCYC </it>databases. Our results demonstrate that <it>BEA </it>is capable of predicting meaningful modules of functionally related proteins. <it>BEA </it>outperforms traditionally used clustering methods, such as <it>k</it>-means and hierarchical clustering by predicting functional relationships between proteins with higher accuracy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study shows that the linked relationships of phylogenetic profiles obtained by <it>BEA </it>is useful for detecting functional associations between profiles and extending functional modules not found by traditional methods. <it>BEA </it>is capable of detecting relationship among phylogenetic patterns by linking them through a common element shared in a group. Additionally, we discuss how the proposed method may become more powerful if other criteria to classify different levels of protein functional interactions, as gene neighborhood or protein fusion information, is provided.</p

    On LCP and checkable group codes over finite non-commutative Frobenius rings

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    We provide a simple proof for a complementary pair of group codes over a finite non-commutative Frobenius ring of the fact that one of them is equivalent to the other one. We also explore this fact for checkeable codes over the same type of alphabet

    Movimientos sociales y pedagogías alternas : la educación en movimiento

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    El siguiente trabajo es el resultado de un primer acercamiento al estudio de los movimientos sociales y a sus prácticas y propuestas educativas: la educación en movimiento. Esta idea surge a partir una serie de interrogantes que nos formulamos por conocer las pedagogías que en América Latina tienen la praxis como eje fundamental para concientización y emancipación de las nuevas generaciones y la aspiración a un mundo diferente, un mundo otro, así como su relación con fenómenos sociales que en su práctica buscan crear una realidad posibleFil: Alvarado Rodríguez, María Eugenia.Fil: Costilla De la Trinidad, Edgar Jesús

    Evaluación de cinco genotipos de haba (Vicia faba L.) con seis niveles de fósforo en Tecámac, México

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    Abstract. During the spring-summer of 2000, the investigation was carried out in field conditions utilizing a design of complete blocks, with 30 treatments and three repetitions with a factorial arrangement. The characteristics evaluated were height of the first legume (apv), final height (af), number of stems (nt), number of grains per legume (ngv), number of legumes per plant (nvp), weight of 100 seeds p(100)s and grain yield (rend). The analysis of variance (anova) revealed significant effects for genotypes in the variables p(100)s**, rend** and apv*. As for the phosphorus, the af and rend presented significant values to 0.05. The interaction gxf was highly significant for the rend. The best variety according to the dms was the v-32 (3.92 t ha-1). The characteristics that influenced the expression of grain yield were: nt, nvp and p(100)s

    Concepto Rebautismal del Adventismo en Venezuela

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    The frequency of rebaptism has been increasing within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Venezuela. Some have considered rebaptism as a desirable alternative to reconsecration of active church members. This practice has generated concern among a number of pastors and lay people. Hence, this dissertation. This dissertation includes a study of the New Testament theology of baptism and a sketch of the history of baptism and rebaptism throughout Christian history. Also studied were the writings of Ellen G. White and Adventist writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The research was completed with personal interviews and surveys of pastors and lay people in the Adventist Church in Venezuela. A focal element was the perception of the purpose of rebaptism and its validity for church members who have not apostatized. On the basis of the research done, it is clear that rebaptism is legitimate when a Christian, who was not baptized in harmony with biblical instructions, wishes to be baptized by immersion. Rebaptism is also appropriate for a Christian who abandoned the faith and then repents and wishes to become a church member again. Rebaptism of regular church members should not be promoted. However, if for some special reason, an active member requests to be rebaptized, the case is to be studied by church leaders, who may decide that the person can be rebaptized

    Tasa de asimilación neta y rendimiento de girasol en función de urea y urea de liberación lenta

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    El nitrógeno es un nutrimento que incrementa el crecimien - to, la duración del área foliar y la fotosíntesis del cultivo, ca - racterísticas que permiten al girasol ( Helianthus annuus L.) aumentar el rendimiento de semilla por unidad de superficie. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la tasa de asimi - lación neta, el rendimiento y sus principales componentes en dos cultivares de girasol (Periquero y Victoria) en función de dos tipos de urea (urea común y urea de liberación lenta) y tres dosis de N (40, 80 y 120 kg N ha - 1 ), en tres localidades del Estado de México (Toluca, Balderas y Chalco). El diseño experimental fue bloques completos al azar con arreglo fac - torial. Los 36 tratamientos resultaron de las combinaciones de las tres localidades, los dos cultivares, los dos tipos de urea y los tres niveles de nitrógeno. Los datos se analizaron con ANDEVA y las medias de los tratamientos se compararon con la prueba DSH (p £ 0.05). Para conocer la relación entre el rendimiento de semilla y la tasa de asimilación neta se cal - culó la regresión lineal simple. El análisis de los resultados indicó que en Chalco el girasol rindió (732.0 g m - 2 ) más que Toluca (285.9 g m - 2 ) y Balderas (467.0 g m - 2 ), debido a la mayor tasa de asimilación neta (0.89 g dm - 2 d - 1 ); Victoria, con rendimiento promedio de 508.2 g m - 2 e índice de co - secha de 0.33, fue superior a Periquero en 5.1 % y 11.76 %, respectivamente. Con urea común se alcanzó una producción promedio de grano de 508 g m - 2 , superior en 5.2 % al obte - nido con urea de liberación lenta. La mejor dosis en este es - tudio fue 120 kg N ha - 1 ya que su rendimiento promedio fue 541.5 g m - 2 . Se concluye que la tasa de asimilación neta afectó positivamente el rendimiento de semilla, porque la ecuación de regresión y = 217.8 + 308.2 (x) (r 2 = 0.69**) significa que por cada unidad de incremento en la tasa de asimilación neta, el rendimiento aumenta 308.2 g m - 2

    Perfil del transcriptoma de raíz de papa resistente y susceptible a Globodera pallida

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    Globodera pallida is a white potato cyst nematode present in the Andes, which causes huge losses to Peruvian farmers. An RNA-seq analysis allowed the identification of candidate genes that could mediate resistance against this pathogen. Two varieties, “María Huanca” (Solanum andigena) clone resistant (CIP 279142.12) and “Chimbina Colorada” (Solanum chaucha) (CIP 701013) clone susceptible to G. pallida, were used to identify differentially expressed genes. Total RNA from roots was extracted 72 hours post inoculation with second stage juveniles. Sequencing was done using the Illumina Hiseq 2500 platform. Reads were screened for quality issues and then mapped to the reference potato genome (clone DM1-3516 R44 v4.03). Here, we report 27717 and 27750 genes expressed in the resistant and susceptible variety respectively. The comparative analysis of expression identified 100 candidate genes. 91 genes were associated with resistance to G. pallida with Fold Change ≥ 2 (p &lt;0.05). The remaining 9 R genes had Fold Change ≤ 1. We show differences in the expression of an NBS-LRR protein similar to Gro1-8, genes linked to late blight and TMV virus resistance.Globodera pallida es un nemátodo formador de quistes. En la papa (Solanum tuberosum) ocasiona daños atrofiando las raíces. En los Andes peruanos ocasiona grandes pérdidas económicas a los agricultores. A través del análisis por RNA-seq, se identificaron genes candidatos que podrían mediar la resistencia contra este nemátodo. Dos variedades de papa: “María Huanca” (S. andigena) clon resistente (CIP 279142.12) y “Chimbina Colorada” (S. chaucha) clon susceptible (CIP 701013) a G. pallida, fueron utilizados para identificar genes expresados diferencialmente. Las raíces fueron inoculadas con G. pallida en segundo estadío juvenil (J2). El ARN total fue extraído a 72 horas post inoculación. El secuenciamiento fue realizado en plataforma Illumina HiSeq 2500. Las lecturas de buena calidad fueron mapeadas al genoma de referencia de S. tuberosum (clon DM1-3516 R44 v4.03). Reportamos 27717 y 27750 genes expresados en la variedad resistente y susceptible, respectivamente. El análisis comparativo identificó 100 genes candidatos, de ellos 91 genes fueron asociados con la resistencia a G. pallida (Fold Change ≥ 2 , p &lt;0.05) y los 9 restantes con genes R ( Fold Change ≤ 1). En este último grupo se observaron diferencias en la expresión de genes NBS-LRR similar a Gro 1-8, genes relacionados a late blight y resistencia al Virus TMV

    Factores Asociados Con La Falta De Éxito En La Implementación De La Planeación Estratégica (IPE) En Empresarios Y Directivos Del Centro Empresarial De Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México 2014-2015

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    El ejercicio de la Planeación Estratégica (PE) en las organizaciones es fundamental en la toma de decisiones para la elección de mejores alternativas y asignación óptima de recursos para alcanzar una visión de futuro. Las readecuaciones de la PE se originan entre su diseño y su implementación, por lo que es importante analizar la brecha formada entre donde culmina la planeación y cuando comienza a implementarse. La Implementación de la Planeación Estratégica (IPE) está asociada a diversos factores que generan el éxito o fracaso para el cumplimiento de la visión de las organizaciones empresariales. Los factores cambian en función del contexto en el proceso de la IPE. El desarrollo del trabajo es identificar los factores que contribuyen al éxito o fracaso de la IPE para establecer un modelo de readecuación de la Planeación Estratégica. En este trabajo se encuestaron a 85 empresarios y/o directivos participantes directos e indirectos del Centro Empresarial COPARMEX Juárez, México. En el grupo de estudio se obtuvieron hallazgos que determinan que las variables: visión compartida, liderazgo y comunicación están asociadas con la falta de éxito o fracaso de la PE. The exercise of Strategic Planning (SP) in organizations is essential for decision making in order to choose better alternatives and optimal resource display to achieve a future-focus vision. Readjustments in SP are originated between its design and its implementation, therefore is important to analyze the formed gap between where planning ends and where implementation begins. The Establishment of Strategic Planning (ESP) is associated to many factors that causes success or failure in fulfilling the vision of business organizations. Those factors change in relation of the ESP process context. The development of this study is to identify those factors that contribute to ESP’s, in order to establish an SP readjustment model. This research surveyed 85 entrepreneurs and/or directors that direct or indirectly participate with the Entrepreneurial Center COPARMEX Juarez, Mexico. In the study group, findings were obtained that show that variables: shared vision, leadership and communication are associated with the SP’s lack of success or failure